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Thread: RULES OF CONDUCT: IR's New World Order

  1. #21
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    Default Re: RULES OF CONDUCT: IR's New World Order

    Could there be a way for a person to ask to ask the brood to read a post and let him know if it is to critical before he posts it. Even if a post does not mention someone by name it can imply someone. If something is not posted is there a way to inform the person it was not posted and if it is not obvious why it was not posted. I think I have written something to critical that may have implied someone else and I think it was not posted and I thought afterwards that it was probably a good thing It was not posted, but I am not a rehabber and I sometimes feel that I have no rights because I am not. I have my own reasons why I do not want to be a rehabber.
    I think the topic of euthanasia has probably always been controversial. I wish that before a squirrel was euthanized even if it has only been in the care of by one rehabber, especially if it has only been in their care only a short time, that it would take more than one person to make the decision to euthanize the squirrel. Others who may not be rehabbers should be given a chance to take the squirrel as long as they know how or can learn how to take care of the squirrel before it is euthanized. I know laws in some states make this hard or impossible but I think rehabbers should try to find a person to take the squirrel when they can and if they have any say about laws being made they should support laws that would allow this.
    A squirrel may die in the care of someone who is not a rehabber, but rehabbers also make mistakes and have squirrels die on them. Euthanasia is sure death for the squirrel.

  2. #22
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    Default Re: RULES OF CONDUCT: IR's New World Order

    If you think a post is critical, probably best to err on the side of not posting it? If you must post but are unsure, send a PM to moderator and just ask? I am probably out of the loop here because I am not sure if there is a specific case that is being referenced?

    In terms of euthanasia, I don't know any rehabbers or squirrel caretakers who take that decision lightly. Giving away severely ill squirrels who should be euthanized would be a dereliction of one's duty as a rehabber and could be considered animal cruelty. I know of large wildlife centers where euthanasia is performed on animals that I would certainly consider viable, sometimes this has to do with not having the available resources to care for these animals. It sucks (really really sucks), but there are limited resources, funds, and hands to do this work.

    On a personal level, the rehabbers I know tend to put the animals under their care first and themselves a distant second. I am constantly astonished at how a single person can live their lives, meet work and family commitments, have any social life whatsoever and manage to raise 10-20+ pinkie squirrels in a season. This takes round the clock care, is often 100% self-funded (many just get a slight discount from their vet for meds and procedures) and requires incredible dedication.

    I would be very hesitant to second guess someone's decision if I did not have actual hands and eye's on the animal in question. I understand that different people will have different thresholds about when an animal should be euthanized, this is somewhat subjective. Euthanizing an animal is the final option, never to be taken lightly.

    Quote Originally Posted by ECole View Post
    Could there be a way for a person to ask to ask the brood to read a post and let him know if it is to critical before he posts it. Even if a post does not mention someone by name it can imply someone. If something is not posted is there a way to inform the person it was not posted and if it is not obvious why it was not posted. I think I have written something to critical that may have implied someone else and I think it was not posted and I thought afterwards that it was probably a good thing It was not posted, but I am not a rehabber and I sometimes feel that I have no rights because I am not. I have my own reasons why I do not want to be a rehabber.
    I think the topic of euthanasia has probably always been controversial. I wish that before a squirrel was euthanized even if it has only been in the care of by one rehabber, especially if it has only been in their care only a short time, that it would take more than one person to make the decision to euthanize the squirrel. Others who may not be rehabbers should be given a chance to take the squirrel as long as they know how or can learn how to take care of the squirrel before it is euthanized. I know laws in some states make this hard or impossible but I think rehabbers should try to find a person to take the squirrel when they can and if they have any say about laws being made they should support laws that would allow this.
    A squirrel may die in the care of someone who is not a rehabber, but rehabbers also make mistakes and have squirrels die on them. Euthanasia is sure death for the squirrel.
    Last edited by TubeDriver; 07-11-2017 at 07:05 PM.
    See my wild squirrel adventures in the thread "Squirtle's yard!":!

    Loving dad to Sir Max, 2017-2018. There is no foot so small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world.

    "Once in a while you get shown the light, In the strangest of places if you look at it right."
    -Grateful Dead

  3. 6 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to TubeDriver:

    Diggie's Friend (07-11-2017), island rehabber (07-11-2017), Jen413 (07-11-2017), KarmaKay (07-11-2017), Mel1959 (07-16-2017), Shewhosweptforest (07-11-2017)

  4. #23
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    Default Re: RULES OF CONDUCT: IR's New World Order

    Island Rehabber
    NY State Licensed
    Wildlife Rehabilitator

    "Ancora Imparo" (I am still learning)

    If you can't afford the vet,
    You can't afford a pet.

