View Full Version : SQUIGELLA & hiuitsonlyme
02-18-2008, 12:12 PM
This is Amanda's NEW thread for Her ( Squigella.. ( ( (
She is a beautiful girl..and desreves to have...some praise..and a proper welcome!:Welcome
I am looking forward to seeeing some love a good dirty nose ( squirrel TOE' me crazy!!
SO..a great big welcome to The squirrel a bit more about your self... Presenting her royal highness..Princess Squigella..:bowdown :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
Miss Milo's Mom
02-18-2008, 12:17 PM
:Welcome SQUIGELLA & hiuitsonlyme. Glad to have you with us. Your baby is simply adorable.
02-18-2008, 12:23 PM
:Welcome Squigella & Amanda:wave123 :Welcome
From ....All..of us at the squirrel Board!!
02-18-2008, 01:01 PM
:Welcome :Welcome
My Little Trouble
02-18-2008, 02:34 PM
Trouble and I just wanted to say "Hi" Amanda,
it's great to meet you and your adorable Squigella.
02-18-2008, 02:44 PM
:wave123 :Welcome :wave123
luvs squirrels
02-18-2008, 04:56 PM
:Welcome Glad to have you with us. You're going to absolutely love it here.
02-18-2008, 05:41 PM
where....are you??...Amanda...??:poke
02-19-2008, 03:30 AM
WOW!!! What a welcome, :thank you so much Squiggela and myself feel like royalty, I am flabbagasted and speechless ( not like me at all) at all your kind words and welcomes.
A very Big Thank you to Fluffynuttail for making me my Welcome page x x x
I thank you all for so much information on feeding, lighting ect, the food list has been so helpful, trying to get a book or any info in England on Grey Squirrels is very hard as over here they are seen as Tree Rats & Vermin and are shot or trapped and killed. :nono , A red Squirrel is a different matter.
When I first found Wiggela I phoned the Rspca and basically they did not want to know or help, the only place that gave me any info was Tiggywinkles the wildlife rescue centre over here.
It has been hard to know what to feed and what not to. I do give her a supplement daily in her water of calcuim that is use for small animals, but she loves all the wrong foods i fear?? She loves Pecan nuts, walnuts, Bananas, Peanut butter on toast, Roast potatoes, Tomatoes,Sunflower Seeds,Celery,Lettuce..this is what she loves most are any of these No No's. As for light she sits in the bay window all day and sunbathes on most days, but I have a daylight bulb which i will hook up to enable her to get some rays ( will hide the wire as her fav is to strip wires!). As I say I did want her to be free but it was not to be, she came home after two days in such a state and hid down my top and would not come out for another two days, she was so scared and trembling. So I will not to put her through the ordeal again, she has the run of the house and puts the five cats and two dogs into thier place at all times ( she is a madam and wont be bullied at any cost) .
Anyway Here is a picture taken this morning of my Little squiggy hope you like it.
Love Squiggela & Amanda
02-19-2008, 05:05 AM
she has the run of the house and puts the five cats and two dogs into thier place at all times ( she is a madam and wont be bullied at any cost) .
Anyway Here is a picture taken this morning of my Little squiggy hope you like it.
Love Squiggela & Amanda
Squigela is adorable. I love her pictures and can't wait to see more. Try and watch out for your cats and dogs around her, we wouldn't want to see her get hurt. I have a friend who had a pet squirrel, run of the house too, that grew up with her dog and one day out of the blue the dog attacked the squirrel brutally. I also have heard of similar situations from others where they never thought that their loving cat or dog would have done this, but it happens. Squirrels are prey for cats and dogs. I am gald you have TSB to help you with her diet, any questions you have etc...the people here are great! Squigela is precious.
Lady Squirrelly
02-19-2008, 05:40 AM
:Welcome :Welcome :Welcome :wave123 :wave123 :Welcome :Welcome :Welcome
02-19-2008, 05:42 AM
Dont Worry Bushy tail , she is watched at all times and so are the cats and dogs, they are never left alone in a room together and if we go out Sqiggella has her own purpose built run in a my bedroom with all her climbing toys where she is kept safe until my return.
I would never put her safety at risk, I have been brought up with feral cats all my life as my mum has a cat sanctuary for 50 ferals and my own cats are all rescues, so are my dogs My alsation who was abandoned on a main road and is a very timid baby and my labradour who alas has osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) .
I know the dangers of cats and dogs and how they can turn very quickly for no apparent reason and I never take an animals nature for granted no matter how placid the Temperament. :nono
Thank you for your caring Post and I will get more pictures taken and posted as soon as I get five minutes to spare.
Love Squigella & Amanda :grouphug
02-19-2008, 06:01 AM
I figured you must watch her when she is out and keep her safe. That is great your mother has the cat sanctuary. It is always so nice to see other people who actually care and want to help unwanted or abandoned animals. Your dogs sound so sweet and they have a great home there with you. I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures of Squigella, she's a little beauty.
02-19-2008, 07:04 AM
Gammas Baby,:thumbsup
I have been having a look around for the items you suggest on your hit list for feeding but cannot find any of the following in England.
-KayTee Forti-Diet for Rats and Mice
-Harlan Teklab 2018 Vegetarian Rodent Diet
-Harlan Teklad 8640 Rodent Diet
-Zupreme monkey biscuit
-Mazuri rodent block
As I am in the uk everything seems to be overseas is there any thing like the above under different names in the uk? is there any other Squigella's in the uk that may know what name the foods above go by?, I am ok with the fresh food it is the dried food I am unsure of, up until now she has always had wild bird food & Sunflower seeds and picked out her favourite bits, but I would like to feed her the correct diet.
Look forward to hearing any tips or advice.
Amanda & Squigella :)
02-19-2008, 07:25 AM
Nice to meet you and Squigella (LOVE the name!). She's beautiful and I wish you all the best with her.
I know there are some from the UK on here who can probably help you get the right food. I believe, however, that grey squirrel keeping is illegal or something in the UK so they probably aren't all that willing to reveal their location.
02-19-2008, 07:31 AM ( Morning.. ( & Squiggy...are so, ARE owned for life...
As you already know..your Squiggy...IS the Boss...Yes???
I love her picture this morning..she is a beautiful..babe.... (
I love that she plays with your other animals. ( ( ( I she is YOUR furry child..:D .:poke :D
Just like kids..they one time..are naughty.:nono .even the best ones... ( :D
You keep those coming!!
I see..feet.see..if you can get me a good foot shot...
That would make my day!! (
Hello Squigella & Amanda great to see you here and your baby is very cute. Hope to see more pics soon. :thumbsup :)
:wave123 Squigella and Amanda! :Welcome
02-19-2008, 07:56 AM
Hello scoobysnack, :)
I have to say I loveeeeeeeeeeee your website and it brings back so many memories of Sqiggy when she was a buba ( I know she still is but the cuddles down my top at night when I was frightened to move in case I woke her are still with me). Now she just uses me as s
You must be so proud of your achievements, I had squiggy from approx 6 weeks old and feel so proud, so to have your baby from a little bub is such a challenge.
I know that in the UK Squirrels are not as loved as in your country and I also know that they are not to be kept but to be destroyed if found as I was told when trying to get help and advise to raise her, A shame but there it is and hear I am and I love her to bits so she stays but only close family know I have her. :peace
Fluffytailnut I will try and get a piccy of Squigella's Baked beans for you later, if I can keep her still!! She never sits for long enough unless of course it is night time and she wants huggles in my Jumper.
And yes I am owned now, I wont be having a holiday for some time as I cannot bear the thought of anyone looking after her and also to be parted from her...How a little life can cause such
Anyway Gang must be off, I am hooked and have done no work today.........
Squigella & Amanda :grouphug
island rehabber
02-19-2008, 07:59 AM
Amanda you truly are One of Us.....:D
I know it's much more difficult in the UK to find many of the products and/or medical help necessary to care for a squirrel. We will try to help as much as we can, and to link you up with other UK members who may have found good resources over there. Hands across the water, and all that... :thumbsup :) Glad you found us!
Momma Squirrel
02-19-2008, 08:00 AM
:Welcome Squigella and Mom, so glad to have you on board. Like everyone has said you will both love it here and we DEMAND lots of pictures :D :crazy
02-19-2008, 08:34 AM
Fluffytailnut I will try and get a piccy of Squigella's Baked beans for you later, if I can keep her still!! She never sits for long enough unless of course it is night time and she wants huggles in my Jumper.
And yes I am owned now, I wont be having a holiday for some time as I cannot bear the thought of anyone looking after her and also to be parted from her...How a little life can cause such
Anyway Gang must be off, I am hooked and have done no work today.........
Squigella & Amanda :grouphug
I looking forward to some call our kitty's..toe' funny... ( call them baby
Thats where I came up with my squirrel' he was all curled a LIMA bean...Now he's a big stinker pot..thats always doing some thing chewing on my sheet rock.. ( then I have to repair it before my husband see's it..and gives birth to a small..calf...on the family room floor... (
You have a great day..and TRY not to think of the Squirrel know I cant..My ALMOST every moment is either thinking about Bean. ( the Squirrel Board... (
I already know Im a mess.... (
Bye now.. ( Bean.... (
02-19-2008, 09:16 AM
Any way all you squiggy Brothers and Sisters out there I have had a VERY busy Morning and I am just settling down to have a nap in Mums arms for the afternoon. Will have a chin Wig Later :crazy
pamela lee
02-19-2008, 10:13 AM
:Welcome :Welcome Awww...what a sweet cuddle bug. Beautiful little girl you got there. I'm so glad you found this great place. Thanks for the pics, we never get tired of these wonderful babies.
Miss Milo's Mom
02-19-2008, 10:16 AM
What a beautiful picture of her laying in you arms. Priceless...........
:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
02-19-2008, 10:22 AM
OMGOSH how cute is she!? Look at her just lounging in your arms. Adorable!
I'm so in love with Scooby. When we had our misunderstanding the other day, the physical pain was nothing compared to how hearbroken I was. I can't remember many nights, if any, I ever I've laid awake ALL night crying.
Scoobs is such a member of my family now. I told my hubby I'd have been less heartsick if he'd walked out on me. I was kiddin of course... well sorta :rotfl
So.. I know how you feel about your little Squigella. Taking a vacation will be very difficult. I have one planned for late this year and I'm already working out the Scooby details.
02-19-2008, 02:35 PM
Scoobysnack :)
I so know where you are coming from, when Squigella was still on formula she was a greedy bubs and inhaled some formula, I sat up all night with her as her breathing was so bad, I cannot tell you how many tears fell that night watching her in trouble with her breathing, the next morning I was queing up outside the vets still crying and praying for her to be ok.
