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Thread: Diatomaceous earth: A safe alternative!!

  1. #1
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    Default Diatomaceous earth: A safe alternative!!

    I will be the first to admit, when it comes to squirrels, I know very little in comparison to most everyone here, but I figured I would post this little alternative that works beautifully. I have used it on many small mammals I have had, and even my bigger mammals. In fact, I use it everywhere.

    Diatomaceous earth is an amazing product. It basically acts as little shards of glass, so when bugs (pretty much everything except for earth worms) crawl through it, they die. There is no harm at all to any of the animals I have used it on. In fact, I have mixed it in my own healthy green smoothies and have consumed it, to rid of bacteria and whatnot.

    There are several different types on the market, all of which pretty much differ from each other. There are ones for swimming pools, and then there are food grade. There are also ones specifically for treating bed bugs or fleas. However, I ONLY use the food grade, due to all the extra chemicals in the other types.

    I bought a 24 lb bag of Red Lake Food Grade DE (it has extra calcium in it) for 12 dollars at my local Tractor Supply Co.

    Basically what you want to do is you want to very lightly dust just a little bit on your squirrels (or any animal who has fleas on them). You want to make sure you keep it away from their faces, but dust them lightly with it. You may have to do this a couple of times before they are all gone depending on the severity. It's also a good idea to dust it around your house and on other animals you have.

    I have also used this to get rid of bacteria and parasites from within, by mixing just a tiny tiny bit into the formula and then feeding the baby mammals. I have used this on mice, rats, rabbits, my dogs, cats, chinchilla and myself. It's a wonderful all natural way to rid of icky things you don't want inside or outside your critter!

    I haven't had any issues with using this. Aside from dry hands after, this product, I swear by it. I even used it in my garden this year, and had very very little issues with bugs. For someone who is terrified of using chemicals on such sensitive animal skin...this is a godsend.

    Just thought I would share!
    Of all the times I have seen squirrels dead in the road...each time I thought nothing of it...And now I care for two babies. Every time I see what I used to see, I get angry at humans for taking away what was never ours. But for every one terrible being who destroys the lives of animals, there are two beings giving back. Thank you to everyone on this board, and everyone outside of the board, who cares deeply enough to give these beings a chance at life. The chance we all deserve. <3

  2. #2
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    Default Re: A safe alternative!!

    Quote Originally Posted by StormyJei View Post
    Diatomaceous earth is an amazing product.
    YES I AGREE!! --Many of use here are aware of DE and use it on our wild life and with our household pets.
    I have even used the human grade myself.....

    DE Link:

  3. #3
    jbillings Guest

    Default Re: A safe alternative!!

    I agree as well! It is amazing stuff! When I first moved into my house we had a big problem with roaches. We bought a huge bag of DE and put it all around the outside of the house and in nooks and crannys inside the house! Those suckers were gone in a matter of days and haven't seen them since! We also use them on our squirrels when they get mites! I even dust my mattress with it just in case of bed bugs or any mites get on there from our little guys!

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    Default Re: A safe alternative!!

    Great suggestion! Thanks!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: A safe alternative!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rhapsody View Post
    YES I AGREE!! --Many of use here are aware of DE and use it on our wild life and with our household pets.
    I have even used the human grade myself.....

    DE Link:
    I am soooo glad that people look for this alternative rather than to harsh chemicals. I had a bad reaction a few years ago with a cat (rest her soul) who I had put flea medication on. Since then I just always had a bad feeling about anything. This year when I discovered DE, lets just say, I will never go back! Haha!
    Of all the times I have seen squirrels dead in the road...each time I thought nothing of it...And now I care for two babies. Every time I see what I used to see, I get angry at humans for taking away what was never ours. But for every one terrible being who destroys the lives of animals, there are two beings giving back. Thank you to everyone on this board, and everyone outside of the board, who cares deeply enough to give these beings a chance at life. The chance we all deserve. <3

  6. #6
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    Default Re: A safe alternative!!

