Re: frozen acorns kill squirrels

Originally Posted by
bobby taylor
I just wonder how many in the wild die this very same way.
Unknowing I won't say not any, but I do question If any.
Like not seeing mbd among wilds.
I've seen wilds that eat avocado, skin and all with no adverse
reaction, yet feed it to a captive that way and your fighting for
it's life. I've seen wilds forging for food ignoring fallen acorns that
captives will eat if fed to them. Wilds sitting at a feeder full of
peanuts gorging itself day after day with no adverse reactions to
their health or coat yet our captives would look like rag-a-muffins
and get mbd if we allowed that.
Wilds seem to know what to eat and how to eat. I personally think
they also learn what to eat in the wild that counters things that
could potentially harm them.
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Wildlife Master Rehabilitator