It is so weird yet wonderful how the love you have for them is so strong and vice versa, She follows me around all day, washes me, listens to me and when I am on the phone she is like a naughty child trying to get my attention so that I get off the phone and cuddle her, I work all day with her on my shoulder or around my neck or snuggled in my cardi pocket, she would snuggle up in bed if I let her...BUT...I dont think hubby would stand for that although he loves her dearly and makes so many wierd and wounderful pens and ladders for her, he is even going to start a squigella Vegetable patch this summer so that she can have organic Fruit and veg!!
Power to the Sqiggies
:grouphug Amanda & Squigella
02-19-2008, 02:52 PM
Im getting a vibe..Mum..has red hair..thats WHY she loves you...You have red hair like HER!!..You are a MUM..after her own heart.... (
She is LOVE with you...You can see it her..HER spoiled eye's!!!
This pretty much she is on you all the time.... (
I wouldnt hve it any other way..either!! (
Have a great day..and thank you for the cute afternoon FIX!:alright.gif FTN..and Bean.. (
02-19-2008, 08:44 PM
:Welcome :Welcome Welcome, I'm so glad you found this place, you'll love it! Everybody here LOVES squirrels & will be thrilled to see pictures of your precious little Squigella. She is so sweet & cute, I love the picture of her sleeping in your arms, she looks so happy!
Hello There :wave123 Your sqiggell girl is just beautiful thanks for sharing her with us and sure hope to see more of her.:thumbsup :)
02-19-2008, 09:24 PM
HI....where'd you go???
No..pic's..for the night?? (
Did I give you a freak..out..or something???? (
I dont have a camera on you..I have no, clue where you live..I just saw your freckles...and fair skin..and the GREEN...outfit..and..I dont know..THEN....YOUR hair..."RED"..just popped into my I right???:poke ( Bean...:Love_Icon
02-19-2008, 10:34 PM
:Welcome Amanda and Squigella :wave123
Beautiful Fuzzie!
island rehabber
02-19-2008, 10:42 PM
HI....where'd you go???
No..pic's..for the night?? (
Did I give you a freak..out..or something???? (
Don't worry, FTN.....I don't think she freaked out, I think she's sleeping. It's about 4:00am in England...... :D
02-20-2008, 02:34 AM
Good Morning all from England :) it is 8.34am hear and an overcast Morning, the house is mad as per norm and the children are getting ready for school, Squigella is performing her normal trick and is waiting by the cereal Cupboard for her cherrios. She has the hump today with me as I tried to cut her claws whilst she was sleeping and woke her so today she is not talking to me!! I doubt it will last, come 2pm she will want her afternoon cuddles and smootch.
Anyway just a quick update, we will be back later..
Sqiggs & Amanda
x x x x
02-20-2008, 02:54 AM
Good Morning Squggs & Amanda!!!!
02-20-2008, 04:14 AM
Hi Amanda and Squigella!
Im sorry I did not see this post till now, been a bit busy of late!:shakehead
Welcome to TSB!:wave123
I noticed that you managed to find the 'UK info site'...hope it has helped you!
Squigella is absolutely adorable:grouphug I love the photo of her in your arms!:Love_Icon
Jules. :Love_Icon
02-20-2008, 07:33 AM
Good Morning all from England :) it is 8.34am hear and an overcast Morning, the house is mad as per norm and the children are getting ready for school, Squigella is performing her normal trick and is waiting by the cereal Cupboard for her cherrios. She has the hump today with me as I tried to cut her claws whilst she was sleeping and woke her so today she is not talking to me!! I doubt it will last, come 2pm she will want her afternoon cuddles and smootch.
Anyway just a quick update, we will be back later..
Sqiggs & Amanda
x x x x
Hey..good morning...there you are!! (
I was a bit worried there.I totally forgot all about the time difference..DUH..
She is so,, spoiled.
I know there aint a squirrel sulking. ( does it some times too..but it never last very long a few minutes at best.. (
So..where are the feeeties ((BEAN'S) pictures...??
I usually..wrap Bean in a hand towel..while Im cutting his oe nails..and try to get close to the window the natural sun light makes it see..exactly what needs to be cut..I will rest his bum..on the top of the birds's right at my eye level.. (
He is pretty good about me cutting his nails..I do it every 2 to 3 days..
His nails get very! (
Have a great day..and looking forward to some pictures..of squiggs!!:alright.gif :jump :grouphug ( Bean ( :Love_Icon
Momma Squirrel
02-20-2008, 08:50 AM
I just love that pictures of Squigella in your arms, what a precious moment :thumbsup
Now give that baby her Cheerios :multi
luvs squirrels
02-20-2008, 12:28 PM
Oh, she is just a baby doll. You definitely fit in here...we are ALL so crazy about our fur balls. There's no love like that for a squirrel!!!!!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful girl with us.
02-20-2008, 01:35 PM
Well all I can say is WE LOVE IT HERE, so many lovely caring people and so much love for animals and for animal lovers of all kindS, Squigella and I feel very at home here and here we would like to stay x x x
Ok a picture just for FLUFFYTAILNUT so that she can see my baby girls Baked Beans, we had a fashion shoot today to bring you all some new pictures, we hope you like them. Getting late hear and Sqiggy has retired for the eveing with her favourite teddy. We will be back later tomorrow, good night all x x x
02-20-2008, 01:38 PM
02-20-2008, 01:50 PM
Eeeeeeee..gadddddssssssss...Thank you for the baked beans....
She is a beautiful..girl..good night..and thank you for the evening snuggles.. ( a champ for getting me the pictures!!! ( :bow :bow
You can see..she REALLy..loves her Mum.. (
See ya tomorrow!!
Nighty..night girls...:grouphug Sleep..well!! FTN..and Bean... ('s 2:51 pm..for us...
02-20-2008, 09:35 PM
Oh what a beauty, all curled up in a perfect circle with just a tiny little slit of eye open! She has such beautiful red coloring on her face & paws. Can't wait to see more pix!!!
My Little Trouble
02-20-2008, 10:10 PM
Awww :Love_Icon , sweet dreams Squigella and Amanda.
:grouphug So glad that you both are here. :grouphug
Chihua Lover
02-20-2008, 10:23 PM
Good Night Squigella!!!!!!
Sweet DreamS
02-21-2008, 03:07 AM
Good Morning Everyone, I hope you are all well?
Lovely to come here in the morning and read all the posts that have been posted overnight all over the board ( I am asleep when you are all awake), I learn something new everyday from all you clever wiggy lovers, From Feeding to on heat Hormonal Squirrels.
I have yet to have this pleasure!! :thinking
At what age do the female hormones kick in, when can i expect my Squigella to be on heat, what are the signs ???
A busy day today but I will come back from time to time to have a read at all the lovely new posts ( I get withdrawal symptoms if I dont!) :jump
Have a great Day all you lovely caring people
Love Squigella & Amanda
02-21-2008, 04:36 AM
Squigella is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing all her beautiful pictures with us. Can't wait to see more.
island rehabber
02-21-2008, 07:05 AM
awww, Squigella is a beautiful girl! I believe they become sexually mature at 6 months, so expect her to go into heat anytime around that age.
02-21-2008, 07:24 AM
Oh Miss Squigella is just so adorable. I'm enjoying your pictures so much!
How old is this little darling again?
Momma Squirrel
02-21-2008, 08:09 AM
Good Morning Squigella, giving Mum a little nose love nip :thumbsup
02-21-2008, 08:13 AM
Im getting a vibe..Mum..has red hair..thats WHY she loves you...You have red hair like HER!!..You are a MUM..after her own heart.... (
She is LOVE with you...You can see it her..HER spoiled eye's!!!
This pretty much she is on you all the time.... (
I wouldnt hve it any other way..either!! (
Have a great day..and thank you for the cute afternoon FIX!:alright.gif FTN..and Bean.. (
Ahh..huh..I guess..I was right..mum DOES..have red hair...!!!
SCARY....aint I..IR....I think I have a touch..of what you were mentioning to me...I can sense things...
I LOVE, LOVE..LOVE..that NOSE...NIBBLE...AKKKKK..AKKKKK..AKKKKK..the on over load.....
I have a simular picture of Bean...nibbling on my nose...except he is on my sholder...nibbling...on the tip..of my nose!
SHe is a beautiful..girl!!
You take excellent care of her!!!
Her coat is beautiful!!!!
She is definately..IN..100% love with her..Mum!!!
Umm...Yeah..the knowing in heat thing...well..BEAN...gets these "freaK"-quent "- (frequent)-....Mr. Winky's....I think it's something to do..with Spring....he gets....them almost
It can be kinda of..EEwwwwwww...because he will be..just sitting in the palm..of my hands..then all of a sudden..service for one....and Im..left..holding him in my hands...feeling kinda..eeewwww....
Im sorry..if that's..Too..much information...but..Im at a loss..I dont know..of any other squirrel board member...ever.mentioning..THEIR "BOY"...squirrel..behaving such a way....:sanp3
Does she do..anything..thats kind of..eeewwww????
02-21-2008, 09:27 AM
Thank you for all your kind remarks as to how beautiful she is. :wahoo
I have to admit I adore her and think she is so beautiful but then I am very biased as she is my Baby. I have not had any signs of her being on heat, she is still as loving and as clingy as ever and she loves being stroked and goes into a trance and falls to sleep.
At the moment she is dozing and she loves the camera as you can see!!!
She is about 7 months old I think , she was about 6 weeks old when I found her I will post another picture of her as a bubba as I cannot figure out how to do two at once!...LOLOLOL
P.S FLUFFYTAILNUT I am actually blonde but had copper hilights a few weeks back, that is why i look like a red x x x
02-21-2008, 09:41 AM
This is my Squigella as a Bubba, I found her or should I say she found me on September the 2nd 2007 she was lying in the road and I nearly ran her over ( makes me shudder to think I could have), she was poorly and there was no mummy to be seen or any other babies.
I later found mummy in the road she had been killed, I went back many times over the week to see if there was any other babies near by but nothing,she was in a poorly way and i honestly did not think I would be able to save her...The rest Is history. I am so very lucky to have been given a once in a life time chance of saving and raising such a beautiful, graceful & Loyal little lady x x
02-21-2008, 09:49 AM
Oh...What a DOLL BABY!!! :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon She is absolutely PRECIOUS!! :Love_Icon :Love_Icon These pics are FANTASTIC! :alright.gif Please keep them coming! :thumbsup My female grey, Baby, will be 19 months next week, and so far, I haven't notived her in heat yet, and I have been watching for a year now. :dono
Gammas Baby
Do you have any pictures of your baby?
Do you think Squiggs & Wiggys go through the terrible two's??..LOL
02-21-2008, 09:56 AM
Aww..she is so, tiny..and cute..
I love how she's all curled up...Bean was a little smaller..when my husband found him...on our horse path out back.
