View Full Version : Do I have a squirrel or a rat?

03-18-2008, 08:07 PM
I have 3 baby squirrels that my neighbor brought me January 17th. They are Healthy and happy babies. Today the same neighbor brought me an even smaller baby than the last 3 that her cat left on her bathroom floor that it drug in. They were about 2 wks old when we got them. This one is darker than they were. Looks like them otherwise. It has a white stomach and is about the size of a AA battery. I am feeding it the pedialyte and switching her over to esbilac. My husband keeps telling me it's a squirrel (knowing I am terrified of mice and rats). But I was pretty sure that squirrel were only born 2 times a year and this is 2 months later than our last baby grays. Either way what can I do? Gotta love it, feed it, and set it free. I am trying so hard not to be fearful of it thinking it is a rat. Not sure how else to know for sure, other than to ask and or wait till the tail fills out or not. Lol. :osnap
Thanks for your help.

Secret Squirrel
03-18-2008, 08:14 PM
A picture would be nice so we can help you figure this dilemma out. However babies are wonderful no matter if it's a squirrel or rat :thumbsup Good luck !!!

03-18-2008, 08:24 PM
Hi and welcome....I am an avid rat lover and owner of many rats over the years...Many people don't really know about the personalities of rats and they are mis-judge....Rats are as affectionate as a pet squirrel...they are not biters unless really provoked and even then most don't bite...They are highly inteligent and love to be social...If this is a rat and you feed and take care of it I promise you will have a friend for the rest of it's life....Don't let images and rumors scare you off...Perhaps if they were called something that sounded cute people would see them differenly....So I have done just that...I refer to them as ratscales...
As far as squirrels go...it is possible it is another baby squirrel from a current litter...this year the squirrels seem to be out of sink with their cycles because of all the warm weather we've had this winter...They are breeding early this year....
So squirrel or ratscale, it needs someone to care for it and it needs love and affection.....

Secret Squirrel
03-18-2008, 08:27 PM
Lets see if this works....
single pic is a squirrel :thumbsup
many babies in pic are rats....the head is elongated compaired to the squirrels head.

03-18-2008, 08:59 PM
Post a pic so we can see!

03-18-2008, 09:15 PM
I am going to try to add some pictures. This baby squeeks a lot too if that is helpful. My squirrels never really squeeked except once the first day I got them. I hope these pictures aren't huge. Not sure how to make them smaller.29734




03-18-2008, 09:32 PM
Just remember that you have a beautiful little fuzzer who needs you. It just so happens to be the kind of fuzzer without the fuzzy tail. Just think about how sweet and precious he/she has been so far and will continue to be. Ratties have been know to make absolutely wonderful companions. There is no need to be afraid.:grouphug

03-18-2008, 09:40 PM
yep thats looks like a baby rat to me has that pointed tail. What a cute little darling not like he can hurt you right now so small and young and give him love he sure won't hurt you when he gets bigger. They are adorable I can't say I ever owned one but knew someone had them and I use to hold them all the time and so loving they can be. Good Lucky with this baby.:thumbsup :)

03-18-2008, 09:41 PM
EEEEkkkkk....I was afraid of that. Everyone at my home has told me over and over that it is a squirrel, but I fed my babies too many 2 hour feedings to believe this baby is a squirrel. Everything in me crys out Help! It's a rat. My kids are begging to keep it and I know I couldn't kill it, but not sure I can raise it and love it. I am trying I am trying. My Mother in law works at a vet and said she can take it with her to work tomorrow and they would raise it. Not sure what to do right now. I'm trying very hard not to have conditional love.

03-18-2008, 09:55 PM
Well if a vet will take care of it maybe that be better off for the baby.
EEEEkkkkk....I was afraid of that. Everyone at my home has told me over and over that it is a squirrel, but I fed my babies too many 2 hour feedings to believe this baby is a squirrel. Everything in me crys out Help! It's a rat. My kids are begging to keep it and I know I couldn't kill it, but not sure I can raise it and love it. I am trying I am trying. My Mother in law works at a vet and said she can take it with her to work tomorrow and they would raise it. Not sure what to do right now. I'm trying very hard not to have conditional love.

