2 Attachment(s)
Eyes getting a little cloudy in a almost 9 yr old
Hello everyone I have a question I have an older Eastern Gray almost 9 years old perfect diet Great health still active still plays not in any pain but I'm noticing her pupil is starting to get a little bit cloudy in both of her eyes not very much I have to wait until I can hold her just right and I see the light hits it just right but I'm noticing that they are getting cloudy is this normal for an older squirrelAttachment 328710Attachment 328711
Re: Eyes getting a little cloudy in a almost 9 yr old
Originally Posted by
Hello everyone I have a question I have an older Eastern Gray almost 9 years old perfect diet Great health still active still plays not in any pain but I'm noticing her pupil is starting to get a little bit cloudy in both of her eyes not very much I have to wait until I can hold her just right and I see the light hits it just right but I'm noticing that they are getting cloudy is this normal for an older squirrel
Hi Winnie:
What is the name of your Squirrel? Did you raise her from a baby? Thanks for your care of this beautiful Squirrel! To answer your question about the cloudiness you observe in each eye; this appears to be in the central region of the cornea (the clear part of the eye) behind the pupil (the dark round circle in the central region of the cornea that is actually the adjustable diameter "hole" made up of the ring-like iris that varies light passage into the eye). The area just behind the pupil is where the lens is located and as animals and people age (and at 9 years, your Squirrel certainly qualifies as a "senior!"), the lens oftentimes becomes cloudy (and somewhat stiff as well). The clouding in the lens is called a cataract. This can limit vision to some extent, especially when they become very dense. In your photos, the cataracts (assuming that this is what they are) are not very dense. Cataract are very rarely noticeable in wild Squirrels assuming that someone could get close to them to check because most wilds rarely live long enough to develop cataracts! Just continue to love and care for your Little Squirrel as you have been doing and I feel all will be okay! Please just verify that I am seeing in your photos what you are actually observing when you look at your Squirrel's eyes and that is the whitish density is actually BEHIND the pupil and visible THROUGH the pupil and NOT in front of the pupil!
Re: Eyes getting a little cloudy in a almost 9 yr old
Originally Posted by
Hi Winnie:
What is the name of your Squirrel? Did you raise her from a baby? Thanks for your care of this beautiful Squirrel! To answer your question about the cloudiness you observe in each eye; this appears to be in the central region of the cornea--!
Hello again Winnie:
I was going to edit my post because I didn't want to be misleading but my opportunity to do this timed-out so I am posting a clarification! I did NOT mean to imply that the cloudiness appeared to me to be in the central region of the cornea or even in the cornea at all; what I meant to say was that it appeared VISIBLE through the central region of the cornea but not in the cornea. A cataract is NOT in the cornea at all, it is in the lens behind the cornea! If the cornea itself is what is cloudy; this would not be a cataract! So much for that!
Re: Eyes getting a little cloudy in a almost 9 yr old
Hi my girls name is Winnie lol And I can only see it when the light hits it just right other than that they still look black but I'm just noticing it and noticing her starting to show signs of aging and yes I've had her since she was about 5 weeks old She will be nine in April, She was a very much failed release I've been doing this for about 10 years and I've released many but she's the only one that refused to be released she's afraid of things she should not be afraid of and wants to attack things She should be afraid of she's my special girl 😂 but her diet has always been really good She gets her Henry's everyday lots of vegetables no junk food She only gets fruit one time a day and it's usually a blueberry or half a green grape a little piece of apple something like that it's just I was wondering if anybody else has ever noticed it an older squirrels I see her aging which breaks my heart to know she's getting older but I also know she's still very happy and very healthy but she shows other signs too She sleeps more but she's really playful and active when she is awake I just noticed her napping a lot more.