His ma,ma..left him..and didnt come back..he was very..limp when I picked him was* outside...and a good thing my Meisha(french bulldog..didnt find him)..makes me ill..just the thought.. ( a great MUM..and you can tell she loves you! (
My Little Trouble
02-21-2008, 10:06 AM
Oh Amanda! What a photogenic little beauty your Squigella is!
I wish that I had pix of my Trouble from when he was a wee pup,
but I didn't have a camera at the time.
I absolutely adore the little nose kisses, it melts my heart completely when my Trouble does that.
02-21-2008, 11:05 AM
She's such a beauty, I love the baby picture so much, she's so cute the way she sleeps all curled up. That fluffy tail:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon Her special sweetness really shows up in the pictures, she loves her new Mummy!
luvs squirrels
02-21-2008, 11:58 AM
Oh, I am so in love with your precious little girl. (
I'm happy you found this place so we can all share her. I love the picture of her curled up with her teddy.
:thumbsup (
02-21-2008, 12:57 PM
Ok Squiggies and Wiggies :grouphug its time for bed my mummy said, sooooooooo I am having a wash and brush up as it will be dark in a few hours so I have to get ready too snuggle down.
I have so enjoyed another day with you guys & Girlies and my mummy loves looking at all the new posts...she will be back soon to see you all and so will I.
I love my new Modelling position and love posing as you can see. :Love_Icon :jump
Night Night Girlies and Guys x x x
02-21-2008, 01:05 PM ( night..girls...see you tomorrow!!! ( ( get all your beauty sleep! ( ( Bean............... (
My Little Trouble
02-21-2008, 01:53 PM Nighty night precious Squigs and Amanda.
kitkat 1
02-21-2008, 02:54 PM
I`m new on TSB,too & have thoroughly enjoyed learning about everyone & their pets! Squigella is a darling!! Nighty night!:) :) :)kitkat 1
02-22-2008, 03:04 AM
Good Morning All and Good Morning Kitkat and welcome!!
Squigella & Myself are also new this week and think this forum is the best thing since slice bread!!. :thumbsup
The love and dedication shines through on every posting and word in the whole of this forum. I can't tell you how happy we are and how at home we feel here.
I love reading every story and the advice in here is second to none. Squiggy sits on my shoulder everyday as we look at all the posts and she snuggles into my neck and dozes of when she has read enough ( oh ok maybe she cant read but I wont tell her if you wont!)
I hope everyone is well and fighting fit on this wonderful Friday Morning ( Very overcast in England and cold, but what's new? Its always like this) Roll on Spring & Summer . :jump
As you can see Sqiggy is still in bed!! Snuggled and waiting for her Breakfast in bed.
((((((:) )))))) Hugs To all
02-22-2008, 06:50 AM
Good morning..girls..:thumbsup
She's looking beautiful..
See..more of you later???
Have a great day..Squiggs..n Amanda..:wave123
02-22-2008, 08:49 AM
This is my Squigella as a Bubba, I found her or should I say she found me on September the 2nd 2007 she was lying in the road and I nearly ran her over ( makes me shudder to think I could have), she was poorly and there was no mummy to be seen or any other babies.
I later found mummy in the road she had been killed, I went back many times over the week to see if there was any other babies near by but nothing,she was in a poorly way and i honestly did not think I would be able to save her...The rest Is history. I am so very lucky to have been given a once in a life time chance of saving and raising such a beautiful, graceful & Loyal little lady x x
Your story is remarkably like Gamma's. Lucky for Squiggs you had a good eye and a kind heart. She is just so cute. About the same age as my Snackaroo.
luvs squirrels
02-22-2008, 12:59 PM
Hi are such a cuttie.
02-22-2008, 03:16 PM
She has a pretty little birth mark..HER BROWN dirty Bean has a stripe..she has the cutest BROWN nose!:grouphug
02-25-2008, 07:17 AM
Good Morning Gang.
Just came to say hi and I hope all is well and everyone has had a brilliant Weekend!! :thumbsup
Squigella & Amanda
Picture of Squiggy trying to upstage the Fairy at Christmas
02-25-2008, 07:24 AM
Hello Gamma
Baby Doll is being very tempremental at present and has drawn blood for the first time ever so she is not in Mummys Good
Hope you are well x x
Momma Squirrel
02-25-2008, 08:45 AM
She truly is the angel here, but biting mummy is a NO NO :nono :) I'm sure it was just a little rough playing :D
Squerly and I had a GREAT weekend, goofed off all weekend and the weather was beautiful. Now I gotta spend the entire week doing what I didn't do over the weekend :shakehead
What a pretty little girl you have there and great photos:thumbsup Hope to see more of her. Wishing you a good day.:)
luvs squirrels
02-25-2008, 12:01 PM
Missed you the last few days. Keep the pictures coming.
Now be nice to Mommy Squiggy.
Squirrelly Friends
02-25-2008, 12:42 PM
mjs Love your precious baby!!! :D
02-25-2008, 01:21 PM
:Welcome Hi, Glad to have you as a new member! My compliments on your photography of your sweet squirrel, Squigella. :thumbsup I especially like the photos which capture a moment in life! You do have an eye for a shot! Hope to see more of them. :flash3
02-25-2008, 01:42 PM
Hello Gamma
Baby Doll is being very tempremental at present and has drawn blood for the first time ever so she is not in Mummys Good
Hope you are well x x
Don't let it get you too down. We have a saying with horses... "it's not IF you'll fall off it's WHEN you'll fall off"... well since I have had Scooby I realize with a squirrel in the house it's not IF you'll get bitten it's just a matter of WHEN you'll be bitten.
Hope it didn't hurt too much. Tell Squiggs NO MORE BITING MUM!!!
02-25-2008, 04:21 PM
Aw..Naughty girl..No..biting mum..thats where your food cpmes..young lady...NOT mum's finger..:nono
Hope your doing better.Amanda...:grouphug
FTN..and Bean...:grouphug
My Little Trouble
02-25-2008, 07:15 PM
Oh dear, I'm sure that Miss Squiggs repents of her misdeed. Here's hoping that she wakes up in a better mood tomorrow.
02-25-2008, 11:12 PM
What a sweet angel on top of the Christmas tree! I am sorry to hear she has been a bad biting girl. What happened that she bit, was she startled by something?
02-26-2008, 03:20 AM
gOOD MORNING...:grouphug
Insomnia..and a visit from Aunt flow...has me wide awake..(monthy friend:shakehead )
Hows miss naughty girl..and your biting boo boo??
Misssed your posts..the past two days..
And looking forward to some new pictures today!:D :wave123
See ya later..Rachel..FLUFFYTAILNUT..n Bean:wave123
02-26-2008, 04:21 AM
Hi All :)
Thank you for all your lovely posts and concerns, I am glad I am not alone. It was not me she bit but her Daddy :nono .
Firstly squigggy is a little madam who when she cannot get her own way swears a lot and loudly !! She also rips everything open in her site if it contains food.. Bread..Cakes..Choccy cake is a favourite...if she gets to the fruit bowl before we do it is a fruit bowl masacare!!
Yesterday she got into the kitchen Cupboard and eyed up and sniffed out some chocolate, she adores choccy and I know she should not have it so it is forbidden....But Sqiggy had other ideas :thinking she started to rip the wrapper and her daddy tried to stop her and take the choccy away, she was not having it and swore loudly, because daddy did not give into madam squiggy she bit him!! It was the first time she has ever bitten anyone so I was in total shock and I think Hubby is still in
So there you have it, she may look a little angel and Doll but really she is a little Madam. :crazy
Here is the proof she is caught in the act of stealing from the biscuit tin and eating some go ahead Bars covered in yogart ( she must be able to read as it said go ahead!!) She can actually open the tin and it has many teeth marks on it to propve it..BLESS HER!! :jump
02-26-2008, 04:35 AM
:Welcome Hi, Glad to have you as a new member! My compliments on your photography of your sweet squirrel, Squigella. :thumbsup I especially like the photos which capture a moment in life! You do have an eye for a shot! Hope to see more of them. :flash3
Thank you Muchly for your kind words Sciurus....:) . I love taking photographs of any animal I can, i love to shoot when they are up to no good as they are cheeky and the expressions on thier little faces say it all.
02-26-2008, 04:42 AM
gOOD MORNING...:grouphug
Insomnia..and a visit from Aunt flow...has me wide awake..(monthy friend:shakehead )
Hows miss naughty girl..and your biting boo boo??
Misssed your posts..the past two days..
And looking forward to some new pictures today!:D :wave123
See ya later..Rachel..FLUFFYTAILNUT..n Bean:wave123
Hi there Rachel, sorry your not feeling to well . Oh the joys of being a woman huh? Hope your feeling better soon.
Amanda & Squigella :wave123
02-26-2008, 06:29 AM
Do you think she is smiling and posing for the Camera or getting ready for the kill? :rotfl
Me thinks she is in season she has a face as long as a kite today and is swearing at me whenever possible, mind you it has not stopped her eating.. Ho Hum a Squirells Mummy is not an easy life sometimes!!
But I wouldnt change it for the world :nono
Later all :jump
Sulky Squiggs & Apprehensive Amanda :)
island rehabber
02-26-2008, 06:38 AM
I love this 'lounging on the corner' picture!! I would caption it:
"Yeah...I chewed the corner. Whachoo gonna DO about it? " :D
02-26-2008, 06:43 AM
Hi All :)
Thank you for all your lovely posts and concerns, I am glad I am not alone. It was not me she bit but her Daddy :nono .
Firstly squigggy is a little madam who when she cannot get her own way swears a lot and loudly !! She also rips everything open in her site if it contains food.. Bread..Cakes..Choccy cake is a favourite...if she gets to the fruit bowl before we do it is a fruit bowl masacare!!
Yesterday she got into the kitchen Cupboard and eyed up and sniffed out some chocolate, she adores choccy and I know she should not have it so it is forbidden....But Sqiggy had other ideas :thinking she started to rip the wrapper and her daddy tried to stop her and take the choccy away, she was not having it and swore loudly, because daddy did not give into madam squiggy she bit him!! It was the first time she has ever bitten anyone so I was in total shock and I think Hubby is still in
So there you have it, she may look a little angel and Doll but really she is a little Madam. :crazy
Here is the proof she is caught in the act of stealing from the biscuit tin and eating some go ahead Bars covered in yogart ( she must be able to read as it said go ahead!!) She can actually open the tin and it has many teeth marks on it to propve it..BLESS HER!! :jump
Oh my word..look at her she is quite the big bratt!!!
I can just see the TUDE..all over her face..
She looks like a curser..JUST like Bean...he is a riot...