03-18-2008, 09:56 PM
Try to just focus on this: It's a fuzzy BABY (never mind the type) and it needs help and YOU have the experience to help it. :bowdown

Doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing decision. Right now, this baby needs someone who knows how to take care of it. As it grows up, you may fall in love with it as many of us have with our squirrels. Or not -- and then you can find someone else to take over. Once the baby is older, it would be easier to find another home for it. So perhaps you can just take it slowly and see how it goes?

(The vet is a possibility, but perhaps check first to see if there is anyone that would know how to take care of such a yound baby?)

Good luck -- you're doing great!! :thumbsup :thumbsup :bowdown :bowdown

03-18-2008, 09:57 PM
Awww...so, cute.
I know there is a part inside..thats saying aww..too..Just a wee disapointed...that it wasnt a squirrel..
Thats okay...It needs you..
Awww..your its mommy..now.
They do make excellent pets..for the WHOLE family..where as if it were a squirrel..it would more than likely..ONLY..had LIKED you...
This is a great...family addition!!
:wave CONGRATULATIONS!!! :wave
:wave123 FLUFFYTAILNUT...n...BEAN:wave123

03-18-2008, 10:00 PM
I understand how you are feeling. :grouphug I use to be terrified of mice. Well six years ago, my border collie brought a tiny pink creature to my doorstep late one night. My son brought "it" inside. He said I think it's a squirrel...I kept saying, but what if it's a mouse. :D He said, I don't care what it is, I can't let the baby die. We both fought all night to keep the little pink thing alive. I think I prayed the whole night...Lord, please let it be a squirrel. She turned out to be beautiful baby squirrel. I still have Roxy almost six years later...she's the love of my life.

03-18-2008, 10:12 PM
There is no need to be so racist regarding the rodent clan.
A small rat needs your help and should cause you no shame or embarrassment; you can always kill it later:nono !!

03-18-2008, 10:32 PM
Sometimes Moms don't get too choose just exactly how the kids are going to turn out, but Look on the bright side, when it grows up you can still feed it a peanut or two if you want :D

03-18-2008, 10:56 PM
I have raised baby rats at the age of 2 days old because their mother died.....The best thing to feed a baby rat is Baby Soy Powder Formula, found in the baby isle at a grocery store...mix it with water until it looks like milk and you will be able to smell the sweetness of the formula....use a 1cc syring and feed the baby every 3-4 hours around the clock for a week then you can start cutting down round the clock..Just as with squirrels be sure the baby does not asperate as this will kill her....one drip at a time....Then after one week you can mix the formula in a small dish like a jar top but only put enough to cover the bottom to prevent drowning... As the baby starts to grow I will give you a diet suitable for a baby rat....From looking at this little angel I would put the age at no more than 2 weeks old....I'll take another look but I believe you have a little girl....I noticed she is very thin and the hip bones are showing so this baby needs food now....It is not recommended to feed puppy formula but untill you can get it the proper formula i guess in a pinch it will have to do....If you are not going to take on this task, you need to turn that little one over the first thing in the morning to prevent her from dying...She is already in a weakened condition and it seems like she hasn't eaten for at least 24 hours....if she doesn't get the care she needs now she may not make it the next 24 hours......So PLEASE do what is best for her....keep her warm as you do the squirrels...heating pad to cover 1/2 the container and cover her....keep me informed....:thankyou for caring for this tiny helpless baby....

03-18-2008, 11:05 PM
At a second and third look at the picture of her uh-hum....the pic is too blurry to be sure so if you can send, another one that is not fuzzy...At this age it is difficult to seperate the boys from the girls...but I need a clear photo..

