View Full Version : my flyer situation
02-15-2008, 04:53 PM
Ok.. this is bad.. I knew it would be...
I'm going to leave my soon to be arriving company and run for that flyer. My friend has him and says he doesn't look real good. So I'm not waiting til tomorrow.
They've had him on kitten formula and never changed it. They lied to my friend about that. Didn't they know she's notice when they handed him off?? UGH!!
She says he's shaking looks weak. I'll assess it when I get him.
While I"m gone please please please post emergency care for a flyer who has had bad nutrition could be dehydrated and goodness knows what else.
I'm picking up pedialite on my way to meet her... not taking chances. I will warm him up as soon as I can.
I knew it was giong to be this way. Why oohhhhh why do people think animals are toys!!!????
Say a little prayer for this guy. He'll need it!
02-15-2008, 05:46 PM
Your probably already know most of the basics from other postings, SN. Warm first, hydrate second, ease into the Esbilac so to not upset the tummy. Use the 5% of body weight rule for how much to feed, frequency will depending upon age. Good luck, saying prayers.
02-15-2008, 05:58 PM
heat then pedialylte.
02-15-2008, 06:03 PM
I'm just learning about all this stuff, but my prayers are with you and your little guy. I am nursing my gray back to health. Best of luck.:grouphug
02-15-2008, 06:53 PM
So how old do we all think this guy is.
Miss Milo's Mom
02-15-2008, 06:59 PM
I don't know what to tell you really. I hope all goes well. I know he will be in good hands now. Best of luck.
02-15-2008, 07:09 PM
He's very active. Also very sweet, no bite in him at all. I think he's a he, hard to keep him still long enough to tell.
I don't think he's dehydrated but I can't get ANY info out of anyone. He was still on kitten formula gosh that stuff tastes like crap. I need to switch him over, anyone have any ideas how?
Should I give him a dose of pedialyte just in case? Would it hurt?
He was living in a wire, bird cage type cage... but meant for a rodent I think. Small, very small and CHEAP. NOTHING to sleep in or on. No heat source though he seems to regulate his own temp well.
Here's the scary part. I pick him up, put the cage on my front seat. It's dark. I go to the gas station so I can make it home and he's fine, I see him in the lights.
I get home and HE'S GONE!!!! I mean GONE GONE. The stupid top sliding door of the cage was open and he got out!!! So now I'm panicing. I open my door get out, open my gate, pull in, close my gate (yard pony needs to be contained) and I'm thinking "that's it... he's gone.. I'll never find him in my SUV". I pull up to the house and I turn on all the interior lights. Keeping all doors closed I start searching. I hear scuffeling so I sit real quiet and keep listening. I look up and he's handing from the ceiling like a little bat. OMG I was SOOOOO relieved.
I had to crawl around in the back of the Expedition trying to catch him, he'd stay one inch in front of my hand at all times. I finally made the grab. He half heartedly put his mouth on me but didn't "bite" at all.
He seems to feel fine.
ANY and ALL advice is wanted and needed. I transferred him to Scooby's old rubbermaid. It's big. I put a fleece blanket in there and a nice little fuzzy tunnel thing for him to burrow in. I put a heat source at one end just in case.
If you all say it's ok I'll give him a dose of pedialite.
How old do you all think he is? How do I age him? How big do they get?
02-15-2008, 07:36 PM
Looking at the pics I do not know what to guess cuz his teeth are yellow and they are white as babies. So maybe 3-4 months or older. He looks good though. I would try the pedialite and see how he reacts to it. I do not think that switching him to esbilac right now would be that bad. I would dilute it with water like 1/2 and 1/2 for a few feedings though so it does not upset his stomach. And offer him some watermelon and cut up grapes some soft stuff til you see how is reacts. I really do not know how he will react to switching. Let me know
02-15-2008, 07:37 PM
Ohh one more thing, ya'll will love this...
They hand over a bottle full of formula that's been mixed up and UNrefridgerated since like 3 this afternoon. I'm like... "yer kiddin right?". BIG ole nurser bottle like for puppies with a huge nipple and a giant hole cut so the stuff pours out. I don't know why he's alive.
Any advice on how to switch him from KMR to Esbilac... greatly appreciated.