Re: Eyes getting a little cloudy in a almost 9 yr old
I also wanted to add I know the pictures are kind of hard to tell The cloudiness is the whole pupil that I'm noticing it's got kind of a green haze to it but it's only when the light hits it just right and it's that way in both her eyes but it seems to be only the pupil itself if that makes sense The part that you can only see when the light hits it lol it's really hard to explain
Re: Eyes getting a little cloudy in a almost 9 yr old
But when I'm not holding her perfectly with the light hitting it perfectly you wouldn't even know that it's there I just always monitor everything about her and I will hold her for hours at a time just staring at her lol because she's adorable and she's my girl so I just noticed every little change with her but if somebody were to just look at her unless that light is hitting it perfect her eyes look completely black still
Originally Posted by
Hello again Winnie:
I was going to edit my post because I didn't want to be misleading but my opportunity to do this timed-out so I am posting a clarification! I did NOT mean to imply that the cloudiness appeared to me to be in the central region of the cornea or even in the cornea at all; what I meant to say was that it appeared VISIBLE through the central region of the cornea but not in the cornea. A cataract is NOT in the cornea at all, it is in the lens behind the cornea! If the cornea itself is what is cloudy; this would not be a cataract! So much for that!
Re: Eyes getting a little cloudy in a almost 9 yr old
Hello again Winnie the Human & Winnie the Squirrel!
With the photos; the descriptions; and your clarifications; I feel quite confident that my original suspected diagnosis of Cataracts can be confirmed. The pupil is actually a round space in the center of the iris that permits light to enter the eye. The faint opacities that you notice through the pupils are actually within the lenses which lie directly behind the pupil of each eye and again, these opacities are called Cataracts. Cataracts have a number of causes but by far the most common is simply aging and at nine years of age; it would be surprising indeed, if Winnie did not have Cataracts! Winnie's Cataracts are relatively mild and both of you have nothing to be concerned about! Further, Winnie the Human, these Cataracts were NOT in any way or degree, caused by dietary issues or from any care issues whatsoever and there was nothing that you could have done or done differently that would have prevented their inevitable development! Cataracts are extremely common in animals and humans alike and are in most cases associated with aging of the lens! Winnie is one very fortunate Squirrel to have you; Winnie the Human! Thank you for introducing us to your beloved little Squirrel and my closing advice to you would be to continue to do just what you have been doing in her behalf!
Please keep on with updates about Winnie!
Re: Eyes getting a little cloudy in a almost 9 yr old
Re: Eyes getting a little cloudy in a almost 9 yr old
Originally Posted by
Thank you
You are very welcome, Winnie77! Thank you for being with us on The Squirrel Board!
Re: Eyes getting a little cloudy in a almost 9 yr old
Do you have any tips on what her diet should look like now that she is a old girl ?
Here is what she gets now
Henry's which for about the last couple months she is barley eating actually even this past spring since they had a issue with their vitamin supplier or something like that she has been very turned off of Henry's all flavors but she still gets them just doesn't really eat them.
Boo balls
No nuts besides what's in the Henry's and boo balls and I use pecans or walnut flour to make booballs (so much easier than grinding and chopping)
Very little fruit she doesn't really like fruit except once in a while she will eat a couple bites or blueberry or orange
Her veggies I mix up so she doesn't get bored and I alternate different squash she only gets a cube about 2 inches same with sweet potatoes about a 2 inch cube but ..
Leaf lettuce
Spaghetti squash
Spring mix with most of the spinach removed
Sweet potato
Carrot (2 inch)
Pumpkin (no seeds)
Avocado ( 2 inch )
Sugar snap peas (2)
Green beans (2 or 3 depending on size)
Probably more I know more but can't think
Her free feed is a mix of mazuri, science selective rat and mouse, and a few pieces of zupreem fruit blend large bird food
But my worry is now that I'm seeing her eyes changing and I have to face the facts she's older now I don't want her getting too much protein and I've got the Henry's protein powder, Henry's vitamins,
(I buy big jars of pure calcium carbonate)
And I've made the recipe for blocks that was sent to me from Henrys when the victims issue started
But should I use maybe less protein and when I use a little extra calcium should I maybe switch to calcium citrate?