03-18-2008, 11:09 PM
oh..gosh...this post has been too funny.:rofl4 :rofl4

I had a feeling it was a rat before seeing the photo. I love it! I think the good news may be you can release a rat fairly quickly...can't you? I mean, I never think of a rat as needing a mother for very long...but then, I don't really know for sure. I have tried saving baby mice before...wasn't successful with it. And as a kid, we had white mice that my young sister stoled from the science lab in school to save them. We liked them alot.

Well...need to feed the Fab five....

03-18-2008, 11:44 PM
If you need to consider it a squirrel, go right ahead - you're it's Momma, and you can decide what it is! Just name it Notre.....we call the squirrels 'tree rats' all the time......this will just be a 'tree rat' without a tree!

Maybe you could try some Rogaine on it's tail???


03-19-2008, 12:11 AM
Lol...Oh that is just too funny!!! Thanks for the laugh. I really needed that. Especially right before my alarm goes off for the 3am feeding for my baby mouse or rat. :) I think I will consider the rogaine after the morning feeding.

03-19-2008, 12:19 AM
i gotta tell you, i had three pet rats and they were WONDERFUL. just think of how close this little one will be with you if you raise her! (i do believe it's a girl, btw).

the thing is, i'm not sure baby rats drink esbilac. you'll need to do some research to make sure your baby gets the proper nutrition, and you need a reliable source. i suggest you find a forum like this one that offers many experienced opinions on rat care- a checks and balances system is best!

03-19-2008, 12:49 AM
The nutrituinal requirements for rats are closer to humans than dogs or cats..That is why human baby soy formula is recommended....Since she is older than a week you can mix the formula into some baby cereal kind of like creamed soups...offer it on the tip of your finger and she should lick it off, but continue the regular feedings...Baby rats at a week old begin to get hair, so since your rat has hair on her body she is more closer to 2 weeks old....
I know what I am talking about...I raised rats for the past 7 years....and I will tell you espilac or cat replacemnet milk is not recommended...In an emeregency situation it is better than nothing but please put your baby on human baby soy formula, powdered form...follow the directions on the can for mixing but you don't need to be exact....

If your rat's eyes are open then it is 2 weeks old, if they are still closed she is 1 but closer to 2 weeks...

When the eyes open you can feed her rodent block soaked in the soy formula and offer it to her, but she will still need feedings, but not night feedings anymore...

By 3 weeks old she should be eating mostly solids but she will still need the formula

At 4 weeks old you can begin the weaning process.....At that time I will list for you foods to feed and foods not to feed.....Dispite what people believe, corn is really not good for rat...Dried corn can contain high levels of fungal contaminates which is proven to cause liver cancer in rats....corn of any kind also contain high levels of both nitrates and amines which is bad for their stomach....No lettuce...
diet besides rodent block.....peas, frozen are good, most all vegitables and fruits....no cheeses, no chocolates.........but we can cover this later.......
Good Luck....if you have any questions you can pm me......

03-19-2008, 05:48 AM
:Love_Icon Aaaah A baby Rattie...:D I don't have rats but I have mice... If you do choose to keep the baby it will need companionship as they are very social...Please read http://www.ratfanclub.org/single.html

Anyway, just wanted to say :Welcome and congrats on the squirrels and the baby rat. :D

03-19-2008, 06:00 AM
I also have had 3 rats as pets.....Wonderful pets! Muffinsquirrel is right....just a tree rat without the fuzzy tail! And they don't get the aggression that squirrels can get as they get older.:thumbsup

Baby's Mom
03-19-2008, 04:11 PM

I have the solution for fallling in love your your new baby ratkis.........

All you have to do is watch the movie "Ratatouille".

You will love the little furry creature instantly!

:wave :wave :wave

Chihua Lover
03-19-2008, 06:45 PM
It does look like a rat to me.

I have owned a precious rat named COCO & they are awesome!!! Coco would come out of his house when I was getting ready in the morning & would run to me - roll over on her back so I could tickle her tummy!!! They are great!!! They do not pee or poop on you & they are so much fun!!! She knew her name & would come when called.

In my opinion a lot smarter than any other small rodent such as a hamster or guinea pig - but that is my opinion.

I wish you well with this new baby!

