View Full Version : new squirrel

01-16-2008, 03:48 AM
so i got a squirrel for chrismas, i named him Paco.... i got it a lil after new years though. I've heard that it isnt a very good idea to keep a squirrel as a pet but he is just so darn cute. the squirrel came from brighten farm with i've found out doesnt have a very good reputation. they told me the squirrel was around 7 weeks old but when i got it, it was already eating solids and very mobile and nocturnal so i figured he must be older than that. i had no idea how to take care of it so ive been feeding him hamster food, walnuts and fruit(mostly apples and oranges). i also read that i should carry him in a bounding pouch so i do so for around 6 hours a day. he still runs away from me so i always trick him into getting in the pouch. he aslo eats walnuts from my hand if i set my hand right outside his nest. i have him mostly in a bird cage in my room next to a window(best i can do for now). he aslo squeeks a lot from time to time(maybe calling for his mom?). well so i hope im doing what im supposed to, except i still have yet to find a good source of calcium for him. i havent been able to find any good help on this matter so im really hoping you guys can help me out. ill load some pics asap and as soon as i find out how:P

p.s: sorry about my grammar, lenguages dont come very easy form me

01-16-2008, 04:12 AM
oh and its a southern flyn squirrel

01-16-2008, 07:03 AM
I just joined myself when I lost my flyer. Just a word of warning. please please please keep the toilet seat closed at all times. That how I lost mine.

Good luck with your SFS. You will receive plenty of good advice from the board members. They helped me when I was down with grief.

01-16-2008, 10:29 AM

01-16-2008, 12:02 PM
Welcome and thank you for asking for help.
Please go to the NFSA (National Flying Squirrel Association) and read all through the education section.
You already have some problems with your diet and housing that this information can help you with.

01-16-2008, 02:35 PM
yeah i/ve figured out the feeding situtation i think... im starting to give him a lot of dark green veggies and sweet potatoes. im heading to walmart to get him some birdfeed too. I still have to figure out the vitamine D intake.
I know the cage is too small for my squirrel but right now i realy have no choice untill m next paycheck.

i'll post some pics this evening. I'm hoping you guys can tell me approx how old my squirrel really is