Ryleigh's new mom
12-04-2007, 08:13 PM
:thankyou Thank you so much to all of you who replied!!! I had tears in my eyes when I first posted I was so worried!!! It's amazing how quickly they can totally steal your heart! I've been on the phone with a rehabber (25 years experience) (Didn't give out any personal info), and she told me that it sounded like Ryleigh just has an upset stomach and to give her a few drops of pepto bismol, then see if she would eat some yogurt or fruit. I'm extremely happy to say that she perked up when she saw the yogurt, ate a few tiny spoonfuls, then ran around the house like her normal self. I'm not sure she's okay yet, since she only did that for a few minutes and now she's just laying on her back with her eyes open. Should I give her some Benebac(?) and pedialyte, or just watch her and let her maybe sleep it off? I hope it was just something she ate and got out of her system.:dono