Mountain Mama
12-02-2007, 02:46 PM
Something happened to Jasper Friday that has me puzzled. Early in the morning, I heard him and Ozzy playing, making their usual variety of noises. But when I walked into the den, I found Jasper lying on the bottom of the cage, clinging to the bars, and breathing heavily. I picked him up and walked into the foyer where it is quiet and sat on the stairs to pet him and to see if I could see what was wrong with him. I was soooo afraid he might have MBD and I was so distraught, thinking he was about to start seizing. He never made a sound, just reached over and bit my finger. He has never EVER done that before, not even when he has been sick. And I mean he BIT me good...I bled like crazy. He slid down off of my lap and onto the floor, and scooted around a little. I picked him up again and he bit me, again. No warning, just chomp. Hubby grabbed a towel to put around him, and we put him in his big Rubbermaid condo I used when he was a baby. I still had a good hour and a half before the vet's office opened, which allowed me a little time for a blood transfusion to replace what I had lost from the bites I sustained. :) I was at the vet's office as soon as they opened, panicked. My regular vet (who actually give me the babies to raise) wasn't in yet, but I was so afraid he was about to start seizing I asked them to go ahead and see us so we could get calcium ASAP if it was MBD. The vet that I saw examined him and talked to me, and felt like it was more consistent with an injury than MBD. He will move his hind legs but not like he normally would. He scoots more than "walks". We just couldn't ascertain WHAT he had hurt, and the vet was afraid he had a spinal contusion, but fortunately there was no paralysis or loss of feeling. Though he was fairly comfortable that it wasn't MBD (thanks to the most EXCELLENT diet I use, courtesy of TSB), he gave him some calcium just in case, as well as dexamethasone.
I had a million things that HAD to be done out of town that day, and Mr. Jasper just went right along with me. (Not to worry...He was very safe and secure in the car as I ran quick errands...I am well experienced from taking him to Six Flags during his last episode.) He growled and fussed at us all Friday, but still had a pretty good appetite.
Now that the initial crisis has passed, I also think it was an injury. He let me handle him a little yesterday (though I broke out the leather gloves) but would prefer to be left alone. He "looked" a little better, if that makes sense. The growling and fussing was very minimal, and he let us pet him a little bit. He has made a nice pile of splinters and toothpicks out of the sticks I have given him to chew on. When we had him out last night, Hubby could see a little blood on his right hind leg, but he wouldn't let us examine it closely. It wasn't there Friday when he was at the vets office. Hubby said he appeared to be tender in what would be the equivalent of the thigh area. We suspect he may have broken or badly injured his leg, but we really have no idea why. I guess it's possible he and Ozzy could have been wrestling and he fell and hurt it. The vet didn't x-ray him, so we don't know for certain, but he did tell me to keep him separated from Ozzy, which we have done.
Today, he actually seems to enjoy the petting rather than just tolerating it. He has grabbed my finger and groomed it when I have petted him and fed him, though I am pretty reluctant to let his chompers too close to my flesh. I have gotten armage, too, which I regard as a good sign. The way he sits is reminiscent of Buddha...see picture at the bottom...but he is not gold and he is not smiling :)
He will also curl up into a ball when he sleeps.
I have read up on fractures on TSB, and wondered if the blood we noted on his foot might be from him chewing on know, if it is tingling. I have not seen him do it, and if there is a wound on it, it is very small as we can't see it. Maybe it was a one time thing.
I am just heartbroken. I hope he doesn't think I am the one who hurt him, since he bit me when I was holding him.
Has anyone been bitten by their squirrel and then went on to love again? I am understandably a little scared of him right now, and heed his warning growls. Wish I had gotten one before the bite.
Oz has been going out on the deck and exploring a little, but returns home to his cage after a short time. I am sure he will do fine when he is completely released. Jasper seems set on securing his place as a NR squirrel.
12-02-2007, 02:54 PM
So sorry about Jasper....
Need to find out where the blood was coming from. That is your best clue.
I'm surprised vet didn't x-ray him. I think he needs an x-ray to rule out broken leg, or worse, a spinal injury.
I would think MBD if not for the good diet and FSL that he is getting (need to confirm that) and the blood. However, it is possible that he fell and broke something due to MBD and sustained a minor cut in the process.
Anyone else?