02-15-2008, 07:39 PM
Looking at the pics I do not know what to guess cuz his teeth are yellow and they are white as babies. So maybe 3-4 months or older. He looks good though. I would try the pedialite and see how he reacts to it. I do not think that switching him to esbilac right now would be that bad. I would dilute it with water like 1/2 and 1/2 for a few feedings though so it does not upset his stomach. And offer him some watermelon and cut up grapes some soft stuff til you see how is reacts. I really do not know how he will react to switching. Let me know
I had that same thought... about his teeth. I mean I know nothing about flyers, but Scooby's teeth were very white when she was little.
I kept asking if he was a baby and they kept saying yes yes. How big are full grown flyers? He's sooooo tiny, I've never seen a flyer in person before. I was shocked by how itty bitty he is.
I think the baby looks healthy.
02-15-2008, 07:43 PM
Ok.. so he wasn't enthusiastic about the pedialite. I did the drip near the mouth method and got most of 1cc in the squirrel I think. Some of it on me, and him <LOL>.
Would it be normal for an older baby like that to be so docile? I mean... nothing you do makes him nip. Even if he gets out of my hands, he stays on my body. No attempt to leave.
These other folks didn't have him that long. Maybe a couple of weeks at most. I can't believe he survived it. He has some kind of bird food in the cage and a peanut.
I was told he can't crack an acorn, but apparently can open sunflower seeds. That's all the detailed info I got. Lack of info drives me nuts, in case you couldn't tell.:rotfl
Well it appears to be a young adult not a baby. Did you try a tent of his skin for dehydration? He/she is plenty old enough to be eating solids. I would offer only fluids tonight and then offer one or two foods and the esbilac and perhaps some yogurt tomorrow. Then add one or two new foods every other day and offer the esbilac for as long as he will take it or mix some into a little bit of yogurt and offer it that way. :)
02-15-2008, 08:01 PM
Here is a pic of mine. They are 3 years old.
The other pic is Hammie she is around a year so they are. She is smaller. I amjust trying to give you something to compare him to,
02-15-2008, 08:02 PM
Maybe it was someone's pet that got out or was released. :dono
02-15-2008, 08:13 PM
It's hard for me to see proportion not in someone's hand.
Any estimates on say... length (with or without tail included), weight (I have a gram scale and can weigh the little bugger).
Having never seen a flyer in person I really don't know anything about size. This little guy is maybe the size of a small hamster but not nearly as heavy.
I tried to do the pinch test but he wouldn't hold still and they have all that saggy skin anyhow. My hubby was laughing at me.
I did get a bit of pedialite in him. I'll leave him along for a couple or so hours and then put a little more pedialite in. Tomorrow I will offer esbilac and some soft solids.
Thanks guys... You can move this to a more appropriate forum. I just wanted some attention NOW when I first got him home LOL
02-15-2008, 08:28 PM
Ok.. now I have a HUGE problem...
Scooby.. who has never hurt me.. is attacking me. Savagely attacking me. I have six huge bites in my arms now. I can't even walk in her room.
It started when I was changing her hammocks like I've done a thousand times before.
I have no idea what to do. I'm in tears I can't even walk in the room she jumps on me and starts just biting the hell out of me. The physical pain is nothing compared to my heart just breaking.
I didn't change my shirt after the flyer could it possibly be that? She seemed fine until I touched her sleeping cube hammock thingy.
02-15-2008, 08:58 PM
I hope the little one pulls through and you get him released or to another rehabber before Scooby kills you.:grouphug
02-15-2008, 09:02 PM
Well only a fool would go back in there without armor LOL
I put on a heavy winter coat, some heavy gloves and shoes (yes the devil was going for my feet!!). I said.. ya know what honey... if you were any other animal... we'd have a showdown RIGHT now and hash this out....
Sooooo I went in.. she jumped on me... realized I wasn't vulnerable and got frustrated. I finished work in her cage by keeping her at bay with a towel. Everytime she'd come to me I'd chase her off and chatter back at her. I got her hammocks rehung (all but one) and then I made nicey nice (still dressed heavily).
She went in her cage and I closed the door. She will have to have a bit of a change in attitude before I trust her again. Now.. it's not the worse pain I've ever suffered by I must say my heart is broken.
