View Full Version : HELP!! Found baby flying squirrel
11-27-2007, 09:52 PM
My daughter called me from school and begged me to come get a baby squirrel that they found. She said that one of the boys that was trying to catch it accidently stepped or kicked it. I went and got it and took it to the vet, he seemed to think it was okay. He is not an exotic animal vet and didn't know what to tell me to do with it. I have it in a pet carrier with baby towels and a heating pad under half the carrier. I live in a small town and don't have any place to get formula this late at night. I did buy pedialite and have been trying to give it to him. I bought some puppy formula from Walmart but haven't given it to him yet for fear it will hurt him. He has fur and teeth but I don't know how old he is. He had some blood on his nose but it looks like a scratch maybe from a fall. The vet seemed to think he was probably okay..I don't know. Please any advice. I don't want him to die in the night. Thanks so much in advance.
11-27-2007, 09:59 PM
Yes keep him in a quiet place pedi is good ..for the night..maybe tomorrow some vegi' BIG is it...can you take some pictures of it with a camera phone forward them to your it to your gallery..then get it on here...? So, we can see how is..if it still needs formula??
Im not a FS will be here..and be sure the heating pad is only on one side of the it wont get over heated...:thumbsup
11-27-2007, 10:07 PM
hey there!
please warm the critter up before you give her any fluids. a heating pad set on low (with no automatic shut off), a wrapped hot water bottle, or a microwavable snuggle safe would work.
could we have a picture of the squirrel? this will help us determine exact age, and we may be able to spot some problems.
11-27-2007, 10:13 PM
TS is right. I see Muffin squirrel is veiwing to . she knows flyers better than me. Thanks for helping the baby.
11-27-2007, 10:15 PM
11-27-2007, 10:24 PM
Heres a picture of the little guy..
11-27-2007, 10:26 PM
Those are terrible pics ...let me try another I am trying to
11-27-2007, 10:28 PM
:Welcome and I'm so glad you found this board. The help here is extraordinary and the experts will guide to of offer all that can be done for this little baby.
11-27-2007, 10:29 PM
Looks to be maybe 5-6 wks does he take the pedialite? Will he open his eyes at all?
11-27-2007, 10:31 PM
hey there,
i resized the pics, i hope you don't mind. they're easier to evaluate this way.
11-27-2007, 10:32 PM
oh..its a little thing..eye's still closed..aww..poor baby...:grouphug Im glad your daughter brought it home and your allowing it to be helped...good job!!!
welcome to the world of being squirrel owned...
Im sure youve alrready fallen in love..Now to get to taking care of the little sweetness!!!:grouphug :grouphug
11-27-2007, 10:33 PM
At first not so good..but I just tried again and he took it much better he actually grabbed the syringe. The pics show his nose to look terrible but I don't think its that bad neither did the vet. I did clean it up some so it actually looks better than it did. Also, my daughter just got home and she told me it has been orphaned since yesterday, I think I should feed it something or shouldn't I? What about the puppy formula
11-27-2007, 10:34 PM
ok, he is young. younger than i thought. he definitely needs a heat source tonight. what kinds do you have?
once he's been on a hit source a bit, continue the warm pedialyte every two hours. he doesn't need food yet; he doesn't look starved, he can wait till the morning.
do his eyes ever open?
11-27-2007, 10:39 PM
Thanks for resizing!! Those big pictures are terrible..hurt my eyes. YES his eyes are closed. Or at least the one is and the other is partially open.
11-27-2007, 10:42 PM
Only one eye opens partially. Like I said, it sounds like he went through some trauma today being kicked...I hope he's okay. He did take the pedialite good the second time I offered it. I fed it to him drop by drop. He took probably 3-4 drops. He also used his little hand to clean his face a bit. Do I need to make sure he pees??
11-27-2007, 10:44 PM
Thanks for resizing!! Those big pictures are terrible..hurt my eyes. YES his eyes are closed. Or at least the one is and the other is partially open.ok thats a start. He looks like he may just be starting to open his eyes. How does he respond to you when you pick him up or come around?
11-27-2007, 10:45 PM
I thought his tooth looked a little funny also. I'll look when I give him some more fluids. I did warm the pedialite up.
