View Full Version : Please Help
03-07-2008, 09:50 PM
My vet that gets me my medicine for my squirrels gave me two one-two week old squirrels. They were doing good, but now they are not gaining weight at all, they have yello diarrhea, and they are lethargic. I have taken them off of esbilac, and they are now on straight pedialyte, I am keeping them at 98.5 - 98.7 degrees and I bought some ensure....
But I need to know how I should feed the ensure, or if they are too small for ensure.
When I first noticed the diarrhea, I started reducing the amount of their feedings and the increasing the dilution of the formula. But it didn't quit so I slowly took them off of it.
Are you feeding by the 5% rule? ie 5% of body weight in grams = cc per feeding? Does the diarhea appear to be undigested formula? Are you using canned Esbilac or the powder? What are you diluting it with?
Sorry so many questions. :D But we need your eyes to see with.
03-07-2008, 10:40 PM
in addition to what Mars asked, do they appear bloated? do their stomachs feel unusually squishy or hard?
the fact that they're both having the same problems indicates it may be your fault, but this is good news since that means it can be fixed. if i were you, i'd keep them on pedialyte until we know more.
03-07-2008, 10:51 PM
no i am not feeding by that rule i was just feeding .7 cc, the diarrhea is just extremely yellow and runny, i am using the powdered esbilac, and i am diluting it with water when i make it for the older squirrels that i have and i am diluting it further with pedialyte before i give it to the young ones.
and their stomachs are never squishy nor extremely hard but sometimes they do look a little bit bloated....
03-07-2008, 11:25 PM
.7 or 7 cc? I'm guessing 7 cc which is too much. The diarrhea is from over feeding. Never use pedialyte to mix the formula, it messes up the electrolyte balance and causes problems. Use tap or spring water only. What ratio are you mixing the powdered formula to liquid?
In one of your previous posts the babies weighed in at 3.7 and 3.2 oz. Using the 5% rule the 3.7 oz should be getting approx. 5.25 cc every 2 to 3 hours and the 3.2 oz, 4.5 cc every 2 or 3 hours.
1 ounce = 28.35 grams. 5% of body weight in grams = cc per feeding.
island rehabber
03-07-2008, 11:58 PM
I agree with LynninIN, if it is 7cc's you're feeding it would cause yellowish runny diarrhea. You can try a small drop of kaopectate to stop the diarrhea -- they may take it straight or you can mix it in formula. Formula should be 1 part Esbilac to 2 parts very warm water -- NOT Pedialyte. Please keep us posted on how they are doing!
03-08-2008, 12:13 AM
Air bubbles can cause problems with bloating and tummy upset. It won't cause the diarrhea but thought I'd mention it before I log off for the night.
The Esbilac can be difficult to stir into a smooth mixture without creating air bubbles. Once you draw the formula into the syringe, you will need to get all the air bubbles out by tapping the syringe while holding it vertical with tip up. The bubbles will rise to the top. Push the plunger until all the bubbles are through and only formula is coming out the tip. You may need to repeat this 2 or 3 times.
03-08-2008, 12:25 AM
I mix my Esbilac the night before so that I can get it stired really smooth, and the air bubbles will have time to disappear before I have to feed in the morning.
When you get them straightened out, you might want to start adding about 1/2 part of Dannon LaCreme vanilla or plain yogurt to the formula when you mix it.
03-08-2008, 01:18 AM
These are two entirely different babies, they are 1-2 weeks old.. the ones in the previous postings that yall are refering to are 5-6 weeks old. And i am feeding .5-.7 cc's of formula every two hours.
Ok... so no pedialyte in the formula, and i am mixing it 1 pt esbilac to 2 pt water.
03-08-2008, 02:20 AM
well, for now i would suggest mixing 1 part esbilac to 3 or 4 parts hot water, just to be on the safe side until their stools are normal again.
It is unusual to have diarrhea from that amount of formula. I am going to focus on the word "lethargic" that you used to describe them.
If they were in my care I would start them on some Albon or Sulfa for possible pneumonia.
I would also give them a little more heat.
They are losing weight so I would never withhold calories but I would give an extra feeding of pedialyte between regular feedings for 24-48 hours. This is a labor intensive action but has saved many of my squirrels that have been admitted in this condition.
03-08-2008, 08:25 AM
It sounds like they may have internal parasites. You should have a stool sample tested for cocidia (sp?). I have seen this exact behavior before when internal parasites were present.
Please get this done as soon as possible. They won't get any better until they get the proper medication to get rid of the parasites.
I don't think they have internal parasites causing their problems right now.
I am also going to disagree a tad with what Gamma posted about feeding pedialyte. I don't see where you said they were bloated. I stand by my original post about not starving them of calories and calcium at this crucial stage in their life. Continue them on the formula and alternate with pedialyte between feedings and get some antibiotics from the vet or they will turn critical on you overnight.
03-08-2008, 12:50 PM
Ok... I remixed their formula... They are eating very good, but when I stimulate them to poop, all they do is pee. They have done this for the past 5 feedings. They don't appear bloated either... Could it just be that their body won't let them get rid of the formula just yet? Because I started taking them off of their formula on thursday and gave pedialyte all day yesterday untill their first meal this morning around 4 when i started them back on diluted esbilac again. I am diluting it 1pt esbilac to 4 pts water.
I weighed them... they both weigh around an ounce, and I am giving them 1/2 cc every 2 hours which is 1 cc every four... Does this sound like the right amount?
03-08-2008, 12:55 PM
Ok... I remixed their formula... They are eating very good, but when I stimulate them to poop, all they do is pee. They have done this for the past 5 feedings. They don't appear bloated either... Could it just be that their body won't let them get rid of the formula just yet? Because I started taking them off of their formula on thursday and gave pedialyte all day yesterday untill their first meal this morning around 4 when i started them back on diluted esbilac again. I am diluting it 1pt esbilac to 4 pts water.
I weighed them... they both weigh around an ounce, and I am giving them 1/2 cc every 2 hours which is 1 cc every four... Does this sound like the right amount?
According to the 5% rule...
1 ounce = 28 grams, rounded to 30, drop the "0", and divide the "3" in half, so they should be getting 1.5 cc every 2-3 hours.
That is along time without formula. I would not worry about them pooping until tomorrow.
03-08-2008, 01:00 PM
Ok... well I called my vet. He is going to meet me and give me some emergency doses of antibiotics... which ones do yall recomend and at what dilution?
I would use sulfa or albon, both are good for pneumonia. They will also help if the squirrels do indeed have coccidia.
03-08-2008, 01:19 PM
Thanks for all of your help by the way...
Would you happen to know what percentages or anything?
And by the way, they just pooped, alot. But I didn't stimulate them to. Is that normal? Their poop was a yellowish brown color and was slightly mushy but not loose! :wott
Sounds like they got a little too much food introduced at once and their little colons are trying to catch up. Happens with hungry kittens as well. I bet their little bodies feel so much better after a good movement. *whew*
If their movement picks up here after changing up the formula mixture, it's a good sign. If there aren't any odd breathing or noises, it's also a sign of the right direction. Great job so far!
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