Mountain Mama
12-02-2007, 03:03 PM
Good diet-check
The blood wasn't there when I took him Friday. When Hubby gets home today, we will re-examine his foot.
12-02-2007, 03:13 PM
over the years , ive been bit by all kinds of creatures, including a 25 foot python which is no fun , lol , i also had to have stitches once from a squirrel bite , but even the ones that bite later on they came to me and loved like before, , once you get bit it hurts your feeling more then anything ,but i think if the injury heals the trust will be ok
12-02-2007, 03:47 PM
NOT JASPER! :sad Oh man, I hope the little guy will be alright. :Love_Icon :grouphug
12-02-2007, 04:10 PM
Poor Jasper! I hope everything turns out okay!
Poor Jasper! I too hope he is alright, but I have thought ever since the Six Flaggs episode that Jasper was going to work on being a keeper.:)
I have been bitten, but always as a result of stress with them having no recall of the incident days later, and certainly without them displaying any sort of grudge. This pertains to most all wildlife not just squirrels. The only ones that have ever bit and meant it were wilds or human raised adults as they have that lack of fear of humans. I think Jasper was in pain and was biting anything that would have come in close contact with him.
12-02-2007, 04:32 PM
Hoping for the best for the little sweetie, and quick healing fingers! :grouphug :Love_Icon
12-02-2007, 04:39 PM
I hope Jasper comes around, whatever he's dealing with. I'm sure the Commander's very concerned. :grouphug
12-02-2007, 04:47 PM
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
12-02-2007, 05:16 PM
Hope Jasper is feeling better! I have been bitten by my own squirrel once, and that was because I was going to trim his teeth. Since than he has not bitten me again. I love him to death, and I know he loves me by all the licks I get!:)
island rehabber
12-02-2007, 06:34 PM
MM these guys can really sprain and strain things when they are playing hard. I've had squirrels limping or holding up paws for days, and I used to rush them to the vet at the first sign of anything abnormal. Always, they healed by themselves and often with no change whatsoever to their environment. If they really seemed to not be moving well I would isolate them, especially if they were in with rambunctious siblings, but most of the time 3-5 days made everything ok again. I agree with 4skwerlz that you need to make sure there is no hidden injury and identify the source of the blood....but I don't think MBD is even remotely possible here. :)
Mountain Mama
12-02-2007, 06:44 PM
Right now Jasper B is lying in my hand while we are both convalescing on the sofa...him an injury of unknown origin, me, nearly amputated fingers and a migraine. He has let me handle him with minimal fussing, and will take as many pets as I will give him. In fact, he will grab my finger with both hands and hold on to me when I touch him. His spine is not tender at all, but he does grumble at me if I touch either of his feet, more so on the right.
GABE :D you may be right. Jasper B may have heard us talking about releasing Ozzy ans is just working on securing a permanent spot in our home. He really didn't have to go to such extremes. I would always welcome a gentle fuzzer.
REHABBERS do you think he would benefit from more dex? I can get celestone tonight if that would help. If his bone is broken, will it impede healing? What is the dose? He weighs 12 ounces.
The Commander has been notified and the proper paperwork is in place for a Purple Heart.
12-02-2007, 06:51 PM
Aww..poor..Jasper...I hope a speedy recover..for more..FUTURE missions to be carried out.... poor..little!!!:thankyou :thumbsup :Love_Icon :grouphug
MM...I hope your coping alright..:Love_Icon :grouphug
12-02-2007, 10:35 PM
Poor Jasper!! I'm sure he is being a brave soldier. Certainly you must understand that this happened during a Very Top Secret Mission and he is not at liberty to divulge the details to mere humans-without-proper-security-clearance. :D
I hope he heals quickly. Buddy came home a couple of times early on when he was moving very gingerly and pretty much getting by only with using his front paws. Very scary. We kept him home and quiet for a couple of days and he was ok. I hope you find the same with Jasper. :)
But you asked about the biting ..... Buddy bit me twice shortly before he was released. The first was much as you described -- he simply reached out and chomped down on my hand. It wasn't when he was hurt, but Buddy'sDad did something with a power saw in the next room and it made a sudden horrendous screech. Near as I can tell, Buddy reacted out of fear. The other time was frustration (I was taking too long with his dinner).