11-27-2007, 10:47 PM
When I pick him up he grabs for my fingers and if I hold him close to my chest he climbs toward my neck. But his eyes stay closed.
11-27-2007, 10:47 PM
Only one eye opens partially. Like I said, it sounds like he went through some trauma today being kicked...I hope he's okay. He did take the pedialite good the second time I offered it. I fed it to him drop by drop. He took probably 3-4 drops. He also used his little hand to clean his face a bit. Do I need to make sure he pees?? You can watch for him to pee, but don't be surprised if he doesn't pee right away. If he is dehydrated it may take a while for him to pee. You are off to a good start with him taking the pedialite. Consitancy and warm is what he needs.
11-27-2007, 10:51 PM
When I pick him up he grabs for my fingers and if I hold him close to my chest he climbs toward my neck. But his eyes stay closed. Ok sounds like he may be looking for warmth. Keep him warm and let him get some rest, but make sure to give him the fluids at least every two hours. It's good that he grabs for you at least you know he is reacting to contact.
11-27-2007, 10:54 PM
Welcome, glad you found this wonderful board!
Your sfs is about as old as mine was when my cat dragged her in. You've already gotten the best advice, so hopefully this little one will pull through!
:Welcome :grouphug :Love_Icon
11-27-2007, 10:58 PM
how's that heat source coming? :)
11-27-2007, 10:58 PM
What brand of puppy formula did you get?
11-27-2007, 11:00 PM
Hi. Where in Texas are you? I am about 25 miles above Beaumont. I am a rehabber, and also raise flying squirrels. If there is any way I can help, email or PM me.
Esbilac is the very best formula for squirrels, if it is young enough to still need formula. Pedialite for dehydration is also good, at any age. For now, keep him as quiet as possible (often difficult with a nocturnal animal!) and warm. If you have a small kleenex box you might put it in his cage for a nest box. He'll eventually tear it up, but it will do for a while. Put some pieces of kleenex, soft paper towels, or toilet tissue (plain white, unscented, no lotions) in for bedding. Fleece is also great for bedding. Put the cage half on/half off a heating pad set on the lowest setting - he may or may not want to be on it. For food, offer him Cheerios, pieces of peeled apple (large enough for him to chew, but not get the whole thing in his mouth and swallow it), raw sweet potato, pieces of shelled pecans, etc. Yogurt is always good, too. It's hard to say since we don't know how old he is!
Do you have any idea how the squirrel happened to be there - if he fell out of a nest or was attact by another animal? They aren't usually out during the daytime. If he was bleeding, it could be from a fall, or a cat scratch, or any number of things. If you think there is ANY CHANCE AT ALL that he was caught by a cat, he will need to be put on antibiotics first thing tomorrow. Since he is well furred, and has his teeth, and his eyes are opened, he should be peeing and pooping on his own, so that won't be a problem.
Flyers are very fast (which is one reason I asked about whether he had been caught by some predator - usually a human would never be able to touch him!) so I wouldn't advise letting him out of his cage. Also, they can chew things faster than you ever thought possible! You will need to keep him in a hard plastic carrier or a wire cage, with openings no bigger than 1/2 inch. If you have an empty aquarium, you can keep him in that, if you put a piece of hardware cloth on the top. Make sure you fasten the top well - tape it with duct tape, and put heavy weights on the edges of the top. (They are also escape artists!) I know it seems like I am throwing a lot of things at you all at once, but before you go out and buy anything, I figure you need to know what you are looking for.
I assume you are planning on releasing him once he is healthy. Unless he is very young, it would be difficult to keep him as a pet. If you are too far away from me, and need help finding a rehabber, let us know. If you have any questions or problems, feel free to email or PM me. Depending on where you live, I might be able to meet you half way and take him. I am already set up to nurse him and then release him when he is ready, and I have a vet that will see him.
Good luck with him, and thank you so much for being willing to save him. Let me know if I can help.
11-27-2007, 11:05 PM
Hi. Where in Texas are you? I am about 25 miles above Beaumont. I am a rehabber, and also raise flying squirrels. If there is any way I can help, email or PM me.
