View Full Version : paralyzed squirrel
06-02-2006, 03:21 AM
hi , im a rehabber in nc . only a year under my belt but has have rehabbed squirrels before. i have alittle gray squirrel that was given to me about a month ago .was doing so fine and soon to be released. well im heart broken we got back home last night he was paralzed could not move back legs or tail, but the tail hair did rise up some . i have no idea im stunned and hurt. i drove hour to raliegh nc to have him looked at and they said paralzed but wouldnt do xray !!! . i took him this morning to an all animals vet and he said he has zero chance of moving his legs . but no xrays !!!! why is it some doctors wont help a damn thing !!!!!!! he is about 10 weeks old and kinda late bloomer and has always been a little clumsy so i was waitng til he showed he could be released .im just heart broken . i cant put him to sleep .but there is no good dcotrs around me .they did give him cortisome shot and enough for 3 days . but i heard from another rehabber they dont work . i have no problem caring for him the rest of his life but i just need some pointers and what to do .can anyone help ? or live in nc ?? or can phone me to help ? yesterday he as sooo much squirrely running around his room and happy 3 hours later i went to check on him and he was paralyzed . i also feed him nutballs i make from clarrisa nutball recipe for squirrels . im thinking about taking him to another vet and make them take xray to be sure .i mean he has no feeling in rear end .can anyone help ????????????
island rehabber
06-02-2006, 07:09 AM
Ravenlaws I am SO sorry this happened to your little squirrel! While you were out he may have had a fall somewhere and that is what caused the paralysis -- damage to his spine maybe? It is very difficult to say whether he will recover or not, and of course it is your decision as to whether you would keep him if he is paralyzed for life. Are you consulting wildlife vets, or just regular cat&dog vets? There is a huge difference and only a wildlife vet can give you the right prognosis for him. In the meantime, I believe there are folks on this board who have raised paralyzed squirrels who did quite well -- hopefully they will have some practical advice for you. If you're in NC, the big universities should have veterinary or wildlife experts somewhere if all else fails....
06-02-2006, 07:16 AM
I'm not sure why the reluctance to xray him? My wife had a dog that hurt its back so badly that she couldn't move her legs. Drug them around behind her for weeks. I knew the dog was a gonner but didn't have the heart to tell her. Then one day we came home from work and the dog was walking around normally. Who would have thought? Perhaps a pinched nerve or something. But give the little guy some time and call a few of the vets before you waste your time driving over. Best of luck. :grouphug
06-02-2006, 08:20 AM
Raven, the first thing I would do is get him on a good, easy to digest, calcium supplement with vit D.
Second, make a few phone calls to other rehabbers in your area and locate a better vet.
This is the Ca sup I use.
Momma Squirrel
06-02-2006, 09:41 AM
Raven, I am certainly far less experienced than the others on this board but Squerly is right about my dog, I put her in a confined area for about 3 weeks so she wouldn't over do and keep from any further injuries and to keep her quiet. After that 3 weeks we saw much improvement, let her out and she was fine. Also have seen in squirrels when they have a fall that they are what seems to be paralyzed but I think it is temporary shock, they pull out of it and live a very happy and carefree life. I am hoping this will be the case for your little guy. Keep the chin up and find a good vet. Please keep us posted. I forgot to mention, he had stepped on one of our female flyers and it took her several hours to shake it off, not to mention she was really miffed at his size 11's hehehe on her body. It surprises me what nature can go through and still pull out of it, my thoughts are with you.
06-02-2006, 10:17 AM
Raven, there are two things I have seen. One is if the squirrel is in to small of a cage and got rambucious and while jumpin got the foot or leg caught and made a quick turn there by hurting its spine this can cause paralization. But the most common cause for paraliztion particulaly to the hind quaters is caused from calcium problems! First thing my Vet does is give tham a shot of Calcium and this usually revives them with in 24 hours if it doesn't then they x-ray or test for other nurological problems. And I have taken in Wild squirrels that I have found sick with these problems. Yes even the wild ones have these problems we just don't usually see them because they have them out of our sight and some other creature gets them before we know about it. And if you don't have or can't find a good "exotic" pets Vet then you usually have to tell them what you think the problem could be and tell them what they need to do. But here again that is if you have a good Vet who is willing to admit that they don't know eveything and is interested in learning something new even from a lay person. Good luck and keep us posted.
06-02-2006, 11:27 AM
I'm sorry about your squirrel. I hope you can find a vet that is a little more knowledgable about wildlife, and one that will explain why he is or is not doing certain things for your squirrel. I am extremely lucky in my choice of vets - we educate each other!
I have a grey that is paralized in the rear. His is from a combination of a fall and a dog. He has broken bones in his pelvis and both back legs. But he thinks all squirrels have no use of their back legs, so he gets around and does everything he wants to. He goes hand over hand across the top of his cage, and gets around just fine on the trees and branches that we have in the squirrel room. He is a little over a year old.
I hope that whatever is wrong with your squirrel is 'fixable', but if it isn't, don't worry - he can still have a very good life, and will amaze you with the ways he learns to compensate for his handicap. The only thing we do 'special' for Dusty is keep a close eye out for raw places that might develope on his back legs because of him dragging them. Since we knew he would not be releasable, we had him neutered when he was very young, to avoid any 'macho man' problems that might develope as he matured.
Good luck to you and your baby.