From Buddy's perspective, it was a fleeting moment that passed instantly. While I went to stop the bleeding, he was already in BD's lap, his usual lovable self. He never bit me again after those incidents -- perfect gentleman. Now, from MY perspective, it was a little different, and took much longer :shakehead . I had a really hard time trusting him. Especially with my hands :D . But he was a very good boy. And eventually, I grew more trusting. It sounds, though, like you have ALREADY gone very far toward trusting him. :Love_Icon :thumbsup And Jasper seems to be doing his part by being good, and cuddly. (We did find that when Buddy came home hurt, all he wanted was to be in BD's lap, getting loved. :Love_Icon )
I did find that the bite wounds healed pretty quickly! :) I hope your hand feels better -- and your migraine is better by now, too. :)
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
12-03-2007, 06:24 AM
Poor Jasper. I hope he is feeling better real soon. Rockie, my black squirrel that had surgery for a hernia, was VERY grouchy and agressive for 3-4 days after her surgery. She would make her squirrely noises at me (not the friendly kind!) and then lung at me and try to bite me. It was just because of the pain though, because now she is recovered and back to her sweet little self. So, don't worry, Jasper will get his normal attitude back once he is feeling better.
12-03-2007, 06:55 AM
MM, Im sorry to hear that Jasper is unwell! Im sure he only bit cos he was in pain.
I agree with the would be best to get an x-ray, just to be on the safe side. Im sure he will be okay in a few days!:thumbsup
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
12-03-2007, 11:57 AM
Any news?
12-03-2007, 12:17 PM
My thought and prayers go out to your little guy.. Hope everything works out for the best!! :grouphug
Mountain Mama
12-03-2007, 01:35 PM
Apparently Jasper and I are friends again. I put my finger down in the box to pet him this morning, and he grabbed onto it and then onto my PJ's, and pulled himself up onto my arm. It startled me, but he just made himself comfortable on my folded arm and awaited further pets. He and I made a "nest" on the sofa, but he pulled himself onto me and settled down in the crook of my arms like a baby. He will lie on his back and sleep. I got a couple of minor chomps, but that's what I am used to, and consider them love bites. I think his vampiring ways have dissipated.
I have noticed that his back feet will have what appears to be short burst of "spasm" activity, lasting just a few seconds, but may repeat 2-3 times within a minute time span. Both of his feet do it at the same time, which leads me to consider a spinal injury again, but his spine is not tender. He fusses at me if I touch either feet, but seems more tender on the right side.
I think the blood was coming from an abrasion. I can't find anything anywhere on him except for his right foot, which is where the blood was, and the skin is a little pink where a very small amount of fur is missing.
I have taken a couple of pictures of him that I will post later. Thank you for all the prayers and the well wishes.
The Commander is attempting to contact Jason Bourne to takeover Jasper's assignments for a short time.
12-03-2007, 01:52 PM
Glad..all is better..on the home front...and no, more biting..going on...snuggles are always..good!
Thats the best..thing at the end of a busy day..lovens from your sweet..fuzzy love!!:thumbsup :grouphug :Love_Icon :alright.gif :grouphug
My Little Trouble
12-03-2007, 03:40 PM
Sounds like Jasper is making steady improvement. :D :Love_Icon :D
I'd say, too, that Jasper's bites were not about being angry at you,
but simply the natural way that one squirrel makes a memorable impression on another
when he is recovering from a booboo, and doesn't want to sustain any further accidental injury.
I imagine it takes a good, hard bite to convince your littermate
that you aren't just trying to initiate a game of rough and tumble.
They sure can clamp down though, can't they?
I had a wildie puncture right through my thumbnail once
in a frenzy to snatch a peanut from between my fingers. EEE-OWWW-CHH!!
12-03-2007, 03:52 PM
Apparently Jasper and I are friends again. I put my finger down in the box to pet him this morning, and he grabbed onto it and then onto my PJ's, and pulled himself up onto my arm. It startled me, but he just made himself comfortable on my folded arm and awaited further pets. He and I made a "nest" on the sofa, but he pulled himself onto me and settled down in the crook of my arms like a baby. .......
Ahhhhhh .... just what the doctor ordered --- snuggling for both of you!! :thumbsup Very glad to hear you are friends again! :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :) :)
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
12-05-2007, 05:05 PM
:wave123 MM. How is Jasper doing?? (and, how is your hand?)
