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Thread: Derma-GeL - information and progressive pictures of its use

  1. #1
    Milo's Mom's Avatar
    Milo's Mom is offline Permitted Pennsylvania Wildlife Rehabilitator
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    Default Derma-GeL - information and progressive pictures of its use

    Information about Derma-GeL:

    Derma GeL® is a hydrocolloid dressing providing a complete and easy wound management through: - hydrophillic properties (*)- long term moist environment- bacterial control- anti-inflammatory activity- protective film effect (**) (*) absorbing wound exudates.(**) ideal for uncovered wounds or to allow secondary dressing removal without adherence. Derma GeL® protects the wound bed from foreign contaminants, and enhances the environment essential to thorough wound healing. Non-cytogenotoxic and non sensitizing, Derma GeL® hydrates the wound bed with a non-drying hydrogel polymer and humectant combination.Derma GeL® ensures a vital moist environment where epithelial cells are bathed, favoring exponential cell multiplication and migration, increasing wound contraction rate which reduces healing time. The formula maintains its integrity over time without drying out.Derma GeL® forms a uniform porous barrier of protection, staying where it is applied.

    The progressive pictures and a brief story of Oreo, the domestic bunny:

    Oreo...4 week old bunny bitten by pet cat. Necrotic from chest to groin.
    With abscesses in the left and right front arms.
    When owners picked her up...her chest burst open. They didn’t know she was sick. She had been bitten 2 weeks previously.

    After each treatment the wound was washed and flushed with Saline, Derma-GeL was applied and followed with a moist dressing.

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    Day 1-Pus and necrotic chest muscle.
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    Necrosis removed.

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    Day2-More necrotic tissue needs to be removed in lower right groin.
    Must be careful as we need to identify and cut AROUND the bellybutton

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    Day 3 -

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    Day5-Wound margins are beginning to close. More necrotic tissue in
    groin cut away.

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    Day6-Extent of wound. All necrotic tissue removed.

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    Day7-Still closing.

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    Day 10-Secondary infection sets in. Slight set back in recovery.

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    Top-quality custom cage gear, accessories, blankets, & toys.
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  2. #2
    Milo's Mom's Avatar
    Milo's Mom is offline Permitted Pennsylvania Wildlife Rehabilitator
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    Default Re: Derma-GeL - information and progressive pictures of its use

    Part 2:

    Day 11-Back under control.

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    Day 13 -
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    Day 18 -
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    By Day 20 all signs of injury were gone.

    Oreo is alive and well today, 2 years later.

    Top-quality custom cage gear, accessories, blankets, & toys.
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Derma-GeL - information and progressive pictures of its use

    Ordered mine on Amazon last night! Thank-you for the info!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Derma-GeL - information and progressive pictures of its use

    Wow! That was amazing. Seems like something we should all keep on hand.
    When I saw that wound initially, I wondered if the poor little bub would even survive. Oreo had his miracle. A very lucky little one.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Derma-GeL - information and progressive pictures of its use

    This is great Betsy, thanks so much for sharing.


  6. #6
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    Default Re: Derma-GeL - information and progressive pictures of its use

    This is amazing. Great information to have. Even better to have a documented case like you have for us to view. I thought for sure Oreo would not make it by the looks of that wound. That was a terrible wound on that little bunny.
    Thank you, Betsy.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Derma-GeL - information and progressive pictures of its use

    THAT was nothing short of amazing. I would never have thought Oreo -- or any little animal -- could survive a wound like that. Ordering mine on Amazon, too....because if I don't, I'll need it tomorrow. Thank you for sharing this and all the pix, Betsy!

    I'm thinking we need a new topic under Specific Ailments for Wound Care. Now that I know how to create them, I'm on a roll.
    Island Rehabber
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    You can't afford a pet.

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  8. #8
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    Default Re: Derma-GeL - information and progressive pictures of its use

    I wish I had some when Poppy's tail was healing

    Thanks for the slide speak volumes
    Make the world a better animal at a time

    The Peace of Wild Things
    When despair for the world grows in me
    and I wake in the night at the least sound
    in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
    I go and lie down where the wood drake
    rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
    I come into the peace of wild things
    who do not tax their lives with forethought
    of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
    And I feel above me the day-blind stars
    waiting with their light. For a time
    I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

  9. #9
    Milo's Mom's Avatar
    Milo's Mom is offline Permitted Pennsylvania Wildlife Rehabilitator
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    Default Re: Derma-GeL - information and progressive pictures of its use

    So, since posting the Derma-GeL thread I've received some questions regarding its use and application. I thought it would best to address them here so it's available to everyone.