06-02-2006, 11:40 AM
I found an adult paralyzed squirrel a few days ago and took him to a rehab center. He was still alive and doing a little better the next day and they were going to send him to the next level from there. A specialist.
The guys name is Jim Dunlap and I think he is the main man at the rehab center. His picture was all over the place. His number is 469-752-1194. That is in Plano Tx. I am sure he will have good advice for you. Good luck
hi , im a rehabber in nc . only a year under my belt but has have rehabbed squirrels before. i have alittle gray squirrel that was given to me about a month ago .was doing so fine and soon to be released. well im heart broken we got back home last night he was paralzed could not move back legs or tail, but the tail hair did rise up some . i have no idea im stunned and hurt. i drove hour to raliegh nc to have him looked at and they said paralzed but wouldnt do xray !!! . i took him this morning to an all animals vet and he said he has zero chance of moving his legs . but no xrays !!!! why is it some doctors wont help a damn thing !!!!!!! he is about 10 weeks old and kinda late bloomer and has always been a little clumsy so i was waitng til he showed he could be released .im just heart broken . i cant put him to sleep .but there is no good dcotrs around me .they did give him cortisome shot and enough for 3 days . but i heard from another rehabber they dont work . i have no problem caring for him the rest of his life but i just need some pointers and what to do .can anyone help ? or live in nc ?? or can phone me to help ? yesterday he as sooo much squirrely running around his room and happy 3 hours later i went to check on him and he was paralyzed . i also feed him nutballs i make from clarrisa nutball recipe for squirrels . im thinking about taking him to another vet and make them take xray to be sure .i mean he has no feeling in rear end .can anyone help ????????????
06-02-2006, 12:12 PM
Wow Gunner; that is one of the reasons that I love this site. If one of us doesn't have a good answer there is usually someone who knows of someone that maybe of help. Who knows who else may bennifit from that number!
Not to mention you just meet some of the nicest people here.
06-02-2006, 12:14 PM
Here are a few pix of Dusty (I hope)
Momma Squirrel
06-02-2006, 03:08 PM
Dusty is beautiful and looks very healthy despite his handicap. They are just like humans, they learn to work with what they have, just glad there is someone to house him to allow him to be a squirrel alot longer than the wild would have allowed. :thankyou for being there for him, I know you truly enjoy every minute with him. He looks like he has everything a growing squirrel needs, nice berries :crazy
06-02-2006, 04:53 PM
Dusty is just beautiful, what a nice setup he has. You're lucky to have each other! BTW, did you name him Dusty because he "dusts" as he goes along?:bowdown
06-02-2006, 05:17 PM
i always like to think that there is hope for paralyzed animals. sometimes it's permanent, but sometimes they just need a little extra care and time to heal.
i do, however, think you'll end up keeping him as a pet, if you're willing and able. unless this squirrel makes a miraculous recovery in the next couple of weeks, it's likely that you'll be spending so much time with him that he'll become too tame to be released. you can give it a try, though, if you'd rather see him in the wild. since you're a rehabber, you probably already know the techniques for keeping the wild in a squirrel. :)
i read somewhere that massaging can help speed up a recovery from paralysis. anyone have any thoughts on that? it would feel good anyway, i bet. lol :D
does it seem to hurt him when you touch/rub him?
06-02-2006, 05:41 PM
Hi Ravenlaws32...sorry to hear about your little one! May I ask what he was/is being fed? You said that he was a late bloomer and always a bit clumsy. I rec'd a Red (my avavtar) whom acted just as you describe, when he walked he either moved both legs at once, in a slight hop fashion, or dragged his legs, he could not lift his tail or sit up on hinds legs and hold food with "hands". He ate holding food on the ground. I was told by a vet that he was paralyzed, no x-ray. HE WASN'T! He had MBD!!! With the help from Chris (Chris's Squirrels and More) and proper care...he recovered and was released last month. I would not rub or massage until you are sure that it IS a disc problem. If a break or will aggrevate the situation. Wildlife vets are not really easy to come by. An xray is always the truth teller...a break, disc injury or MBD are all possibilities and all treated differently. I know, its enough to drive one crazy, when you need help!!!!
06-02-2006, 07:02 PM
wow , im tearing up . tha k you for all the support and info .it look like i have found a home here. lewis is about the same today. i have called my personal vet who helps me with my small chihuhua who herself has heart problems and has been thru 6 surgeries . yeah i have alot on my plate. she is 9 years old and ive spend about 15 ,ooo on her . but worth every penny . but anyway back to lewis i am giving him calcium and whats weird i give all the squrriels i get in or work with nutballs that i make every 2 months . i got the recipe fro manother rehabber who has helped squirrels for over 20 years . im feeding the right foods same as all the other squirrels i get in or come across. i have the means to care for him for as long as needed thats no problem. i called my vet and hopefully monday i will get in to get xray done just for piece of mind if anything i mean it doesnt matter if back is broke or etc we will love him and care for none the less. and as someone here suggested i may opt to get him neutered because of being male and later when puberty hits may have problems. but so far today he is doing as good as can be expected. he still is weird acting and in shock wondering why he cant play or jump and he tries to sit up soo bad its just tears me up . but it not the end we just have to adjust life. things change in blink of eye and we have to take the good with the bad
i have taken to designing a type of sling to carry hi maround with us time to time to get and see things ,plus im gonna make him a roll around for his hind quarters . he has his own bedroom in the house so i will be making changes so he can get around easy and hopefully be ok . i know hes not happy but we wil try to all we can .you folks will never know how much it means to us that out there in this cruel world that there is other folks as us who care so much for these animals. thank you from the bottom ,top and all sides of my heart.
