(Ref: Non Life Threatening Help Needed - Squirrel, possible heart failure? )
I have been researching articles all over the internet on MBD and the one thing that seems to be consistent is:
(The first signs of MBD are lethargy and lots of sleeping. The squirrel will be in pain, so it won't want to move much)
I'm a little confused here?? Both my babies were very active up to their "seizures". They would run around, play and wrestle with each other. Hang by their back legs, do flips. (Which I loved to watch them do) If you opened their cage door they would be up your shirt and in your hair before you could turn around. They would make such a ruckus playing during the evening you could barely hear the t.v. We would have to turn out the lights and put a cover over them to get them to settle down.
As I stated, this behavior was right up to and the day of the seizure. What are your thoughts on that?