View Full Version : Capture/Lures?
02-21-2008, 08:48 PM
I received a call about two babies found wrapped in a sweatshirt by the raodside. Apparently some kids found them and decided they didn't know what to do with them. By the time I arrived, one of the babies was captured (it's doing well now, rehydrated and starting formula), but a group of kids watched the other crawl under a storage building (quite large--10x 20' and quite low to the ground--8-10 inches). I assume they're litter mates (about six weeks old). The issue is that the storage building had siding that actually runs all the way into the ground several inches all the way around the building. The hole the baby crawled in is about the size of a soccer ball and is located in the exact center under a ramp used to access the building (which at its height is only ten inches off the ground). I stuck my head under the ramp and looked into the hole and tried to locate the baby but couldn't. This afternoon I set a live trap with pecans and some bedding next to the hole, but since the baby is so young I doubt this will attract it (if it's even still alive). The owner isn't inclined to let me take down any of the skirting on the building but agreed to let me set and check the trap, Does anyone have any good ideas on how to lure the baby out?
02-21-2008, 09:01 PM
I should have included that I got the call at around 2:30 yesterday but was unable to get there and get the one baby until about 6:30.
Mountain Mama
02-21-2008, 09:05 PM
Well, I am useless here, but want to send my support and prayers. Please keep us posted.
02-21-2008, 09:05 PM
tell you what- if you heat up esbilac and get that smell going, you might be able to lure the baby out. though it might be an issue considering the baby is wild....
is the baby able to climb out if it wishes? i find that baby squirrels will often come out and look for mom if she's not around.
it is possible that these babies aren't abandoned, though, especially if they had to be caught. are you sure she doesn't live nearby? when a squirrel in our yard had babies, they were about six or seven weeks old when they started exploring, with mom somewhat nearby.
02-21-2008, 09:10 PM
I'm fairly sure these babies were found at another location (there are two schools withing two block of it) and relocated to the place where they were found bundled in a kid's sweatshirt with a handful of acorns tossed in for good measure. I checked the area and saw no nests (though there might be a drey somewhere). Also, according to the caller, the squirrels were there for severl hours with no mommy showing up to reclaim.
02-21-2008, 09:16 PM
The best lure for a young baby will be a heat source. One of those hunter's hand warmers or something similar. They have a remarkable sense of how to stay warm. Doesn't sound good though.
Sending thoughts and prayers your way. Thanks for trying. (Tin snips work really well on metal siding......)
How old is the baby that you do have? Are it's eyes open? Does it have teeth? Am wondering how mobile it is. One thing to consider is that the baby under the shed is going to eventually be thirsty... maybe put a tiny cup of water in the live trap to lure it in there? It may smell & go for the water... & maybe put a piece of whatever bedding you're using for the captured baby in there too. Most likely they're siblings & the other baby may go to the 'smell' of the one you have. Poor little thing.. hope you can save it :grouphug
I wonder if you took the other baby out there, maybe even left it a little hungry, so it would cry, if the one might recognize its scent, and cry, and come towards it. :thinking :dono
This trick actually works quite well with baby raccoons. I think it may be worth a try.
I've lured baby squirrels down out of trees with pieces of cut up apple. At six weeks they certainly should be old enough to be attracted to it.
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