View Full Version : Trimming teeth--HELP!

11-29-2007, 07:15 PM
I have a non-releasable with a malloclusion, named Powder. Her bottom teeth grow in front of her top ones. She's only about fourteen weeks old, but after I noticed the problem I've trimmed her teeth twice (once tonight). I followed the directions on the site that suggests wrapping her up like a "burrito" and putting a dowel rod in her mouth to hold it open, but god it was a fight nonetheless (she hated the dowel most of all), and I'm not sure who, when she gets older, will win. I was able to trim the teeth with a new set of cuticle clippers, but I wasn't very successful in filing them down at the correct angle (partly because her squirming and crying and pushing her tongue in the way and partly because her fronts are growing back close to the roof of her mouth). My questions are

1) Is there an easier way? I'd take her to the vet, but I don't know what that might cost on a monthly basis. I'll pay it if need be, but things are kind of strapped around here.

2) Will a vet give me something to sedate her with myself?

3) Is there any danger that I was unable to file her teeth down to the correct angle?

4) Does such a thing as squirrel orthodontics exist?

5) For anyone who has had or has the same predicament, do they (the squirrels) ever get used to the procedure and/or ever become a little more cooperative?

No one need even mention euthanasia because I just couldn't do it. I'm willing to do what I have to do to keep her alive and healthy for as long as I can. She's not the tamest squirrel I've ever raised, but the poor sweetie seemed to forgive me within seconds after I manhandled her. It broke my heart. Jack

11-29-2007, 07:24 PM
Can you take Powder to the vet to have her teeth trimmed? I have to take my 5 year old squirrel about every month or two for a trim. The vet sedates her with a gas anesthesia. She wakes up as soon as the vet is finished feeling fine. :)

island rehabber
11-29-2007, 08:04 PM
Jack, even up here in un-squirrel-friendly New York I have found a wildlife vet who will do the exact procedure Pam described, for my two maloccluded squirrel girls. He uses as light a dose of gas as possible and grinds their teeth with a dremel tool. Florida is squirrel-friendly (pets are legal) so you should be able to find a vet there.

11-29-2007, 09:19 PM
Hey, been there done that. Well what i like to do with my squrriel with Maluclushion,is that I have someone else pet her on the head. This soothes her and makes her less jittery. Look at my link Squiggle fur problem of Squiggle has a tooth proble. You can find out all about my journy with Maluclushion.

11-30-2007, 01:03 AM
To answer your question, the enamel on the back of the incisors is softer than the enamel on the front. As the squirrel chews, the softer enamel wears down more quickly, creating the sharp, chisel-like edge. See the pic below:


Since natural wear creates the angle, it may not be necessary for you to do much filing to get the angle right.