View Full Version : Car Accident
10-22-2007, 01:09 PM
I was behind a car and saw a young looking squirrel trying to run across the road... after the car passed, I saw it in thew road unable to reach the other side. We got out to check it out... it didn't have visible injuries.... other than small amount of blood on mouth.. it tried to walk, but spun instead. It managed to get to the side of the road... but again, tried and spun and seemed to have seizures. Still, it looked to me, like shock would kill it, rather than internal bleeding or something. We scooped it up in a sweatshirt and brought it home. We've kept it warm... a heating pad.. covered with a towel, so not too hot. Its alert at times and then worn out. It can use all of its limbs and the head can look mildly tilted and then it can straighten it. My concern now, is that I haven't seen it drink or eat anything. And yet, the water bowl is much lower in the morning!? (its in a cage made for a bunny, with the pad and an area without the pad. And layers of towels and a flannel pillow case. If I put a little water on its hands... it licks the hands... but thats not much water? I have pumpkin seeds in there and peanuts, (raw, unsalted) can't tell if it east when we don't see it, but I don't think it has.
It hasn't had any more seizure looking movements, not since being on the street after the car.
How long ago?? It sounds like your little one has a head injury. Do you need assistance finding a rehabber in your area or are you interested in caring for this little one yourself? :)
10-22-2007, 01:23 PM
well she has lived through two nights.... I don't work and have the love and time to rehab.. but whatever is best for this sweet thing...
10-22-2007, 02:22 PM
I have no idea about rehabbers in your location but for the time being your little fella needs a better diet. Peanuts are not the best thing for a squirrel. They love them but they are not nutritious for them. Right now she/he really needs very nutritious food to help her heal. Yes, I agree with Mars. It sounds like a head injury. For diet get her some:
LEafy greens such as broccoli, kale, dandilion greens, spinach etc. but no iceburg lettuce. no nutrients there. Squirrels need the leafy greens for the calcium it provides. VERY IMPORTANT for squirrels!
sweet potatoes
nuts of all sorts except for peanuts
any berries that you find at the market
corn on the cob
there is much more. those are just off the top of my head. Variety is the key to a healthy squirrel.
If you are keeping it you need to get a full spectrum light for it. You can get them at any pet store that sells reptiles. Make sure it is a FULL SPECTRUM light. Squirrels need the sunlight to produce vitamin D. Without vitamin D they cannot absorb the calcium that they so badly need. with out calcium they can get Metabolic Bone Disease, seizures, paralises, rickets and die.
How is the littel guy? What kind of squirrel is it?
10-22-2007, 03:10 PM
Looks like a bunch of great advice....!!!:goodpost
10-22-2007, 03:33 PM
You may still want to have the little one examined by somebody experienced in spotting problems, so they can be treated before they spiral downhill.
10-22-2007, 03:40 PM
hi there! :Welcome and :thankyou
tilting is a sign of brain damage. it sounds like the squirrel took a blow to the head, nothing else.
this squirrel needs steroids- i suggest dexamethasone. it should have gotten the steroids right away, really, but it might still be able to help if you hurry.
you can either call a rehabber or try to find a vet that will treat the squirrel. the steroids will help reduce the swelling around the brain and may bring back the squirrel's control and understanding.
do this for me- turn off the lights but have a flashlight ready. after a few moments of darkness, quickly shine the flashlight in the squirrel's eye- does the pupil contract? check both eyes- this will tell us the extent of the brain damage.
pictures would be lovely. :)
10-22-2007, 06:26 PM
Wow you guys thanks so much for the support and info!!! She isn't tilting her head anymore and she climbed around the bathroom and took some water!!! I think she ate some pumpkin seeds. She is now resting from her activity.... I am jotting down stuff for a grocery trip. I saw somewhere about these "nutballs"... I think that was on this site? Going to print that out too.
This young squirrel might actually make it and have a good life. It deserved a shot. mjs
10-22-2007, 06:55 PM
Thank you so much for rescuing this little squirrel. Not many people would scoop up a wild injured squirrel and take it home. It surely would have died of shock or from a predator, if you hadn't! Bless you!