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
12-06-2007, 12:26 AM
Perhaps The Commander would like to present Jasper with the following? He certainly deserves it.
Mountain Mama
12-06-2007, 10:19 AM
BRAVO, you made me cry. I'm such a weenie, but that was really great. I am printing it and putting it on the outside of Jasper's condo.
To update everyone about our fearless leader...
Jasper is improving! He has some purposeful movement in his hind legs now, though he still has a way to go. When I put him on the floor, he can get around rather quickly, but his movements remind me of one of those wind up toys that seem to move rather stiff leggedly. (Is that a word? I don't think so...) I took him back to the vet yesterday, and his is impressed with how much better he is already, and expects him to continue to improve.
Mr. JS has taken full advantage of his injuries. He is constantly in my lap soaking up all the pets I can give him. He has developed quite a taste for french fries, preferably McDonald's, though he will take Burger King if that is all that is available. (Not to worry...he only gets a couple.) I make a treat during the holidays called "White Trash", and he appreciates a taste of it once a day. (Ingredients: chex cereal, peanuts, pretzels, peanut butter, chocolate, powdered sugar. He likes the chex and peanuts the best.)
For those of you who have been wondering...a wounded 4 month old squirrel does not appreciate a bath, no matter how good the shampoo smells.
12-06-2007, 10:43 AM
Jasper is improving! He has some purposeful movement in his hind legs now, though he still has a way to go. When I put him on the floor, he can get around rather quickly, but his movements remind me of one of those wind up toys that seem to move rather stiff leggedly.
Have you figured out what's wrong with Jasper, MM? Some of his symptoms do sound like MBD, especially the weakness in the hind legs. Did you know that even with FSL and a good diet, a squirrel can STILL get MBD? Here's some info for you. Let me know what you think. If it's MBD, the sooner treatment begins the better.
Metabolic Bone Disease (Revised 12/01/07)
The “typical” pet squirrel diet--consisting mostly of seeds and nuts--causes metabolic bone disease (MBD) a fatal disease caused by calcium deficiency. To avoid MBD, squirrels needs a balanced diet including plenty of
-Vitamin D ("the sunshine vitamin")
-Vitamin C
If any of these elements is missing, MBD eventually results—it can happen soon after weaning, or show up many years later. Without enough calcium in the diet, the body will take calcium from the bones, causing weak, brittle bones. Because calcium is also involved in cell-to-cell communication throughout the body, neurological symptoms are also common. Symptoms are varied and can include: broken bones, fur loss or thinning, lack of appetite, lethargy, tooth problems, inability to crack nuts, weakness, seizures, paralysis, and eventually death. The very first symptom can vary. A formerly healthy squirrel can suddenly get a broken bone, have a sudden seizure, loss of appetite, or just seem tired or reluctant to climb. Often the squirrel will show symptoms, and then recover and seem perfectly normal. This can go on for weeks, months, or even years. Here at The Squirrel Board (TSB), we see far too many pet squirrels die of final-stage MBD--squirrels as old as 7 years, and as young as 3 months. Their owners were new members who loved their squirrels very much, but sadly found TSB too late.
The most difficult element to provide for your squirrel is Vitamin D. Vit D can only come from four sources:
1. The food he eats (this is difficult, as Vit D is found mostly in fish and meat products)
2. From natural sunlight (NOT through a window--glass and screens filter out the UVB rays)
3. From a full-spectrum light indoors
4. A Vit D supplement (can be risky, as Vit D is toxic if overdosed; in fact, high-dose Vit D is used as a rat poison)
Unfortunately, even if your squirrel gets all the nutritional elements listed above, he can still get MBD. You must also AVOID giving your squirrel certain foods. For example, cashews, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seed kernals, pine nuts, corn, and seed mixes are very high in phosphorus and will cause calcium loss. This is because of something called the “Calcium:Phosphorus Ratio.” Every pet squirrel owner should understand the basics of the calc/phos ratio.
The Calcium:Phosphorus Ratio
Calcium and phosphorus “compete” for absorption in the body. When phosphorus is ingested in the diet, as the phosphorus is absorbed through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream, the same amount of calcium is pulled from the body as part of the process. In other words, for every 1 mg of phosphorus your squirrel eats, he must eat AT LEAST 1 mg of calcium (a 1:1 ratio), just to break even. If the required calcium is not available from the diet, the body will obtain it from wherever it can---such as from the bones, where calcium is stored. Most nutritionists recommend that the ideal ratio is somewhere between 1.2-2 parts calcium to 1 part phosphorus; that’s a ratio of at least 1.2 to 1 or as high as 2 to 1.