03-19-2008, 07:14 PM
When I first found Scooby I wasn't entirely sure what she was. I was fairly sure, but had some doubts. I thought maybe even an opossum. Then... I thought "OMGOSH how embarrassed with I be if this thing is a rat".

Now here you are with a rat. TOOOOO funny. Really I'm laughing WITH you. I swear!!!

03-19-2008, 07:54 PM
I still think she(?) is precious. Just love that little baby and she will love you right back.:Love_Icon

03-19-2008, 11:05 PM
I think he/she is cute too! And if the Rogaine doesn't work, you could always glue dryer lint to it's tail!

03-20-2008, 07:12 PM
I looked up Rat, and Ratus, and this is what I found on one site. It seems there are two types of your basic rat. Not sure which one you have, we have roof rats out here, and they are enemies of the tree squirrel. Back in Minnesota my friend has subterrainian rats, mortal enemies of the chipmunk, likely wood rats. Yet, when it comes to people, they will gladly share your space, and so your little one will be right at home with you!

************************************************** *****

Rats, Norway Rat, Wood Rat, Roof Rat

Scientific Name: Roof Rat aka Black Rat: Rattus rattus , Norway Rat: Rattus norvegicus

Wood Rats are found especially around Arizona, New Mexico and California
Roof Rats are generally never found more than 100 miles away from the coast.
Norway Rats are found everywhere there are humans.
Distinguishing Characteristics:

Roof Rats: Tail is longer than the body and the head combined.

Habitat: Everywhere there are humans. Rats are known as commensal rodents, meaning they live with people.

Mountain Mama
03-20-2008, 10:24 PM
There is no need to be so racist regarding the rodent clan.

HA! This thread has been a riot!

Congratulations on your rattie. Sometimes God brings us the most wonderful gifts wrapped in the most unusual packages. I have never raised a rat, nor touched one, for that matter, but I feel sure I would be able to love it just like the squirrels.

Now, if a orphaned tarantula showed up at the door, that would be another matter altogether...:hidechair

03-21-2008, 12:16 AM
You could call him Scrat!

Really, he looks like a sweet rat & would probably be a great buddy for your kids, especially as you raised him from an infant & he was never in the pet store. You are actually very lucky to have him! :) :)

03-21-2008, 12:51 AM
How are they today?

03-21-2008, 01:12 AM
I have a friend who rehabs squirrels, who one summer found an abandoned pinkie in her yard. She knew right away what it was, having seen the mother as well, a Norweigan Rat. This rat was very comfortable riding around on her in the house, and loved to swim in her rinse water; it was a really clean rat! It also liked to dart down her blouse when other approached, then bonding to her specfically, not as friendly as the fancy rats are with others. She loved it, and enjoyed it's companionship for many years.

Know that this rat may be the same, realize it has the GOOD LIFE! They are creatures that are ok with companions, not loners, it will likely take a liking to you. They lick, as I was told, very kissy creatures! So know, this one as well may refuse to be released. Also consider that an adult rat will go after baby squirrels, and if not them, will surely end up in a person's home, seen as an invader and vermin, a bold one, that is used to human contact! Not a hopeful future as I see it for such a rat, saving it then would end up being the source of it's own end likely. Better to find it a home with a young person who would keep it as a pet, close to the time it is weaned. Ask the other members the best time for this transition to be made, if that is you don't keep it for your own pet.

03-21-2008, 01:30 AM
Yes, rats do kiss...they also like to groom their owner...great if you need a manicure....:rotfl My Emmilie would reach up and take my nose in her tiny little hands and with her mouth she would grab my nose in a very gentle way and that is one way she would kiss me....on occasions when I made corn on the cob she would climb up my chest and enjoy it with me....If I was eating something I did not share with her she would pry my mouth open and grab what ever I was eating and run away with it and hide so she could eat it...Of course i always let her get away with it...she loved to hand wrestle and was always gentle never once used her teeth to hurt me......I miss her...It's been 9 months and it seems so recent to me....

