I'm sorry you are so worried. We ALL KNOW exactly how you feel right now.

My Chewy left or got lost the first day that I released him! I lost sight of him and he had been RIGHT THERE!!! I searched everywhere. After several days I decided that I might need to start looking for his 'remains'. Since the area was so wooded I purchased a pair of snake boots and packed myself lunch and some snacks for the squirrels and went out searching. I spent a lot of time searching the tree tops with my binoculars to no avail. Hours later and with a heavy heart I returned home not knowing anymore than I had before I left. I cried a river trying to accept my loss. The next morning I went out to feed Daisey, she was positioned high up on a limb and she suddenly moved to one side and CHEWY popped out from behind her!!! So, hang in there... there's still hope.

Sending prayers your way!