View Full Version : New to Squirrel Care!

01-11-2008, 02:54 PM
Squirrel friends, I live in a brownstone in Manhattan, and for the past few weeks, I have had this lovely grey squirrel visiting me daily, sometimes 2 or 3 times. He (or she?) is now coming into the apartment through my window and walks about my living room, looking for nuts that I leave him. My question is, I would like to take this 'relationship' a step further and begin feeding him by hand. How should I proceed with this? Can I expect to be bitten at some point? Should I never attempt to stroke him? Wait a few more weeks? Every day he seems a little more comfortable in my presence but he is still skittish, but I suppose squirrels always are. Anyone have experience with a wild squirrel in their house/apt? Appreciate any advice, help. Thanks. Ron

01-11-2008, 03:12 PM
First off Welcome :Welcome Ron.:Welcome ..to the squirrel board!!
Umm..I think you can take it as it comes I wouldnt try just yet to stroke him..You'll have to wait..and see..watching his body language..
this will take some time..before he trusts you to touch him..or you may walk away with ONE less digit:poke :D
I'd continue to feed him..bring him some fruit too..some cherries..alot of people dont know this..BUT squirrels..LOVE fruits N Vegi's...
Try..cranberries..cherries...pomerganiates...(my gray's..favorite )I have a family member..pet..squirrel that lives in our home.
Also..try...spring mix lettuces...strawberries..peeled grapes..slices of sweet potato.
These are just a few idea's for you...
Nice to meet you Ron..looking forward to hearing more about this little guy..be sure to give him a name..he'll get used to it..and will come...to it.
I'm Rachel...FLUFFYTAILNUT....

01-11-2008, 03:16 PM
:Welcome to TSB! We are always happy to have another squirrel lover onboard.

I have a troop of wild squirrels that live in my backyard and that I feed everyday. Some of them can become quite tame, although they have different personalities, and some of mine have remained standoffish for years. Some of my wild guys will climb in my lap and eat a peanut on my knee, and I know some people are able to stroke their wild squirrels. I never tried. Mine started coming into the house also and I didn't mind. Beene has a wild squirrel that comes into her kitchen to be fed.

I enjoy their company immensely, and I sometimes think they regard me as a friend. I have never been bitten, but my roommate was bitten (accidentally) the very first time he hand-fed a squirrel. It was one of our "nervous" squirrels, who is ALWAYS jumpy. I never felt comfortable hand-feeding her. I always take it slow and make sure the squirrel is approaching slowly and calmly, that he seems to know exactly where the peanut is, and that I am holding it out to him so that his mouth touches the peanut first. The first time they reach out to rest a paw on your hand while they take a peanut is so sweet! Enjoy your little friend.

01-11-2008, 03:46 PM
Thanks, Rachel. I'll keep you posted! Ron

01-11-2008, 04:32 PM
Thanks, Rachel. I'll keep you posted! Ron
OH..great!! Be sure..to take some pictures of im..too..Have you given him..a name..thought of a good one yet???:D :alright.gif

01-11-2008, 05:12 PM
It's been my experience that squirrels are just like people--you never know which ones will bite, now or later, because their personalities are as individual as snowflakes. The only ones I have no fear (well, little) of being bitten by are those I've raised since infancy. I've known people who've fed wild squirrels and developed relationships where a squirrel would actually jump out of a tree and land on them to get a nut, would climb all over the person to get/find a nut, would sit in the palm of a hand to eat the nut, and then out of nowhere the squirrel bit the person. I've been bitten by wild squirrels myself (and "tame" ones), and I never saw it coming (if I did, I wouldn't have let myself be bitten). They just "took a notion." My best advice is to understand that EVERYTHING has to be on the squirrel's terms. Don't try to force or hurry anything. If one day you get to pet it, consider yourself blessed, BUT if one day it DOES bite you, understand that you haven't lost your friend. It was just establishing its own boundaries. Heck, I've had many HUMAN guests in my house I wanted to "pet" but for various reasons couldn't. That doesn't (necessarily) mean I won't invite them in/over anymore. Sometimes we just have to content ourselves with their company and enjoy just looking :-).

