View Full Version : Help Baby Squirrel Found
03-12-2008, 03:34 PM
I live in Atlanta, GA. On my way home from school today I heard a shreaking and then noticed a baby squirrel that didn't appear to be able to move and it was obviously hurt. Strangely enough, there was a huge hawk standing nearby. Not knowing what to do and feeling that that hawk was about to make a meal out of the poor squirrel, I put the squirrel in a shoe box that I happen to have in my car and brought it home. It appears to have been bleeding from what I originally thought was its paws, but upon closer inspection, I now believe the blood was coming from its mouth. It is still moving, and the blood seems to have stopped. I don't know how to proceed from here, I did drop some water in the box and it licked it up and honestly appears to be doing a little better. Please help with how to proceed, thanks for your time.
squirrel princess
03-12-2008, 03:46 PM
I am in Atlanta, also. there is a place called Cochran Mill nature center that is south of Atlanta in Fairburn. There is a person on here from atlanta hopefully she will see your post.
03-12-2008, 03:50 PM
:Welcome To The Squirrel Board :Welcome
Aww...Poor..little thing..GLAD you stepping save that being that HAWKS..snack!!!
I hope you can get it to a rehaber...they will be able to take care of all of its NEEDS...
YOU..go..squirrel SAVER!!!
:fireworks :wave :fireworks :wave :fireworks
Let us know...what you end up..doing..with it :thumbsup
:wave123 FLUFFYTAILNUT!!!:wave123
03-12-2008, 03:57 PM
Hello and welcome! First get baby on a heating pad set on low and you will need some pedialyte slightly warmed and a syringe to feed with.
I will copy more info for you in a bit, be right back thanks for saving the baby from that bad hawk!
We have a Rehabber here from Atlanta if you dont have the time to care for baby maybe you would let her take him?
03-12-2008, 03:59 PM
Are the eyes open?
Below is some info on emergency care. A rehabber will be here shortly.
Emergency Care for Baby Squirrels
Don’t try to feed the squirrel.
Don’t handle him more than you have to.
No loud voices, TV, music, or bright lights.
No children or pets in the same room!
1. Warm the Baby (never feed a cold squirrel!)
Quick Methods:
-Cup the baby in your hands or under your shirt next to your skin.
-Fill a plastic bottle with very warm water. Wrap in a cloth, place next to baby, and cover him. Reheat every 2 hours.
-“Rice Buddy”: Fill a sock with 1 cup of rice or dried beans and microwave for 30 seconds. Place next to baby and cover him. Reheat every 2 hours.
2. Find a Box or Container
A shoebox will do for small babies. A baby that can walk will need a larger box with a lid (with holes). Put a clean baby blanket, flannel shirt, or piece of fleece in the bottom of the box. No towels or terrycloth. Squirrels can get tangled in the loops. Place baby on the material and cover him with one flap. If you have a heating pad, turn it on low and place it under half of the box (not IN the box!) so baby can move away if he gets too warm. You can use the plastic bottle or rice buddy described above, but these are only temporary methods until you get a heating pad, since they must be reheated every 2 hours and won't keep baby warm all night.
NOTE: Monitor his temperature so he doesn’t chill or overheat. His feet should feel warm to the touch.
Note: If the baby is injured, is having trouble breathing, has fly eggs on his fur, or is very skinny or dehydrated, he needs emergency care by an experienced rehabber or vet.
3. Rehydrate the Baby
Most babies are dehydrated when you find them and must be rehydrated before you can feed them. Never feed formula or food of any kind to a dehydrated baby!
How to Check for Dehydration
Pinch the skin on the back of his neck. If it doesn’t spring back immediately, the baby is dehydrated. If the pinched skin stays up like a tent for more than a second, the baby is badly dehydrated. Other signs of dehydration: pale grayish gums, dry mouth, sunken eyes, whites around eyes showing, rough spiky fur, dry scaly skin.
NOTE: If baby is badly dehydrated, he will need subcutaneous fluids, which can only be given by a rehabber or vet.
Supplies You Will Need:
--Pedialyte (any flavor)*
--Plastic syringes (1 cc size; no needles. Ask the pharmacist to get these for you) An eyedropper can also work.
These are available at most drugstores.
*If you can’t find Pedialyte at the store, here is a recipe for homemade Pedialyte:
--1 teaspoon salt
--3 Tablespoons sugar
--1 quart warm water
Mix all ingredients in warm water. Store in refrigerator.