island rehabber
06-02-2006, 07:46 PM
Ravenslaw, it sounds as if your squirrel boy has MBD and it's progressing. It can be treated and reversed, but you must be very committed to following this regimen with him! MBD is caused largely by a calcium deficiency in the squirrel's diet. I am familiar with the "nutball" theory of squirrel feeding as promoted by Clarissa, but I do not choose to ever feed my squirrels that way and there are many who agree with me. The following is a proven method of squirrel nutrition that MAY reverse the MBD and have your squirrel leaping through the trees again:
Squirrel needs full-spectrum lighting (or sun, but don't over heat in sun,) to help metabolize the calcium. Squirrel needs to be on Esbilac, if refuses, vanilla Ensure. Squirrel is to be fed ONLY Esbilac or Ensure, with fresh Kale, Brocolli and spinach..NO water, NOTHING else!! They will tend to choose water if weaned, but will drink other liquids when thirsty, even if initailly refused. No other food, or the squirrel will also choose that over what is needed. Squirrel NEEDS to be in an aquarium or a storage bin, with a bunch of large drill bit holes, locking screen on top, will flip and climb. Need to prevent climbing or falling. They should get very little handling due to brittle bones, which may break easily. They need a bone or antlers to chew on, or a cuttle bone!! VERY IMPORTANT...due to the pumping of pure nutrition, teeth may grow quickly and need to be checked, for possible trimming.
Ravenslaw, this info comes from a very experienced rehabber who has raised and released hundreds of squirrels. PLEASE consider this life-saving change to your squirrel's may be his only hope. Good luck and God bless! :)
06-02-2006, 09:34 PM
Ravenslaw, it sounds as if your squirrel boy has MBD and it's progressing. It can be treated and reversed, but you must be very committed to following this regimen with him! MBD is caused largely by a calcium deficiency in the squirrel's diet. I am familiar with the "nutball" theory of squirrel feeding as promoted by Clarissa, but I do not choose to ever feed my squirrels that way and there are many who agree with me. The following is a proven method of squirrel nutrition that MAY reverse the MBD and have your squirrel leaping through the trees again:
Squirrel needs full-spectrum lighting (or sun, but don't over heat in sun,) to help metabolize the calcium. Squirrel needs to be on Esbilac, if refuses, vanilla Ensure. Squirrel is to be fed ONLY Esbilac or Ensure, with fresh Kale, Brocolli and spinach..NO water, NOTHING else!! They will tend to choose water if weaned, but will drink other liquids when thirsty, even if initailly refused. No other food, or the squirrel will also choose that over what is needed. Squirrel NEEDS to be in an aquarium or a storage bin, with a bunch of large drill bit holes, locking screen on top, will flip and climb. Need to prevent climbing or falling. They should get very little handling due to brittle bones, which may break easily. They need a bone or antlers to chew on, or a cuttle bone!! VERY IMPORTANT...due to the pumping of pure nutrition, teeth may grow quickly and need to be checked, for possible trimming.
Ravenslaw, this info comes from a very experienced rehabber who has raised and released hundreds of squirrels. PLEASE consider this life-saving change to your squirrel's may be his only hope. Good luck and God bless! :)
yo umean no water at all being a baby or adult?? and what stuff should i be feeding instead of nutballs? i mean for an adult squirrels too? i ve had a few squirrels that i released that did well on the nutballs. what would the typical feeding be for an squirrel and adult squirrel ? there is so much conflicting stuff around one says this and one says that. give a menu of foods to go by please.
Secret Squirrel
06-03-2006, 04:09 PM
Hi Raven
I am sorry about your lil squirrel and his legs being paralized. I was wondering on what formula was he raised on?
MDB is curable and it sounds like your man may have MDB it to me. It's amazing how something so simple as changing a diet can lead to a full recovery. I think Island rehabber had a nice grocery list in her last post.
I agree with the limited space in his cage, so he can rest and heal with the proper diet you will be introducing to him. Sun & calcium too.
Not every squirrel scnerio is the same...what works for 10 per say won't work for 1.... just 1.
I'd be willing to try the new diet and cage limitations if it meant him returning back to a healthy lil boy!!! What have you got to loose???
Just like kids they won't want the healthy food...until they get hungery enough...tough love momma!:crazy
06-05-2006, 01:51 PM
well tomorrow he goes for the xrays , i will update when i can. honesty everytime i have a gut feeling its usually right. alot of you have implied it could be bone disease but i just cant figure that, because reading more on bone disease it states everything opposite of what he was up until this problem, he was zooming around full of life ,no tiredness or sleep alot i do hope that is what it is but realisticly from monitoring him day to day it's gotta be back broke. he had no known symptoms of mbd . the one thing i hate by the web is you get soo much conflicting stuff online about every subject in the world. it seems there is no one right way to do anything .he is eating his kale,broccoli ,spinach for 2 days now and escibilac. if a miracle takes place and it is mbd how long or if ever would yo usee any 1% hint of improvement ??
ps i love this site and i thank all of you for helping .