    "Better one day in the trees, than a lifetime in a cage."

    '...and the greatest of these, is Love. '

  5. 2 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to island rehabber:

    KarmaKay (07-11-2017), Mel1959 (07-16-2017)

  6. #24
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    Default Re: RULES OF CONDUCT: IR's New World Order

    I agree with TD. Well put!

  7. Serious fuzzy thank you's to cava from:

    KarmaKay (07-11-2017)

  8. #25
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    Default Re: RULES OF CONDUCT: IR's New World Order

    ECole, I think you are under the misguided impression that this is a moderated forum.....where admins see a post before it appears on the Board and then can delete it if they choose. This is not the case at all. We trust you all to post intelligently and without malice or pettiness, but if we notice later on that a questionable post was made, we WILL delete at that point. It doesn't happen very often at all.

    Not sure if
    that was your issue, but..... As for rehabbers and euthanasia, although all of us are supposed to euthanize anything that is not perfect and able to be released, very few of us actually do. We will bend over backwards to place an NR, so long as quality of life is not an issue. IMHO, for example, a paralyzed squirrel who is wild, fearful and suffering should not be kept alive. By the same token, a maloccluded squirrel must be able to tolerate weekly or bi-monthly tooth clippings or its life will be a living hell as well. Your idea of rehabbers giving squirrels to unlicensed folks is a benevolent and idealistic one, but can only be taken on a case by case basis....remembering that it is technically BREAKING THE LAW. As for changing the laws? I'll be long dead before my state agency even begins to listen to rehabbers.
    Island Rehabber
    NY State Licensed
    Wildlife Rehabilitator

    "Ancora Imparo" (I am still learning)

    If you can't afford the vet,
    You can't afford a pet.

    "Better one day in the trees, than a lifetime in a cage."

    '...and the greatest of these, is Love. '

  9. 8 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to island rehabber:

    cava (07-11-2017), Jen413 (07-11-2017), Mel1959 (07-16-2017), Nancy in New York (07-11-2017), SammysMom (07-11-2017), Shewhosweptforest (07-11-2017), stepnstone (07-11-2017), TubeDriver (07-11-2017)

  10. #26
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    Default Re: RULES OF CONDUCT: IR's New World Order

    ECole I think you've gotten some amazing answers here as for your original post you were worried may have forgotten to submit....sometimes I preview and then forget to it may not have posted accidentally.....or on purpose (through your subconscious)

    I also wanted to someone who's raised, cared for, and loss a special needs are right in the fact that they can live happy, fulfilling life....and you don't have to be a rehabber....but...and this is a big takes lots of time and money....and sacrifice. And it can be must be very careful....or your lil ward could be confiscated and euthanized....depending on how zealous your state officials are so it's not easy but, possible.
    Make the world a better animal at a time

    The Peace of Wild Things
    When despair for the world grows in me
    and I wake in the night at the least sound
    in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
    I go and lie down where the wood drake
    rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
    I come into the peace of wild things
    who do not tax their lives with forethought
    of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
    And I feel above me the day-blind stars
    waiting with their light. For a time
    I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

  11. 6 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to Shewhosweptforest:

    island rehabber (07-11-2017), Jen413 (07-11-2017), KarmaKay (07-11-2017), Mel1959 (07-16-2017), Nancy in New York (07-11-2017), SammysMom (07-11-2017)

  12. #27
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    Default Re: RULES OF CONDUCT: IR's New World Order

    As a newer rehabber I believe that euthanasia is a very serious decision that most people on here don't take lightly. We should always consider the animal and if it's suffering vs. can it be rehabbed. Most people on here have only the best intentions and care for these little souls.

  13. 6 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to KarmaKay:

    island rehabber (07-11-2017), Jen413 (07-11-2017), Mel1959 (07-16-2017), Nancy in New York (07-11-2017), SammysMom (07-11-2017), Shewhosweptforest (07-11-2017)

  14. #28
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    Default Re: RULES OF CONDUCT: IR's New World Order

    i have nothing but welcoming pple here.....i understand and will abide by the rules

  15. 3 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to jillcurry:

    island rehabber (07-12-2017), Mel1959 (07-16-2017), Nancy in New York (07-12-2017)

  16. #29
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    Default Re: RULES OF CONDUCT: IR's New World Order

    Quote Originally Posted by Shewhosweptforest View Post
    ECole I think you've gotten some amazing answers here as for your original post you were worried may have forgotten to submit....sometimes I preview and then forget to it may not have posted accidentally.....or on purpose (through your subconscious)