BIG mouth though..all talk...No anyways..
he does bite Vincnet my 11 year old...son.. (
he is the only one..that doesnt repect HIS toys...AND thats the only reason why he gets bitten!:shakehead
Keep the funny stories coming an the picutres are most excellent!!!:wott
02-26-2008, 07:25 AM
the on on top of the cupboard is THE greatest pic!
02-26-2008, 07:50 AM
I love this 'lounging on the corner' picture!! I would caption it:
"Yeah...I chewed the corner. Whachoo gonna DO about it? " :D
Just Love the Caption, but how did you know she chewed the corners?? :jump Have you has experience in these matters....???!!!
Laters x x
02-26-2008, 08:11 AM these stories sound familiar with opening cupboards, tins, containers, etc.! :rotfl We had baby locks on all our cupboards to keep Baby out. Months went by, and she wasn't even trying to get into them anymore, so we removed them. as they were a pain in the butt. I swear she was just holding out for us to remove them, because once we's back in the cupboards..:icon_devil We are now getting ready to re-install them. :osnap
Oh, that EXPRESSION is the GREATEST!!! :jump What a DOLL BABY!! :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
I just soooooooo Know where you are coming from, There is no such word as NO in a squirells vocabulary!! I have to hide her nut tin because if she finds it she is just frantic trying to open it.
I am not allowed cut or potted plants indoors anymore as she eats them or just strips them and spits them out or uses the soil to hide whatever stash she has for the day. I could go on and on with many stories about toilet rolls ect but I am sure you are all to well aware what little bugums our sweet baby guys & Dolls are!! :thumbsup
02-26-2008, 09:32 AM
Just Love the Caption, but how did you know she chewed the corners?? :jump Have you has experience in these matters....???!!!
Laters x x
The photographic evidence is right there under her most adorable little chin.
02-26-2008, 10:33 AM
Squiggs...looks like she's BABY's twin..IN THAT picture...Gam's...has a few like that..of BABY... ( love all these great pictures!!! ( ( Bean (
luvs squirrels
02-26-2008, 11:44 AM
Looks like she has a big smile on her face and thinking about what she's going to get into next.
02-26-2008, 12:34 PM
Love the pix! What a little mischief monkey! :rotfl Can't blame her for the the love of chocky though!! :jump
02-26-2008, 01:15 PM
Dancingsquirrel.......Alas Choccy is bad all round huh?? I adore Choccy but cant have it like i use too :nono it Makes me sooooooooo sad, and squiggy would kill for choocy Cake or choocy Fudge Cake. She is not a normal squirrel I fear??
She loves..Yorkshire Pudding, Roast Potatoes,Butter,Chinese Noodles, and roast Vegetables,Chips is a big YES and she loves brussel sprouts but I have read they are not to good for Squiggys.
To Be honest I think she thinks she is Human, Maybe because we treat all our animals like Humans.
:thinking :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
02-26-2008, 01:24 PM
Dancingsquirrel.......Alas Choccy is bad all round huh?? I adore Choccy but cant have it like i use too :nono it Makes me sooooooooo sad, and squiggy would kill for choocy Cake or choocy Fudge Cake. She is not a normal squirrel I fear??
She loves..Yorkshire Pudding, Roast Potatoes,Butter,Chinese Noodles, and roast Vegetables,Chips is a big YES and she loves brussel sprouts but I have read they are not to good for Squiggys.
To Be honest I think she thinks she is Human, Maybe because we treat all our animals like Humans.
:thinking :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
Well..she's treated like a HUMAN..child..that where the spoiled..child..comes from..YOU know the more you give...the more ungrateful..they get.. (, different..:rotfl
02-26-2008, 01:28 PM
Rather like my Three But at least if I am firm with Squiggy she listens..My Children dont!! :crazy
02-26-2008, 01:37 PM
Rather like my Three But at least if I am firm with Squiggy she listens..My Children dont!! :crazy
AND when they give's cute..and cant help..but..go...awwwwww... ( the kids get sassy..(give LIP)..I could wring some one's neck!!! (
02-26-2008, 01:43 PM
WOW Girlie we are on the same wave length :thumbsup ...
The trouble is my big boy is 18 and is wider and taller than me so a clip round the earhole is a NO NO!! :crazy :crazy :crazy
02-26-2008, 01:47 PM
WOW Girlie we are on the same wave length :thumbsup ...
The trouble is my big boy is 18 and is wider and taller than me so a clip round the earhole is a NO NO!! :crazy :crazy :crazy
Your never to get a wrap..from being may not be able to get a dent in they could you..BUT that where,..THEY know better..TO..just sit there and take WHATs coming to them..No..time out' 18..they'd just laugh...
A bonk on the head...will get your point across...:flash3
ANd Vincent is almost as me.(11)....he tries to run..guess..who's running RIGHT behind him..if he gets..too..sasssy...MOM..with that crazy look in her eye's.. ('ll get a BONK!!lol:sanp3((You do the get the punishment..))
02-27-2008, 07:38 AM
Good Morning..:sunshine .Where's..the daily..dose..of Squiggs????:dono
02-27-2008, 08:07 AM
Hello All, Squiggy is fast asleep in her box, she is having her afternoon nap and I am doing the daily chores!!
I have been asked to put a picture of Squiggys teeth up as the last picture looked as if she had wonky teeth, sooooooooo here is a smile from Squiggy x :Love_Icon
02-27-2008, 08:20 AM ( she is she is so, cute and beautiful... (
How is your day coming along?? ( (
02-27-2008, 08:20 AM
02-27-2008, 08:22 AM
Oh..god..I can tell...your poor animals..are so, suffering..lo ( :rotfl :rotfl (
02-27-2008, 08:26 AM ( she is she is so, cute and beautiful... (
How is your day coming along?? ( (
It is a lovely day here and the weather is getting warmer, not sure if you heard but we had a small eartquake here last night with a magnitude of 4.7 at approx 1am ( I slept through it!! . Cant wait for the Summer to appear, squiggy has been sunning herself at the patio doors this afternoon as you can see...So what is your weather like there?
02-27-2008, 08:28 AM
Oh..god..I can tell...your poor animals..are so, suffering..lo ( :rotfl :rotfl (
Thank goodness only one dog is on the bed.... Once the Alsation and the 5 cats get on there....I sleep in the dogs bed, or I have been known to sleep in sqiggys cage.....
02-27-2008, 08:36 AM
Good Morning Amanda & Squiggs! What funny pictures, I love the close up of her pretty (but naughty) face! I hope she's been a good girl & stayed away from the chocolate, they do LOVE it! Before I knew better I used to give my yard squirrels M&Ms:nono & they would go crazy over them.
Wow, an earthquake! That's amazing you slept through that! I'm ready for spring too, we had four inches of snow on Friday but it's melting now & I hope that's the last of the snow for this year.
02-27-2008, 08:44 AM
Good Afternoon Squirrellie.
I love the snow but fear for the old and the Wildlife and strays in the cold, We do not get much snow where we are but when there is my Children love it!! Mind you so do the dogs and one of my cats rolls in it..Brrrrrrrrrrr
P.S You can send the m & ms to me now if you make sure they are for diabetics though ;0(
02-27-2008, 11:43 AM
The weather out here in East Texas is BEAUTIFUL! Sun is shining, no rain in sight, temp just right. But even if it was cold, raining, and mud up to our chins, it would still be better than EARTHQUAKES!!! The whole idea of them just scares me to death!!!
luvs squirrels
02-27-2008, 12:03 PM
Loved the pictures of your precious girl. Yes, your animals look like they do have a rough it should be.
02-27-2008, 12:55 PM
No Chocky for you, and now an earthquake! Thats SO not fair Hiuitsonlyme! Even though I was born and lived most of my adult life in California I was never afraid of earthquakes, we had the occasional "temblors", and I was there for one of the bigger ones :( I would rather have earthquakes than tornadoes or hurricanes! Although where you live there are more brick buildings which do get damaged more in a quake!:bricks
I LOVE your pix of your sweeties!! :thumbsup
02-27-2008, 01:19 PM
It is a lovely day here and the weather is getting warmer, not sure if you heard but we had a small eartquake here last night with a magnitude of 4.7 at approx 1am ( I slept through it!! . Cant wait for the Summer to appear, squiggy has been sunning herself at the patio doors this afternoon as you can see...So what is your weather like there?
Today it is beautiful..yes I heard..Abi..told us about the earth quake..eekk..out...We had one once when I lived in Ct.
GOd I do love a good hand tuck..she is one beautiful girl...
I have so mnay chores that need to be gotten to..and Im having a hard time gettting away from the squirrel so, addictive!!!
WORSE than any chocolate!!!:poke :rotfl
02-28-2008, 04:47 PM
I just discovered cute Squigella:crazy ! Yet another wonderful furry friend to get my squirrel fix from:Love_Icon :Squirrel :Love_Icon . I love the pic of her as a baby all curled up:Love_Icon . Thanks for posting your adventures:thankyou with your precious "kid":)
02-29-2008, 05:41 AM
Just came to say HELLO!! x x x
I have been so busy the last few days that I have missed my fix on here, I have only had time to post a few items. Anyway Just to let you all know Squiggy and I have missed you all :grouphug .
Thought you might like this piccy of Squiggy taken this Morning when she was saying her prayers ( I think she was praying I would slip her a few more nuts or a large dollop of Peanut butter on toast). I have to admit looking at this piccy I think squiggy has had to much peanut butter as she looks a little chunky in it. :D
02-29-2008, 05:44 AM
I just discovered cute Squigella:crazy ! Yet another wonderful furry friend to get my squirrel fix from:Love_Icon :Squirrel :Love_Icon . I love the pic of her as a baby all curled up:Love_Icon . Thanks for posting your adventures:thankyou with your precious "kid":)
Loved your Tribute to Wheezer on you Tube and we shed a few Tears watching it, the song you choose was excellent x x x
Momma Squirrel
02-29-2008, 08:34 AM
Squiggy you are a doll, hope all your prayers are answered. :grouphug
02-29-2008, 08:40 AM
Awwww..she's so, cute..
Is that section of furr..missing on the top of her..head..from..all the kisses you give her??
She is one HEALTHY..girl..gotta be from all that good eat' for the great picture!!!
02-29-2008, 10:12 AM
Awwww..she's so, cute..
Is that section of furr..missing on the top of her..head..from..all the kisses you give her??
She is one HEALTHY..girl..gotta be from all that good eat' for the great picture!!!
The patch on her head was a cut she had where she takes leaping jumps and will crash into anything in her way, i did not see her do it she just came to me one day and i noticed a small open wound which i bathed with salt water.
It has long healed but there is a scar there and her fur has never grown back, i doubt it ever will, at least if i ever lost her i would know who my Squiggy was.
