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Thread: Relocating Foxes - Central Florida

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Relocating Foxes - Central Florida

    I am needing to know if any one in the Central Florida area might know of someone that
    can help with relocating a few fox families that have gotten into a gated community.

    Here is the email I received requesting help.
    15 families, parents and babies scattered in mount olive shores north a gated
    community in Polk city, Florida, game and wildlife are just chasing them from 1
    side to the other with big dogs, not trapping them. there's residents with dogs
    in there plus I dog sit and I don't want to come across a fox.

    Hoping some one can come to their rescue. I am not set up to take in the foxes.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Relocating Foxes - Central Florida

    No One? --Any one?
    ..... any and all advice will be appreciated.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Relocating Foxes - Central Florida

    I love foxes so much. God, I would take one in a heartbeat.

    That aside, foxes love chickens. Get a few whole ones to put in to the live traps and they should go in, but tie the chicken down or they will figure out how to take off with it.
    Owned by NR squirrel Timothy.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Relocating Foxes - Central Florida

    Quote Originally Posted by tree-queen View Post
    I love foxes so much. God, I would take one in a heartbeat.

    That aside, foxes love chickens. Get a few whole ones to put in to the live traps and they
    should go in, but tie the chicken down or they will figure out how to take off with it.
    Good Ideal to capture them....... BUT do you happen to know who I could call about relocating them?
    Or..... some to take the babies for rehabbing IF they should get displaced from parents during capture?

    Thats MY PROBLEM........ If I was to capture any of them --where would they GO?
    ....... either via relocating the family (or) rehabbing the babies, if needed.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Relocating Foxes - Central Florida

    If you brought me a baby I would take it but I live in an illegal state very far away. Totally 100% serious as it is a dream of mine to have a fox.

    Perhaps you could check with fish and game?

    I think it would be best to wait until the babies are older to trap if you can so they are not reliant on the den anymore and will be more self sufficient.

    For release probably drive them out somewhere away from people, and let them free by opening the cages and then getting in to your car (safe out of the way) and letting them walk out. Do it all at once so they stay together. Wooded areas with lots of brush and water (like a stream or lake) are the best.
    Owned by NR squirrel Timothy.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Relocating Foxes - Central Florida

    call back to nature, they have foxes and will release , they are in Lake Nona off 417

    Simon's video

    “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.”
    ― Anatole France

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Relocating Foxes - Central Florida

    Quote Originally Posted by Sweet Simon's Mommy View Post
    call back to nature, they have foxes and will release , they are in Lake Nona off 417
    Thank YOU!! --I will forward this INFO on.

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