View Full Version : new lewis help needed
07-03-2006, 11:30 AM
lewis today has had 2 seizures. and he has some type of rash on him specially behind his ears. i have included 2 pictures .its crusty and kinda yellowish. maybe a yeast infection ?"? anyone here seen this before on their squirrels ???
thank rl
island rehabber
07-03-2006, 12:04 PM
Hi RL...I am sorry Lewis is not feeling well today. I have never seen that type of condition on a squirrel before and the only thing I'm finding in my various rehab textbooks are discussions about mange -- demodectic and sarcoptic. Ivermectin seems to be the treatment preferred for this but is not recommended in squirrels with nervous system disorders. One book does suggest warm water and a keratolytic shampoo when Ivermectin is not an option. I am hoping that Chris or another experienced rehabber may have better info for you.
07-03-2006, 12:15 PM
Is Lewis any any calcium supplements? I would try to get ahold of Calciquid (?SP). My experience with seizures has been calcium-related.
I'm not about the rash other than what Island had to say.
I would try to get him to a vet ASAP.
Keep us posted!
07-03-2006, 01:18 PM
I leave the diagnosis up to the veteran rehabbers but as I recall there has been some discussion as to whether Lewis's current condition is from a fall or his having MDB. And if I'm not wrong, aren't seizures a symptom of MDB?
07-03-2006, 01:40 PM
Poor Lewis - he is fighting so hard, and keeps running into roadblocks! I would take him back to the vet, if he was mine. They can give meds to control the seizures. Also, although you have probably already done this, have him checked for worms.
Could the places behind his ears possibly be caused by lice? How bout ear mites - they can cause an awful lot of problems in dogs, I know. (But I have no idea whether or not squirrels get ear mites.)
There are so many people on here that know a whole lot more than I do about rehabbing - I'm just learning, and spend most of my time with one of many rehab books open, trying to learn. I raised and showed dogs for many years, so I seem to automatically think of problems I have seen in dogs when I am dealing with wildlife, as well as the expected wildlife problems.
Good luck, Lewis - hang in there! Dusty, my paralized grey, sends a big 'thumbs up' to you, and says to tell you that life without the use of your back legs isn't all that bad - you get lots of extra spoiling!!
07-03-2006, 02:03 PM
I agree that Lewis needs to see a vet...asap. I'm sure by now, he has a super great diet. Seizures can be controlled with medication. As far as his skin issue, also needs a vet's eyes and experience and ability to take a scraping if needed. I wish that I could be of more help, but since Lewis has more than one issue, its best that a vet see him and take care of it quickly...rather than all of us guessing possibilities. Please let us know the outcome...Lewis is such a cutie and a fighter!!
07-03-2006, 10:45 PM
well today i had to amke a appointment for wednesday grrr .because of the holiday. go figure. he is not scratching or messing with rash but it looks worse today then any day .i will just have to wait til to see what vet says then . he is only one here within 100 miles who mess with ALL animals :skwredup :skwredup but i will update to what doc says . i have rehabbed quite a few squirrels and this is another first for me . ive never had any with skin problems . i did pick up a full spectrum light finally from bed bath and beyond today. i won one on ebay 2 weeks and the seller scammed us go figure. so he is now getting that light as well as some natural sunlight . he has not had another seizure which is very good but i will see what doc says about that also . lewis is a handful but we are fighting with all we got . he plays and rolls around so much .he has really touched us ,but i do hope we can get these problems taken care of . to me it really looks like yeast infection .yellow and crusty like caluiflower looking. but we shall see. thanks for all the prayers. ttyl
07-04-2006, 12:57 AM
Looks like mange to me.Sparks has a similar issue not behind the ears, but behind his legs.The vet said its mange.But I have to hold off the medication till he gets a bit bigger.Take him to a vet.He'll know what to do.With lewis's condition I dont think the vet will use Ivermectine.He might give some antibiotic/antifungal cream to supress the secondary infections.
island rehabber
07-04-2006, 06:31 PM
Ravenslaw, how is Lewis today? I've been thinking of him and saying a few prayers for things to go well.
07-04-2006, 07:09 PM
today he is better . behind his ears still crusty , and base of tail still crusty. honestly it looks yellow .it looks like parmesean cheese if yo usprinkled it in bowl. he goes to doc tomorrow hopefully. around here its hard to get in quickly. i will update tomorrow what i find out and what they do for him. i did give him a semi soft bath today and he actually liked it lol. i think the bath made his skin feel better. thanks for all the prayers.*** update coming tomorrow afternoon ***
07-04-2006, 08:13 PM
I am glad that he is happy today!!! He is so adorable!!! Can't wait for the update!!! Thanks...and Happy 4th!!! smooch to Lewis!!!