So it does no good to feed “high-calcium” foods unless they are also low phosphorus. For example, almonds contain 251 mg of calcium (per 28 grams). Sounds good, right? But that serving of almonds also contains 460 mg of phosphorus. This means that for every 28-gram serving of almonds, your squirrel would actually LOSE 209 grams of calcium! He would have to eat 209 grams of extra calcium somewhere else, just to break even. This is called an "inverted calcium/phosphorus ratio" ("inverted" meaning "upside-down"). So you must feed high-calcium foods, but you must also avoid high-phosphorus foods.
Most Common Diet Mistakes
Below are the most common diet mistakes made by people with pet squirrels:
--Lack of Vitamin D. Vit D is found mainly in fish and meat. This is one reason why we recommend eggs in the diet. One exception is: mushrooms! They are one of the few non-meat foods that are high in Vit D. In the wild, squirrels eat a lot of them. Another (man-made) exception is milk products. In the U.S., nearly all milk is fortified with Vit D, so cheese, yogurt, etc., contain Vit D.
--Too many nuts. Every nut has an inverted calcium/phosphorus ratio. Some are worse than others; acorns are the best, but still have more phos than calc, resulting in calcium loss.
--Feeding sunflower seeds, corn, and pine nuts. Terrible calc/phos ratios; much worse even than nuts.
--Not feeding a nutritionally complete rodent kibble as at least 50% (by weight) of the diet.
--Lack of protein and fat. In the wild, squirrels eat bugs, grubs, carrion, and birds eggs. We encourage pet squirrel owners to include eggs (scrambled or hard-boiled), and also insects in the diet. Freeze-dried insects can be purchased online. Although not part of a squirrel's natural diet, yogurt and cheese contain protein, fat, and vitamin D.
Mountain Mama
12-06-2007, 10:47 AM
4S, you reminded me of something else I was going to post.
I took the TSB diet with me and told the vet about it. He was very impressed and commended TSB for having such a good diet for the squirrels to follow. But he said he was 99% convinced Jasper's symptoms were not related to MBD. He did give him calcium the other day, however, just on the outside chance it was related to his diet.
:thankyou Thank you, TSB, for equipping all of us with the necessary tools to take exellent care of our beloved squirrels.:thankyou
12-06-2007, 11:03 AM
:thumbsup Great news!!! Thanks for the update -- I was worried about him :Love_Icon (though I suspect JS would probably scoff at our worry -- perhaps he is actually just undertaking a Top Secret, and dangerous, investigative assignment?) I hope he continues to improve every day!!!
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
Mountain Mama
12-06-2007, 11:07 AM
:thumbsup Great news!!! Thanks for the update -- I was worried about him :Love_Icon (though I suspect JS would probably scoff at our worry -- perhaps he is actually just undertaking a Top Secret, and dangerous, investigative assignment?) I hope he continues to improve every day!!!
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
There was suspicion that JS has been given a pecan tainted with Polonium-210, but the experts have ruled that out as a possibility. :D
12-06-2007, 11:51 AM
:jump :jump :jump
[well, you can't be tooooo careful in his line of work. :) ]
12-06-2007, 02:52 PM
MM, Im so pleased to hear that Jasper is getting better...praying for a full recovery!:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
Jules. :Love_Icon
12-06-2007, 05:34 PM
There was suspicion that JS has been given a pecan tainted with Polonium-210, but the experts have ruled that out as a possibility. :D
When Jasper's back on his feet, he may be assigned to assassinut whoever is responsible for this. :get_em
island rehabber
12-06-2007, 06:33 PM
:D :thumbsup
12-06-2007, 06:38 PM
:::YEAH::::CRIES::OF doing...better!