06-05-2006, 04:27 PM
O.K. now, WHAT's the hurt squirrels name. You called him Dusty in the photo or were you just saying that the photo was dusty. Anyway futher down the thread I thought that you called him Lewis. Listen I have already beEN corrected for getting SPARKS and SPARKYs' names mixed up and the continuing drama with Little Sparks and now your crippled little fellow. Oh man, we need to start a forum titled 'THE DAYS OF OUR SQUIRRELS LIVES".
06-05-2006, 04:56 PM
O.K. now, WHAT's the hurt squirrels name. You called him Dusty in the photo or were you just saying that the photo was dusty. Anyway futher down the thread I thought that you called him Lewis. Listen I have already beEN corrected for getting SPARKS and SPARKYs' names mixed up and the continuing drama with Little Sparks and now your crippled little fellow. Oh man, we need to start a forum titled 'THE DAYS OF OUR SQUIRRELS LIVES".
wrong thread and squirrel . my squirrel is named lewis . no worries
island rehabber
06-05-2006, 05:03 PM
Ravenlaws, how is Lewis doing? Any change -- improvement, I hope?
06-05-2006, 05:11 PM
Ravenlaws, how is Lewis doing? Any change -- improvement, I hope?
no improvement i can tell . he is seeming to feel better .stll dragging rear leggs and no movement of tail .i did notice his stool is softer and clumped first time ever all together instead of little poop balls ,maybe too much kale ? or broccoli? or maybe to much puppy formula ? how many cc do i give him a day like this condition? tomorrow is the true tell xray. what do you guys think ,if back is broken could he still have a good life? or am i being wrong and making him suffer or let him go to rainbow bridge? i would love for him to have some quailty life . i dunno im 50/50 on it . how long should i give him for improvement? another i noticed today he is quivering alot since accident he shakes very so faintly. like vibrating . man i wish some of you seasoned veterans lived close by and could see him . i just dont want to think im making him suffer. he takes a bath and whatnot and seems ok but its so saddening see him like this knowing what he was like a week ago .
06-05-2006, 06:49 PM
The Internet is full of info...but can be frustrating when the info does not agree. I have never seen Clarissa's diet, but was told that it was VERY improper, and was a major reason that she lost her license. Without seeing a squirrel, that is injured, and how they act and becomes difficult. A rash, wounds..etc. are easily seen with a still pic. No matter what your little guy's problem is..break, soft tissue injury, MBD...we are all trying to cover all the bases, because no one can see. Not matter what his problem, he should have a great diet, to help heal and quiet, rest. It hurt nothing to put him on a great nutrient diet...only help. Is it MBD...from what you said, probably not...but it is not like giving un-needed meds. I am crossing all of my fingers and toes...and know he is in the hands of a person that is willing to do anything needed to help him....that is what matters! Please let us know...I'm sure you have a great sense of the problem, I wish we all could, to be more helpful!!!!:thankyou
06-05-2006, 07:05 PM
ohhh boy.....
euthanasia is something that is not pleasant to think about, but in a case like this, you have to consider it.
if i were in your shoes, i wouldn't put lewis down unless he was in obvious pain, and even then, i'd give him a month or two to improve. if he doesn't improve but the pain goes away and he learns to adapt, then he can have a good life. you'd just need to make his living arrangements easy to navigate for his condition.
if you can't have a pet squirrel, i dunno what to tell you. squirrels are highly adaptable, and i have faith that lewis will be able to live a happy life, but it would most likely occur in your care. think carefully about it, because a pet squirrel is a committment, but if he's anything like the other pet squirrels on this site, he'll bring you daily joy and you'll love him dearly.
i hope it works out. :)
06-05-2006, 07:29 PM
The Internet is full of info...but can be frustrating when the info does not agree. I have never seen Clarissa's diet, but was told that it was VERY improper, and was a major reason that she lost her license. Without seeing a squirrel, that is injured, and how they act and becomes difficult. A rash, wounds..etc. are easily seen with a still pic. No matter what your little guy's problem is..break, soft tissue injury, MBD...we are all trying to cover all the bases, because no one can see. Not matter what his problem, he should have a great diet, to help heal and quiet, rest. It hurt nothing to put him on a great nutrient diet...only help. Is it MBD...from what you said, probably not...but it is not like giving un-needed meds. I am crossing all of my fingers and toes...and know he is in the hands of a person that is willing to do anything needed to help him....that is what matters! Please let us know...I'm sure you have a great sense of the problem, I wish we all could, to be more helpful!!!!:thankyou
yeah tough choices. the only thing i did follow from clarissa was the nutballs . i use all the other foods and etc . i had read and found her site long ago and thats when i started making nutballs the other squirrels were raised fine and heathly . oh well . he seems to be not in pain ,he is drinking from his mounted water bottle i have it at the very botom for him . . honestly if i was to immediately put him down i would have done it last wednesday night when all this happened. i just want to give him a shot thats it at a happy somewhat life he has left .if i ever feel he really is depressed and going down hill then i will make the other call. we just want lewis to be ok and paralyzed or not we love him no different . i said i would not let him touch my heart but he got in . prayers please tomorrow he goes for xrays .
06-05-2006, 07:40 PM
heres some pics .
