This forum is generally monitored by several licensed squirrel rehabbers who will be notified via email when a new thread is posted. Please post ONLY Life Threatening issues in this forum.
Please post your Non Life Threatening help requests here. This forum is monitored by rehabbers during the day and your request will probably be answered shortly. Be sure to check back often.
This forum hopes to provide information needed to caring for, or providing first aid for a baby squirrel, determining age, etc.
Rehabbers, listed by State. Amassed and maintained by University of Minnesota. Thank you to Nature Girl for her help.
SquirrelFriend has suggested that we have a forum where members can learn about a health issue and possibly post photos of different ailments. If you wish to post info or pictures on an ailment that isn't listed, please use the "Other" forum and TSB will create a separate forum for it later.