Whoa, thanks guys, but the MBD Treatment was all of us putting our heads together, and sometimes banging them together too.
For me, it was just GREAT to hear Katherine's vet, who has experience with MBD in rodents (hurray), validate our general principle of pushing calcium fairly aggressively in the early days/weeks. I know some folks have had concerns about this, and boy, so do I. Of course this is just one vet, but at least he has actual knowledge and experience with MBD in rodents.
I've asked Katherine to pick his brain for more info on MBD in hamsters/rodents.
What is the minimum requirement of calcium for hamsters and how weight-dependent is it? i.e., how much difference between a large teddy bear hammie and a tiny dwarf hammie.
How long does it take for actual bone rebuilding to begin? (observable on x-rays)
How long before they have rebuilt enough bone that they can start maintaining their own blood calcium levels?
How long before they're completely cured? CAN they be completely cured or will they always be prone to relapse?
etc. etc.