Esbilac is the very best formula for squirrels, if it is young enough to still need formula. Pedialite for dehydration is also good, at any age. For now, keep him as quiet as possible (often difficult with a nocturnal animal!) and warm. If you have a small kleenex box you might put it in his cage for a nest box. He'll eventually tear it up, but it will do for a while. Put some pieces of kleenex, soft paper towels, or toilet tissue (plain white, unscented, no lotions) in for bedding. Fleece is also great for bedding. Put the cage half on/half off a heating pad set on the lowest setting - he may or may not want to be on it. For food, offer him Cheerios, pieces of peeled apple (large enough for him to chew, but not get the whole thing in his mouth and swallow it), raw sweet potato, pieces of shelled pecans, etc. Yogurt is always good, too. It's hard to say since we don't know how old he is!
Do you have any idea how the squirrel happened to be there - if he fell out of a nest or was attact by another animal? They aren't usually out during the daytime. If he was bleeding, it could be from a fall, or a cat scratch, or any number of things. If you think there is ANY CHANCE AT ALL that he was caught by a cat, he will need to be put on antibiotics first thing tomorrow. Since he is well furred, and has his teeth, and his eyes are opened, he should be peeing and pooping on his own, so that won't be a problem.
Flyers are very fast (which is one reason I asked about whether he had been caught by some predator - usually a human would never be able to touch him!) so I wouldn't advise letting him out of his cage. Also, they can chew things faster than you ever thought possible! You will need to keep him in a hard plastic carrier or a wire cage, with openings no bigger than 1/2 inch. If you have an empty aquarium, you can keep him in that, if you put a piece of hardware cloth on the top. Make sure you fasten the top well - tape it with duct tape, and put heavy weights on the edges of the top. (They are also escape artists!) I know it seems like I am throwing a lot of things at you all at once, but before you go out and buy anything, I figure you need to know what you are looking for.
I assume you are planning on releasing him once he is healthy. Unless he is very young, it would be difficult to keep him as a pet. If you are too far away from me, and need help finding a rehabber, let us know. If you have any questions or problems, feel free to email or PM me. Depending on where you live, I might be able to meet you half way and take him. I am already set up to nurse him and then release him when he is ready, and I have a vet that will see him.
Good luck with him, and thank you so much for being willing to save him. Let me know if I can help.
muffinsquirrel ah! muffinsquirrel you always have what we need................:thankyou
11-27-2007, 11:19 PM
What brand of puppy formula did you get?
Its called Just Born by farnam products. Its probably not the best or even the right thing but its all I had access to at 8:00 at night at walmart in the boonies!!
11-27-2007, 11:21 PM
Where do I get esbilac from.
11-27-2007, 11:22 PM
What brand of puppy formula did you get?
Its called Just Born by farnam products. Its probably not the best or even the right thing but its all I had access to at 8:00 at night at walmart in the boonies!! I use esbilac puppy formula. Not familar with that.......muffinsquirrel any suggestions?
11-27-2007, 11:37 PM
Where do I get esbilac from.well you can try any pet store. Do you have any close by. I'm surprised Walmart didn't have any. Do you have any seed and feed CO op's around? Tractor supply maybe?
11-27-2007, 11:40 PM
Yes, I have a tractor supply and a very small pet store. I would be willing to drive. The closest pet store is an hour drive. We also have a zillion feed stores..*no not really, Im exxagerating*
11-27-2007, 11:42 PM
Yes, I have a tractor supply and a very small pet store. I would be willing to drive. The closest pet store is an hour drive. We also have a zillion feed stores..*no not really, Im exxagerating* I would call first before I go, just to make sure they have it. I have to drive about an hour to get to a pet store around here too. Living in the boonie's doesn't always have it perks, but I love it.
11-27-2007, 11:44 PM
Yes, me too! Wouldn't trade it for the world.
11-27-2007, 11:46 PM
Just went and checked on him. He is clinging to the water bottle wrapped in a towel. I have a heating pad under him now so he really doesn't need the water bottle but I'll leave it in there since he likes it or seems to.
11-27-2007, 11:46 PM
:rotfl :rotfl I see we think alike! :D :rotfl :rotfl yes we do!! lol!:rotfl
11-27-2007, 11:51 PM
Just went and checked on him. He is clinging to the water bottle wrapped in a towel. I have a heating pad under him now so he really doesn't need the water bottle but I'll leave it in there since he likes it or seems to. I take it the water bottle is warm, must be trying to keep warm. Thank you for caring for the little guy. He is very fortunate. I will need to get to bed, long day tomorrow. I have a 19 month old that will keep me busy with all her little antics. I will check back in tomorrow. If you need anything, someone is always on and can answer your question or get you to someone who can. Best wishes to you.:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :grouphug Keep doing what you are doing.