I'm worried about her kidneys now I just want to do everything possible for her and take any precautions that I can to ensure the rest of her life is great.
Sorry for the lengthy post
Re: Eyes getting a little cloudy in a almost 9 yr old
Hello again Winnie!
I am working out of town for the next 3 days or so and have only moments to post on TSB so please let me discuss the kidney issues and the protein issues with you now and I will get back later as time permits. We also have others on TSB who can provide their opinions and recommendations!
I share your concerns but you really have done a remarkable job caring for Winnie. I suspect that all that you are really asking for are suggestions that might help to prolong Winnie's life while still permitting her to have an enjoyable time living and I believe this is a wonderful attitude! You are correct in that kidney function typically decreases somewhat as a Squirrel (and other mammals including humans) ages and protein in the diet should be much more limited as a Squirrel ages. I am not at all familiar with Science Selective Diet but I did look at the manufacturer's website and it really does appear to be an acceptable diet for Squirrels. Since I am familiar with a number of other quality Blocks; personally, I'm not tempted to use this but this really may be a pretty good option for an aging Squirrel, at least when it comes to protein as the protein content is 14% and for a senior Squirrel; in my opinion the protein content should be no more than 14%.
This brings up a potential issue and that pertains to the Mazuri Rat and mouse Diet (I do have considerable experience using this preparation, unlike the Science Selective products). I whole heartedly recommend it for young growing Squirrels and one reason for this is that it contains 23% protein. This, Winnie, IMHO, at least a somewhat protein content for a 9 year old Squirrel! That being said, it may be difficult and maybe not even that worthwhile to try to change Winnie's primary Block of 9 years of chomping! That being said, for what it may be worth; my preferred Block for elderly Squirrels is Teklad 2014. It contains approximately 14% protein and is formulated consistent with the recognized nutritional needs of elderly rodents! I use Teklad 2018 as a base for Blocks that I make for the younger Squirrels in my care and it has 18% protein. I obtain my Teklad Blocks for a particular merchant on eBay named ecosandy. I have been buying Teklad Blocks from her for years and so have some others here on TSB. She sells bags of the Teklad Blocks in various quantities so someone doesn't need to get one of the giant bags from the manufacturer. Here is a link to ecosandy's site on eBay for Teklad 2014. You can check it out if desired! Hello again Winnie!
I am working out of town for the next 48 hours or so and have only moments to post on TSB so please let me discuss the kidney issues and the protein issues with you now and I will get back later as time permits. We also have others on TSB who can provide their opinions and recommendations!
I share your concerns but you really have done a remarkable job caring for Winnie. I suspect that all that you are really asking for are suggestions that might help to prolong Winnie's life while still permitting her to have an enjoyable time living and I believe this is a wonderful attitude! You are correct in that kidney function typically decreases somewhat as a Squirrel (and other mammals including humans) ages and protein in the diet should be much more limited as a Squirrel ages. I am not at all familiar with Science Selective Diet but I did look at the manufacturer's website and it really does appear to be an acceptable diet for Squirrels. Since I am familiar with a number of other quality Blocks; personally, I'm not tempted to use this but this really may be a pretty good option for an aging Squirrel, at least when it comes to protein as the protein content is 14% and for a senior Squirrel; in my opinion the protein content should be no more than 14%.
This brings up a potential issue and that pertains to the Mazuri Rat and mouse Diet (I do have considerable experience using this preparation, unlike the Science Selective products). I whole heartedly recommend it for young growing Squirrels and one reason for this is that it contains 23% protein. This, Winnie, IMHO, at least a somewhat protein content for a 9 year old Squirrel! That being said, it may be difficult and maybe not even that worthwhile to try to change Winnie's primary Block of 9 years of chomping! That being said, for what it may be worth; my preferred Block for elderly Squirrels is Teklad 2014. It contains approximately 14% protein and is formulated consistent with the recognized nutritional needs of elderly rodents! I use Teklad 2018 as a base for Blocks that I make for the younger Squirrels in my care and it has 18% protein. I obtain my Teklad Blocks for a particular merchant on eBay named ecosandy. I have been buying Teklad Blocks from her for years and so have some others here on TSB. She sells bags of the Teklad Blocks in various quantities so someone doesn't need to get one of the giant bags from the manufacturer. Here is a link to ecosandy's site on eBay for Teklad 2014. You can check it out if desired!