How to Prepare the Pedialyte
Use a plastic syringe (with or without a nipple). Never use pet nursers or doll bottles. They will choke the baby. Fill a coffee mug with hot water. Fill the syringe with Pedialyte and place it in the mug for a couple of minutes. Squirt a drop on the inside of your wrist to make sure the liquid isn’t too hot. It should feel barely warm on your skin.
Proper Position
A tiny baby can be held in your hand. A baby with fur can lie on a flat surface on his stomach. A baby that can walk can be held upright or he can drink sitting up. Hold the syringe so the tip points UP to the baby’s mouth and the handle is down. Don’t let the baby get cold. Keep him wrapped up while he eats.
How to Feed Fluids
Place the syringe tip on the baby’s lips (from the side) and squeeze out one drop for him to taste. Don’t squirt a steady stream. Let him swallow one drop before squeezing more. GO SLOW! It sometimes takes a feeding or two for them to catch on. Hairless babies are fed drop by drop. With older babies (once they catch on) you can squeeze slowly for one second, wait for him to swallow, then squeeze more.
If fluids dribble out his mouth or come out his nose, you are going too fast. Stop and tilt the baby’s head down so the fluid drains out (support his head and neck like you would a human baby). Then wipe his nose and mouth with a tissue. Start over, slower. NOTE: There is now a chance your baby will develop aspiration pneumonia from inhaling fluid in his lungs. This is fatal. Please contact a rehabber or vet, or the people at The Squirrel Board, for assistance.
03-12-2008, 04:06 PM
Yes the eyes are open, I am attempting to upload a pic right now. Thank you for the quick replys
03-12-2008, 04:06 PM
Age determination chart
This will give us a better idea how old of baby we are dealing with!
03-12-2008, 04:09 PM
looks like about a five week old squirrel.
03-12-2008, 04:09 PM
He dosent apear to be dehydrated but bleeding isnt good. He will need Esbilac powder puppy formula tonight, plus syringe...
Keep him on heating pad with baby blanket & stuffed toy to cuddle with. Keep him in a quiet area away from pets and dont pick except for feeding him it will stress him out more than need be.
Would you like help finding a rehabber?
03-12-2008, 04:13 PM
That little red mark on her side, is that made from the hawk?:grouphug :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
03-12-2008, 04:16 PM
I am not sure what little read mark you are seeing?
03-12-2008, 04:18 PM
Do you have her on heat?
03-12-2008, 04:18 PM
that little bit of blood by the paw?
03-12-2008, 04:18 PM
not at the moment, I am going to have to go get a heating pad. Should I put a blanket in the box?
03-12-2008, 04:19 PM
I felt her/him and he/she didn't feel cold at all. Also I forgot to mention that I did pinch the back of the neck and the fold did go away.
03-12-2008, 04:22 PM
Ok but they must have a heat source, they may feel warm but they have to have a heating pad or it will end badly for them.
He must have one tonight, the rehabber from Atlanta is here now.
03-12-2008, 04:24 PM
Ok, I will get one ASAP.
03-12-2008, 04:28 PM
I'm in Lilburn. Sending you a private message with my contact info.
03-12-2008, 04:33 PM
Perfect, I will do that, thanks so much for the advice!
03-12-2008, 04:40 PM
Maybe on your way to get the items you will need you could double check that there arent any more babies!?
03-12-2008, 04:43 PM
Here is the setup I have now, anything else I can do for the immediate future?
03-12-2008, 04:46 PM
I forwarded my contact info to Jiggin. I have antibiotics, milk, supplies, and am not too far away. I'm signing off as I have a litter of monsters downstairs to feed. Jiggin, call me if you need help.
Oh, I see your picture. You need to treat that wound and stop the bleeding.
03-12-2008, 04:49 PM
I would suggest taking the baby the atlantasquirrelgirl to be looked at atleast the wounds!! Looks like he lost more blood than I thought.
Yes he need some soft fluffy blankets in there with him.
03-12-2008, 05:34 PM
On the side exposed, above the thigh on that side is a small red dot..It looks like it could have been made from the hawk's claw or talon...It is small but it is deffinately visable....Is anyone else seeing what I am talking about?
I am not sure what little read mark you are seeing? look at the first larger picture..