I'm so, thrilled!!!:thumbsup
Momma Squirrel
12-06-2007, 07:39 PM
:grouphug so happy to hear Jasper is continuing to recover. Good wishes still coming his way. :grouphug
12-06-2007, 08:05 PM
:wott :Love_Icon Get well soon Jasper Squirrel! :Love_Icon :wott
Mountain Mama
12-06-2007, 08:31 PM
:jump ASSASSINUT!!!:jump
12-12-2007, 09:43 PM
:thinking It's been a LONG time since we've gotten a Jasper Report! :poke
How is our young trooper doing?? :dono
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
Mountain Mama
12-12-2007, 09:50 PM
Thank you for asking...
Mr. Jasper B Squirrel is doing well; the motor function in his hind legs seems to be improving. He definitely feels better, as he initiates wrestling matches with me when I put my hands in his condo. He is eating well (better than anyone else in the house), and has established himself as a totally NR squirrel. I am bittersweet about it. I hate that he won't be able to be free, but I am happy to have him around. He's so loveable. He doesn't seem bothered by it in the least...he seems to enjoy all of the attention.
Will try to keep you posted more often.
My Little Trouble
12-13-2007, 09:05 AM
Really glad to read that Jasper is improving. :thumbsup
Sorry that he'll be NR, but I'm so glad that he found such a loving home :Love_Icon and I'm sure he is, too.
12-13-2007, 09:32 AM
Thanks, MM -- I'm really glad to hear Jasper is improving!
Selfishly glad to hear that he may be NR as I hope that means we can look forward to continuing reports to Cammander on his Missions (is that terrible to even think/say :dono ? I hope not -- I wish only the very best health and happiest life for Jasper, where ever that may be :Love_Icon )
Jasper, dear, I hope you soon recover enough to resume your duties at the Compound. The Commander quite relies on you for the safety of squirrelkind and mankind! :bowdown :thumbsup [insert "saluting smilie"]
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
12-13-2007, 12:19 PM
Thank you for asking...
Mr. Jasper B Squirrel is doing well; the motor function in his hind legs seems to be improving. He definitely feels better, as he initiates wrestling matches with me when I put my hands in his condo. He is eating well (better than anyone else in the house), and has established himself as a totally NR squirrel. I am bittersweet about it. I hate that he won't be able to be free, but I am happy to have him around. He's so loveable. He doesn't seem bothered by it in the least...he seems to enjoy all of the attention.
Will try to keep you posted more often.
Good to read, and if Jasper becomes a permanent part of the fambly, I'm sure you can both negotiate an equitable arrangement. :thumbsup
Mountain Mama
12-13-2007, 01:53 PM should not bathe your squirrel in soap, or submerge his body in water either...
Thank you for the info, S1. I do not normally bathe Jasper, but since he has been unable to move around properly, his tail and hind quarters were soaked with urine. In humans, if urine is allowed to remain in contact with the skin, it can cause breakdown, decubitus ulcers, infections, and in extreme cases sepsis and death. I know skwuz ain't folks, but it's hard not to apply human medicine to a squirrel who doesn't know he's a squirrel anyway :)
I did use a very very weak solution of mild shampoo, as I learned by bathing my dogs that human shampoo isn't meant for everything that has hair or fur.
I took him on a road trip with me Tuesday, but before I left he got another bath, and actually seemed to enjoy this one. I guess the trust continues to build. He had a wonderful time shredding different colored napkins from various fast food restaurants for his condo. I must say it does look rather festive in there.
My vet put him on a short dose of Metacam also...just 5 days worth. Right now we are treating him with plenty of love and tincture of time.
Glad he is feeling better.
12-13-2007, 03:40 PM
Hi MM,
I'm glad that he's feeling better, and hope he recovers fully soon. Give him a noggin rub for me.
12-13-2007, 08:02 PM
I'm glad to hear he's doing better!
12-17-2007, 05:25 PM
MM I so glad to find out that Jasper if feeling better. :thumbsup I was worried when I spotted your thread! I have been out of town and I'm just getting caught up. I too have to agree that Jasper's NR status is a tough nut, BUT,I also have to selfishly agree with others that I would miss his missions!:)
Mountain Mama
12-17-2007, 06:18 PM
Jasper B has a strong will to be a healthy squirrel. Yesterday he pulled himself out of his condo and onto the floor and hopped around on the floor and over to the curtains, surprising us all. His hind legs still don't seem quite right, but they are definitely getting stronger.
Mr. JB, on the other hand, is getting more ruined by the minute.