    Quote Originally Posted by jbillings View Post
    I agree as well! It is amazing stuff! When I first moved into my house we had a big problem with roaches. We bought a huge bag of DE and put it all around the outside of the house and in nooks and crannys inside the house! Those suckers were gone in a matter of days and haven't seen them since! We also use them on our squirrels when they get mites! I even dust my mattress with it just in case of bed bugs or any mites get on there from our little guys!
    It really is a miracle product! Haha and they say roaches can live through everything :P
    Of all the times I have seen squirrels dead in the road...each time I thought nothing of it...And now I care for two babies. Every time I see what I used to see, I get angry at humans for taking away what was never ours. But for every one terrible being who destroys the lives of animals, there are two beings giving back. Thank you to everyone on this board, and everyone outside of the board, who cares deeply enough to give these beings a chance at life. The chance we all deserve. <3

  7. #7
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    Default Re: A safe alternative!!

    Quote Originally Posted by tjparker60 View Post
    Great suggestion! Thanks!
    NP! I am such a huge supporter of using this stuff. I will never use anything else to rid of bugs. For sure!
    Of all the times I have seen squirrels dead in the road...each time I thought nothing of it...And now I care for two babies. Every time I see what I used to see, I get angry at humans for taking away what was never ours. But for every one terrible being who destroys the lives of animals, there are two beings giving back. Thank you to everyone on this board, and everyone outside of the board, who cares deeply enough to give these beings a chance at life. The chance we all deserve. <3

  8. #8
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    Default Re: A safe alternative!!

    StormyJei, I am definitely going to get some DE. Here in the city I guess I have to go to a garden supply store....we don't have Tractor Supply . Every fall I have issues with ants and they get in my squirrel cages and make me crazy. Hoping DE will help!
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  9. #9
    Garden71 Guest

    Default Re: A safe alternative!!

    IR you can probably get it in a garden store that's where I got it. IT WORKS

  10. #10
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    Default Re: A safe alternative!!

    Quote Originally Posted by island rehabber View Post
    StormyJei, I am definitely going to get some DE. Here in the city I guess I have to go to a garden supply store....we don't have Tractor Supply . Every fall I have issues with ants and they get in my squirrel cages and make me crazy. Hoping DE will help!
    There is the option of ordering online also, but the shipping is usually outrageous (42 bucks last time I checked ) But definitely check your garden store! Just make sure to get food grade if you plan on having it around your babies, or any food! <3
    Of all the times I have seen squirrels dead in the road...each time I thought nothing of it...And now I care for two babies. Every time I see what I used to see, I get angry at humans for taking away what was never ours. But for every one terrible being who destroys the lives of animals, there are two beings giving back. Thank you to everyone on this board, and everyone outside of the board, who cares deeply enough to give these beings a chance at life. The chance we all deserve. <3

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    Default Re: A safe alternative!!

    Quote Originally Posted by island rehabber View Post
    StormyJei, I am definitely going to get some DE. Here in the city I guess I have to go to a garden supply store....we don't have Tractor Supply . Every fall I have issues with ants and they get in my squirrel cages and make me crazy. Hoping DE will help!
    Also, if you can't seem to find any, I may be able to figure out a way to send you some of what I have! It would take me a whole year to go through one bag of it, so if I am able to, and you still can't find any, let me know!
    Of all the times I have seen squirrels dead in the road...each time I thought nothing of it...And now I care for two babies. Every time I see what I used to see, I get angry at humans for taking away what was never ours. But for every one terrible being who destroys the lives of animals, there are two beings giving back. Thank you to everyone on this board, and everyone outside of the board, who cares deeply enough to give these beings a chance at life. The chance we all deserve. <3

  12. #12
    Garden71 Guest

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  13. #13
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    Default Re: A safe alternative!!

    Food Grade DE is definitely a Godsend!
    I got my DE on ebay. 50 lbs for around 50 dollars with shipping included. I thought it was a pretty good deal and I use it for so many things!
    1. Base for my homemade toothpaste
    2. cream (mixed with water) for rashes -dries them out wonderfully
    3. dusting for fleas/mites, etc
    4. spot treatment for pimples
    5. mix with juice/water for internal parasites
    etc, etc,

    Any other uses that people have, please share. I enjoy using the natural products!!

  14. #14
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    Default Re: A safe alternative!!