I do Love your new little man walking.... 27430
luvs squirrels
02-29-2008, 04:55 PM
Squiggy, you're such a good girl saying your prayers.
03-04-2008, 03:12 PM
The patch on her head was a cut she had where she takes leaping jumps and will crash into anything in her way, i did not see her do it she just came to me one day and i noticed a small open wound which i bathed with salt water.
It has long healed but there is a scar there and her fur has never grown back, i doubt it ever will, at least if i ever lost her i would know who my Squiggy was.
I do Love your new little man walking.... 27430
Hey..where have you been??
Im gone for three days..and you are hiding OUT???
WHere's my
Vacation IS over..girl friend....GET busy..and get me..some!!!!!!!!!
I pictures!!! :grouphug
Come us.... ( ..BEAN.... (
03-07-2008, 07:28 AM
Hi there, sorry I have not been on here of late, My Daughter has been ill and my son decided to trip up some steps at school and make a mess of his face....So I have been snowed under with doctors and sick Children.
Sqiggy sends her love and hopes everyone is well. I will try and get a piccy of Squiggy later today, but for now you can have one of my other baby, not a squirrel but just as loving x x
Sqiggy & Amanda :grouphug
03-07-2008, 07:36 AM, sweet..
So..sorry..about your children not being well..and HURT...!
We have missed you.
I hope your okay..and your daughter is feeling better!!
You take care..and MAKE sure you get us..some NEW..picture..of Sqiggy!
This one is for your daughter..:grouphug
And these FLOWERS..are for your son..
Take care..again..guys..and get your :alright.gif :jump
03-07-2008, 10:13 AM
Awwwwwwwwww Thank you so much for being so caring , you are one lovely lady x x x x
Later x x x :grouphug :grouphug :tilt :tilt :tilt
03-07-2008, 11:31 AM
Awwwwwwwwww Thank you so much for being so caring , you are one lovely lady x x x x
Later x x x :grouphug :grouphug :tilt :tilt :tilt
Thank you Amanda..
You must be so, tired..caring for your kids..and making time to play with Squiggy..and COME on here...
Take a nice hot bubble bath..with a of wine!
Light candles all around you..and put a nice hot wash cloth over your eye's!!!'s nice to dream.....I do it all the time!!:poke :rotfl
Take care!
luvs squirrels
03-07-2008, 11:32 AM
Your dog has the most precious face.
Hope your daughter and son will be better soon.
I watched the tribute to Wheezer too. Good lord, what are you trying to do!? I'm suppose to be a manly, man free of getting all veklempt. *ahem...clears throat*
We too tried NOT to get attached to our little guy. I imagine that it's still very possible he may be up to striking it out on his own. He is quite healthy now, just unsure as to how far he's developed his skills to make it on his own. In the meantime, it's really fun!
03-11-2008, 08:19 AM
Good Morning!!!
How are kids..this morning...Mum??
And miss Squiggy??
Miss seeing you again..Now dont make come..over the get some pictures..on here...:grouphug :poke :rotfl
Have a!! FTN n Bean
03-12-2008, 02:26 AM
Hi Amanda, we miss you & Squiggy, hope everything with the family is back to normal soon!
03-12-2008, 06:41 AM
Good...MORNING.....Squiggy & AMANDA!!!!:wave123
Girl....where have you been???
I hope every thing is alright with your family...?
Looking forward to a to the going's on..of the NEW..adventures...:poke
:wave123 LUFFYATILNUT(Rachel)....n BEAN:wave123
03-12-2008, 10:41 AM
I watched the tribute to Wheezer too. Good lord, what are you trying to do!? I'm suppose to be a manly, man free of getting all veklempt. *ahem...clears throat*
We too tried NOT to get attached to our little guy. I imagine that it's still very possible he may be up to striking it out on his own. He is quite healthy now, just unsure as to how far he's developed his skills to make it on his own. In the meantime, it's really fun!
No worries, we won't think you any less of a mentsh.
03-13-2008, 01:26 PM
Hello Guys, I hope you are all well and fighting fit!!! Sorry I have not been on here but I have been sooooooooooooooo Busy, being self employed the time flies to fast and there is never enough time.:sanp3 I hope everyone is well and all little wiggys & Squiggys are well?
Squiggy is being a bad girlie and won't let me cut her nails, I have tried every trick in the book but she lets a out a little squeak before I can even get to her nails with the clippers. The only thing I have not tried this time is holding her in a towel but thinking ahead I know she will swear at me and bite!!!
Last night she was curled up in her box and I tried to have a cut but she screwed her eyes up tight and tucked her paws in as if to say I am asleep can't you see that Mummy. Her nails are now catching on most things she is in contact with so I am going to have to take desperate measures soon. Last time I tucked her in a towel she did bite and didn't talk to me for days.
All this week she is in the habit of waking me at 6.30 am as the morning are getting lighter and she rattles her cage to come out for a cuddle under the bed clothes ( i worry i will doze back of to sleep with her in my arms so I have to stay awake). she has also noted that if she chews her cage door amd pulls of lumps of wood she will get let out, I have to say she is getting very very clever.
It is not until you sit and study the moves of a little squirrel you realise just how clever and crafty they really are. The older she is becoming the more she is being a madam.
So guys over to you, How can I cut her claws without a temper tantrum?? do i give her a shot of Brandy and proceed or do I drink the Brandy & Proceed to get sworn at and bit...:jump
To you :grouphug
03-13-2008, 01:51 PM
Thank you Gamma, :thumbsup
I will go any buy some Rescue Remedy tomorrow and try and see what I can do. I never realised how one little squiggy can sulk for England, she is so funny to watch and you would think I was trying to kill her the fuss and noise she makes!!!!! I Only took the white tip off the end of her nail last time, but they are so long and she is going to hurt herself by ripping her nail in the end.
Once again Thank You xx
03-13-2008, 01:58 PM
Thank you Gamma, :thumbsup
I will go any buy some Rescue Remedy tomorrow and try and see what I can do. I never realised how one little squiggy can sulk for England, she is so funny to watch and you would think I was trying to kill her the fuss and noise she makes!!!!! I Only took the white tip off the end of her nail last time, but they are so long and she is going to hurt herself by ripping her nail in the end.
Once again Thank You xx
I find..too..if I get close to the window THE NATURAL sun can see the "QUICK"....that dark part....of their toe nail..THIS HELPS..alot.
Oh..I know I just did Bean's toe nails..this morning..YOUD a thought I was..boiling him in oil!!!
HE WAS..screaming his head off..and I was no, where near his nails..YET!!!:shakehead :sanp3 :D
They are such actor's..BIG..stinkers!!!
Hope it all goes well..and Im glad you are back!!
She look tiny in this picture...doesnt even look like the same squirrel!
She is so, cute!!:grouphug
:grouphug FTn..n BEAN:Welcome BAck!!!
:nono be a good ..girl..for mummy..and let her clip..your nails!!:nono :D
03-13-2008, 02:03 PM
Locked in and no notice taken and this is the damage that occured in an hour !!! As you can see she hates being locked in at any cost.
Hubby is trying to make a very very large outside run for her in the summer made from heavy gauge wire. as wood is no good :nono
03-13-2008, 02:05 PM
Locked in and no notice taken and this is the damage that occured in an hour !!! As you can see she hates being locked in at any cost.
Hubby is trying to make a very very large outside run for her in the summer made from heavy gauge wire. as wood is no good :nonoCan he put a wire mesh on thje INSIDE..covering all the wood?
03-13-2008, 02:09 PM
I find..too..if I get close to the window THE NATURAL sun can see the "QUICK"....that dark part....of their toe nail..THIS HELPS..alot.
Oh..I know I just did Bean's toe nails..this morning..YOUD a thought I was..boiling him in oil!!!
HE WAS..screaming his head off..and I was no, where near his nails..YET!!!:shakehead :sanp3 :D
They are such actor's..BIG..stinkers!!!
Hope it all goes well..and Im glad you are back!!
She look tiny in this picture...doesnt even look like the same squirrel!
She is so, cute!!:grouphug
:grouphug FTn..n BEAN:Welcome BAck!!!
:nono be a good ..girl..for mummy..and let her clip..your nails!!:nono :D
Hello You lovely to hear from you and bean again.
x x
Glad to be back, Sqiuggy looks small because the bowl is a massive portmeirion fruit bowl, she is eating Orange Peppers, which she adores ( she loves the seeds and the stalks but not the pepper itself).As you can see her patch on her head is now growing back,but what I have noticed is she has been rolling in her own pee this last week and her coat feels course to touch and sticky.
03-13-2008, 02:12 PM
Can he put a wire mesh on thje INSIDE..covering all the wood?
She chews the wire also and i would be frightened she would cut her tounge, the weird thing is if I open her door on her cage she just sits there and wont let me close the door, its like a security blanket that the door must be open at all times.
03-13-2008, 02:14 PM
You're welcome, and Good Luck! :thumbsup
I just LOVE Squigella!!! :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon What a BEAUTIFUL little girl! :jump
Squigella said "THANK YOU" :thumbsup :jump :jump
03-13-2008, 02:16 PM
Sounds like it's time to get the Baby wipes (non scented) out, or bath time, with just a drop of baby shampoo, and rinsed thoroughly! :sanp3 :jump
Why do you think she is doing it? She does not smell to choice, i have told her but she does not listen to me unless I am singing ( yes she loves to be sung to, she sits and watches, and yes I know I am mad!!)
03-13-2008, 03:00 PM
She reminds me BEAN..
That was also one of the things I used to do to Bean while I was cutting his toe
He loves when I sing too..AND I dont sing very well...:shakehead
Isabella..asked me once ,"if I was alright.."
when she heard me..sing...:sanp3 :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
I understand..totally.
I just started to bathe's been helping his fur to grow in..and makes him FEEL..all frisky!!
I olny dip..him in qucikly..HIS EYES get huge..and he looks really the moment.
I didnt use any soaps...he's not really dirty..per..say..but he LOVES..the way he feels once he's all dried off..:alright.gif :jump :jump :alright.gif
But it sounds like Squiggy needs a little soap..with her rolling in her pee-pee's..:eek:
:wave123 FTN..n BEAN:wave123
03-13-2008, 04:55 PM
Squiggy posed just for you Rachel in this picture to show off her Baked Beans!! She had a photo shoot tonight as she was sleepy and dozing in my arms snuggled in my jumper.
luvs squirrels
03-13-2008, 05:16 PM
Oh, Amanda, I love that last picture. An absolute doll.
Thanks for the new pictures. Good luck!
03-13-2008, 05:51 PM
Squiggy posed just for you Rachel in this picture to show off her Baked Beans!! She had a photo shoot tonight as she was sleepy and dozing in my arms snuggled in my jumper.
Those baked beans....are..yummy!!!