06-05-2006, 07:41 PM
Alright, I worked it out now, That was Muffinsquirrels photo of Dusty but both stories are on the same thread under paralized Squirrel. In other words it is two stories running on the same thread. Hey I admit I am just not to computer savy and some of this gets me confused at times. The chat rooms really throw me for a loop. Anyway best of luck and love to both squirrels and some of the best pet squirrels I have met were ones that were paralized. I guess they know that if left in the wild their life would be kaput and once they settle in and see that their human is giving them a chance at life still and one that is very comfortable then they are thankful.
06-05-2006, 07:48 PM
Hey, have you seen those little contraptions that they have for paralized dogs and cats. They strap them around their waste and have wheels and the little handicapped critters can just scoot around all over the place. Well, I believe that I could make one for a squirrel using fa fur, sude, leather and wheels from a kids toy truck or car. Now that would be kool.
06-05-2006, 07:53 PM
Hey, have you seen those little contraptions that they have for paralized dogs and cats. They strap them around their waste and have wheels and the little handicapped critters can just scoot around all over the place. Well, I believe that I could make one for a squirrel using fa fur, sude, leather and wheels from a kids toy truck or car. Now that would be kool.
i thought of that too, but not good at making things , if you decide to make some let me know i would buy one .
06-05-2006, 07:56 PM
how well does lewis move around? like, does he drag himself a long, or is he able to hop a little bit, or what?
i think you should try massaging his back legs, too. i don't care if it's not scientifically proven, i think it'll help!
06-05-2006, 08:00 PM
how well does lewis move around? like, does he drag himself a long, or is he able to hop a little bit, or what?
i think you should try massaging his back legs, too. i don't care if it's not scientifically proven, i think it'll help!
he drags himself around , no hopping , im alittle concerned on his urinating sometimes i have to help him out, the other vet said hat after a awhile they rub and tend to go on thier own again well, so i dunno . right now he is still in kinda shock, he doesnt know what to think yet.
whats weird to me is last wednesday when it happened he was pulling himself around straightened now he has a big curve to him like ) you can see it in the pics . he wasnt like that til friday or saturday. im trying to kep him quiet with all the while trying to watch him and keep eye on him .i have him out and he is sliding around the bedroom floor.
Secret Squirrel
06-06-2006, 01:05 AM
Looking at these photos Lewis is young and his tail is fully furred and laying flat ( meaning Young ) and he has the "sick squirrel kitten fur" which is the direct result of improper nutrition. We were all under the asumption Lewis was older. This squirrel is too young to have a broken pelvis unless of injury...not just a fall. The vet you are taking Lewis it a wildlife vet??? Make sure first!!!!!
Calrissa is a rehabber who had her licensed revolked for promoting a improper diet over the internet!!!!!!!! Not a good sign.
If the "squirrel was fine a month ago and soon to be released" (your quote) the photos shows a young squirrel to soon to be released...... so a month earlier it would have still needed puppy formula and proper care.
If the squirrel was climbing and clinging to the cage then it was starving. It will take you several weeks of proper nutrition and care to see a difference in his health. I have seen all I need to see and just want the best for your lil boy. His is still a baby. I live in SC and will drive to NC to get this boy and care for him. I want to scream and shout because the pictures tell the story.....I am here to help.
Secret Squirrel
06-06-2006, 01:10 AM
MDB is the topic of my please don't give up on Lewis because he can be cured and be a success story!!!! Lewis has a wonderful chance for a full recovery.:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
06-06-2006, 01:29 AM
SS, Where did you see that Lewis was climbing and clinging to the cage? I looked and couldn't find that posting.
06-06-2006, 01:44 AM
lewis is going just for xrays for now . here are some pics of him before his injury and paralysis . he never has been clinging to cage or wanting for food or starving. SS what can i do ? hes on esiliblac and kale, broccoli,spinach , and prime in his water.these pics were taken a few days before his paralysis.
06-06-2006, 07:15 AM
gosh, that's so sad. he was such a healthy squirrel.
all i can talk about for now is the bend of his body (i gotta go lol). if he always bends one way, it may be that his paralysis was uneven and he has more feeling in one side than the other. check him to make sure he isn't tilting his head constantly to one side, or "floating". (floating is when they let their heads droop slooooowly down, at a very even rate, as if they're a machine or something). tilting and floating are signs of brain damage.
yikes, gotta go!
06-06-2006, 01:31 PM
***** UPDATE *****
Lewis was x-rayed today. technically his back is broken. the vet says it is a 'developmental abnormality', and could have happened at any time, and is not a diet related 'injury'. although it could have been brought on from a fall, or knock to the spine, it probably would have happened eventually anyway.
looking at the xray it shows his spine, similar to below:
the " l " are his vertibreas. the " * " is a triangular shaped vertibrea which has shifted, or tilted, the tip or point no longer pointing upwards, but turned so that one point of the triangle is touching a vertibrea on both sides, pinching/touching his spinal cord, causing him to be paralized.
the vet said even if it were a cat or dog (or human) there is nothing he or anyone can do, and Lewis will most likely always be paralized....but, there is a small posibility that it could reverse, or get somewhat better if the triangle vertibrea breaks down (similar to a human with a crushed disc) or if the triangle resets itself to the 'original normal' position. if it would reset itself over time, it can happen again and again, and maybe never get better. on a good note, it wont get any worse. now its decision making time for us, to decide how to house him, how long to give him a chance, maybe forever etc etc. the vet said he will keep his file and treat him whenever needed, just like a pet domestic rabbit or hamster, so at least we have a caring and willing vet to take him to later if needed.
time to think..........................
even thou its not the news we all wanted it somewhat has a silver lining at just maybe ,maybe a miracle will happen,i think back now to what if he was released and it happened in the wild , he would die so even if this never happened and we had know of this problem before hand he couldnt be released to start with . i want to personally think everyone and i mean everyone on this board who has over the last week ,gave info ,love ,support,or just basically gave a damn to me and lewis and our family. yes there is alot of tough decisions to be made but we owe it to lewis to give it 100% effort . i feel alitle better in knowing that its wasnt all my fault but the time for blame is overand healing must begin . the other good thing out of this whole situation is i have found a place called the squirrel board to call home and hopefully alot of friends for the future. thank you and god bless.