07-05-2006, 10:00 AM
My very first squirrel that I hand raised would periodically have little seizures and would actually even at tmes appear as if he had died on me...he would become stiff as a board and not move at all.The first time it happenned I thought he had died and probably would have buried him but i saw his eyes move.I started giving him a few drops of Karro Syrup throughout the day and warmed him slowly using a heated rice pack.By the time I had gotten him to the vet he was back to normal and the dr said to me"Good thinking Cheryl.You saved this little guy's life.He was hypoglycemic" As he grew I would give him small drops of Karro Syrup on his tongue until I released him.He outgrew this condition.Good luck with your baby. Cheryl
island rehabber
07-05-2006, 10:14 AM
My very first squirrel that I hand raised would periodically have little seizures and would actually even at tmes appear as if he had died on me...he would become stiff as a board and not move at all.The first time it happenned I thought he had died and probably would have buried him but i saw his eyes move.I started giving him a few drops of Karro Syrup throughout the day and warmed him slowly using a heated rice pack.By the time I had gotten him to the vet he was back to normal and the dr said to me"Good thinking Cheryl.You saved this little guy's life.He was hypoglycemic" As he grew I would give him small drops of Karro Syrup on his tongue until I released him.He outgrew this condition.Good luck with your baby. Cheryl
:goodpost GREAT info, FosterMom....hypoglycemia is something I always seem to forget about, and yet it's so easily remedied with the Karo or even honey. Thanks for reminding us.
07-05-2006, 05:14 PM
we are back from vet / with lewis :crazy . he behaved nicely . no biting or nothing. he had a skin culture done and fungal culture ,skin scraping ,and had to have injection .it states on bill sarcoptic-mange -ivermectin . he noticed under microscope mites . so we have a prescribed tresderm 15 ml creme to rub on . he has to go back in 2 weeks for another shot.he did state possible to transmit to humans or other pets but we have been careful and lewis has had his own room forever. plus we use alot of wipes and what not ,so i think we are ok . the other pets are not allowed in room . we spoke about the seizure he had had .but things today checked out ,and he di not think the injections would hurt him . we had to try something. the culture they took he said it will take 2 ot 3 weeks to get back. so i will keep informed. he said doesnt look like mange or yeast but agian the mite were present on the scraping. it was expensive but the vet is kinda a friend and loves animals and donates to every humane shelter around so he gave me alot off the bill. thanks to all the squirrel board for care and prayers . we can never say so much it means to be around folks who love animals as we do . lewis did not like the shot but acted like a fine gentleman. dr myres truly is a godsend in the vet world. its not all bout money -its for the love of animals.
i will keep updated. lewis is now in his recleaned and sanitized home and taking a deserved nap . xoxoxoxoxoxoxo to all of you . i have to stop typing or i will cry .
07-05-2006, 07:08 PM
Glad to hear that all went well!!! You are VERY lucky to have such a wonderful vet...Thank You, Dr. Myers!! Thank you Ravenslaw for doing the right thing for Lewis!!! Did the vet have any idea what is causing Lewis' seizures? I can hear Lewis snoring from here...ZZZZZZZ!!!!! I guess that IS a VERY well deserved nap! What a good Boy, to not injure the vet...hehehehe! I was thinking about his vet visit all day...Thanks for the update!!! Now its time for your well deserved nap!!!!:thankyou AGAIN!!! :)
07-05-2006, 07:44 PM
Yeeah for Lewis.... :grouphug
07-05-2006, 07:48 PM
Glad to hear that all went well!!! You are VERY lucky to have such a wonderful vet...Thank You, Dr. Myers!! Thank you Ravenslaw for doing the right thing for Lewis!!! Did the vet have any idea what is causing Lewis' seizures? I can hear Lewis snoring from here...ZZZZZZZ!!!!! I guess that IS a VERY well deserved nap! What a good Boy, to not injure the vet...hehehehe! I was thinking about his vet visit all day...Thanks for the update!!! Now its time for your well deserved nap!!!!:thankyou AGAIN!!! :)
he said the seizures were not caused by his back injury. we still dont know why he is having them . he is geeting prime,cuddle,and we bought full spectrum lighting as of 3 days ago and gets natural sunlight when possible so we dont know . we have not witnessed any since the last one day or so ago so hopefully he wont have anymore. he really did not like the cream to put on the spots lol , he talked back alot and mehhhhhed but he is ok for now which day to day is all we can hope for in life. we never know ,live each day as it was your last. the vet really did help out alot he cut over 150 $ off bill. the main cost was the culture and labwork. he just cut that out completely.lewis sends big love to all of you for your prayers and thoughts . this is pic of him breaking into his nutshell. he is still in a big aquarium with lots of toys. this was him few minutes ago . the bottom pic is of lewis linens lol he has his own rack . the cage under rack is what he was in before injury. we are giving him plenty of time before caging again , plus we are in the process of building him a custom home with ramps and plexiglass windows with the use of more wood and less wire hopefully. we are still desigining and nitpicking on it .