You kiss those toes for me...and a LONG ..sniff in her FUR..have to some of that squirrel youth & energy.:rotfl :rotfl
God..she snuggles JUST like Bean.:jump :jump :jump :jump
Thanks..for the special...pic's!:grouphug
03-13-2008, 06:05 PM
So great to see Squiggela. I'm a big big fan of hers. She is so cute.
03-14-2008, 05:38 AM
Squiggy said "THANK YOU" :thankyou For your kind words and Good Morning to all you squirrel lovers out there, I am off to the herbal shop for some Rescue Remedy, and you will all probably hear Squiggy letting of steam tonight when we clip her claws.
As her treat she will have a sniff of her Maple syrup bottle and if she is a really good girlie she can have some. I hope you all have a great weekend.
Later :grouphug
03-14-2008, 06:27 AM
Good morning Squiggy n Amanda!!:wave123
Im waiting to hear this story of her nail clippings.
You have a great day!
Bean loves his walnuts and pecans soaked in maple syrup!:thumbsup
:wave123 FTN n BEAN:wave123
squirrel princess
03-14-2008, 07:39 AM
Isn't Fluffytailnut a nut :wave123 that is in a good way, a nutty squirrel way. she made a thread for my chipper in the nursery because I was new, she is good at taking on us new guys!!!!!!!!!! Love your story:Love_Icon
03-14-2008, 07:59 AM
Isn't Fluffytailnut a nut :wave123 that is in a good way, a nutty squirrel way. she made a thread for my chipper in the nursery because I was new, she is good at taking on us new guys!!!!!!!!!! Love your story:Love_Icon
WELCOME :Welcome :Welcome :Welcome
Awwwwwww Bless your Chipper is a lovely baby. Fluffynut is a lovely lady and takes care of all the newbies. You will love it hear and find it so addictive and so very helpful.
03-14-2008, 03:03 PM
Have you ever tried to say NO :nono to a naughty squirrel that steals chocolates from cupboards? Only to find she is quicker than you and also has the cheek to swear at you when you try to get it back!!! She then eats half in front of you and runs off with the other half on top of the Kitchen Cupboards to eat at a later date no doubt. :thinking
03-14-2008, 10:30 PM
Hi everyone its jerry and rocky. I just wanted to say when we trim rocky's fingernails it seems to help alot if I hold him close with one hand and cover his eyes with the other hand and talk to him while my husband does the trimming. Hope this will help you. I think I may have read this on the squirrel board.
03-14-2008, 11:13 PM
She has very good taste....those are my favorite chocolate treat!!!:multi
03-15-2008, 04:39 AM
Been there MANY times!! :rotfl Baby will grab one, and get as high up on something as she can, and then sit there and eat it like....Ha Ha Ha..You can't get me! :icon_devil :icon_devil
Me thinks your Baby and my Baby was seperated at Birth!! The thing is they are so bloody fast at running and you know if you attempt to take it away you have lost as soon as you make your first move.
Thank you jerry and rocky for your help, I need all the help I can get, I am off out today in the search of my ammunition.
I have a battle plan for tomorrow when it is quite. I have the bottle of maple syrup ready and waiting!!! Oh My the things you do for a squirrel. :jump
I once read on here you dont own a squirrel they own you.TOO RIGHT!!!
My Picture today is of my little squiggy being very angelic in her new bed I got her yesterday, the Caption has to be BUTTER WOULD'NT MELT IN MY MOUTH MUMMY!!
03-15-2008, 04:40 AM
She has very good taste....those are my favorite chocolate treat!!!:multi
Mine too when i get to eat one!!! If squiggy is around I dont get to eat much in the way of anything with nuts in :D
squirrel princess
03-15-2008, 07:33 AM
Naughty naughty girl:shakehead But how can't even get mad at them because their too funny and cute:crazy
03-15-2008, 06:00 PM
#168 is pricless. Such a beautiful little lady:grouphug
03-15-2008, 06:50 PM
My..caption...reads...."! You need to get..your bum..over here..and fan me, rub me, and peel my grapes...SERVANT":poke :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
She is a beautiful..younbf ..lady...THAT...sweet...stinker..Squiggy!!
Nighty..night..Amanda n Squiggy..
Sweet..dreams...of an endless amount of Walnuts..dipped in some chocolate!!
:wave123 Fluffytailnut n BEAN:wave123
03-17-2008, 08:45 AM
Mission Accomplised!! :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
Yes Squiggy now has Beautiful manacured nails :D
She loved the Rescue Remedy but it took two attemps to work, the first attempt on a shelled nut did not seem to make her calm even after waiting half an hour, the second attempt where she sucked it from the dropper eagerly worked within 5 minutes!!
She layed in my arms and looked at me as if to say " I could get used to this!!" Anyway operation Nail clip was a success.
Thank you Gamma and all who gave advice it worked well. :thumbsup
She is as I type hiding a Pecan nut under my pillow so that when it comes to cuddles in bed tonight she has her midnight feast nut in bed...Some people get biscuit crumbs in bed I get shredded shells in bed, I get in bed with my book ready to snuggle down and squiggy curls up in a ball under the covers with me until its time to sleep and then I pick her up asleep and put her in her cosy toes bed, I have to be very careful because if she wakes up whilst i am trying to put her to bed she sulks and swears at me when i try to put her in her own bed. I then call hubby and tell him he can come to ( and you think I am joking??)
Mind you hiding nuts under pillows beats her last hiding place which was in the toilet roll , everytime you needed loo paper you spun of a pecan nut as well!!
Does anyone's baby have funny hiding places for food??
03-17-2008, 08:50 AM
Good..Morning..Amanda..n Squiggy...
Oh..Im so, glad..Gamma's..idea helped you..
Sounds like a booger..
Now your hands..can
She is so, cute! to hide gummy avacado' my hair..Ewww..
And..when he is..going really..crazy..TRYING to hide his peanuts..I will just take them out of his hands..and put them in his cage..
HE will look at, "I cant believe you JUST took that nut out of my hands!"
It s a riot..Im glad he to take them..or Id have a whole bunch of nuts in my hair..or shirt.../
Have a great day..
See ya both later..
:wave123 Rachel..n BEAN:wave123
squirrel princess
03-17-2008, 08:56 AM
a new rescue remedy addict:rotfl
She is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee:Love_Icon
03-17-2008, 09:00 AM
a new rescue remedy addict:rotfl
She is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee:Love_Icon
She loved it, sucking it from the dropper, do you think she will be mugging me for pocket money to buy extra? lol
squirrel princess
03-17-2008, 09:22 AM
She loved it, sucking it from the dropper, do you think she will be mugging me for pocket money to buy extra? lol
Let's just say she will be looking forward to seeing that dropper and getting her manicure. I guess that would be like us having a martini before we went for a pedi or mani, would be nice that's a good idea:thinking
luvs squirrels
03-17-2008, 09:39 AM
So glad the rescue remedy worked for you. She sure is precious and your nighttime ritual sounds so sweet.
Give that sweet girl a kiss for me.
03-17-2008, 12:15 PM
Great pictures! She is so sweet & cuddly looking, she is is just precious in her little bed!
03-18-2008, 12:47 PM
Oh...I can't even begin to list all the places we have found nuts! :sanp3 Shoes, underware, coats, my purse, the cardboard "jackets" to VCR tapes, under lamps, bedding, pillows, stuffed in cracks of the furniture, the grandchildren's toys, and the list goes on and on. I laugh every time I find one! :jump
The thing that amazes me more than anything is the ability they have to sniff it out again once hidden, they must leave a scent to it.
I have to admit every now and again I have to clean the top of the wardrobe and kitchen cupboards down ( I have to put squiggy away as she watches me and gives me that look!! ) and when you clean them down you not only get a mass of shells but you find things that have gone missing in the last few months.....Pencils...Pens...fabric tape measures....combs...Tea bags ( she loves to raid the kitchen bin)...Earrings..the list has been endless..we can not even use drawing pins in the cork board as she steals them to hide.
It goes without saying we always find food that is dried up and looks nasty, i ask her at times if she is really going to eat what she steals.:dono
Hubby tries to fool her everytime and open the Biscuit cupboard silently....but the rustling gives the game away and you can hear scurring down the passage and one almighty leap up onto to hubby's shoulder as if to wont out wit me dad!! :jump
03-18-2008, 12:51 PM
Great pictures! She is so sweet & cuddly looking, she is is just precious in her little bed!
She loves her new Bed......We had a cardboard box for her with a fleece in it before, but i bought her a cosy bed as I was fed up with chewed wet boxes.
I have never known her too sleep so soundly, she almost goes into a coma when she is snuggled up in her cosy toes. and she has not had a wee on it yet!! :nono A first for Madam. :D
03-18-2008, 05:25 PM
Aww... two..ladies..:wave123
She is adorable...How..does SHE..Have....fur..Im always..loven..on BEAN..I think..thats..WHAT..Gamma..had..brought out..BECAUSE..Im always holding him..I loved the fur..right off of him..
Ive been having to give him..JUST water, soap..NOW...his back..
I cant wait....till..he has a fur...coat..THAT is normal..once again!
Like your Squiggy!
She has ALOT..of Grey..and a little brown~ish red..
BEAN...has ALOT...of Brown..and mostly...redish...and a tiny..bit of grey.
Thank you..for the stories!!
:wave123 FTN...n..BEAN..:wave123
03-18-2008, 05:35 PM
I have yet to have squiggy molt, i am not looking forward to that.Is it something all greys do? does it depend on country ? Season?
Maybe bean likes to be a nude and keeps shedding his
I have found Flee grits :shakehead when cuddling squiggy in bed today, i went through her coat but found no flees,she is nibbling her tail a little today. ( I have 5 cats and 2 dogs, but I flee them as regular as clock work, but she must have picked it up from them) What flee treatment should i use for squiggy?
03-18-2008, 05:37 PM
Oh, do I ever know how hard it is to out fox these little buggers! :tilt It doesn't matter how softly I tip-toe around, or how gently and quietly I open a cupboard, or the refrig....There's Baby, out of nowhere! :icon_devil :rotfl
And have you noticed even if you sneak into another room and close the door to open a packet of crisps, they have bionic hearing!!
03-23-2008, 10:49 PM
Hi Squiggy..n Amanda:wave123
Good evening to you both!!
I just want to say..hello..and let you know Ive missed you!
OH.OH..and I finally..have a few clips..of BEAN...mouthing off at me...He is a riot..make sure Squiggy is near the, she can hear BEAN...going off!!
Have a great night..and an excellent!
:grouphug FTN..n...BEAN:grouphug
squirrel princess
03-24-2008, 08:43 AM
Amanda & Squiggy have not seen you in these parts in a few day:nono
Hope things are well with you. How's the weather..warming up any?
