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Thread: Squirrel doing "guppy mouthed" breathing VIDEO

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    New York
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    Default Squirrel doing "guppy mouthed" breathing VIDEO

    Sometimes "newbies" are concerned when they see their squirrel
    breathe like this video.
    They think they are gagging or have pneumonia.
    I just wanted to post this here so you can see what some squirrels,
    for some unexplained reason, do when they eat.
    This is only when they
    eat, and it is very difficult to continue feeding, but nothing to be concerned about.
    Sometimes blowing in their face will break this trance, or sometimes you have
    to just be patient and let it work itself out.
    Either way, do not try to rush the feeding as that will cause aspiration.
    These little ones take a lot of patience but they are SO worth it.
    Last edited by Nancy in New York; 10-13-2014 at 04:55 PM.

  2. 3 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to Nancy in New York:

    Bushwacker (03-28-2016), Moralese5 (07-25-2022), tori_theanimallover (09-22-2017)

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