Used all my dang paroxide trying to make the dog vomit the other day. Yeah .. go ahead.. ask why. I'm having one of those weeks.
I will handle the flier in different clothes and see if that helps tomorrow. For tonight miss Scooby is in for the evening... NO FORMULA FOR YOU... BACK OF THE LINE!!!! (grins... time for her to be weaned anyhow..spoiled brat).
02-15-2008, 09:03 PM
Scooby smells the flyer and doesn't like it. You need to keep them apart, as well as the scents, as much as possible.
I agree that it looks older, perhaps old enough to be weened by now. For reference, a 12-14 week old flyer ready for release should weigh 60 grams, if you have a scale to weigh it. They are significantly smaller than a grey, length is 7.7 - 10". Adults can weigh between 46-85 grams.
I see Muffin is on, she is definately the flyer expert.
02-15-2008, 09:07 PM
Scooby smells the flyer and doesn't like it. You need to keep them apart, as well as the scents, as much as possible.
I agree that it looks older, perhaps old enough to be weened by now. For reference, a 12-14 week old flyer ready for release should weigh 60 grams, if you have a scale to weigh it. They are significantly smaller than a grey, length is 7.7 - 10". Adults can weigh between 46-85 grams.
This little one can't even be 5 inches long (not counting it's tail)
DEFINITELY the flyer. Russ went in and put his hand near her cage she was fine. I went in and she was chattering away being all nasty.
So... I'll bathe.. wash my hair and see if she calms down. She's still not coming out of that cage tonight!!! LOL
Back to the flyer... I think I'll contact a rehabber tomorrow and let them deal with the whole thing. I just wanted to get him out of those people's hands before he died.
Thanks all... I'll take care of him through the night, call a rehabber tomorrow and hope I can get him in their hands. I know there's a list on here that Witt put up.
I'm having one of "those" weeks I tell ya!
Miss Milo's Mom
02-15-2008, 09:10 PM
Man, you are having a rough week. I hope everything works itself out. :grouphug
02-15-2008, 09:13 PM
I hope the little one pulls through and you get him released or to another rehabber before Scooby kills you.:grouphug
OMG I know.. I can laugh now because I think this will resolve AND I have the beast contained. For a minute I had no clue what I was gonna do. I have house guests arriving any minute and I need a place to sleep!!! Whew.
I look like I really got into a fight. I had visions of the killer rabbit from Monty Python there for a minute. She was going for anything exposed!!!
I'll tend to the little guy.. and shower off.
I handle horses, cats, dogs etc... all the time... and no problem from Scoobs... must be a rodent thing.
Hopefully she'll forgive the un-flyercootied me and we can go back to our normal loving relationship.
02-15-2008, 09:25 PM
Sounds like a young adult flyer, healthy, pretty tame, and the owners decided not to keep him anymore..... I think you won't have a problem finding a new home on TSB for him if you need to.
I'm so sorry your Scooby attacked you like that. I know it's hard, when we think everything is all snuggly and good, then something happens and instinct takes over and they go all "wild" on us for a few minutes. Try not to think of it as breach of trust. Remember that "trust" is NOT part of their makeup, and any trust you earn is a huge bonus, and something of a miracle. Also, it has nothing to do with how they feel about you, how much they "love" is survival instinct and nothing more.
You're lucky you had your Scooby from a baby and she and you bonded perfectly from the start. I had to start with older, wild kids, and so my expectations are much lower. But mine "freak out" sometimes too, reminding me of the gulf between the human world and the wild squirrel world, where our babies really belong....
I see Muffinsquirrel is you'll get the real help you need.
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
02-15-2008, 09:28 PM
Looks like you've got it all under control now. Considering Scoobys reaction, I would definately get the flyer to a rehabber. I saw that you had been on NFSA - Joan can probably point you to a great flyer rehabber near you - we have lots of flyer people in Florida.
Meanwhile, give him some peeled apple, broccolli.....whatever you'd feed Scooby. He will love a shelled pecan half. Might try some yogurt, too. I think he's old enough not to need the formula, but I would mix some Esbilac powder with the yogurt, because he will definately need the nutrition he has missed out on for so long.