06-06-2006, 01:53 PM
Good luck Raven in your decisions. I know its hard. Something tells me though this baby has found his place in your heart and your home.:grouphug
Alaskan Squirrel Cam
06-06-2006, 03:20 PM
As with my human friends who need my prayers, and there is those animal people who need them too. I'll wing a prayer that way, if you don't mind for your little one and you.
island rehabber
06-06-2006, 03:44 PM
Same here, Raven -- I'll send prayers and good energies from this side of the world, too. Little Lewis deserves every chance to be a happy squirrel, and it seems as if he's been brought to the right people for all the right reasons. Good luck and please give Lewis a little smooch on his head for me and the five fuzzers here.
06-06-2006, 04:37 PM
I am sorry that happened, sadly I know nothing about taking care of hurt squirrels.
hope that there is something that can be done for him.
06-06-2006, 10:50 PM
Give him a kiss from me, too, Raven. I'm praying for him (and you). Sounds like there are several of us that would love to give him a home if he doesn't get back on all 4 paws and you decide it's too much to keep him.
06-06-2006, 10:55 PM
Give him a kiss from me, too, Raven. I'm praying for him (and you). Sounds like there are several of us that would love to give him a home if he doesn't get back on all 4 paws and you decide it's too much to keep him.
one thing for sure he has gotten alot of kisses and there is no words to describe how all of you have helped lewis and us . no words
prayers back to all of you
06-07-2006, 08:42 AM
Hey I am so sorry about him being paralyzed. Mine is too. He was that way when I found him. I think he fell out of the tree. the one I have has had no problem adjusting to his handicap,he gets around pretty good I think. It is a full time job though. My husband has to give him a bath and we have to watch him if he is out and jumps and falls or something he may end up with a little blood in his urine so he has to be watched very carefully. I hope you won't give up on yours he needs some one to look after him. I rescued mine from being eaten or killed by a cat or some other animal. this is the second time I have found a paralyzed squirrel the first one was a chipmonk. I hope you will not put him down as he WILL adjust. Mine even lies down to crack his nuts if they are too large for him to hold in one hand.
06-07-2006, 02:36 PM
Hey I am so sorry about him being paralyzed. Mine is too. He was that way when I found him. I think he fell out of the tree. the one I have has had no problem adjusting to his handicap,he gets around pretty good I think. It is a full time job though. My husband has to give him a bath and we have to watch him if he is out and jumps and falls or something he may end up with a little blood in his urine so he has to be watched very carefully. I hope you won't give up on yours he needs some one to look after him. I rescued mine from being eaten or killed by a cat or some other animal. this is the second time I have found a paralyzed squirrel the first one was a chipmonk. I hope you will not put him down as he WILL adjust. Mine even lies down to crack his nuts if they are too large for him to hold in one hand.
oh no as long as he is alert and ok and seems to be fine we willnot put him down , and yeah the long term committment is fine . we have a big house so he has his own room , the rest of house we a chihuhua,jack russel, 3 cats ,and a fish tank lol . and my chi has to take meds everyday for having mitrial valve disorder and murmur . yeah he looks alittle different , yeah he cant do something he could do . but we will adjust, we love him with all of our still in shock myself ,today at 7 pm will be one week to the day it happened . like i ve said ive had somefolks say they would take him if we couldnt give him what he needs , and we would do that for lewis . all we want is the best and hope for some quailty life.
Baby-Chance and I are so very sorry to hear about Lewis your in our thoughts and prayers and like you said time will tell. I wish you best of luck and God Bless.:grouphug
06-08-2006, 12:32 AM
Ravenslaw, I'm very sad for you and Lewis. Life is very tough and we can only make the best of it, which is what you are doing.:thankyou for caring; in that respect he's very lucky.
Judging by your username here, do you rehab Ravens? If so, and if you're interested I'll give you the name of an excellent book about crows. It's not a rehab book though. Tell you more about it if you're interested.
06-08-2006, 08:02 AM
:thankyou Whew I am so glad that I misunderstood about your little baby. I was afraid you weren't going to be able to keep him. I know it is a little bit of extra care for one that is paralyzed . I love my baby he is so adorable and like I said he adjusted very well. I hope yours will too. I have raised several and turned them back if they were able. I just love all animals no matter what. I think I was meant to find my baby Lucky as he would have died if I hadn't .... Thanks for replying to my message. Good Luck with yours and hope he gets along just fine.
