View Full Version : May have repeatedly aspirated baby?! Help!
03-22-2008, 11:13 AM
Hi, I'm totally new to this. My husband shot three squirrels in our yard last Saturday (please don't comment-- I just tell you that because that is how I know Mama is dead) and I found fully-furred eyes-closed baby in yard on Monday evening. I bathed him in warm water, removed all the fleas and fly eggs, gave him pedilyte and wrapped him in a t-shirt placed in a box with a heating pad set on low. The next day, I removed maggots, treated 2 wounds with warm water and hydrogen peroxide and cont. pedialyte. So far so good. On Weds. I started him on diluted Esbilac with a 5 cc syringe. He opened his eyes on Thursday, becoming much more active. Ok, yesterday I noticed when I feed him, he puts his head down and opens and closes his mouth. I thought he was swallowing until last night I realize his is probably aspirating! I tried to feed him slower this morning but I think he is still aspirating the formula. I never see bubbles coming out of his nose, but his heart rate accel. and he puts his head down as a I described. I don't hear wheezing or clicking and he is not breathing open mouthed all the time. What do I do now? I'm afraid I'm drowning him! Help!!
03-22-2008, 11:25 AM
Hi Julie,
Usually when a squirrel aspirates they'll blow or dribble formula out their nose. If you haven't seen this, I don't think you've done any damage.
On a somewhat different note, I would suggest using nothing larger than a 3cc syringe just to be on the safe side. The larger the syring the more likely you are to aspirate the baby.
What you are seeing may be what's called a "feeding seizure" but don't let the name scare you. It's like a trance of sorts where they'll so into eating they open their mouth and kinda make a fish-face motion until they snap out of it and go back to eating. Is this what you are seeing?
Also, are you using a nipple? If so, what size, and kind?
03-22-2008, 11:27 AM
Another question, are you SURE you've gotten all the eggs and maggots off the baby? VERY important. If you aren't sure, see if you can get a Capstar pill (for SMALL dogs) from your local vet. It's a flea treatment that we can help you dilute and give to the baby to be sure all the maggots are dead.
03-22-2008, 11:44 AM
Hi, Thanks so much for your speedy and reassuring reply. I have been using a 5 cc syringe without a nipple. I tried using a pet nursing bottle with the small nipple but he couldn't seem to get anything out of it. Re: maggots-- He has no visible fleas or maggots. He had them in two wounds and those are the wounds I flushed with warm water and hydrogen peroxide and then extracted the maggots with tweezers. (Quite a new experience! I'm still a little traumatized!) Those wounds are now scabbed over.
Do I need to do anything else? Thanks!
03-22-2008, 11:54 AM
Get yourself a 3cc syringe. He'll be able to put his whole mouth around the syringe and suckle that way. Also, if you bought the pet nurser with the variety of nipples, there is one in that pack I use sometimes on the end of a 3cc syringe. It looks like a tiny human nipple for the bottle...I just clip a very small hole in the tip. The nipple should securely slip over the tip of a 3cc syringe and will let your little guy nurse while you control the flow of formula.
How are the poops and pee? Can you tell me the color of both? Are the stools solid and formed pellets or soft and more mushy? How often are you feeding him?
Sorry for all the questions. Just want to cover all the bases. :)
03-22-2008, 12:05 PM
Thanks-- I'll get the 3 cc and the nipple. Re: questions- I feed him every 3-4 hours. He doesn't pee and poop every time even tho I stimulate him with a wet papertowel or Q-tip. When he does pee, it is medium to pale yellow. His poop is mustard yellow and squishy- not solid. Thanks for all you help.
03-22-2008, 12:18 PM
ok. The poops and pee need a little work. I would go ahead and feed him every four hours. What we want is to have his poops solid (almost like mouse droppings only a little larger, possibly stuck together, and mustard to brown in color) and his pee is either very light yellow or clear in color. It sounds like you might have ramped him up to full-strength on the formula a little too fast, and you are feeding a little too frequently We can fix that. :) It wouldn't hurt to give him a half-feeding pedialyte-only in between esbilac feedings for another 24 hours either, to help hydrate him a little more.