Better get him to a rehabber ASAP - they have a way of stealing your heart before you realize it! :D
Scooby's used to all the other scents. She's been around them her whole life. I wouldn't change your nightly routine with her at all. She is VERY confused right now, and probably wants her Mommy, and needs reassurance, not locked in her cage and left alone.
I agree with Gam. :thumbsup I'd give her a lot of extra loving so she will know that she is still your #1 girl squirrel.
02-15-2008, 09:37 PM
Looks like you've got it all under control now. Considering Scoobys reaction, I would definately get the flyer to a rehabber. I saw that you had been on NFSA - Joan can probably point you to a great flyer rehabber near you - we have lots of flyer people in Florida.
Meanwhile, give him some peeled apple, broccolli.....whatever you'd feed Scooby. He will love a shelled pecan half. Might try some yogurt, too. I think he's old enough not to need the formula, but I would mix some Esbilac powder with the yogurt, because he will definately need the nutrition he has missed out on for so long.
Better get him to a rehabber ASAP - they have a way of stealing your heart before you realize it! :D
Ohhh yes he is SOOOOO cute. I have a baby shower in the morning... but as soon as I get back I will contact a rehabber. My daughter would like to see him. She's at gramma's tonight but will be home tomorrow.
I'll give him a dish of goodies and shut off the light so he gets active. He did steal the piece of grape I put in there and drag it closer to himself. He's in a container (big one) in my bathroom so I'll put the stuff in there when we go to bed so I don't have to keep bothering him.
The only yogurt I have right now is peach activia. Would that hurt him?
Ya know... I'm in pain now. It didn't hurt that much at first but I have these nasty lumpy punctures all over my hands and arms. Now I gotta sweat out the possibility of infection.
02-15-2008, 09:41 PM
Hopefully she'll forgive the un-flyercootied me and we can go back to our normal loving relationship. :rofl4
02-15-2008, 09:50 PM
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
02-15-2008, 11:21 PM
The peach activia should do fine. Sorry about all your battle scars - I always wonder what I'd say if I was ever pulled over by the cops. "I'm sure I'm OK, officer. No, I'm not in any sort of senior citizens gang. No, I haven't been in a knife fight. Well, ya see - it all started with a misunderstanding with a squirrel. NO, I HAVE NOT BEEN DRINKING!!!!!"
02-15-2008, 11:25 PM
The peach activia should do fine. Sorry about all your battle scars - I always wonder what I'd say if I was ever pulled over by the cops. "I'm sure I'm OK, officer. No, I'm not in any sort of senior citizens gang. No, I haven't been in a knife fight. Well, ya see - it all started with a misunderstanding with a squirrel. NO, I HAVE NOT BEEN DRINKING!!!!!"
:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl:rotfl :rotfl
02-16-2008, 06:41 PM
Thank you all so much for your support. The little flyer is still here but I have been in contact with a rehabber and will get him to her as soon as I can. He's eating well. Sleeps all day and is up all night. He's safe and well fed for now. I'm not giving him formula. He had yogurt with esbilac...mmmm liked that very much, a bit of pear, halved peeled grape, some cantelope and honeydew (I didn't have watermelon). I put a small amount of water in a dish for him as well.
I was supposed to meet up with the rehabber today but our signals got crossed. It's getting to late for me to drive the 45 minutes now. I'll try to get him there in the morning. If for some reason it doesn't work out my hubby will bring him to the University with him on Monday and the vet school will take him they do all sorts of exotics there. I keep forgetting my hubby works there and has contacts <grins>.
About Scooby....
I had her in lockdown all last night. Today I left her in had my hubby feed her while she was sleeping this morning. He reported her to be friendly and not territorial. I let it all ride turning on her FSL for a good part of the day but not leaving it on as long as usual. I wanted her to be in down time mode when I let her out.
I got on a sweatshirt, swallowed hard and walked in the room. I sat in "our" chair and opened her door. She'd been sweet through the cage wire before and seemed back to normal.
She came out and OMGOSH did she give me the sniff once over. Digging in my armpits and sniffing every inch. I could almost hear her saying "if I find ONE bit of flyer on you ... you will RUE the day you were born ... RUE I SAY!".