11-27-2007, 11:59 PM
Wow! a lot of answers in the time it took me to post! He does look to be about 5 weeks or so, so you will need to stimulate him to pee and poop. You can find Esbilac Puppy Milk Replacer at most pet stores, veternarians, and some feed stores. Don't believe anyone that tries to tell you "This is just as good as Esbilac" - it's definately not!
His cage right now does not have to be too very large, but an adult flyer can not have too large a cage. So if you end up keeping him, buy or build the biggest cage you can afford and get into your house. And he'll still need out-of-cage playtime every night when he is grown. As young as he is now, when you get him stabilized you can carry him around in your shirt every day, and he'll probably snuggle down and sleep. At this age, they don't pay too much attention to whether it's night time or daytime.
Do keep an eye on him, in case he is injured more than you realize. Try to keep him warm and quiet. Let me know if you need anything - do you have a syringe and nipple for feeding him? You will find good advice from the people on here, and also on NFSA (National Flying Squirrel Association). The NFSA site address is at the bottom of my post.
Enjoy your flyer - they are the most captivating creatures you will ever know.
11-28-2007, 12:13 AM
Thanks you and everyone here has been sooo much help. I will go out and get that formula tommorrow..even if I do have to drive!! I do have one more question though. I was reading about these little guys..and they are usually bred in Feb-Mar and May-July? Can they be born this time of year. Also, will he be okay until I get the Esbilac tommorrow. Im guessing he's been out for about 2 days now.
I have a syringe but I do not have a nipple.
11-28-2007, 01:36 AM
He should be fine on pedialite until you can get the Esbilac. You need a 1cc syringe and, if possible, a small nipple. Be sure to feed VERY VERY slow and carefully. PM me your address and I will send you a syringe and nipple. Until you get it, you should be fine without the nipple. When you do get the esbilac, mix it about 1/4th strength for a couple of feedings, then up to 1/2 for a couple, then 3/4, and finally full strength. Oh yes, get the powdered esbilac, not the liquid. Our Tractor Supply carries it, but if you can't find it up there, let me know and I'll send you some. Also, I usually add about 1/4 to 1/3 part of Dannon LaCreme vanilla yogurt to the formula when I mix it - helps keep their 'innards' working right! :D
He is a little late for a fall baby, but squirrels of all kinds seem to be having babies at the strangest times this year. I have 3 grey babies that are about
7 weeks old or so - still on formula, and will have to be wintered over. Luckily I do have large outdoor cages to overwinter them in.
Talk to ya tomorrow,
11-28-2007, 05:00 AM
Just popped in to check on the little tyke..
Hope all is well! :) :Love_Icon
11-28-2007, 06:32 AM
Just stopping by to see how things are going..........have a great day!!!:wave123
11-28-2007, 06:50 AM
Hi there... first thank you for your compassion and obvious big heart. Careful though these guys are theives of hearts. They will rock your world. LOL
MOST feed stores will have Esbilac or at least here in FL they do. I didn't have luck finding the powder for Scooby at Tractor Supply but they did have the liquied which did fine at the time.
Even my little tiny feed store in town has Esbilac.
I wish you the best with this little one. I was looking in the Flying Squirrel forum yesterday and falling in love. If there was a breeder near me I'd be in big big big trouble!!
11-28-2007, 07:50 AM
Just went and checked on him. He is clinging to the water bottle wrapped in a towel. I have a heating pad under him now so he really doesn't need the water bottle but I'll leave it in there since he likes it or seems to.
Good morning...
Glad to see the little guy is doing well..
I think you'll be a great squirrel mom....
So, when all better....what are your plans..with the keeping..situation???
Im just wondering..:poke :D
YOU cant help BUT to be attatched....when your taking them in and have no, doubt already bonded with him..HAVE you named him yet???
What shall we call him ?
Lucky ??:alright.gif :Love_Icon :grouphug
11-28-2007, 08:00 AM
That's a young flyer, and you may want to consider finding a wildlife rehabber in your area that can help you out.