    I also wanted to someone who's raised, cared for, and loss a special needs are right in the fact that they can live happy, fulfilling life....and you don't have to be a rehabber....but...and this is a big takes lots of time and money....and sacrifice. And it can be must be very careful....or your lil ward could be confiscated and euthanized....depending on how zealous your state officials are so it's not easy but, possible.
    How much money It will take may depend on where it is just feeding, giving the squirrel a place to stay and sleep and spending time with it or It also involve expensive medical bills. I guess another consideration is whether you can even go to a vet in your state. I am not positive but I think I West Virginia you cannot take a squirrel to a rehabber because they have non and vets are not allowed to treat wild animals. In Pennsylvania you can take it to a rehabber but may lose it. You cannot take it to a Vet yourself. I think you cannot take a squirrel to a vet in New Jersey it can only be taken by the authorities and I wonder what the authority would do with a squirrel if you took it to them.

  17. #30
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    Default Re: RULES OF CONDUCT: IR's New World Order

    One of my beloved squirrels should legally have been euthanized 2 YEARS ago when he was a 5 week old baby. One of my squirrels is perfectly capable of going out but flat out WON'T. One is shy and doesn't want to be handled. She had a skull fracture and bone is touching her brain. She is bonded with the paralyzed boy who likes her because she grooms his ears. He can't. One little girl has horrible teeth. Another has a number of likely congenital issues including a blind eye and no top teeth. She's sweet but a handful. I have carefully nurtured a hawk caught squirrel, watched him beat the odds again and again, watched him lose heart when he realized he would never be free again and six months later, sent him home with love and TSB prayers. I'm licensed but some of the best squirrel caregivers aren't. Every squirrel is different. Every squirrel needs a chance but state laws are NOT for the animals, they are usually for people--hunters in particular. Any one who takes a forever squirrel takes risks. I personally think people should be permitted, with appropriate training, to keep a special needs squirrel. There is nothing sadder than a captive squirrel kept in a tiny cage, unable to live a life it was born to BUT squirrels CAN adapt and live happily everafter with care and understanding. Squirrels are not pets. They are individual personalities who sometimes grace our lives with their acceptance and love, but who remain individuals with needs, peculiarities, attitudes and imperfections--like us. Aaaaaaand as IR said--before lawmakers listen to the rehab community rather than the hunting industry and ego and fear driven interests regarding squirrels, we'll all be long gone.

  18. 9 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to Chickenlegs:

    Clare (10-03-2020), DarkLies212 (07-17-2017), island rehabber (07-16-2017), Jen413 (07-16-2017), LR (10-25-2017), Mel1959 (07-16-2017), Scooterzmom (07-16-2017), stosh2010 (07-16-2017), TubeDriver (07-16-2017)

  19. #31
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    Default Re: RULES OF CONDUCT: IR's New World Order

    Quote Originally Posted by island rehabber View Post
    BANNED members will not be re-instated, and cannot join under another name.
    How is this possible when all you have to do is change your IP and make a new account? Back in the day you actually had to know how to change your all you have to do is get a VPN

  20. #32
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    Default Re: RULES OF CONDUCT: IR's New World Order

    Quote Originally Posted by Slinky View Post
    How is this possible when all you have to do is change your IP and make a new account? Back in the day you actually had to know how to change your all you have to do is get a VPN
    Very good question, Slinky. Truth be told, there is no way to prevent this from happening. But you know what's funny? Whenever a banned member has "slunk" back on here , someone eventually recognizes them. Our posting styles and writing habits are like fingerprints and it's really hard to disguise them, and eventually they are outed

    With one recent exception, we haven't banned anyone in a very, very long time. It's been so peaceful around here. Yes, people get their knickers in a twist but we always hope they will work it out in their heads and return to us.
    Island Rehabber
    NY State Licensed
    Wildlife Rehabilitator

    "Ancora Imparo" (I am still learning)

    If you can't afford the vet,
    You can't afford a pet.

    "Better one day in the trees, than a lifetime in a cage."

    '...and the greatest of these, is Love. '

  21. 4 TSBers pass along the fuzzy thanks to island rehabber:

    cava (10-25-2017), DarkLies212 (10-26-2017), LR (10-25-2017), stosh2010 (10-25-2017)

  22. #33
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    Default Re: RULES OF CONDUCT: IR's New World Order

    Read and understood. These are good rules.

  23. Serious fuzzy thank you's to Shinys from:

    RockyPops (04-25-2020)

  24. #34
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