We had 70's in Ga we are in the southern east part USA. Woke up this morning to 30's again YUK:shakehead
03-26-2008, 08:14 AM
Amanda & Squiggy have not seen you in these parts in a few day:nono
Hope things are well with you. How's the weather..warming up any?
We had 70's in Ga we are in the southern east part USA. Woke up this morning to 30's again YUK:shakehead
Hello again......
So sorry been busy over the easter Holiday, it has been a horrid weekend with SNOW!! Yes Snow at Easter is unheard of over hear ...but we had it, Easter Sunday the first day of spring we woke up to snow and it was freezing.
Squiggy was tucked up in bed and one of my sons came in with a snow ball for her that he made, she was digging in it and licking it and sneezing :) Anyway everyone had easter eggs with teeth marks in thanks to darling Squiggy and on Sunday she stole a Yorkshire pudding and ran for cover as you can see....
luvs squirrels
03-26-2008, 11:59 AM
Hi Squiggy and Amanda. Thanks for the story and new picture. Have a great day.
03-26-2008, 12:16 PM
Oh my gosh that is so cute!!:Love_Icon
03-26-2008, 12:56 PM
:grouphug :grouphug
03-26-2008, 02:03 PM
Oh..look at her..little theif of food..and HEARTS!!!:Love_Icon
BUR...more snow?!
GOD..Im ..glad Im here in FLORIDA! :sunshine :poke
She is so, spoiled..rotten!!
As..every..squirrel..should be!:alright.gif
Thanks for the bonus Squiggy..picture!
I should do..that..only two.. pictures..a day...I wouldnt ..have to take so, may pictures..then...:poke
I do..think..some may protest..only a world..would stop..rotating...:sanp3 :rotfl FTN..:poke :shakehead
03-26-2008, 02:55 PM
Okay Squigella and Amanda, this is extremely overdue.:sanp3 But I wanted to extend a :Welcome as well. It looks as though you have been on here, a great deal longer than I have though.
Let me just say, when it comes to you and FTN, Jealousy is my middle name.:hissyfit You two are truely blessed to have Squiggy and Bean (honestly the two most friendly/energetic/trouble-making squirrels I've ever seen!:D :hyper :icon_devil ). Of course, you both know how blessed you are to have each other.:grouphug
I know, I know... it's no picknick raising a squirrel in England.:hidechair I'm not in England, nor am I a squirrel keeper (is my jealousy showing again?:sanp3 ), but I have been expanding my knowlege on squirrels, through various websites, academic databases, books, and most of all the TSB.:thumbsup I just want to say that I am proud of what you're doing for Squigella, and I'm happy to have stumbled across your thread.
I think I'll join the others in getting my daily dose of Squiggy. How could I have missed you?
03-28-2008, 08:27 AM
:grouphug Thank you Feeze for your lovely words :thumbsup , and welcome on board to Squigella's Daily Pose :D
...I Know I am very blessed to have such a lovely lady Squiggy in my life, I never in a million years imagined when I found Squigella the feel of love :Love_Icon and achievement she would bless me with everyday.
I have many animals in my house but i have to admit you can have favourites and i do adore my little lady, She is so special and I don't mind admitting hard work at times, but soooooooo worth it.
As anyone who has a squirrel will tell you as well as being fantastic thiefs they are just sooooooo Clever :Love_Icon You cannot open any packet in the house without squiggy with the big ears hearing and coming to find out what is on offer to eat, as you can see Roast yorkshire puds and roast potatoes is one of her favourites ( she also loves a chip or two with tomato sauce!!) If I open the freezer she will steal an ice cube out of the tub and run and hide with it on top of the Cupboard, how many times have i opened a cupboard door and water is running down where it has melted I have lost count.:D
She is a very clingy Bubba :Love_Icon and follows me around and sits with me as I work in my office all day on most days,as I type now she is asleep in my cardigan Pocket fidgeting to make a round ball of herself so she can put her tail over her face and have 40 winks.
At night at about 8pm I climb into bed on some nights with my book to chill out and she comes into bed with me under the covers and snuggles up with me and goes to sleep in my arms , after an hour i have to make sure she is very asleep so I can lift her into her own cosy toes bed ( woo betide me if she is not asleep and i put her back!! she swears at me in no uncertain terms!!).
Mr Bean :thumbsup as you can see is just as spoilt and the new Vids that R has put on show only to well how much he loves his mummy and also how spoilt he is..
I really do think that everyone who is on this Forum are such wonderful loving people who are so special and so giving, whether you have a squirrel or you don't there is so much love and it shows on every posting. In a world of greed and selfishness it makes such a refreshing change to have found a corner of the web like this to call home, if only for a few hours a day..
Until next time...Have a wondeful Day x x x x x x
P.S Squiggy is now fast asleep, I do hope I do not have the same effect on all of
03-28-2008, 08:59 AM
Aww...look at THIS..little "Goddess"..she is so, cute munching on her fingers..I love when Bean..does this!
Feeze:bowdown Thank you...You are most kind..and I will share my Bean with you..There is enough love in that..little go around..:grouphug box of sand../dirt..for dig around in..IT is, funny to watch..them..diggen and rolling around...THEN..the instant..SPRING most amusing! :eek:
Have a super..afternoon!
It is STILL..morning..for most of us...9:59..right now..
:grouphug BSG..:wave123
03-28-2008, 10:55 AM
Oh thank you for that wonderful post Amanda.
It is so beautiful, the relationship you have with your little Squiggy. It's funny my cat is the same way. When I sit on the sofa with my laptop, he knows he's got me cornered. He'll lay on my lap for hours, and protests whenever I get up, so I know just how Squiggy feels.
I am so happy you share this relationship with us. As you share these stories, the blessing trickle down on those who hear them.:grouphug Thank you.:thankyou
luvs squirrels
03-28-2008, 12:31 PM
Good afternoon Amanda and Squiggy. Look at that precious face. I loved hearing how special she is. Please give her a kiss for me. (
You two have a great day. (
03-31-2008, 05:41 AM
Good Morning Gang!!
I trust we all had a good weekend? Squiggy enjoyed the sunshine and was very brave , she sat on the window ledge looking out, I opened the outer window for her but she looked at me as if to say..sorry mum i aint going out for no one after last time, not even for you!!
So she sat on the Window ledge and was sunbathing looking at the birds feeding, she closed her eyes and dozed off zzzzzzzzzzzz.
She later had the cheek to raid the fridge and steal some green beans and a Yellow pepper...running up the passage as fast as she could before someone caught her.
All in All it was a hard & tiring day for a princess she dozed off in my bed until i put her in her own...Oh what a life an orpahned baby
Momma Squirrel
03-31-2008, 09:47 AM
It's been a while since I've been in but I just love the pictures and your stories. Squiggy is beautiful and the one with the Yorkshire Pudding is precious, can't ever get mad at something that cute :)
Hope the two of you have a great day :tilt
luvs squirrels
03-31-2008, 10:39 AM
What a sweet face. You and that precious girl have a great day.
Kisses ( (
03-31-2008, 01:00 PM
Boy, you're right! She looks beat in that last pic. She's just too spoiled.:Love_Icon
03-31-2008, 01:19 PM
Good Morning Gang!!
I trust we all had a good weekend? Squiggy enjoyed the sunshine and was very brave , she sat on the window ledge looking out, I opened the outer window for her but she looked at me as if to say..sorry mum i aint going out for no one after last time, not even for you!!
So she sat on the Window ledge and was sunbathing looking at the birds feeding, she closed her eyes and dozed off zzzzzzzzzzzz.
She later had the cheek to raid the fridge and steal some green beans and a Yellow pepper...running up the passage as fast as she could before someone caught her.
All in All it was a hard & tiring day for a princess she dozed off in my bed until i put her in her own...Oh what a life an orpahned baby
31211 she on your bed..:sanp3 :D :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
Does she sleep..with you guys..ever?/ have you ever rolled over..on her..and get a BARK..hey..Im
She is so, cute Amanda!:Love_Icon
:wave123 BSG :wave123
03-31-2008, 02:25 PM
:grouphug :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :flash3 :flash3 Your little darlings are just adorable!!! Welcome to TSB!!! We're so happy to have you!!!:flash3 :flash3 :Love_Icon :grouphug
03-31-2008, 03:58 PM she on your bed..:sanp3 :D :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
Does she sleep..with you guys..ever?/ have you ever rolled over..on her..and get a BARK..hey..Im
She is so, cute Amanda!:Love_Icon
:wave123 BSG :wave123
She always comes to bed for a cuddle for an hour and then when she has dozed off she is lifted into her bed, she falls into a coma in my arms sometimes and does not wake when i put her to bed. She does not have a bark she has a squeak when she is not happy with something..Does Bean cuddle you in bed?? Does anyone else have cuddles in bed with thier squirrel or am i just NUTS!! :jump
03-31-2008, 04:45 PM
I wish! But, yeah, if I had a squirrel. Doubt he/she would be spending time in my bed. Then again, the squirrel runs the house, am I right?:rotfl
03-31-2008, 05:01 PM
Wow what a beauty. The pics are adorable (good photography) I hope to learn how to download pics soon.
The Yorkshire pudding looks delicious; maybe you could share the receipe with us.
New to TBS. What a wonderful place and wonderful people. Ill have to try to trim my Peanut's nails too as I am getting all scratched up.:jump :jump
03-31-2008, 05:07 PM
:Welcome jfischer. Have you introduced yourself and Peanut yet? I'll be happy to see pictures. When you start your own thread be sure to bring that up, and you'll figure the pics out in no time! Can't wait 'till then!
03-31-2008, 05:56 PM
Yes I have. Still trying to figure how to manuver through all this wonderful stuff on TBS.
Not to handy with the computers and a little shy too. :thankyou
04-01-2008, 03:44 AM
Yes I have. Still trying to figure how to manuver through all this wonderful stuff on TBS.
Not to handy with the computers and a little shy too. :thankyou
Welcome jfischer :Welcome
I am so glad you found TBS, SUCH A LOVELY PLACE TO FIND!! Don't be shy Girlie , everyone is so friendly here and so helpful, within days you will be hooked!!
I will send you a recipe for good ole English Yorkshire Puds, I may even rename them Good Ole Squiggy,
I look forward to pictures of your baby soon, and the nail clipping is easy once you get the hang of it, :thumbsup .
Her is Squiggy in her pen this morning that we transformed into a jungle last night with loads of fresh Bamboo Canes & Shoots , which she has been stripping and swinging from all morning.
08-24-2010, 04:33 PM
Hello All :wott Long time no post .
I do come to read from time to time but not to post. I have come here today for reasurance really from all you loving people as my little girl squiggy escaped on Friday last week and I have not seen or heard from her since :shakehead .