At night, I put his entire condo in my garden tub, in case he gets the bright idea to climb around while the rest of us slumber. So when I get up bright and early, the first thing I do is go check on him, and I am greeted with piggy noises, immediately followed by him grabbing onto my fingers, then hand, then arm, so he can get out and look around and get a head start on his petting. He is also quite adept at boxing now, using his condo as the boxing ring, and retreating to a corner when I am in the lead.
It look like he may be permanently stationed here on his mission. Not that I am complaining...
12-17-2007, 08:23 PM
HI MM. If your boy continues to spasm, ask your VET about Methocarbomal, one recommended for our girl W, who had muscle spasms. It is a skeletal muscle relaxant, known to work well on Squirrels, not being hard on the organs with prolonged use. With the Methocarbomol, W. who had a degenerative disc issue in her back, was able to play even and jump, and bury nuts, having a good quality of life. I had to let my Vet know that the Metacam was not sufficient to help with the spasms, even so it did help, she agreed that the Methocarbomol was a better choice for prolonged usage. ON the BAD DAYS I did add a one time dayly dose of Metacam, as prescribed my her Vet, allowing her to recover from a strain, by lessening inflammation.
12-17-2007, 08:32 PM
Squirrel boxing, a new Olympic Sport? Sound like allot of fun!
Mountain Mama
12-17-2007, 08:42 PM
HI MM. If your boy continues to spasm, ask your VET about Methocarbomal...
This is called Robaxin in humans, and I actually have some in my nightstand right now...wish I could tell you I sustained an injury chasing away predators or rescuing orphans from a fire, but truth is, I slept wrong and I'm just getting old :sanp3
I actually prescribe a fair amount of it to my patients with musculoskeletal injuries, and it works well. That is, unless they came in wanting the *hard* stuff :D .
Thanks, S1. The spasms are lessening in occasion and duration, but I will sure keep it in mind.
12-17-2007, 08:54 PM
Hi MM,
I've been too busy to follow the threads much lately--but I was concerned about Jasper. I was just wondering how you are treating him and if you are working with anyone via PM or otherwise. Hope the lil' guy is feeling better soon. :grouphug
12-17-2007, 10:45 PM
Dear mountainmama, very glad Jasper is recovering, and hoping he reaches a full recovery! However, it sounds like Mr. J has already made his choice about adopting you as his permanent family....laying on his back cuddling and basking in tons of adorable! :D
01-09-2008, 11:20 PM
:) Jasper Squirrel Update from PMs with Mountainmama --
:wave123 Happy New Year!
Just emerging from the "Holiday Whirlwind" :D and realizing it's been weeks since we've heard how Jasper is doing. I hope all is OK. And what about Ozzie? ... he seemed to have gotten a bit overshadowed with J's injury :dono
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
Thank you so much for asking...I have been absent from TSB in the holiday chaos. My beloved prodigal child made an appearance-a good one-and I devoted all of my time and attention to him while he was here.
I released, and re-released, and re-released Ozzie several times in the few weeks prior to Christmas. He would often stay gone for a few days at a time, but when it got cold, he would come home and hop into his cage and promptly curl up in his hammock. I haven't seen him around for a couple of weeks now, so I hope he has found his way in the world but will show up again soon.
Mr. Jasper is possibly the most spoiled non-human that has ever existed. I really have to encourage him to work with his hind legs, as he is perfectly content to scoot around in his condo and let me cart him around. His movements are still on the awkward side, but improving, and I have noticed his tail has fluffed out more. He will climb out of his condo voluntarily on occasion and lumber around on the hardwood, but he would really prefer me to hold him and love him. I take him to the vet about once a month, and she is encouraged that he will recover well, though likely not 100%.
I have missed everyone...please tell them so for me and update them on Jasper. I'll be back. Gotta get my home back in order first. :)
Lady Squirrelly
01-10-2008, 07:21 AM
Being loved, cuddled, and carried around, and a human to tend to his every need. Sounds like Mr. Jasper knows a good thing when he has it.:D
Glad to hear he is doing well.:grouphug
Momma Squirrel
01-10-2008, 09:59 AM
Thanks so much for the update, glad to see that Jasper is doing good, waited on paw and tail :crazy :thumbsup Just the way it should be.
01-10-2008, 10:11 AM
Did you ever figure out what is wrong with Jasper? Glad to hear he is improving.:grouphug
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