01-16-2008, 03:48 AM
so i got a squirrel for chrismas, i named him Paco.... i got it a lil after new years though. I've heard that it isnt a very good idea to keep a squirrel as a pet but he is just so darn cute. the squirrel came from brighten farm with i've found out doesnt have a very good reputation. they told me the squirrel was around 7 weeks old but when i got it, it was already eating solids and very mobile and nocturnal so i figured he must be older than that. i had no idea how to take care of it so ive been feeding him hamster food, walnuts and fruit(mostly apples and oranges). i also read that i should carry him in a bounding pouch so i do so for around 6 hours a day. he still runs away from me so i always trick him into getting in the pouch. he aslo eats walnuts from my hand if i set my hand right outside his nest. i have him mostly in a bird cage in my room next to a window(best i can do for now). he aslo squeeks a lot from time to time(maybe calling for his mom?). well so i hope im doing what im supposed to, except i still have yet to find a good source of calcium for him. i havent been able to find any good help on this matter so im really hoping you guys can help me out. ill load some pics asap and as soon as i find out how:P
p.s: sorry about my grammar, lenguages dont come very easy form me
p.s: sorry about my grammar, lenguages dont come very easy form me