06-08-2006, 06:04 PM
wow, poor lewis. he'll adapt though, i'm certain he will. i have a good feeling about him. :)
my first rat rosabella had a big problem with balance. she was constantly turning her head to the side, because an inner ear infection messed with her perception and she would think she was walking on slanted ground when it was actually flat. she was the sweetest rat i had ever met, and she managed to adapt to her problem. she actually brought a few laughs, cause her babies would sometimes try to push her over, but she was really strong on her one side and they would fail miserably.
i'm sure you'll have moments like that with lewis. with weakness comes strength. sometimes if you don't laugh, you'll cry, and it's just better to laugh and make the best of the situation. give lewis a carrot for me, or whatever his favorite treat is. ;)
Secret Squirrel
06-11-2006, 10:49 AM
How is Lewis doing.....keep us posted on his new habitat and diet. Also send us some pics so we can see his sweet face!!! Sorry once a squirrel nut always a squirrel nut :crazy :crazy
06-14-2006, 04:28 PM
lewis is doing well . it seems he is slowly adjusting . he wants to go everywhere. sorry i havent updated in a week ive been really sick . it took him awhile but he like the new diet somewhat .he is getting stronger because he can actually sit up kinda and its good news that he does not urinate on himself and irritate his skin, ofcourse i have the baby wipes handy when need be .he know pulls himself around kinda sidesaddle instead of flat and dragging hind legs which i think it is more comfortable .i will take some pics soon and post .
Momma Squirrel
06-14-2006, 04:34 PM
So glad to hear Lewis is adjusting, has a very good mommy there also to help take care of him. Can't wait to see the pictures. Thanks for the update.
06-14-2006, 06:50 PM
Thank you for keeping us posted, Ravenslaw. When I don't hear from someone for a while who has a sick or injured squirrel, I assume they don't want to share some bad news....I know, I'm a pessimist. But I'm relieved as Lewis has been on my mind and I've checked daily to see how he's doing. :thankyou again!
06-14-2006, 08:57 PM
i'm glad to hear he's doing well. he seems to have a strong will to live, and that's promising. how's his home coming along?
:rockin go lewis!!!
06-20-2006, 12:51 AM
Raven, I just read about Lewis. It reminded me of an encounter I had about 2 years ago. I live in the country, lots of wild animals around here, and on a bicycle ride one day I happened upon a large ground squirrel that was paralyzed from the middle of his back down on the side of the road. He looked like he'd been run over by a car - completely flat. At first I thought he was dead, but when he moved, I was devastated, thinking he'd just recently been hit and must be dying. When I got closer, I realized... this little guy had been living like this for quite some time! He didn't appear to be in any pain, his shoulders were completely "buffed out" from using his front feet to pull himself everywhere, and he was perfectly healthy! He had his own hole in the side of a hill. He had slipped down the hill (all loose dirt and sandstone rubble) and was working his way back up it when I found him. He made it back to his home, and I never saw him again.
But it made me feel a tremendous sense of wonder and awe at the resourcefulness of us all, when put to the test. Some of us will just give up, while others will find a way to make it work. I'm betting your little Lewis is going to be one of the latter, and regardless of the disability, he will pull through (no pun intended).
May the Spirit bless you for your love and devotion. Don't give up.
06-27-2006, 11:52 PM
while holding Lewis tonight he started gently chewing on my fingers as if he were a person eating corn on the cob 100 miles per hour. he seemed to be enjoying it, almost playing as he did it. he'd pull my fingers close to his face and nibble back and forth, back and forth, then he started to do the same thing to my T-shirt, then back to my fingers. this went on for about 5 minutes, playfully, before it almost seemed like he was obsessed with it. I noticed he started to twist and contort while he was nibbling. at this point I knew it was the starts of a siezure, so I put him on the floor so he couldnt hurt himself with a fall. for about 5 minutes he was rapidly washing his hands & face, then twisting, then grabbing his back legs (which he has no use of or feeling in), then back to washing his face/hands, rolling around on his back (almost like one of those battery operated weasle ball toys). we could tell when the siezure was coming to an end, and he started to be more cohearent, looking at us when his name was called and trying to climb up our arms. he'd climb up a few inches, then sort of snap back into a semi-siezure, then be OK again for about 45 seconds. All in all from the finger nibbling to the last bit of the siezure it lasted about 15 minutes, the first 5 minutes being the finger nibbling and the last 5 minutes being in and out of normal squirrel behavior. he's acting fine now, just like his normal self. has anyone ever experienced this with their squirrels???? he's got 'prime' in his water, cuttlefish bone which he chews on regularly/willingly, getting plenty of kale, broccoli, nutballs and other good for him foods. any advice???? could this possibly be from his paralysis, or possible neurological problem?? this is the first we've ever noticed anything like this happening with him before. we are with him throughout the day very very often, so he's not left alone for too long (maybe 20 mintutes at a time at the most).
Secret Squirrel
06-28-2006, 12:18 PM
Hey Raven,
The post on 6-06-06 1:31 PM clearly states his condition is not diet related and could be "developmental abnormality"
I am still hooked on the MDB factor for Lewis. Call me crazy :skwredup but I think he can beat this thing with diet.
Seziures are very common with MDB. It's a good idea to keep his climbing to a mimium. A long inclosure 6-8' with 12-18" of height...that would give him plenty of running room and keep him low enough to the cage bottom in case he falls.
