So, I found a baby squirrel this morning. He was really really cold. I'm trying my best to keep him hydrated and warm, and in doing so I actually held him up to my stomach for skin to skin contact so that he could get warm on a regulated pace because I do not have a heating pad at the moment.
While I have been feeding him and keeping him warm I've noticed these tiny little bugs crawling all over him, and now unfortunately all over me. I -can- see them so I don't think it's scabies or anything that would hurt me in the long run...
But they don't jump. However they ARE tiny.
What are these guys? What can I do to treat him?
I washed him a little and tried to pick some of them off, and I am sort of stuck with this guy until Thursday when a professional can pick him up so he has better care.
What until then?
I'm itchy, so I'm sure he is!

Thanks a bundle.
I live in Seattle if that helps anything..