View Full Version : baths and email

11-25-2007, 05:08 PM
is there a easy way that im missing to change my email its wrong i sent the new one but i must be doin somethin wrong and does any one know if its safe to use aloe care dry bath for cats and dogs on my squirrel ?:thankyou :thankyou

11-25-2007, 05:23 PM
How old is your squirrel and why do you think he needs a bath? Most squirrels are very clean.

11-25-2007, 05:30 PM
I use lavender wet wipes on mine..ever since he was 3/12 weeks old and he's 6 months old now....Is your squirrel stinky??
Why..is it you want to give him a bath??
I did it because I wanted him to be clean..and smell..fresh..N clean...he seemed to like it too..NOT ALL SQUIRRELS...like this process...just to let you know...:poke :peace :alright.gif MINe..happens to be one of them THAT do..LIKE it..:alright.gif

11-25-2007, 05:45 PM
my baby is a very neat clean freak she got some stain from the yellow in the walnuts on her belly its gettin cleaner i felt so bad so i make sure i take the outsides off from now on like i always have i just figured she might have fun with it but its just messy and off in seconds anyhow but today was acyually the first i have ever smelled her not sure if she was rollin around in something she wet on or what i thaught it wood be nice for her to have a clean smell to her thanks for the input i dont want to interupt anything thats natural and make it worse than better

11-25-2007, 07:32 PM
To change your email address, go to user CP located on the blue bar above this post, top right. Edit password and email is the second option down.

I used unscented baby wipes on my 15 month old grey when he was younger. Everyone says squirrels do not like scented products on them.... with the exception of Bean and we all know he's special. :) Sammy is a clean freak too, he hates anything on him. We tried to give him a bath once in the sink. He didn't like it at all. :shakehead We got soaked.....squirrel tails hold an amazing amount of water. There was not one speck of dirt on him, the water and white cloth were 100% clean. There are a few members that bath their squirrels. I took care of another squirrel a few months ago that was sick and needed bathing. On him I used J&J baby wash. Hope that helps.

11-26-2007, 10:16 AM
How old is your squirrel and why do you think he needs a bath? Most squirrels are very clean.

If her squirrel is any thing like Max & Mia when they were younger - they kept peeing on each other for they did not know any better to move out of their sleeping area to go potty...... therefore they stank back then.

> > > > > > > > > > I used unscent baby wipes to clean them up.

11-26-2007, 10:34 AM
:rotfl :rotfl :osnap :rotfl :rotfl :flash3 :rotfl Bean..yeah...::smiles::he is strange..like his mom...::crazy squirrel:::lady:::Takes after his mom..lol:alright.gif

11-28-2007, 10:56 AM
thank you so much everyone lots of help you all answered my questions baby must of just rolled or played somewhere she weeweed that day she fine the next day what do you guys say about guords not spellin that right are they safe like pumpkins?

11-28-2007, 11:01 AM
my new email did take i had done the directions you told me a day before thaought i was doin something wrong cause it didnt change right away im good to go now thanks again you guys are great its nice to know peple are so caring for all these special babies

11-28-2007, 11:15 AM
Everything I could find about gourds says they are edible for human consumption when they are "young". The older they get, they tend to grow very bitter, and nothing will touch them, besides that, they are very hard. I don't think it would hurt a squirrel, but I'm not sure it would even touch them. :dono
you..know Gamma..I think your right..I have a pumpkin..that has gotten hard....He wants nothing to do with it...:osnap