Falls are common during a sezisure. No matter why the sezure are occuring
Squirrels like to climb high, so to give him the "illusion of hight" the inclosure can be hung from the ceiling and supported by chains ( Eye hooks in the ceiling beams) that way the inclosure will swing a little bit when he active and will have the feeling of movement as the inclosure rocks.
You can also put fresh branches to keep his climbing and chewing skills up to par.
His diet sounds good and as I said to you before, MDB can be cured by proper diet:crazy so keep up the good work. And give that fellow a kiss from Becca!!!! We are all cheering for Lewis !!!
06-28-2006, 03:10 PM
The medobolic bone disease can also be caused from lack of vitamin D3. Does Lewis get and unfiltered sunlight? If he doesnt is it posible to take him outside in a small cage for about a half an hour each day to get some sun? Just be sure to keep an eye on him so that he doesnt overheat! Yes there are other sources of D3 but none are as good as natural unfiltered sunlight! Another thought is that whatever injury caused his paralysis may also be causing his seizures. Seizures are a big deal as they can cause brain damage and if he continues to have them he may need to go on antiseizure meds such as phenobarbatol. I would document any and all seizures noting times they happen, what he was doing prior to the seizure, what if anything you can point to that might have brought it on, and their duration. The reason I say to write them all down is to keep a very accurate log for a vet should one become necessary. As to the chewing he was doing prior to the seizure he may just have been grooming you. Mine do it all the time when they are feeling very content.Stacey
while holding Lewis tonight he started gently chewing on my fingers as if he were a person eating corn on the cob 100 miles per hour. he seemed to be enjoying it, almost playing as he did it. he'd pull my fingers close to his face and nibble back and forth, back and forth, then he started to do the same thing to my T-shirt, then back to my fingers. this went on for about 5 minutes, playfully, before it almost seemed like he was obsessed with it. I noticed he started to twist and contort while he was nibbling. at this point I knew it was the starts of a siezure, so I put him on the floor so he couldnt hurt himself with a fall. for about 5 minutes he was rapidly washing his hands & face, then twisting, then grabbing his back legs (which he has no use of or feeling in), then back to washing his face/hands, rolling around on his back (almost like one of those battery operated weasle ball toys). we could tell when the siezure was coming to an end, and he started to be more cohearent, looking at us when his name was called and trying to climb up our arms. he'd climb up a few inches, then sort of snap back into a semi-siezure, then be OK again for about 45 seconds. All in all from the finger nibbling to the last bit of the siezure it lasted about 15 minutes, the first 5 minutes being the finger nibbling and the last 5 minutes being in and out of normal squirrel behavior. he's acting fine now, just like his normal self. has anyone ever experienced this with their squirrels???? he's got 'prime' in his water, cuttlefish bone which he chews on regularly/willingly, getting plenty of kale, broccoli, nutballs and other good for him foods. any advice???? could this possibly be from his paralysis, or possible neurological problem?? this is the first we've ever noticed anything like this happening with him before. we are with him throughout the day very very often, so he's not left alone for too long (maybe 20 mintutes at a time at the most).
06-28-2006, 05:05 PM
yeah thanks . today he is fine .he is in a 55 gallon aquarium to keep climbing from happening . his diet is right on what it should be .that so far is first and only seizure we have noticed . it was not a violent one but one none the less. so i will keep tabs on him and write it down . before this seizure about 2 weeks ago he would sometimes while sitting there he would contort to the the left alittle then do it every so often like flexing .kinda like taking your pointer finger and touching your thumb. he did not do that at time of accident but in past 2 weeks he does it . i have it documented . he also grabs his back legs alot and cleans them which he did not do at first . we were hoping it was sign he might get alot better .the doc said highly unlikely but a miracle could happen and that abnoramilty could change . just doing the best for lewis . thanks all.
island rehabber
06-28-2006, 07:14 PM
Raven I'm with the "MBD" folks too...I really think Lewis can and will improve on his new diet and with lots of natural sunlight. You're doing great with him....he is so lucky to be with you. Although it seems impossible, MBD can be cured with a devoted caretaker and Lewis certainly has one. Meanwhile I'll be praying for him. :peace
06-28-2006, 08:12 PM
Ravenslaw, check out the thread "I'm Here" in the section of the message board called "Introduce yourself." I'm still praying for you and Lewis.
Secret Squirrel
06-28-2006, 08:15 PM
I do belive it's a good sign that Lewis is grooming his back legs. I forgot to mention that in my earlier post. Keep us posted....and did you kiss him for me????
A while back I was taking some pretty strong antibiotics and my hands swelled and itched from the meds. A few weeks later my hands started to peel all over and one of my young squirrles helped to nibble off the flaking skin. She peeled them everyday for over a week paying special attention to the the soft skin between my fingers. I could feel her sharp teeth ever so gently working the dead skin. It was too cool and I was amazed at the diligence. Best manacure I ever had!!!
12-09-2017, 03:14 PM
Hello my squirrel have MBD ,treatment on good way, but he not move tail... :(( Im afraid, please or its good or no?
island rehabber
12-09-2017, 03:41 PM
Hello my squirrel have MBD ,treatment on good way, but he not move tail... :(( Im afraid, please or its good or no?
Go back to your original thread -- I responded to it. This is a very, very old thread from 2006.
Nancy in New York
12-09-2017, 04:40 PM
Go back to your original thread -- I responded to it. This is a very, very old thread from 2006.
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SophieSquirrel, I moved your post to the following thread.
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