I have been kicked by horses, thrown off, had a horrible carriage wreck and I have to tell you I have never been as scared as I was just a little while ago. Trying NOT to sweat and let my adrenaline tip her off I sat still and let her explore me. My arms were covered by my hands bare since she knows my hands and would be freaked out by gloves. It was NOT easy to relax.
She was very on alert. Not mean or territorial but nervous. She was probably reading me. She settled down and when I realized she wasn't aggressive I relaxed. Within a few minutes she was preening my fingernails and lying in my hands preening herself. Mouthing my fingers like normal no attitude.
Can I tell you all how sick I was last night? I was heartbroken. I cried ALL night. When I say I didn't sleep a minute I mean NOT A MINUTE. I felt like an idiot weeping all night praying none of my houseguests got up and saw me lying on the couch (hubby was snoring totally backing up our decision to have separate sleeping quarters!!!) crying my eyes out.
I have always said that if Scooby wasn't happy here and wanted to be wild I would make the arrangements. I was back and forth a thousand times in my head about what took place and if I had been seeing signs. Yeah she was a bit manic earlier in the day but we'd been tearing the house apart, running vacuum cleaners, changing stuff alllll day. We never do that :rotfl . I'm the world's worst house keeper. Now she's not out where we were doing all the work but she could hear it. SHe's very sensitive to loud noise anywhere in the house. I was just falling apart going... "well if this is what it's down too I suppose I can live with it and ... OMG I can't imagine this place without her now". IT was a HORRIBLE night and I'm so exhausted now I can't really even think straight.
BUT... all seems well. Scooby taught me no matter how much I love her and she "loves" me... wild is wild and they can act instinctually at anytime. I do NOT blame her so don't ge me wrong. I adore her and I was never mad at her. The people visiting think I'm a moron but it never occurred to me to be angry, just heartbroken.
Heed my experience folks. I made one mistake. This normally cuddley loving girl tore me up. I mean.. TORE ME UP. I have such bad bruising from it I couldn't even tuck my shirt in without crying. And... I have a real high pain tolerance. It didn't hurt at the time as much as it hurts now.
Ok.. babbling on now... lol.. just wanna say thanks again. Russ will tend the flyer til he leaves keeping my life with Scooby peaceful. NO other rodents in the house in fact NO other pets. She doesn't react to the horses, dogs, cats on me because she has always known those smells. Other rodents... NO WAY!
Miss Milo's Mom
02-16-2008, 07:18 PM
Im so glad all turned out well and your baby is back to normal.:wahoo
island rehabber
02-16-2008, 07:27 PM
Wow, scoobysnack I'm just catching up with this thread now but you have had quite the rotten reminder that squirrels are 'wildlife' :sanp3. To scooby, you weren't "you" and all bets were off. No understanding, borne of generation after generation of cohabitation with humans like a dog or cat would have, for her to fall back on.....all she knew was that according to her nose a huge, evil two-legged rodent thing was invading her room! The giant flying squirrel from hell!! :eek:(The fact that it vaguely resembled mommy was irrelevant.....) :shakehead
I'm not diminishing your pain and shock at all this, believe me. I felt exactly the same way when I was bitten the first time and it wasn't even by a pet squirrel who supposedly loved me. Just trying to look at it from scoobs' little point of view. She was just being her authentic self, but all will be fine after a bit of soap and water. :grouphug
02-16-2008, 08:06 PM
Wow, scoobysnack I'm just catching up with this thread now but you have had quite the rotten reminder that squirrels are 'wildlife' :sanp3. To scooby, you weren't "you" and all bets were off. No understanding, borne of generation after generation of cohabitation with humans like a dog or cat would have, for her to fall back on.....all she knew was that according to her nose a huge, evil two-legged rodent thing was invading her room! The giant flying squirrel from hell!! :eek:(The fact that it vaguely resembled mommy was irrelevant.....) :shakehead
I'm not diminishing your pain and shock at all this, believe me. I felt exactly the same way when I was bitten the first time and it wasn't even by a pet squirrel who supposedly loved me. Just trying to look at it from scoobs' little point of view. She was just being her authentic self, but all will be fine after a bit of soap and water. :grouphug
Ohh I know...especially after tonight... I know she didn't know it was me. I have to tell ya though... flying squirrel cooties don't wash off easy. She didn't even forgive me after a shower and a full change of clothes. I had to sleep all night and come in all... I dunno.. old smellin before she was going to believe it was me.
