View Full Version : Bitting issue

01-13-2008, 06:38 PM
So I just go a squirrel. My second squirrel. I named him spike. The other one I only had for a short time though, so it's kind of like this is a first try.

Spike is a lot more energetic than my other squirrel. (We think the other one was sick when we got him.) He sleeps a lot, but sometimes after you wake him up he wants to run all over me. I would love to let him but some times he bites. It's never been a big problem though until this morning. He got excited and kept running up my body and jumping in my hair. One time he was on my shoulder and jumped decided to grab my ear with his teeth. It was a hard enough bite to make me bleed. Does anyone know how to get him to not bite or if this is normal?? Thanks.

- nathan

01-13-2008, 06:48 PM
Is this a flier? How old is he? Do you know how he was raised or handled before you got him?:thinking These could be clues we can use to help you.:)

01-13-2008, 09:25 PM
:Welcome :wave123 Hi..Nathan...Welcome to the Squirrel Board..glad you found us...:Welcome :wave123
How old is Spike??
I'm FLUFFYTAILNUT...aka...RAchel..I too..have a family member/pet squirrel he is now 7 and a half months old..boys can be a bit frisky..and...well..lets hear a little more..and see the little guy's mug..to..get a good look see..of the stinker..that drew blood..to your ear lobe..:poke :poke
Before..I go..to give any advice....okay..:poke

01-13-2008, 09:31 PM
I have one grey squirrel and four sugar gliders and I can tell you that a lot of the biting has to do with age - as young ones will bite more often as they are going thru what we call the teenage stage..... plus they will keep on testing you until they learn what they can and cannot do.

For my grey squirrel I either cuff his head and hold him down for about 20 seconds or I blow on him to get him to stop biting me - and trust me Max use to bite hard.

With my sugar gliders I gentle tap them on the nose and move their mouth away from me as I say no...... they listen fairly well.

01-13-2008, 09:45 PM

01-13-2008, 10:20 PM
I got Spike from helen's little critters. He's a good squirrel, he just gets nervous sometimes. I got him about a week ago. They send them when they're a little younger than 8 weeks I think, so he's still a baby. He's a flier too. Thanks for all of you're help so far. Tell me what you think now that you have more details.

Thanks everyone
- nathan

01-13-2008, 10:24 PM

This is Spike. He just woke up.

01-13-2008, 10:30 PM
Aww..he's so, cute....
yeah..I agree..he's a baby..testing the boundries..talk to him..and tell him..no, no..do..the blowing thing..and pulling off..gently...NO,need for any more...blood..spillage:poke :poke
AND Id hold him as much as possible..put some things in his bedding with your scent on it..cute up..some cotton t-shirts..and some..not too..stinky socks..with your scent..:poke some hair..from your brush....get your scent going on in his cage...
and dont be afraid..to keep him in your pocket..just be sure..to keep an eye on him..I know they can be quick..
He is adorable!!!!!!!!!!I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures!!!!!:poke :poke
Talk to him alot..and dont be afraid to ..sing to him..make him..used to you..and all your sounds..:grouphug :Love_Icon
Hope this is helful!:grouphug :thumbsup

01-13-2008, 11:44 PM
Welcome.....we're glad to add your name to our Family Tree of Nuts!

He's a cute baby - flyers are just the cutest things around! He looks young - still got that 'greasy hair' look to him. Is he still taking formula? Esbilac? What all are you feeding him? Have you offered him any yogurt? The Dannon LaCreme strawberry is a favorite with mine, but the really like most any flavor I offer them. You do not have to use Dannon, just make sure that whatever you get has the live culture and does NOT have any sugar substitute - in other words, just the regular yogurt, not Lite or Lo Fat.

I agree, he is 'testing his limits' with you right now. A loud 'NO' will help, as will blowing on him (although that's gonna be quite a feat if he's chewing on your ear!!). Carry him around in your shirt as much as you possibly can. If his nails scratch, wear a tee shirt with a button up shirt over it (tuck in your shirtails!) and let him run around between them. He should run around a while, and then settle down and go to sleep. The more you carry him on you, the more bonded to you he will become. If you are worried that he might escape, flyer proof your bathroom and take him in there to play and explore. Give him small pieces of pecans to eat from your hand. If you give him a large piece, he will be more likely to take it off somewhere to eat, but a small one he should sit in your hand or on your shoulder or down your shirt to eat.

The most important thing to remember when you have a flyer is to keep the toilet lid closed, and cover any container of water so he can not fall in. Drowning is probably the number one killer of pet flyers!

Fleece is great for his bedding in his nestbox. Just DO NOT use towels or anything that is 'loopy' or loose woven. Mine also like cotton balls (100% cotton only), plain white unscented kleenex or toilet tissue and paper towels. They shred it up into fluff for their nest.

I know this is a lot more information than you came here looking for, but I'd rather tell you something you already know than not tell you and have something happen.


01-14-2008, 08:28 AM
Hey..Nate..can I call..you Nate..or DOES IT HAVE TO BE..Nathan:poke :poke
I NEED..a spike...FIX..please..we here on The Squirrel..Board..like to have our..daily..FIXES..so.get used to it..and get..busy..NEW..Pictures..Please...:poke
Have a great..day..Spike..and Nate....!!:jump :alright.gif :alright.gif :alright.gif :jump :jump :osnap

01-14-2008, 08:35 AM
Ohhh Nathan he is SOOOOOOOOO cute! I think he probably needs bonding time. LOTS of cuddling.

Looking forward to seeing more pictures of Spike (great name by the way) and hearing some replies to the questions asked so the folks here can help you more.

Best of luck with little Spike. Don't tell my squirrel, but I covet a flyer!

My Little Trouble
01-14-2008, 11:49 AM
http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b77/ozonetraveler/hi_.gif Nathan and Spike! :D
AWWWW!! What an adorable little nipper. http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b77/ozonetraveler/chuckle.gif
There are some great tips here, I hope that they help you to get your bonding experience off to a less painful start.

I handled my little Trouble (a grey squirrel) almost non-stop for the first few weeks after he found me.
As a toddler, he fell asleep and woke up again still in my hands, T-shirt pocket, or in the hood of my sweatshirt -
(which was one of his favorite spots), I got my share of nips, but he really did learn to be more gentle.

01-18-2008, 04:31 PM
Nathan, Spike is just tooo cute!!!! :D

01-20-2008, 09:15 PM
So, I've been doing what all of you told me. It's working fine. He hasn't done any ear swinging lately. I think he knows better. (i might have yelled kind of loud, he got the point.) But anyway, he started learning to glide yesterday. He thinks he can climb painted wood doors, but he can't he kind of just jumps into them. Anybody when they're supposed to be comfortable with gliding? Anyway, here are some pictures.


Here's a video of him launching off of my shoulder as well. ....he's fine.

http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n166/fallstherain/th_MOV00394.jpg (http://s112.photobucket.com/albums/n166/fallstherain/?action=view&current=MOV00394.flv)

My Little Trouble
01-20-2008, 09:34 PM
So glad that you and Spike are doing well together,
it sounds like he is really starting to get the idea. :thumbsup

These new pix are great :D the video shows what a quick little guy he is!

01-21-2008, 01:13 AM
AHHHH, what a cute flyer. He looks so adorable in the picture where he just woke up. The video was great too. Would love to see more pict's.

I have a grey squirrel who is about 24 weeks old and he is a bit of a GENTLE nipper only while playing, other than that he does not bite. He tolerates other people; he will climb all over them but he will not allow them to pet or handle him, he will grunt, stomp his feet and lunge at them to bite them hard. One exception is our vet, he does not mind her handling him!