03-12-2008, 05:44 PM
thank you for finding this baby, but i have an urgent concern;
jiggin, i need you to very carefully check the baby's fur. you are looking for small white eggs, they look like tiny pieces of rice. pay SPECIAL ATTENTION to wounds, mouth, anus, ears, and eyes! look VERY CAREFULLY, be thorough. you must gently open all orifices, especially the mouth and ears, and look for this. flies are VERY good at hiding their eggs!!!
if you find any of these, do not get them wet, remove them carefully with your fingers or tweezers, place them on a paper towel, and throw them all away.
flies work surprisingly quick when laying maggot eggs. if the eggs are allowed to hatch and enter the baby, they could destroy his organs. if you find eggs but they are moving, we will need to get you a medicine to treat the baby with.
sorry i'm being so serious, i just don't want maggots to win the day!
p.s. have you found a rehabber yet?
03-12-2008, 05:51 PM
I see white specks also but could be lice, baby really needs to be checked by rehabber.
03-12-2008, 05:52 PM
yes, looking again, i also see fleas. this baby has been on the ground for at least a day. poor little guy. thank god you found him!
03-12-2008, 06:03 PM
jiggin if you would call atlantasquirrelgirl I know she would look at baby for you and see what exactly is going on. (I am hoping you went out for babies supplies,) she wouldnt take the baby away but just check him over so he can thrive with good care. He will need to eat several times a day depending on weight. DO you have a scale to weigh him with?
03-12-2008, 06:04 PM
In the first picture if you look at the spot that is over the left foot there is another red mark...I think with the 2 that is where she was grabbed....poor thing..:grouphug
Apple Corps
03-12-2008, 06:41 PM
Welcome !!
Call Atlanta Squirrel Girl - will help make things right!!!
03-12-2008, 07:28 PM
Prayers coming your way.:grouphug Thanks for helping this baby.:grouphug
03-12-2008, 07:35 PM
Thank you to Jiggin and his 2 girls for bringing the baby by for a visit. He is about 3 weeks old, and looks like he took a tumble. He's not exhibiting signs of brain damage, but poor guy has swelling around nose/mouth. That was his bleeding wound.
He did have flees, and good Moms don't allow flees, so I expect something happened to her, possibly Mr. Hawk.
I admitted him for observation, and he is resting comfortably, and enjoying some grape pedialyte, and squawking to his neighbors in the adjacent cage.
Say a little prayer for no additional swelling or head injury. Will keep you posted.
Apple Corps
03-12-2008, 07:41 PM
ASG - thanks - lets hope Momma did not succumb to the hawk. That is one cute lil fuzzer - hope he does well :jump :jump :jump
03-12-2008, 07:46 PM
What a great ending to this day...:thumbsup I will be praying for the little one....boy? or girl?
03-12-2008, 07:49 PM
He's a little baby boy, and quite a fiesty fighter.
03-12-2008, 08:01 PM
Thank you, Jiggin23, for rescuing this precious little boy. You certainly saved his life. He's in excellent hands with Atlantasquirrelgirl. :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown
03-12-2008, 08:35 PM
:thumbsup Wonderful news!! :thankyou Jiggin for rescuing this poor little baby :Love_Icon and for bringing him to atlantasquirrelgirl for care!! And :thankyou ASG for being there!! I hope his injury is minor and he is feeling better in no time at all!! :)
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug :grouphug
03-12-2008, 08:50 PM
Just checked on him, and he was hugging his new friend, a white teddy bear. You can see some of the swelling in the bridge of his nose.
03-12-2008, 09:00 PM
:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
:thumbsup :thumbsup
squirrel princess
03-12-2008, 09:01 PM
Nice to see him in good hands. He looks all cozy and warm. What a great lady to get him to you and you too. I know you already had your hands full with six.
03-12-2008, 09:32 PM
This is great news. He looks so happy snuggled up to his little stuffie. Hope he does well. You are two great people.:grouphug :grouphug
03-12-2008, 11:48 PM
wonderful work! magnifico! i love it when members can take the babies, it's such a convenient way to keep track of how they're doing!
he's in wonderful hands. ;)
03-13-2008, 05:41 AM
:thankyou so much Jiggin for taking my advice, your a wonderful caring person!:bowdown Baby will do much better being raised with others. Your the best!
03-13-2008, 07:23 AM
:thankyou so much Jiggin for taking my advice, your a wonderful caring person!:bowdown Baby will do much better being raised with others. Your the best! (!!!! ( (!!! (
That was the ..most did....You..should be..very. ( ( your self!!
Be hang out with us...and check..on how..this..sweet heart is doing...