01-11-2008, 08:39 PM
Good Posting..Gamma..
Ron..I think you got some great TIPS..for your first ..day!!!
You've probably..gone..shopping..right..for a bunch of squirrel..goodies..:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

You watch..you'll be going broke ..before too..long..BUYING all kinds of squirrel stuff...:poke :rotfl :rotfl :osnap
Join the club...:poke :alright.gif :poke
Produce is very expensive..NUTS how ever..are going on SALE..from all the holiday..stuff..being over...
So,stash up...on...those..BAGGED nuts...:D

01-12-2008, 01:11 AM

01-12-2008, 06:29 AM
good advice from all previous... however, they didn't mention that a squirrel cannot see it's mouth from it's eyes. So... just realise if the squirrel kind of grabs your finger instead of the goodie... be calm & patient to let them 'find' the real goodie you're offering... they're pretty gentle normally... if you don't jerk back, they'll find & take what you're offering eventually.

01-12-2008, 06:42 AM
I have wild chipmunks that come in for goodies each summer. Only the females let me 'pet' them... as they find if they allow this they can get more food stuffed in their cheeks *laffs* The males are more afraid of me & run the little girls off normaly. The pics are of my chipmunk crew... the one with my parakeet was one I could pet.

island rehabber
01-12-2008, 07:03 AM
My best advice is to understand that EVERYTHING has to be on the squirrel's terms. Don't try to force or hurry anything. If one day you get to pet it, consider yourself blessed, BUT if one day it DOES bite you, understand that you haven't lost your friend. It was just establishing its own boundaries..

Well said, PBJ2 :bowdown. I learned this the hard way when I first visited my released squirrels a couple of years ago at the nature center. My beloved Nero came galloping up to me, right to my foot, looking like a million bucks and I was SO happy to see him. I reached down (stoo-pid!!) with open palm to let him jump up on my arm like we used to do at home (double stoo-pid) and he took a nice chunk out of my finger. :shakehead Boundaries....yep. Got it.

01-12-2008, 08:53 AM
OUCH...Thats gotta hurt..those razor..sharp teeth..cripes..FORTUNATE..you didnt lose a finger..or get bitten down to the BONE!! :eek:

Take is slow..Ron... :SMILES::..dont want to get hurt..or be disappointed..:poke :poke Or need any stitches...:poke :osnap
Have a great..day...:jump :alright.gif :D :alright.gif :jump

01-14-2008, 11:23 AM
Thanks guys for all the great tips! I will post a photo shortly. He is now coming in every single day and explores the apt and I have no problems hand-feeding him. But I do know from a previous squirrel visitor that it's always on his terms. And oh yes, I'm happy to announce that he seems to have a girlfriend who is rather shy and comes to the windowsill but won't come in. He shares his bounty with her, however.

I am truly loving every minute of this!!

01-14-2008, 08:34 PM
Uh oh--I'm detecting another addict here :Welcome to the club! Your life has just changed forever!

01-14-2008, 10:42 PM
Uh oh--I'm detecting another addict here :Welcome to the club! Your life has just changed forever!

Wooo Hooo another addict!
:Welcome to TSB

01-14-2008, 10:54 PM
Hi Ron, welcome to TSB ( I'm new too ).

If you enjoy reading, there is a book you should get, it's about the author's experiences through the years with the squirrels who would come in the window of her Greenwich Village apt to visit her every day.A must-read for any and all squirrel lovers. " Squirrels at my Window " by Grace Marmor



Kat, owned by Andi

01-15-2008, 08:33 AM
Here, fellow squirrel nuts, is Rocky making his debut on YouTube:


01-15-2008, 11:47 AM
Gammas Baby--oh, he's been eating out of my hand for a while now, and exploring the apt and often eats his nuts inside. Did I mention that he also has a girlfriend, it seems, who is rather shy and hangs around outside the window.

Awww......I LOVE Rocky!! :Love_Icon :Love_Icon He didn't look too afraid coming in, and your presence certainly didn't seem to bother him. :shakehead Every once in awhile, try giving Rocky a nut out of the shell. That way he won't take it to bury, and he may stay in your "house" to eat it. :thumbsup I'm betting you'll have him eating out of your hand in no time. :D