03-21-2008, 07:17 AM
Mountain Mama--don't be too quick to judge :tilt My son ended up with two tarantulas that he rescued and believe it or not, we learned to like them a lot (love may be a little strong of a word) and also learned so much from these creatures and their habits. Did take a while to adjust though! :D

Mountain Mama
03-21-2008, 08:03 AM
Mountain Mama--don't be too quick to judge :tilt My son ended up with two tarantulas that he rescued and believe it or not, we learned to like them a lot (love may be a little strong of a word) and also learned so much from these creatures and their habits. Did take a while to adjust though! :D

GC I was recently explaining to Teen Angel what a "debilitating fear" is. The example that I used was this:

"Suppose there was a container that housed the biggest, sparkling, most beautiful, valuable, diamond ring. Suppose the owner of the ring and the container said that I could have the ring...all I had to do was reach in the container and take it out. And then he dropped a tarantula in the container with the ring. What would Mom do?"

As much as I love sparkling pretties, I have a debilitating fear of tarantulas. I know they aren't poisonous; they don't have to be. Placing one in my vicinity would render me lifeless just from heart failure.

03-21-2008, 12:54 PM
I've always wanted a rattie but I haven't got one because they don't live very long. I know it should be quality over quantity, but breaks my heart when the critters have to go. :(

03-24-2008, 06:50 PM
Well? How are they?:multi

03-27-2008, 12:10 PM
If I may offer my opinion - I think it is a baby deer mouse http://www.bugladyconsulting.com/mice%20baby.htm which is possibly wishful thinking since I adore deer mice - huge eyes and little white bellies with pink/white "gloves". Possible it's a rat but I don't know if a baby rat would have a white belly and the pictures I've seen show pudgier feet and less well formed ears at that size:
But it is entirely possibe that I'm wrong. :thinking

squirrel princess
03-27-2008, 12:15 PM
Oh please, please, please don't leave us hanging on this story.:poke
It is a riot:jump We want to know what has happened with your little brood:wahoo

03-27-2008, 02:25 PM
Oops! wait - you're in Florida - it's probably a roof rat

03-27-2008, 02:37 PM
maybe this will be of some help
left is the florida mouse right is the cotton mouse
it also stated the florida mouse has a slight musky odor like a skunk????

03-27-2008, 02:41 PM
If I may offer my opinion - I think it is a baby deer mouse http://www.bugladyconsulting.com/mice%20baby.htm which is possibly wishful thinking since I adore deer mice - huge eyes and little white bellies with pink/white "gloves". Possible it's a rat but I don't know if a baby rat would have a white belly and the pictures I've seen show pudgier feet and less well formed ears at that size:
But it is entirely possibe that I'm wrong. :thinking

how could you not think they are nothing short of adorable:Love_Icon
they kinda have to grow into there head dont they?:D

03-27-2008, 02:55 PM
Looks like a squeeking rat to me.. hehe

I had a baby wood rat once that at first I thought was a baby flying squirrel.


03-27-2008, 02:58 PM
me too! they squeek loud too!

11-30-2013, 03:31 PM
I'm having the same problem. Half of people say I definitely have rats half say definately squirrels. :thinking

island rehabber
11-30-2013, 03:36 PM
I'm having the same problem. Half of people say I definitely have rats half say definately squirrels. :thinking

And I say you have baby mice....:poke :grin3

11-30-2013, 03:52 PM
When the family brought me Scooter they thought he was a squirrel, but as soon as I saw him I knew
with out a doubt he was NO squirrel........ lol. (just look at the difference in the tails).

Baby Field Mouse: Scooter
http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e116/Rhapsody_1/Rat_Scooter/007_zps6a3bd0ce.jpg (http://s38.photobucket.com/user/Rhapsody_1/media/Rat_Scooter/007_zps6a3bd0ce.jpg.html)

Baby Squirrel: Mia
http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e116/Rhapsody_1/090707_Girl.jpg (http://s38.photobucket.com/user/Rhapsody_1/media/090707_Girl.jpg.html)