11-28-2007, 08:18 AM
since it's been brought up, keep in mind that owning this squirrel is not as simple as owning a domesticated rodent.
most squirrels "turn" at a certain age; they are sweet and cuddly while they're young, but they often decide that they are wild and no longer like humans. this usually happens around 12-14 weeks of age.
if your squirrel doesn't turn wild, which occasionally happens, it will be a huge commitment to keep him.
he will need a large cage with a nest, a full spectrum light of some kind (or direct exposure to sunlight several times a week), and continual food and water. squirrels eat a varied diet; in addition to hardnuts and seeds, they also need fresh vegetables and fruits. the price of all these accommodations can get quite high. the cage must be cleaned at least once a week to avoid the squirrel getting ill.
then he'll need his exercise. you'll need a room that is squirrel-proofed and closable for him to play in. he'll need toys that simulate his natural habitat. and if he's bonded with you, he'll need your attention for at least half an hour daily.
consider, also, if he gets sick. do you have a veterinarian that can handle exotic wildlife? do any state laws prevent that vet from treating your squirrel?
look into the future as well. this squirrel could live for 3, 5, maybe even 10 years. what will you be doing then? can you sustain an animal for that long?
these are just some things to consider before making that decision. it's early, so you don't have to decide yet, but continue thinking about it as you watch your flyer develop. :)
11-28-2007, 08:53 AM
really GB? i thought that was sugar gliders.
11-28-2007, 09:15 AM
Good Morning everyone!!! Thank you so much for all of your posts. They have been really helpful. I haven't named him yet....mostly cause once you name em, they are yours!! I don't want to get too attached!! *Gosh hes sooo cute*
I am not sure at this point if I'll keep him or not. It seems like a very HUGE commitment. For now, I just want him to get better. Then I'll make that decision. I can afford him and I am a huge animal lover..many in the household and take very good care of them all, but I will only make that commitment if I think I can be totally devoted.
He took a little esbilac this morning, not much but a little. He wasn't real aggressive but we'll try again in a little while. I was able to stimulate him to pee. He pooped in the night. His eyes are still what age do they open? How often should I feed him?
Thanks again for all of your encouraging posts!! I will be checking in all day so if you think of anything I need to know...please feel free!!
11-28-2007, 09:28 AM thats some good posting Gamma!!!:goodpost
:bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown
I think she has every thing.. she need to know...for caring for that little guy!!!
11-28-2007, 11:21 AM
:Welcome Sounds like you are doing a great job with your little rescue, and have gotten loads of great advice from the experts!! :thumbsup :thumbsup
Just went and checked on him. He is clinging to the water bottle wrapped in a towel. I have a heating pad under him now so he really doesn't need the water bottle but I'll leave it in there since he likes it or seems to.
Since he seems to like something to cuddle, you can make him a "rice buddy" -- take a sock, fill it with uncooked rice or lentils and microwave for about 45 seconds (just until very warm -- not too hot). Place it near the squirrel so it feels like another warm body to him. Since you have a heating pad for him, heating the rice buddy isn't strictly necessary, tho it will make it nicer to cuddle :) .
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
11-28-2007, 12:45 PM
Everything I've ever read has stated that a flyer does not need Full Spectrum Lighting because the are nocturnal. :dono Yes GM they don't need the lighting. However, I wonder sometimes because, I have seen a few of my wild flyer out sitting on a branch as if he was sunning himself. :dono Or maybe they were trying to get warm...? LOL! I am always discovering new things about these little guys................
I am glad your little guy is doing well! Glad you were able to find the esbilac. How is he this afternoon???
11-28-2007, 01:20 PM
He seems a little lethargic. I don't know if he's just tired or what. I really have to control the urge to check on him every 5 minutes. Do these guys sleep alot this young?
pamela lee
11-28-2007, 01:30 PM
:Welcome About the only thing I know about Flyers is that they are nocturnal, so during the day all they do is sleep.
11-28-2007, 01:31 PM
He seems a little lethargic. I don't know if he's just tired or what. I really have to control the urge to check on him every 5 minutes. Do these guys sleep alot this young?
I think when all babies are young..even my grey..when he was 3 1/2 to 4 weeks old..he slept..alot..
So..thats is a normal thinf FLTOS..has two could PM..her..and she can help you too..
