View Full Version : Baby badly congested

12-20-2007, 04:25 AM
I picked up 2 six week olds tonight and the female is horrribly congested.Her nose is so clogged that she can only breathe through her mouth. I gave her 1 dose of the antibiotic septra. Her nose is runny with whitish mucous. Doesn't sound like pneumonia (yet). Her brother has a milder case, but may get worse. I gave him septra as well. Can you think of anything I can do to make them more comfortable until the meds kick in? It's heartbreaking to hear her struggling so to breathe. TIA.

12-20-2007, 06:38 AM
I imagine that you have them on a heat pad to keep them warm, already!
It might also be an idea to seperate them, so that the boy at least has a better chance of survival. Make sure that the room is warm, and has moist air circulating - this should help with breathing!

Can you take them to a vet? They may need different antibiotics!

Others will be along soon, Im sure they will be able to give you more advice!

My prayers are with you all!:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

12-20-2007, 07:23 AM
2 suggestions that I used on my pnemonia cases. If you have a facial steamer, hold them in front of that to open their passages. If not, put a post of water on the stove and get it steaming. Stand over the pot, with a towel over both of you to catch the steam. Be sure to keep a safe distance so they don't squirm and drop in the water, but close enough to get the benefits.

Second thing is you can make them a little steam box for their basket. Take a small plastic container, and punch holes in the lid. Put an inch of water in it. Dip a cotton ball in Vick's Vapor Rub, and drop it in the plastic container too, and seal it up. Place it directly over the heating pad for their cage, and it will eventually condensate and release the Vicks, which will also help keep their passages open while they sleep. This really only works well if they are housed in a smaller container and don't get too far from the steamer. Be sure the lid is on there good so they don't get into the contents.

12-20-2007, 07:26 AM
I personally wouldn't separate them if both are already sick. They will be happier together and can snuggle up to keep eachother warm. Do you have a humidifier? Some people say that helps with their breathing when they are congested. I think the septra is a type of sulfa drug right? That would be the right thing to use. I always use sulfatrim on little tykes with pneumonia and it seems to work good. Other than that, just keep them as warm and cozy as you can and hope the meds. start helping soon, which they should.

12-20-2007, 07:32 AM
I agree with SRBT, keep them together as it will stress their little systems even more to be separated.

Make sure to use your yogurt or probiotics a couple hours after each antibiotic dose. Use the highest dose you can for the meds (safely, of course) but she especially needs the meds to kick in asap.

Also, pedialyte is a good idea even if they don't seem dehydrated. The extra fluids will help distribute the antibiotics throughout their systems.

:grouphug Good luck.

12-20-2007, 07:38 AM
Quick note:

Septra is the same as Sulfatrim, so that's EXCELLENT for what you are treating.

The Wild Mammal Babies book specifically notes keeping the animal well hydrated on Sulfa meds like Septra, so I would definitely do the extra pedialyte.

The drug is safe to use "long-term" and should be given for at least 5-7 days.

I have also used a vaporizor with illness like yours have, and it works wonders for them. I don't know if I'd do the Vicks, though...I know for me, personally, even a small amount burns my mucous membranes...can't use the stuff...I would think a small animal might be even more sensative? :thinking

Secret Squirrel
12-20-2007, 10:27 AM
Nix on the Vick's !!!! :D
Have you tried to use a baby aspirator to suck out any mucous in the nasal passages. You can also use a saline soution to wipe away any junk that may be present. Or just a moist cotton ball will help with the crusties if they have it.:Love_Icon

12-20-2007, 10:29 AM
Nix on the Vick's !!!! :D
Have you tried to use a baby aspirator to suck out any mucous in the nasal passages. You can also use a saline soution to wipe away any junk that may be present. Or just a moist cotton ball will help with the crusties if they have it.:Love_Icon

Careful with the baby bulb, too! It has enough suction power to damage a bitty squirrel's lungs if not used very gently.

I would just wait for a sneeze and wipe the gunk away right then with a tissue. If you can sit with them for an hour or so doing this, you'll be amazed at how much yuck you can keep them from re-inhaling. :)

12-20-2007, 10:22 PM
Hey Folks,
Thanks for all the suggestions. Not much change yet, hoping tomorrow will show some turn around. They'll have had 3 doses of septra by then. So far both still have an appetite, although the girl has to suck formula between breaths. We go slow.I'm also doing frequent nose wiping. I regret that I'll be passing them off to another rehabber on Saturday, as I'm leaving Sun. for a week with family. Hubs is manning the fort, feeding our 6 squirrels and 2 cats. He's not up for a couple of sick babies. Can hardly blame him. I'll give everyone updates, regardless who's hands they're in. Again, thank you for caring.

12-21-2007, 06:27 AM
Hopefully they will be feeling better by Saturday. I would think you would start to see a turnaround sometime today. Glad they still have an appetite, that is a very good sign!

12-21-2007, 08:03 PM
The babies were much better today. The girl was actually breathing through her nose. They both were stronger, more active and generally looked better. The sad news for me is that I had to give them up today.It was more convenient for the other rehabber to get them today. I wasn't ready. I wanted to give them one more day of my extra special TLC. Without going into details, I know they won't get quite the level of care with her. I'll call in a few days and see how they are. I just want to be every baby squirrel's mother :Love_Icon .

island rehabber
12-21-2007, 08:05 PM
The babies were much better today. The girl was actually breathing through her nose. They both were stronger, more active and generally looked better. The sad news for me is that I had to give them up today.It was more convenient for the other rehabber to get them today. I wasn't ready. I wanted to give them one more day of my extra special TLC. Without going into details, I know they won't get quite the level of care with her. I'll call in a few days and see how they are. I just want to be every baby squirrel's mother :Love_Icon .

Awww, I would feel the same way, MsO. Just trust that you got them through the bad times with your extra special TLC, and now they are strong enough to go on to the next step. Calling to follow up is a great idea -- acountability makes all of us do a better job, and the other rehabber will want to be able to give you good news. :)