She's fine now... I'm sure she was like "Hey ma' why ya so jumpy??" when I first came in this evening. Meet me in the grey squirrel forum in Scooby's thread and I'll show you some pics.
02-16-2008, 08:29 PM
Lord, I think we've all been there. Just today, I did something stupid. I was hungry between meals and cracked a few walnuts to eat. Then decided to put on the "housecoat" and wake H&H up for some afternoon play. I forgot to wash my hands, and I had "walnut breath." They were on me like vampires! I will say, so far, as bad and monsterish as they are generally, they have never broken the skin.....yet (I am quite sure it will happen some day) but I had a hard time shaking them off and exiting the room. And they were both "mad" at me the whole rest of the day.
Another time, the two of them got into a fight while they were both resting on my folded arms, and my bare hand was between them, and somehow Hazel thought my HAND was the thing that had attacked her. So she kept attacking my hand (again, more with claws than teeth, but still....) and "grrrring" and practically snarling..... it was scary.
My heart goes out to you. We like to cuddle our little darlings, and make babies out of them....but let's face it they're wild critters. Sure, the bond between H&H and myself is wonderful, and a privilege, but misunderstandings are bound to happen.
02-16-2008, 08:32 PM
I have been through the same experience with Baby, so I know exactly how you felt. The day I had hair dye on my head, I will NEVER forget! Baby was still sleeping in her cage. I put the dye on my hair, and then heard her getting up. Went in to get her, just as I always did, and she went BIZERK!!! She went flying around in her cage, lunging at me with all her might, and growling and snarling, like I have never seen before in any "animal". All I could see was teeth and gums. She was just like a rabid animal. I was waiting any second for her to be foaming at the mouth. I stood at her cage talking my "baby" talk to her, and kept saying..It's ok Baby. It's Mommy. I didn't matter one bit that she saw me, or heard my voice. It was all about the scent! She was going to protect herself, and probably me, no matter what. I know she just didn't realize it was Mommy. I really thought my baby was going insane, and was dieing! Then, I remembered Mandie's post about the nail polish. I ran out of her room, immediately rinsed the dye all out of my hair, blew it dry, and went back in her room. I was scared to death! I walked over to her cage, and said...Hi my precious Baby, like I always do, and she was right back to her old self again. I opened the cage door, out she came, full of kisses. I learned that day, NO foreign scents. Baby is a squirrel, and will act like a squirrel, if she feels her, or her Mommy and Daddy are being threatened. I KNOW she did not know that was me.
Gammas, not BABY! :eek: I can't believe it!!!! :eek:
island rehabber
02-16-2008, 08:53 PM
Another time, the two of them got into a fight while they were both resting on my folded arms, and my bare hand was between them, and somehow Hazel thought my HAND was the thing that had attacked her. So she kept attacking my hand (again, more with claws than teeth, but still....) and "grrrring" and practically snarling..... it was scary.
That's exactly how I got seriously chomped. PeeWee and Niko were having a sounded like it was getting ugly. I stuck my hand in the cage (DOH!) and that's when it got real ugly, as Niko mistook my thumb for PeeWee -- then he mistook it again about four more times.....:shakehead Never, ever try to break up a squirrel fight with your bare hands. This is the only pic I have of the two of them as babies. Now who would think these precious things could draw blood like that?
02-16-2008, 08:59 PM
It makes me feel tremendously better to hear you guys came out on the other side of this stuff with a relationship in tact.
Scooby is an odd duck. I can walk in with food on my hands, on my breath or whatever. She'll get curious but she won't get frantic. Now... oddly... if I walk in with whole nuts in the shell... I better walk in with my hand open allowing her to take it and run. Nuts in the shell are the only thing she gets really weird over. Well that... and the small of flyer on her momma!!!