11-28-2007, 02:06 PM
He seems a little lethargic. I don't know if he's just tired or what. I really have to control the urge to check on him every 5 minutes. Do these guys sleep alot this young? They are noctunal and will sleep most of the day. My youngest flyer was very sleepy and was about 8wks when she came to me. Everytime it was time for dinner, I would have to wake her to give her the formula. Even her evening feedings. Your little flyer is probably very tired and wore out from his experience. However, has he eaten lately? When was his last feeding? Is he curling up or just sitting still? DO you notice any change in his breathing? The key is to give him formula, warmth and rest. If you think he would feel better, you can try placing him in a pouch full of soft cotton or unscented kleenex and pin it inside your shirt. Sometimes hearing and feeling another heart beat does wonders for those little guys. A pocket with some kleenex or natural cotton works good to. I always like to place them as close to my heart as I can. It just gives them a sense of comfort and security. Even just an hour or two would be helpful, or just after every feeding for a little while. They do very well resting while you continue with your day.
Muffinsquirrel, do you think he should still be getting the pedialyte?
11-28-2007, 02:33 PM
They are noctunal and will sleep most of the day. My youngest flyer was very sleepy and was about 8wks when she came to me. Everytime it was time for dinner, I would have to wake her to give her the formula. Even her evening feedings. Your little flyer is probably very tired and wore out from his experience. However, has he eaten lately? When was his last feeding? Is he curling up or just sitting still? DO you notice any change in his breathing? The key is to give him formula, warmth and rest. If you think he would feel better, you can try placing him in a pouch full of soft cotton or unscented kleenex and pin it inside your shirt. Sometimes hearing and feeling another heart beat does wonders for those little guys. A pocket with some kleenex or natural cotton works good to. I always like to place them as close to my heart as I can. It just gives them a sense of comfort and security. Even just an hour or two would be helpful, or just after every feeding for a little while. They do very well resting while you continue with your day.
Muffinsquirrel, do you think he should still be getting the pedialyte?
FTLOS..I think thats so, sweet..I did the same thing with Bean..I made a pouch...and pinned it MY shirt..he was so, spoiled even as a baby..:wahoo :alright.gif
11-28-2007, 04:21 PM
if you want to see some more activity from the little one, try moving the last feeding more into the night time. also, keep the lights dim; even though it's eyes are closed, it probably still has major light perception, so make it think that it's bedtime by keeping things dark.
GB, thank you for pointing that out. i still think a FSL would be nice, though, unless there's something in their diet that can provide the D3 needed. there must be SOMETHING in the wild ones' diet that has that nutrient. anyone got a clue? :thinking
11-28-2007, 06:14 PM
thanks everyone. I'll try feeding him later tonight. I have been feeding him about every 2 - 3 hours. Is that too much? His last feeding he didn't seem the slightest bit interested in eating. He's still peeing and pooping good. He's really not been aggressive about eating at all. He'll lick it off of his pallete but I really have to move him around quite a bit to get him to take it. Also, he's sleeping sort of sitting up with his face between his knees (hopefully not kissing his butt goodbye) okay bad humor..sorry:nono and his tail wrapped around him. Is this normal or should he be lying down? I am such a nervous wreck worrying about him. I just don't know how they are suppose to be acting at this age and with the trauma he experienced Im just worried he may have brain damage. With having so much fur, I would guess his eyes would be open. Yesterday one eye was partially open, today they both stayed closed all day.
11-28-2007, 06:34 PM
thanks everyone. I'll try feeding him later tonight. I have been feeding him about every 2 - 3 hours. Is that too much? His last feeding he didn't seem the slightest bit interested in eating. He's still peeing and pooping good. He's really not been aggressive about eating at all. He'll lick it off of his pallete but I really have to move him around quite a bit to get him to take it. Also, he's sleeping sort of sitting up with his face between his knees (hopefully not kissing his butt goodbye) okay bad humor..sorry:nono and his tail wrapped around him. Is this normal or should he be lying down? I am such a nervous wreck worrying about him. I just don't know how they are suppose to be acting at this age and with the trauma he experienced Im just worried he may have brain damage. With having so much fur, I would guess his eyes would be open. Yesterday one eye was partially open, today they both stayed closed all day.