    Quote Originally Posted by virginia_arce2280 View Post
    Food Grade DE is definitely a Godsend!
    I got my DE on ebay. 50 lbs for around 50 dollars with shipping included. I thought it was a pretty good deal and I use it for so many things!
    1. Base for my homemade toothpaste
    2. cream (mixed with water) for rashes -dries them out wonderfully
    3. dusting for fleas/mites, etc
    4. spot treatment for pimples
    5. mix with juice/water for internal parasites
    etc, etc,

    Any other uses that people have, please share. I enjoy using the natural products!!
    And make sure when you get it, it's FOOD GRADE! The other stuff for pools is toxic!!

  15. #15
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    Default Re: A safe alternative!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Garden71 View Post
    Both of those from Home Depot are poisons. Anything that says "Insect killer" or "pool filter" or anything specific to bugs and pools altogether, is poison. You want the food grade. Like what Virginia Acre said. If it does not say food grade, stay away from it. It will be hella toxic, and I can imagine, may harm your babies.
    Of all the times I have seen squirrels dead in the road...each time I thought nothing of it...And now I care for two babies. Every time I see what I used to see, I get angry at humans for taking away what was never ours. But for every one terrible being who destroys the lives of animals, there are two beings giving back. Thank you to everyone on this board, and everyone outside of the board, who cares deeply enough to give these beings a chance at life. The chance we all deserve. <3

  16. #16
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    Default Re: A safe alternative!!

    Quote Originally Posted by virginia_arce2280 View Post
    Food Grade DE is definitely a Godsend!
    I got my DE on ebay. 50 lbs for around 50 dollars with shipping included. I thought it was a pretty good deal and I use it for so many things!
    1. Base for my homemade toothpaste
    2. cream (mixed with water) for rashes -dries them out wonderfully
    3. dusting for fleas/mites, etc
    4. spot treatment for pimples
    5. mix with juice/water for internal parasites
    etc, etc,

    Any other uses that people have, please share. I enjoy using the natural products!!
    Those are awesome! I haven't thought to use it for my homemade toothpaste!

    I sometimes use it in baked goods, when I have friends around. They never know they are getting something healthy when I make brownies
    Of all the times I have seen squirrels dead in the road...each time I thought nothing of it...And now I care for two babies. Every time I see what I used to see, I get angry at humans for taking away what was never ours. But for every one terrible being who destroys the lives of animals, there are two beings giving back. Thank you to everyone on this board, and everyone outside of the board, who cares deeply enough to give these beings a chance at life. The chance we all deserve. <3

  17. #17
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    Default Re: A safe alternative!!

    Quote Originally Posted by virginia_arce2280 View Post
    And make sure when you get it, it's FOOD GRADE! The other stuff for pools is toxic!!
    Incredibly! I would never buy the pool stuff or anything specific to bugs. I mean, the food grade is so much cheaper, and already kills bugs. Haha!
    Of all the times I have seen squirrels dead in the road...each time I thought nothing of it...And now I care for two babies. Every time I see what I used to see, I get angry at humans for taking away what was never ours. But for every one terrible being who destroys the lives of animals, there are two beings giving back. Thank you to everyone on this board, and everyone outside of the board, who cares deeply enough to give these beings a chance at life. The chance we all deserve. <3

  18. #18
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    Default Re: A safe alternative!!

    Sorry to say I got it and have been using it on my cats and flea combing them daily, it didn't work at all Now trying Avantage II put it on them last night, hope it works, they were a mess
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    I'm not poof reading any of this

  19. #19
    Garden71 Guest

    Default Re: A safe alternative!!

    Sorry wouldn't happen again.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: A safe alternative!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Charley Chuckles View Post
    Sorry to say I got it and have been using it on my cats and flea combing them daily, it didn't work at all Now trying Avantage II put it on them last night, hope it works, they were a mess
    Aww I am so sorry it didn't work!! What brand did you end up using?
    Of all the times I have seen squirrels dead in the road...each time I thought nothing of it...And now I care for two babies. Every time I see what I used to see, I get angry at humans for taking away what was never ours. But for every one terrible being who destroys the lives of animals, there are two beings giving back. Thank you to everyone on this board, and everyone outside of the board, who cares deeply enough to give these beings a chance at life. The chance we all deserve. <3

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