Next would be to comment on your Calcium question and the "short" answer to this is Yes, Calcium Citrate has some potential advantages over Calcium carbonate including the possibility of helping to lower the rate of the inevitable decline in kidney function associated with aging. Another advantage is that this does not need to be served with food and gastric acid is NOT required to ensure optimal absorption from the gut! The two main downsides to use of Calcium citrate as opposed to Calcium carbonate are; 1) Calcium citrate costs more, and 2) in regard to the actual Calcium component of each, which is termed Elemental Calcium; Calcium carbonate contains 40% Elemental Calcium and Calcium citrate contains 21% Elemental Calcium. This means that it will require twice as much by weight of Calcium citrate than Calcium carbonate to provide the same amount of Elemental calcium! For some preparations, the extra Calcium may affect taste of the food and/or consistency of the food and this may result less than enthusiastic consumption by the Squirrel!
I must return to my work responsibilities, Winnie! I hope this was somewhat helpful and I will get back to your Thread as soon as I am able but it will probably sometime later in the day tomorrow as I will simply be unavailable until then! Sorry! There are others here who can provide valuable advice for you and hopefully you will receive some other commentary and recommendations beside my own!
Please give Winnie-the-Squirrel a gentle Squirrel-hug from me!
Re: Eyes getting a little cloudy in a almost 9 yr old
Hi Winnie:
I just noticed that in my haste, last night to post my comments, I must have somehow copied and pasted that post so it was duplicated. Just ignore my previous post and here it is without the duplications and with an additional comment that I should have made but didn't and that is about relatively high percentages of protein in an elderly Squirrel's diet should probably be avoided as evidence suggest this may contribute to some degree in this age associated and unavoidable decline in kidney functioning as Squirrels age---->
Hello again Winnie!
I am working out of town for the next 48 hours or so and have only moments to post on TSB so please let me discuss the kidney issues and the protein issues with you now and I will get back later as time permits. We also have others on TSB who can provide their opinions and recommendations!
I share your concerns but you really have done a remarkable job caring for Winnie. I suspect that all that you are really asking for are suggestions that might help to prolong Winnie's life while still permitting her to have an enjoyable time living and I believe this is a wonderful attitude! You are correct in that kidney function typically decreases somewhat as a Squirrel (and other mammals including humans) ages and protein in the diet should be much more limited as a Squirrel ages as a relatively high protein content in the diet may contribute at least to some degree; to this unavoidable decline in kidney function associated with aging!
I am not at all familiar with Science Selective Diet but I did look at the manufacturer's website and it really does appear to be an acceptable diet for Squirrels. Since I am familiar with a number of other quality Blocks; personally, I'm not tempted to use this but this really may be a pretty good option for an aging Squirrel, at least when it comes to protein as the protein content is 14% and for a senior Squirrel; in my opinion the protein content should be no more than 14%.
This brings up a potential issue and that pertains to the Mazuri Rat and mouse Diet (I do have considerable experience using this preparation, unlike the Science Selective products). I whole heartedly recommend it for young growing Squirrels and one reason for this is that it contains 23% protein. This, Winnie, IMHO, at least a somewhat protein content for a 9 year old Squirrel! That being said, it may be difficult and maybe not even that worthwhile to try to change Winnie's primary Block of 9 years of chomping! That being said, for what it may be worth; my preferred Block for elderly Squirrels is Teklad 2014. It contains approximately 14% protein and is formulated consistent with the recognized nutritional needs of elderly rodents! I use Teklad 2018 as a base for Blocks that I make for the younger Squirrels in my care and it has 18% protein. I obtain my Teklad Blocks for a particular merchant on eBay named ecosandy. I have been buying Teklad Blocks from her for years and so have some others here on TSB. She sells bags of the Teklad Blocks in various quantities so someone doesn't need to get one of the giant bags from the manufacturer. Here is a link to ecosandy's site on eBay for Teklad 2014. You can check it out if desired!