Do you have a way to weigh him? If you want to raise him yourself it's important to be able to weigh him each day to be sure he's gaining weight. I bought a digital kitchen scale at Wal-Mart for about $30 and it works great. You need a gram scale. You can not only tell if he's gaining weight, you can also tell how much you need to feed each time.
Since his eyes are open, feeding him every four hours should be enough. Feeding him too frequently can cause the loose stools you are seeing.
I would recommend hitting your local Petco or Petsmart and buying a bag of mouse/rat diet by Kaytee called Forti-Diet. It's a large-pellet diet that you can leave in with him 24/7 so he'll start to wean himself onto solids. Do this asap because it's good to start even before the eyes open up.
Any way you could post a picture or two? That would help me assess his weight and how emaciated he got while without his momma.
PS- Try a warm, damp cotton ball when stimulating him. It can take 2 minutes or more to get them going. However, since his eyes are open he may be starting to potty in his bedding on his own. Be sure to change it at least once a day if not more. No fragrance, dyes, etc in the laundry soap and no dryer sheets or fabric softener is best.
squirrel princess
03-22-2008, 12:46 PM
Will not say anything about hubby:nono but you are doing a wonderful job:bowdown
You are at the right place for all the info to make sure the little ones have the best chance:Love_Icon :grouphug
Mrs. Jack
03-22-2008, 12:54 PM
:Welcome good luck with the baby.. it does sound like what I've heard called 'gaping' also..
what plans do you have for this little ones future? will you release him back to your yard?
island rehabber
03-22-2008, 01:44 PM
JulieP you're in great hands with CritterQueen's advice here :thumbsup. Congratulations on dealing with the maggots -- wow! Nerves (and stomach) of steel, you have there. :bowdown
03-22-2008, 03:37 PM
:Welcome ..and welcome little one:Welcome
03-22-2008, 03:58 PM
:Welcome and good luck!
squirrel princess
03-22-2008, 04:48 PM
:wave123 :Welcome Glad to have you with us! :thumbsup Thank you SO much for having the courage to come on here, tell us what happened, and try to save this PRECIOUS baby! :bowdown :bowdown :grouphug Are you sure there aren't any more babies out there? It's really unusual for Mommy to only have one. Do you see a nest in any of your trees? There may still be babies in it. Do you want to try and raise this baby yourself, or would you like us to try and locate a rehabber for you? Does hubby come around this little baby at all? MAYBE, if he got a first hand look and experience of how LOVING and ADORABLE these creatures are, it might change his whole outlook on things. I know if you raise this little SWEETIE, you are NEVER going to look at another squirrel in the same way. :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon Once again, I THANK YOU!! :grouphug :Welcome son that is a deer hunter:shakehead said he will never shoot a squirrel again.he is crazy about Chipper:Love_Icon
03-22-2008, 05:48 PM
Hey y'all-- Thanks for all the support and many warm welcomes! RE:weight-- I have been weighing him. He was at 64 g on Weds. PM then dropped ot 62 and on THurs was back at 64 g this morning. I will do the recommended changes regarding feeding schedule and work on getting him to pee. I'm confused about the formula though- right now I've been using the pre-mixed liquid Esbilac and diluting with water about 3:1. Should I give him full-strength? I'll try the pedialyte between feedings and watch his stool. Thanks so much!
island rehabber
03-22-2008, 06:00 PM
I'm confused about the formula though- right now I've been using the pre-mixed liquid Esbilac and diluting with water about 3:1. Should I give him full-strength? I'll try the pedialyte between feedings and watch his stool. Thanks so much!
OK there's the problem then, Julie: never dilute pre-mixed liquid Esbilac. It's pre-mixed with water already. If you give him pre-mixed you should give it straight, don't even shake it up because it will cause bloating in his tummy. It's much better, however, to give him the Esbilac powder form, mixed 1 part Esbilac powder to 2 parts VERY warm water. He should gain 5-7gs per DAY....he was not getting enough calories from the diluted pre-mixed. Hopefully this will set him on the road to being a thriving, healthy baby!
03-22-2008, 06:55 PM
Yep, IR's right. The other not-so-great thing about the liquid esbilac is that it's only good for three days once opened. If you are still working off the same can that might be part of his problem with the loose stools.
I'd get a can of the powdered esbilac if you are going to raise this bitty yourself. It will last you longer and be way more economical for you.
Keep us posted on your progress! :)
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