I am totally gutted and have cried so many tears I did not think possible but she is my baby and i have had her since she was 4 weeks old and she is now three years old.
I know I should not be so selfish and that she was probably ready to go some time ago but as i had tried when she was a baby and she came back to me very ill,I never wanted to put her through it again.
I have called morning noon and night but nothing I just pray she is strong enough to survive out there without her human mummy.
It will be autumn soon and where i live i have two Walnut trees and a cob nut tree near so food should not be a problem for her it is just the weather as she had a very snug box lined with sheepskin for bedding and now she has to fend for herself. I will have to be patient and see if she comes to visit me,if she would just sit on the fence so i could see she was coping I would be so happy. In the meantime I will just have to carry on putting out goodies and hope she comes for them.
08-24-2010, 05:25 PM
Oh I'm so sorry to hear that Squiggy escaped. She may yet come back to you after a couple days and things don't go all that well. Did you put out her favorite treats?
I understand just exactly how you feel as I just went through what you are experiencing earlier this month with my Wayne. You are already doing the right things by leaving out food and calling for her. Also posting to TSB is important for the prayers, positive energies and emotional support. I will light a candle for Squiggy as another TSB member did for Wayne.
He did return and was thinner and darker looking but much the same. He went through a couple terrible thunder storms and extreme heat conditions and somehow survived. He is now terrified whenever it storms:shakehead
Here is the link to my posts on Wayne when he went missing. A member asked me to post what I did to get him to come back home - is on page 3.
I know the worst part of all is not knowing. I pray that Squiggy, like Wayne, is having a really good time making new friends and exploring. I also pray she gets hungry for nummy foods from momma and strolls back home like she never left:grouphug
If that link does not work, click on search button for "Wayne in danger"
08-25-2010, 06:45 AM
Prayers for Miss Squige...... hope she comes home to her mama soon!
08-25-2010, 06:52 AM
Squiggela is adorable! I totally know what you mean about squirrel toes, I am constantly annoying my Bunny by kissing her cute little toes. :D They are SO irresistible!
Hope your Squiggela comes home soon.
Jackie in Tampa
08-25-2010, 07:02 AM
Try putting her cage outside....
I had a seriously brain damaged sq return after 6 days, to her cage...
sending good vibes!:Love_Icon
08-25-2010, 07:26 AM
Try putting her cage outside....
I had a seriously brain damaged sq return after 6 days, to her cage...
sending good vibes!:Love_Icon
Thank you all for your kind words they are of great comfort..I have left her unit open for her just incase she decides to come home and baby her friend is in the unit with a partition so they can see each other. I miss her so much but i do not want to be selfish if she wants to be free she has a right too.But i need to know she is coping out there in the big wild world.:Love_Icon
08-25-2010, 07:31 AM
Gina I am So happy for you that you got your baby back home, such a lovely story .Thank you so much for reading and posting back,it has made me feel better to know that she may return to me. :grouphug
luvs squirrels
08-25-2010, 10:36 PM
Oh, I am so sorry she escaped. I can't imagine what you are going through. :grouphug
I will be praying that she returns to you soon and will be safe and sound.
08-27-2010, 04:48 AM
Oh, I am so sorry she escaped. I can't imagine what you are going through. :grouphug
I will be praying that she returns to you soon and will be safe and sound.
Thank you for your prayers and kind words Luv's Squirrels :grouphug
It has been a week today and no sign of Squigella ( wiggy for short ) I am pacing up and down the road and garden on the hour every hour calling her, I have put out nut trails and her fav foods but she is nowhere to be seen, her unit door is also open in case she decides to visit in the night or early morning,I start to call her at 5.30 am in the morning and end at 9 o'clock at night. I am praying she has found some friends and does not need her Mummy squirrel anymore :dono.
I am trying to look on the bright side that she is having fun and is happy being free. Depression has hit me bad thinking that maybe she is in trouble and needs me,My family have said if she was in trouble she would come home as she did when she went walk abouts before and came home after 2 days in a terrible state.
Once again thank you to all of you who has posted back such kind thoughts and prayers xx :Love_Icon
Pointy Tale
08-27-2010, 08:36 AM
Hiuitsonlyme—I’m so sorry to hear about this. My heart goes out to you that you’ll be reunited. Prayers coming your way.:grouphug
luvs squirrels
08-29-2010, 08:32 PM
Prayers still coming your way. I wish there was something I could do for you my friend.
Please wiggy, come home to your Mommy...she misses you and is so worried about you.
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
Ultra Peepi
08-29-2010, 08:54 PM
so sorry to hear this! i do hope your furry friend can either come home to you soon or at least pop by to let you know everything is ok in the wild.:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
Wiggy, please go home. You are making us all worry so much!! If nothing else, at least show your little face:Love_Icon When Wayne was missing I was advised that boys are lazy in the warm weather. Maybe different for girls?? Maybe she is planning for some little Wiggy's??
08-31-2010, 03:27 PM
Squigella comes back or not, i do think you are indeed a terrific squirrel mummy and should the chance comes where you can adopt another baby, maybe you shld give it a go.
Squigella house looks generously well made, I am sure her precedent squirrel will enjoy the wonderful set up that was made and enjoy your company, and your role as nice squirrel parent. :thumbsup
Having said that, I do believe squirrels can live up to abt 20 years? Maybe Squigella found love and has gone on to play squirrel mum.
:sanp3 :sanp3 :sanp3
Hopefully one day she'll bring her kids to see you, that will be the most present surprise =)
09-02-2010, 04:26 AM
Hello again all :)
Thank you everyone for all the lovely comments,I read them daily and take great comfort in knowing I am not thinking of her alone.:Love_Icon
Still no sign of my baby and it is not throu not trying I am calling at all times of the day and night , her unit is left open at all times with her favourite treats on show but there is no sign of her.
I am so upset that she has not even come to say hello mum I am fine,she was so tame and so loving I am worried she is in trouble..surely she would come back home to say hello?? is it mating season here in the uk? I found her exactly three years ago today ON the 2nd August.
I am sure she was the second litter of the season?? I have looked at the spot where i found her just in case she remembers where she was born.
I just wish i knew what has happened to her is she safe? does she need me? will she make it home if she is hurt or ill?.she has left such a big whole in my heart and it so hurts.
Once again thank you all so much you are a wonderful bunch of squirrel lovers who are all so caring xxx:wave123
09-02-2010, 08:20 AM
Hello again all :)
Thank you everyone for all the lovely comments,I read them daily and take great comfort in knowing I am not thinking of her alone.:Love_Icon
Still no sign of my baby and it is not throu not trying I am calling at all times of the day and night , her unit is left open at all times with her favourite treats on show but there is no sign of her.
I am so upset that she has not even come to say hello mum I am fine,she was so tame and so loving I am worried she is in trouble..surely she would come back home to say hello?? is it mating season here in the uk? I found her exactly three years ago today ON the 2nd August.
I am sure she was the second litter of the season?? I have looked at the spot where i found her just in case she remembers where she was born.
I just wish i knew what has happened to her is she safe? does she need me? will she make it home if she is hurt or ill?.she has left such a big whole in my heart and it so hurts.
Once again thank you all so much you are a wonderful bunch of squirrel lovers who are all so caring xxx:wave123
I cannot even imagine what you must feel right now... I wish I had the right words... I pray and hope she shows up to say "Hi"...
luvs squirrels
09-02-2010, 01:26 PM
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
I just have no words to comfort you my friend...only prayers and love coming your way.
09-18-2010, 10:37 AM
Just an update
Week five and still no Squiggy, I call everyday and leave food out but i guess she is having to much fun to come and say hello.
I have decided that if a little ones needs rearing I would like to take them on and release when the time comes if possible.
And if Squiggy comes home them I have more than enough room for all.
I would like to thank you all for your lovely messages of support xxx
07-30-2011, 03:46 PM
Just wondering if Squigella ever made a guest appearance???-- in the last 10 months...
************************************************** *****************************
Stosh >>> Keeper of the KING ( of Costa Rica )
VISIT King Rama Rota at :
07-30-2011, 04:27 PM
Just wondering if Squigella ever made a guest appearance???-- in the last 10 months...
************************************************** *****************************
Stosh >>> Keeper of the KING ( of Costa Rica )
VISIT King Rama Rota at :
You must have physic powers to post this today of all days !!
Alas My baby Squiggy never did appear, I like to think she found a mate and has bubbs of her own :) But i look everyday and leave walnuts down above my summer house door and live in hope :Love_Icon
But today at 2 oclock a baby boy about two weeks old was brought to me. He had been caught by a cat and has a few bites around his neck and a bad one on his leg.
I whipped him to my vet who cleaned his wounds for me and glued his bad cuts and has him on antibiotics already.
He has had two feeds today and was quite hungry and as I type he is down my bra asleep but wriggling .
I am just praying that he makes it over the next couple of days as I know cat bites have so many germs and the shock may have harmed him also. I will say one thing he is so lively and I am hoping this is a good sign.
I will keep you posted and post some pics if all is well, I will try my best for him.
Amanda and new baby PIP xx :wave123
07-30-2011, 04:32 PM
You must have physic powers to post this today of all days !!
Alas My baby Squiggy never did appear, I like to think she found a mate and has bubbs of her own :) But i look everyday and leave walnuts down above my summer house door and live in hope :Love_Icon
But today at 2 oclock a baby boy about two weeks old was brought to me. He had been caught by a cat and has a few bites around his neck and a bad one on his leg.
I whipped him to my vet who cleaned his wounds for me and glued his bad cuts and has him on antibiotics already.
He has had two feeds today and was quite hungry and as I type he is down my bra asleep but wriggling .
I am just praying that he makes it over the next couple of days as I know cat bites have so many germs and the shock may have harmed him also. I will say one thing he is so lively and I am hoping this is a good sign.
I will keep you posted and post some pics if all is well, I will try my best for him.
Amanda and new baby PIP xx :wave123
Good Health to Little PIP---PHOTOS ASAP....thanks
08-02-2011, 03:25 PM
My New Baby Boy Pip :Love_Icon
island rehabber
08-02-2011, 03:35 PM
Beautiful boy! He looks strong. :thumbsup
08-03-2011, 09:54 AM
He is beautiful.:Love_Icon
08-03-2011, 11:17 AM
I'm guessing . ....August 21...and PIP will open his eyes...
08-03-2011, 11:23 AM
He is beautiful.:Love_Icon
Thank you Feeze
I have fell in love with him. After My Squigella left to find pastures new she left a massive whole in my life,I know she will never come back now and pray she is safe . So its time to raise another little one :Love_Icon
08-03-2011, 11:25 AM
I'm guessing . ....August 21...and PIP will open his eyes...
Thank you for the lovely picture xxx
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