Next would be to comment on your Calcium question and the "short" answer to this is Yes, Calcium Citrate has some potential advantages over Calcium carbonate including the possibility of helping to lower the rate of the inevitable decline in kidney function associated with aging. Another advantage is that this does not need to be served with food and gastric acid is NOT required to ensure optimal absorption from the gut! The two main downsides to use of Calcium citrate as opposed to Calcium carbonate are; 1) Calcium citrate costs more, and 2) in regard to the actual Calcium component of each, which is termed Elemental Calcium; Calcium carbonate contains 40% Elemental Calcium and Calcium citrate contains 21% Elemental Calcium. This means that it will require twice as much by weight of Calcium citrate than Calcium carbonate to provide the same amount of Elemental calcium! For some preparations, the extra Calcium may affect taste of the food and/or consistency of the food and this may result less than enthusiastic consumption by the Squirrel!
I must return to my work responsibilities, Winnie! I hope this was somewhat helpful and I will get back to your Thread as soon as I am able but it will probably sometime later in the day tomorrow as I will simply be unavailable until then! Sorry! There are others here who can provide valuable advice for you and hopefully you will receive some other commentary and recommendations beside my own!
Please give Winnie-the-Squirrel a gentle Squirrel-hug from me!
Re: Eyes getting a little cloudy in a almost 9 yr old
Thank you, the teklad I have is also the one I make boo balls with and it's 2014 I did get it off from Amazon and it's been a struggle getting it so thank you so much for the link.
The mazuri I have been adding to the wilds and releases diet I make big totes of a mix for them which is 100% never a diet I give to any in my care no nuts until release (outside of the nut flour I make balls with) that also contains nuts (walnuts, almonds and pecans and few peanuts) they also get fresh veggies in the winter)
I will remove the mazuri from Winnies diet
and I also used it in a pinch when I didn't have teklad to make boo balls no more thank you.
And I will remove the zupreem from her diet as well.
Thank you for all the advice I'm sure I am being very paranoid with her but in the 10 years of doing this she is my only nr, I love them all but have really bonded to her and honestly I've never experienced a older squirrel like her . The oldest releases I have that's still comes to grab food daily one is 4 one is 5 sadly they usually only stick around for a couple years .
Again thank you I really do appreciate it.
I just want the rest of her life to continue to be happy and healthy.
1 Attachment(s)
Re: Eyes getting a little cloudy in a almost 9 yr old
I should add that the teklad I have been getting off Amazon has also been harder and harder to get but now I'm questioning if it's even teklad last time it has a very bad smell
Attachment 328722
Re: Eyes getting a little cloudy in a almost 9 yr old
How is Winnie doing? Did you get the blocks from ecoSandy?
Re: Eyes getting a little cloudy in a almost 9 yr old
Thank you sorry it's taking me time to get back and update. She is doing good I did get the blocks thank you for the link and these ones didn't have the terrible smell like the ones I got from Amazon.
I've already made a batch of boo balls with these baked half and made the balls with the other half . She wasn't crazy about them but she will come around to it I'm sure . I'm making another one and maybe using half of the babyfood because she isn't a fan of much fruit and add a little water if I need too .
I also ordered a bag of the hazelnut Henry's blocks because I believe she has gotten bored of the picky ones and she likes them better this time around.
I think she is definitely getting more picky in her old age but overall she is doing good . I do see her starting to slow down and I'm sure it's her age.
She doesn't act like she is sick or in pain (no milky tears no crying) she also still has her crazy hyper moments she just naps after her hyper times more than she used to .
I think I just need to stop stressing myself out because I'm sure she can sense that too .
Thank you so much for the advice and listening.