    First, when dealing with a wound that is wet, such as deep tissue and wounds that extended below the surface of the skin...where you are able to see muscle, tendons, ligaments and whatnot; the wound must be kept wet. It cannot dry out and this is critical in the healing process.

    When applying a "wet" bandage or wrap, it is best to NOT use water...water is drying. To properly apply a "wet" bandage you should use Saline.

    Why not water? Here's why:
    Water is a hypotonic solution, which means it can cause cellular oedema and rupture under the influence of osmotic pressure (Cunliffe and Fawcett, 2002). Water can be an inappropriate choice for regular wound irrigation as it may be detrimental to cells (Towler, 2001). If wounds are exposed to water for too long they can absorb the liquid through osmosis, which increases the production of exudates, leading to more frequent dressing changes (Flanagan, 1997).
    In practice this would necessitate further use of wound care products, our valuable time and additional discomfort for the patient both physically and psychologically. Cells can also burst, as demonstrated by adding water to a suspension of red blood cells causing them to lyse (Lawrence, 1997). Water irrigation of raw tissue can cause pain and useful dissolved substances in wound intracellular fluid may be lost (Lawrence, 1997). The loss of valuable dissolved wound substances could lead to delayed wound healing, extended treatment and possibly a delayed discharge. In practice, water irrigation could cause patients to experience greater pain and additional analgesia may then be required.

    Why Saline? Here's why:
    Sterile 0.9% saline is an isotonic solution. It neither donates fluid nor draws it away from the wound bed (Blunt, 2001). Isotonic solutions do not impede normal healing, damage tissue, cause allergy or alter the normal bacterial flora of the skin that would allow the growth of more virulent organisms (Griffiths et al, 2001). This is an important consideration for all patients and particularly for immune-compromised patients.

    Classic animal studies concluded that normal saline has little or no effect on blood flow in capillaries and is not detrimental to underlying granulation tissue (Brennan and Leaper, 1985). Normal saline does not affect collagen or DNA synthesis (Brennan et al, 1986).

    Gauze - what kind?
    The gauze needs to be the Non-Stick variety...this stuff looks like it has a shiny surface. It does not stick as readily to wounds even if they are weeping serous fluids. When Saline is added to the gauze it ability to stick is even less. Add the Derma-GeL to that and it's even less.

    Caring for the wound with Derma-GeL:
    The wound should be cleaned and flushed and have all foreign particles (dirt/pus/maggots/eggs/etc.) removed. Necrotic tissue should be removed; although a thin margin should be left...approx. 1/8"...this is to prevent from cutting viable skin and causing bleeds. Apply Derma-GeL. Apply Derma-GeL to the wound directly. Do NOT apply it to the bandage. Make sure the wound is covered to bottom, left to right, all the edges....cover that baby up well!
    Then, soak your Non-Stick Gauze in Saline, squeeze it a bit so it's not dripping, but you want to make sure the gauze is THOROUGHLY wet...not damp, WET.
    Place the wet gauze over the Derma-GeL covered wound and loosely wrap with Vet Wrap.

    Throughout the day you may notice through the vet wrap the dressing is beginning to look dry...easy fix! Using a syringe filled with Saline, squirt the Saline through the vet'll soak right into the gauze. Tada! The gauze is wet again.

    Depending on the severity of the wound the bandage should be replaced twice a day. Follow the same exact process....clean/flush/remove gunk/necrotic tissue/coat with Derma-GeL/apply new bandage.

    For wounds that are extreme the bandage may need to be changed up to 4 times a day.

    ***If you're dealing with a wound that has already scabbed over...apply compresses of warmed Saline to remove the scab, then follow the process above.

    I hope this information is helpful to you all.

    Top-quality custom cage gear, accessories, blankets, & toys.
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  10. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to Milo's Mom:

    Diggie's Friend (08-16-2018), supersquirrelgirl (07-14-2024)

  11. #10
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    Default Re: Derma-GeL - information and progressive pictures of its use

    Wow, who knew. This is such great info, thank you so much MM You Rock
    Kim Cassidy
    Licensed NY Wildlife Rehabilitator

  12. #11
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    Exclamation Re: Derma-GeL - information and progressive pictures of its use

    How do I upload a picture?

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