View Full Version : Kiwi's behaviour

kiwi's dad
02-11-2008, 06:29 PM
Hi: Can someone help me with Kiwi? I have had my little girl over 2 and half years and I still don't understand her behaviour sometimes.

I got her when she was only about 10 days old. She was released and came back and won't leave. The only problem is her chattering when food is present. She gets defensive if more than one nut is around. She has plenty of water and food. I feed her avacado's, beans, sweet potatoes, lettuce, pecans, hazelnuts, brazil, etc.

We play together, work on the computer and spend lots of time together. When she hides anything, she defends it aggresively, even when no attempt is made to come close to the stash.

As soon as food is not her object of attention, she is great, except when my wife is close, then she treats her with disdain and has bitten her several times, drawing blood and leaving a nasty gash.

The den has hanging trees, mesh baskets, play toys and her nest. The vet says she is very healthy and gets regular checkups.

What am I doing wrong??


Lady Squirrelly
02-11-2008, 06:44 PM
What type of squirrel do you have????

You are doing nothing wrong. That's just the way they are. They are hard wired by nature to do certain things.

Protecting their food stashes is one of those things. They all do it to a different degree. It is natural to the way they are.

Taking up with one human is very common. They usually bond with only one person. Others will be growled at or (as your wife well knows) bitten.

Others will be on here later. They will have VERY good advice about diet and Full Spectrum Light.

02-11-2008, 07:34 PM
:Welcome :wave123 Welcome to The Squirrel Board:wave123 :Welcome
Yes..that sounds about right..she's bonded with one person..and been out in the wild..and is protective of her food..sounds all normal to me...
Bean my 8month old IS TOTALLY a one person fuzzer he's a grey squirrel...
The only way my son can even come close to him is IF HIS HANDS are covered.
AND MY HUSBAND...as long as he doesnt reach for him he's fine.
ANY attempts at touching him or anything of his..he will lung and growl.
He hasnt bitten my husband YET..
BUT..my son..yes a few times..thats because he has touched his toy's...:nono That's a no, no...
DOnt touch his chair,toy's,me...go near his open cage...(WHILE he is out and in HIS ROOM)
Squirrels are a ONE person animal...SOME will tollerate others..but most will NOT allow another human to love on them..THIS is my experience..anyways..
Hope this is helpful...Rachel FLUFFYTAILNUT...:Welcome :wave123

kiwi's dad
02-11-2008, 08:22 PM
Kiwi is sitting with me right now. She moves my hand off the mouse and falls asleep with my hand as a blanket. She is eating my orange as we speak. She is a standard grey, although in Canada we have more blacks than greys. The vet says she is healthy other than her eyesight.

I doubt she could survive long in the wild.

She left the house for one week while I was in New Orleans and found her way back on her own. The windows have been open and she won't leave. Her eyesight isn't any better than it was when I found her. She still doesn't see things unless they move. She came back thin but alive.

She obeys some commands but spends most of her time on my shoulder. We don't cage her because she goes to her nest on her own for safety when we are not at home. Laurie keeps her in the den when I am not home. She gets as much sun as she wants and often sleeps in the window in the den.

My wife is scared of Kiwi.

I will follow the diet and see if her attitude changes. But it seems like the nuts are mostly her problem.

I am willing to listen and try anything because setting her free with her eyesight is not an option.


02-11-2008, 10:08 PM
Hi There please to meet you and hope you stay around there are many good people here that can help you with your baby. :)

02-11-2008, 11:40 PM

kiwi's dad
02-12-2008, 08:26 AM
Thanks everybody for the great advice. I am heading down to purchase the proper food and adjust her diet.

I removed the screen from the two windows in her den last night after she went to sleep. The screens are on the inside so it was easy. I am going to start looking for a light. Will Kiwi instinctively lie under it or do I have to lead her to it?

I will have to learn how to upload photos of my little girl to thank everyone so you can see my little girl. :thankyou

I will keep everyone updated on her progress.

kiwi's dad
02-12-2008, 08:58 AM
Thanks for the info on the Lights.

What is Rescue Remedy?

kiwi's dad
02-12-2008, 09:09 AM
Those pics of Kiwi was after we had her for several weeks. When we got her, she was the size of a KIWI and looked like one in my hand. Not sure why she was kicked out or fell out of the nest but her eyesight is poor and you can see the blank stare sometimes.

She is still undersized compared to other greys. The local blacks are huge compared to my Kiwi.

Lady Squirrelly
02-12-2008, 09:21 AM
What a precious girl.:grouphug

02-12-2008, 03:43 PM
Kiwi is adorable, I'm so glad to hear she has a home with you, I agree she wouldn't last long out in the wild with her eyesight.