Momma Squirrel
07-05-2006, 08:04 PM
I am so happy for Lewis and his vet visit, please thank the vet from all of us on TSB, it is hard to find doctors of any kind that still believe in what they do and not the dollar they are collecting. Give Lewis and yourself a hug, you are both terrific :crazy Keep us posted on his progress :thankyou :thankyou
It is great to see real genuine people still exist in this sometimes horrible world we live in.
07-05-2006, 08:44 PM
Great to hear about your visit to the vet Ravenlaws.I hope everything will get better.As for the seizures.I hope they will be gone.But the hypoglycemic seizures Fostermom pointed out is a good point.Keep up the good work.:thankyou
07-05-2006, 09:02 PM
Great news! Lewis is a fighter and you are a great Mom!! Keep us posted on his progress!!
island rehabber
07-05-2006, 11:58 PM
Raven it's SO great to hear good news about Lewis!! We just released my five babies and it's 1:00am but let me be the first to say YAYYY Lewis on Thursday morning!!!
07-06-2006, 09:51 AM
That's great news about Lewis. I'm still praying for him over here.
07-08-2006, 12:09 AM
That is wonderful news! I am glad to hear that Lewis is improving and that his skin condition is able to be treated.I am hoping that the fungal culture end result will be negative.I like your doctor!He would not have been a good doctor if he did not do a fungal culture to rule out ringworm.Sounds very thorough and competent .And a doctor that is in the profession out of a true love for animals instead of dollars is a rare gem nowadays.That Tresaderm is some good stuff.The Tresaderm and the ivermectin injections together is a tough combination to beat when it comes to ridding critters of mites.I also want to let you know that if you do happen to get the mites...they will will not live long on your skin...they are species specific meaning that you are a human and you are not the preferred host.But while they are living on your skin even though it will be for a short time (they eventually will die off) can make one pretty miserable.I also am glad that Lewis seems to not be having anymore seizures.Which makes me suspect even more that Lewis was experiencing hypoglycemic seizures.Keep up the fantastic care that you have been bestowig upon Lewis!
07-08-2006, 12:09 PM
i wish they made a damn shampoo for these mites, the little bottle i got from vet ,he said use sparingly ,but everyday we notice that whatever it is mite or what not are moving grrrrr, now he is crusty under his chin ,ears are fine .its kinda hard to use sparingly when you see someone you trying to help then you like maybe use to much ,but we are not gonna give up, his whole tail under the hairs is crusty. i dont think this litttle bottle will last . but he goes back next week for second shot.
yeah doc myers is a good doc and loving vet. he was really mad when i told him the night lewis was paralyzed we drove him a palce in raliegh 60 miles one way only to be told well its just a squirrel .he got really mad and wanted the name of place lol, i told him they said just a ssquirrel so what ,and he said so what?? so what ? he is living breathing animals like us . he was mad .he is also the ONLY vet in our area that will allow you to make payments if the costs is hurting you . oh and i saw him yesterday again lol china my little chihuhua was sick and first thing he asked me wss hows lewis ? :crazy he is not old so i hope he stays a vet along time. he knows hw much i love animals and rehabb and he really does only cats and dogs ,but told me when and if any other non cats or dogs are in need to come in , and lewis has his own file there :bowdown . out of the 4 other vets he is the only one to say its just a squirrel .
07-08-2006, 12:47 PM
im shocked there is no shampoo for mites. i wonder if this is curable ? he has his own room but im worried for our other pets . hopefully these shots will do the trick .
07-08-2006, 09:54 PM
im shocked there is no shampoo for mites.
Yeah.I know the feeling.I've been there too.
Anyway my vet said the Front Line spray sometimes can be used for the mites.Can any rehabber second this.
07-12-2006, 10:36 AM
*****update *****
lewis is better daily , he looks like he has a mohawk but hopefully the hair will come back . he has doc appointment next wednesday for second shot . thankfully he has not had another seizure since the last one days ago . im battling some anxiety and depression issues atm . but will post updates when i can . thanks
Momma Squirrel
07-12-2006, 10:53 AM
Glad to hear Lewis is on the recovery journey, please keep us posted. Our thoughts are with you and Lewis:grouphug Not to make light of your anxiety and depression issues but you aren't alone, in this day and world I think all of us have to deal with it on a daily basis, some days are just worse than others. Can't wait to retire and get to the mountains, all phones and cell phones, tv's will be turned off for good!!!!
Secret Squirrel
07-12-2006, 02:09 PM
Lewis is in our prayer and you too with the depression you are having.:grouphug
07-12-2006, 07:17 PM
Hang in there Ravenslaws - thinking about the two of you down here in GA.
07-12-2006, 08:47 PM
Keep it up ravenlaws.I wish luck to both Lewis and you.Keep us updated.
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