When you hold him to feed him, does he struggle and squirm? How much is he eating each feeding?
11-28-2007, 07:15 PM
He does struggle and squirm then quiets down and falls back asleep or at least I think its sleep. One time today when I checked on him he was curled up but every other time he was sitting how I described. I will try feeding him shortly and put him in a pouch next to my heart:Love_Icon I made him one today out of fleece.
He is not eating very much. Hardly a 1/4 ml/cc I have to place a small drop on his pallet and then wiggle him a little to get him to take it. I have been mixing it 3/4 pedialyte and 1/4 formula. Giving it to him every 2-3 hours. Is that enough or too much..
His breathing has been about the same. Seems pretty fast but not sure what the norm is. Not panting but not as slow as ours. I listened to his chest and there isn't any wheezing or anything. Very clear.
11-28-2007, 07:33 PM
It is best not to mix the formula with anything except water. You could use the pedialyte as hydration between feedings if needed.
It's normal for a baby to sleep all the time and this one is recovering from the past few days. You are doing a good job.
11-28-2007, 07:38 PM
He does struggle and squirm then quiets down and falls back asleep or at least I think its sleep. One time today when I checked on him he was curled up but every other time he was sitting how I described. I will try feeding him shortly and put him in a pouch next to my heart:Love_Icon I made him one today out of fleece.
He is not eating very much. Hardly a 1/4 ml/cc I have to place a small drop on his pallet and then wiggle him a little to get him to take it. I have been mixing it 3/4 pedialyte and 1/4 formula. Giving it to him every 2-3 hours. Is that enough or too much..
His breathing has been about the same. Seems pretty fast but not sure what the norm is. Not panting but not as slow as ours. I listened to his chest and there isn't any wheezing or anything. Very clear.
Thats great! He will love the pouch! It's good he is moving some and with time he will start to move more. I'm sure he is just recovering from his ordeal. He is young and will sleep alot.
Give him time on his feeding, as long as he is taking in something that's a start. I think every 2-3 hours is good, but I'm thinking you should use water instead to mix with it.
Sounds like his breathing is normal. Your doing a great job, hang in there! I will do what I can to help and if I can't answer your questions, than I know someone else can.
Is he still peeing? When was his last pee and poo?
11-28-2007, 07:41 PM
It is best not to mix the formula with anything except water. You could use the pedialyte as hydration between feedings if needed.
It's normal for a baby to sleep all the time and this one is recovering from the past few days. You are doing a good job. I must have been replying when this post came through..LOL!
11-28-2007, 08:02 PM
Thanks again, I feel least for now..LOL. He's been peeing by himself in his cage and his last poop was around 4:30pm. I am still stimulating him to get him to go to the bathroom and he went the first couple of times urine being yellow. Now, I can't tell if he's peeing or not when i stimulate him. If he is it is really clear. I will change to regular water!!
You guys are the best..thanks for all the great advice and encouraging words. :Love_Icon
11-28-2007, 08:25 PM
Thanks again, I feel least for now..LOL. He's been peeing by himself in his cage and his last poop was around 4:30pm. I am still stimulating him to get him to go to the bathroom and he went the first couple of times urine being yellow. Now, I can't tell if he's peeing or not when i stimulate him. If he is it is really clear. I will change to regular water!!
You guys are the best..thanks for all the great advice and encouraging words. :Love_Icon
Sounds like you are doing everything good. As long as he is peeing and pooing you know things are working.
Thank you for taking such great care of the little guy.
Just keep us posted, we tend to do alot of pacing and WORRYING when we don't know how things are going. LOL!:carzy2
11-28-2007, 11:44 PM
I scanned and I'm not sure if it was answered for you yet, but I have observed mine sleeping in the butt kissing position also :D
When their mommies pick them up, they roll them into little balls such as so, and I've read that's a good way for you to pick them up too, as apart from the grabbing which they don't like so much as they play the part of prey in the wild..
11-29-2007, 03:39 PM
Hi, Having worked for a dentist in my earlier years, when I see one of the top teeth discolored, if not by blood alone, and it is not the color of the other one next to it, it may be that is has significant damage. Be careful not to put pressure on it. If it is really damaged it may swell up, or become painful, so keep an eye on it. You wouldn't want the little guy to be in pain.
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