I have to admit IR... breaking up a squirrel fight bare handed would NOT occur to me!!! <grins>. Kinda like stepping between two lions and saying "now stop it you two".:rotfl
02-16-2008, 09:40 PM
You're a stronger woman than I am. :bowdown That must have been really hard to go in and try to act like nothing was different. I couldn't quite manage that with Buddy after he bit me. I did eventually grow to trust him -- sort of -- but it took months. Of course, you have a longer and closer relationship with Scooby.
I am convinced, though, that by the next day (next hour, maybe) Buddy had totally forgotten about it. He was always a perfect gentleman after. I believe Scooby will act as she always has -- as long as that evil giant rodent thing never returns :D .
You did great being able to go back to her and re-establish your relationship!!! :thumbsup :alright.gif :alright.gif I'm sorry you had such a wretched night before you were able to, though.
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
02-16-2008, 10:06 PM
You're a stronger woman than I am. :bowdown That must have been really hard to go in and try to act like nothing was different. I couldn't quite manage that with Buddy after he bit me. I did eventually grow to trust him -- sort of -- but it took months. Of course, you have a longer and closer relationship with Scooby.
I am convinced, though, that by the next day (next hour, maybe) Buddy had totally forgotten about it. He was always a perfect gentleman after. I believe Scooby will act as she always has -- as long as that evil giant rodent thing never returns :D .
You did great being able to go back to her and re-establish your relationship!!! :thumbsup :alright.gif :alright.gif I'm sorry you had such a wretched night before you were able to, though.
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
It was one of the harder things I've done I must admit. I work with 1000 lb animals all day and that little tiny squirrel had my palms sweating. :rotfl
Part of me was just so scared she'd still be crazed. I was literally sick all night last night from crying and thinking about what might be ahead of me.
All's well though. I just went in with a tablespoon of yummy peach yogurt. The store brand of "Activia". It was a hit. She loved it, licked it off the spoon. Got it in between her fingers. Then crawled into my sweatshirt to wipe her mouth and hands. She thinks that I think she was cuddling, but I know she was just using me as a napkin. That's acceptable. It's using me as a attack dummy I wasn't thrilled about.
I can think of one other occasion I was attacked by an animal. It was an 8 month old Thoroughbred filly with a horrible attitude. My 2nd ex husband brought her home to "fix" her not that he had a clue about horses. The first night she was here she reared up when I was feeding her and through a mostly closed stall gate struck me down to the bone on my left shin and right knee. I was off my feet in excrutiating pain for two weeks. It took me a LONG time to recover emotionally. I had a fear of yearlings for a long time and really any badly behaved horse on the ground freaked me out. Finally a friend of mine threw my into the fire by forcing me to help her breed mares. I had to hold them while a full sized stallion jumped the mares. It was perfect really, my fear coming to light everytime but with me NOT getting hurt. Nowdays I have nothing but healthy respect, no "fear" anymore, but it took quite some time.
While Scooby biting me was not a pleasant experience it wasn't as bad as has been described. Don't get me wrong... it hurts a lot, but it wasn't as bad as I expected which is why I was stupid enough to back in last night for round two LOL
Same thing happened to me with child birth. Everyone told me it was HORRIBLE, EXCRUTIATING. So there I was... at home.. waiting for it to be unbearable... and I was really about to have my baby in the hallway of my parent's house. I mean it was bad, but I kept waiting for it to be like DEADLY bad, like I can't live another minute like this kinda bad. Silly me, I did the whole hard part at home and barely made it to the hospital to have the baby. I really have to learn what other people mean by horribly painful :rotfl
02-17-2008, 02:08 AM
I'm so glad things are working out. They can be jealous, possessive little critters! And trust me - the flyers can be just as bad. And since they're so little and fast, you can be chewed up and spit out before the pain even registers! Glad Joan was able to help you with a rehabber - hope ya'll manage to connect tomorrow - well, make that today! I'm picking up one around 1:00 today to re-home.
My Little Trouble
02-17-2008, 11:44 AM
Awww, The flyer is adorable!
I'm so sorry that the Scoobster was not similarly impressed.
I'm awfully glad that peace is restored :thumbsup
and that DH is doing little-flyer-duty until the rehabber can take him.
You did a very good thing taking this little guy out of a situation that would have done more harm day by day . . .
Hmm, they DO say "no good deed goes unpunished" . . .
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