:grouphug Because of YOU..:bowdown now..this little one..will.:bowdown .have a a wouldn't have other wise had..out on its own..:grouphug :bowdown
03-13-2008, 08:57 AM
The little guy is still alive, and I have him on an antibiotic for the soft tissue damage. He's not as active as he was yesterday, but his activity is typical for his age. I think he was stressed out yesterday for his Mom. He's very comfy and unstressed at the moment. :D
He also sends his thanks, too, to Buddy's Mom for the fleecies that he's enjoying.
03-13-2008, 09:01 AM
:thankyou for the update.:bowdown Thank you for all your doing.:Love_Icon
03-13-2008, 09:04 AM
The little guy is still alive, and I have him on an antibiotic for the soft tissue damage. He's not as active as he was yesterday, but his activity is typical for his age. I think he was stressed out yesterday for his Mom. He's very comfy and unstressed at the moment. :D
He also sends his thanks, too, to Buddy's Mom for the fleecies that he's enjoying.
yes..thank you..for the up date!!:thankyou
Cant wait to see..some pictures of him snuggled with the other babies.:grouphug FTN:grouphug
03-13-2008, 03:49 PM
Great job everyone, another baby saved by the TSB! Hope the babies injuries are minor, and everything goes well with him!:thumbsup
03-13-2008, 05:03 PM
Thanks for the update. The little guy has been on my mind. Continued prayers and good thoughts coming your way.:grouphug
Apple Corps
03-13-2008, 05:17 PM
Lots of credit to TSB - but MOST credit to jiggin23 mjs
Apple Corps
03-13-2008, 07:36 PM
ASG - any new pics possible - he looked soooooooo snug and comfy - hope you get a 100% recovery.
03-13-2008, 08:32 PM
Here's a photo fresh off the camera phone. I moved him in with my other litter so he wouldn't have to be solo. Even though there is some age difference, he is definately happier being with other squirrels. He's the little one, right in the middle of the squirrel sandwich.
He is slightly better this afternoon, swelling is subsiding, and he is maintaining his weight. He's still not on full-strength formula, and still taking antibiotics for his injuries. I'll be handing all of them over to another rehabber Saturday afternoon, as I have a business trip.
03-13-2008, 08:40 PM
how adorable! i'm so glad he has other squirrels to comfort him. poor babies!
03-13-2008, 11:31 PM
The other rehabber will keep me up-to-date while she has them, but they will be passed to yet another rehabber in the coming weeks. The rehabbers in the Atlanta area are a team, each of us having our specialities and sharing cases with each other. She doesn't keep older squirrels as they approach release age.
This little guy has really perked up after joining the other squirrels. He gained an interest in eating, and his spirits lifted when he was no longer by himself. He's looking good now.
03-14-2008, 07:47 AM
ahhhh, how sweet and comfy he looks nestled in there! They ALL do!! :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
It must be really tough to kiss them goodbye and hand the little darlings off to someone else. :( ... though I imagine that makes it much easier not to get toooooo attached to them (:thinking yeah, right! :tilt )
What a wonderful start they are getting (well, after their start with squirrel-mom was so rudely interrupted) -- I hope they all continue to grow up strong and healthy and have successful releases! :bowdown :bowdown to the Atlanta Team!!
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
03-14-2008, 08:35 AM
Arent they remarkable in that way? That is one thing I truely love about them they love companionship of others.:Love_Icon
03-14-2008, 08:04 PM
:bowdown :bowdown :bowdown I would just like to tell you ALL on this squirrel board-
YOU ARE PHENOMENAL people. You are such a credit to this race. In an age where the world spins way too fast for one's own lives, you have all made time to support and care for the lives of these little ones. May you all be blessed in everything you do, wherever your life leads you. You make the world a much better place. I have never seen such widespread kindness and love for little critters as I have on this board. THANK YOU for renewing my faith in mankind. :thankyou
Apple Corps
03-14-2008, 08:13 PM
And - "Back at Ya" mjs mjs
03-15-2008, 08:04 AM
Yes please Amy stay with us!:wahoo
03-15-2008, 09:02 AM
How could I leave? You have all become instant friends, running to my little bubba's rescue. I'll be here, you are all stuck with me!:D
03-15-2008, 09:11 AM
:jump You are part of the family now.:Love_Icon
03-15-2008, 05:45 PM
03-15-2008, 09:23 PM
This one is back on 4 paws again, and all biological functions are A-OK. He was eating like a champ. He, and his newly adopted large family, went to another rehabber this afternoon. The bad weather around here, unfortunately, has flooded us with babies.
03-16-2008, 02:06 PM
Very glad to hear that baby was saved. I know his momma's looking down proudly and with great appreciation. I wish they could all be saved.:Love_Icon
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