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Thread: How can I get an avatar

  1. #21
    roserobin Guest

    Default Re: How can I get an avitar

    If You Want to Upload Your Avatar Just Go to the UserCp and Select the Option Edit avatar from the Setting and Options.Select the Use Custom Avatar Option and Now You have Two Option First You can upload from the any Website and Second from You Computer also and Give the Save Changes You can Find the avatar Now.

  2. #22
    denyalmartin Guest

    Default Re: How can I get an avitar

    Here i sharing best information for you. Click to view my profile. Click on an image or picture, it says the option to change the picture.Box upload pictures to open. Upload pictures from your computer, select it, you're done. Go to Edit in the upper right corner of your home like me. You will see a gray smile makes my head clear. Click this, you can create on the page, open your picture.

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    West of Montreal, QC, Canada
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    Default Re: How can I get an avitar

    Quote Originally Posted by pappy1264
    Ok, now how do I get it on my stuff???? lol Never mind....figured it out (I am so computur illiterate! lol) THANK YOU!!!!!
    Yippeeeee!!!! This means I am not alone!!!!!!!!! We should start our own club, pappy... call it the PDC ... as in the Puter-Dufus Club]

    But then again, I'm such a dufus I wouldn't know how to run a club on the computer
    "In the midst of our lives we must find the magic that makes our souls soar."
    My darling Scooter, beloved Hami, sweet gentle Simon... YOU are the ones who brought that magic in my life. You've changed the way I see all things around me now and, because of you, I want to be a better person. This is not goodbye, my sweethearts. You be at peace, your work here on earth is done... now you are finally, truly free. Until we meet at the Bridge again, please remember that I will always love you.
    The greatness of a nation can be measured by the way it treats its animals.
    - Gandhi -

  4. #24
    Eastern gray squirrel Guest

    Unhappy Re: How can I get an avitar

    I found a cute pic of a squirrel but it says it is too big! Please help!

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Playas del Coco, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
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    Default Re: How can I get an avitar

    You will need to Compress the file before TSB can accept it to post.
    Try to right click on the photo, click edit, click compress and then save.

    Or you can e-mail the squirrel photo to me--
    I'll compress it
    and e-mail it back to you.....

  6. #26
    ndare Guest

    Default Re: How can I get an avitar

    Used these instructions & was done in minutes!
    select "User CP" on the menu bar. Then select "Edit Avatar". There should be adequate directions from that point on.

  7. #27
    Unclesteve Guest

    Default Re: How can I get an avitar

    My Avatar


  8. #28
    Unclesteve Guest

    Default Re: How can I get an avitar

  9. #29
    Unclesteve Guest

    Default Re: How can I get an avitar

    New Avatar ^


  10. #30
    testbravo Guest

    Default Re: How can I get an avatar


  11. #31
    Join Date
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    Over the hills and far away.
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    Default Re: How can I get an avatar


  12. #32
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How can I get an avatar

    Continuing to test...

  13. #33
    Join Date
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    Over the hills and far away.
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    Default Re: How can I get an avatar

    Testing, the sequel...

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Playas del Coco, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
    Thanked: 6378

    Default Re: How can I get an avatar

    TEST ????
    I don't need no STINKIN' TESTS !!!!

    Name:  badges,stinkin.jpg
Views: 2801
Size:  10.0 KB<<< click on pic

  15. #35
    Join Date
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    Over the hills and far away.
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    Default Re: How can I get an avatar

    thanks Stosh... I was hoping someone else would respond. You win the Monday, Monday Award...

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Playas del Coco, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
    Thanked: 6378

    Default Re: How can I get an avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by Bravo View Post
    thanks Stosh... I was hoping someone else would respond. You win the Monday, Monday Award...
    Name:  monday 1.jpg
Views: 575
Size:  15.4 KBName:  monday 4.jpg
Views: 496
Size:  8.3 KBName:  monday 2.jpg
Views: 341
Size:  35.4 KBName:  monday 4jpg.jpg
Views: 375
Size:  9.4 KBName:  monday 6.jpg
Views: 294
Size:  32.3 KBName:  monday 5.jpg
Views: 400
Size:  4.7 KB

    OK gimme my reward............................................ ...
    Oh---------------award..................not RE-WARD

  17. #37
    Join Date
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    Over the hills and far away.
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    Default Re: How can I get an avatar

    Right. You are hereby awarded with unlimited views of the following... However for the sake of your sanity we recommend no more than 5 views per sitting...

  18. #38
    Join Date
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    downingtown, pa - an hour west of Phila.
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    Default Re: How can I get an avatar


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