It could be a mild brain injury, but could also be a balance problem caused by a glancing blow from the car, which can disturb the balance mechanism in the inner ear. Does she have any unusual eye movements, like twitching to the side?
The fact that she's getting better is a good sign. Please keep us posted.
10-22-2007, 07:04 PM
It is amazing to me how many of these babies can make it with good care and support. I hope your little one continues to recuperate.
10-22-2007, 10:03 PM
Good job! :thumbsup :thankyou for helping this squirrel ! :Love_Icon
10-22-2007, 10:27 PM
I took this picture tonight. After watching her... I see she does tilt her head slightly and itch the side that is cocked down. But she is doing so well. I am going to try and post a picture. I haven't done the flashlight test yet, she got worn out from so much activity earlier, she was very active and alert...
Um I don't see the picture...
10-22-2007, 10:49 PM
i'm going to PM you about the picture. ;)
10-23-2007, 12:13 AM
Thanks:bowdown :bowdown :bowdown
10-23-2007, 10:06 AM
here is a picture of SWC's squirrel:
10-23-2007, 11:16 AM
Did you say his eyes do twitch to the side sometimes? Also, does he seem to carry his tail over to the right side most of the time?
10-23-2007, 11:24 AM's interesting that you have him out like this. do you handle him? does he bite? do you ever need to wear gloves?
and just as a side note, he probably has a few fleas, so you might want to keep him off the carpet. :eek: you could try to fix his fleas with some kitten flea spray (spray a paper towel, wipe him down, avoid eyes/mouth/genitals).
does one eye seem at all bigger or more bulgy than the other?
10-23-2007, 12:38 PM
no, there isn't eye twitching and she was just waking up when I took that picture. I don't think she carries her tail to one side more often. More and more its up and in that nice middle position. This Morning I woke up to see her eating at her food bowl, thats the first time I saw her eating. (she was eating apple)
Yesterday she had been itching her right ear... thats the side that was slightly titled downward. I haven't done the light test yet.
Is she a Red Squirrel?
Thanks so much for all the help you guys.... this form thing is taking a bit to get used to.... so I haven't answered everyone, but I've read it all.
:thankyou mjs Thanks Thunder for posting the pic and yeah, that was the first time she was out like that.. she seemed to want to move around. No, never used gloves and we hold her.... at first in blankets in a box.... and close to our body heat and she has been scratched softly/stroked.
pamela lee
10-23-2007, 01:19 PM
You have a beautiful Fox squirrel there.
10-23-2007, 01:23 PM
Is she a Red Squirrel?
She's a Fox Squirrel, a.k.a. 'Foxer' like Gammas Baby wrote. :D
:Welcome :grouphug :thankyou
**Doh! Not fast enough!**
pamela lee
10-23-2007, 03:25 PM
SWC, Have you considered finding a rehabber in your area?
10-23-2007, 05:55 PM
i wanted to know if she let you hold her. that is a HUGE indicator of the damage that has been done.
she should be clawing and scratching, biting and trying to get away. her behavior may seem kind, but unfortunately she shouldn't trust you that much.
i can see what pamela lee is thinking, and i have to agree; this squirrel probably needs a rehabilitator. she either needs steroids or antibiotics, and she needs them as soon as possible.
what do you think about finding a rehabber? we can help you with that, if you want. :)
10-23-2007, 06:27 PM
In many locations, it's hard to find a rehabber -- does anyone have any contacts in Montana that we can provide for SWC to try?
SWC, you are doing great with her! :bowdown An animal rehabber is trained and experienced in helping injured wild animals. If one can be located in your area, it would be a very helpful contact to see what can be done for your little cutie to help her recover. Some of our rehabbers have lists for other states and might be able to post or PM some contacts for you.
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
10-23-2007, 09:53 PM
Yes, this all makes sense. I agree that she should be scratching, scared, raising hell to get away from us. She had a kind of seizure activity a few hours ago and again, about 30 min ago, was short.. but def seizure like. This is the first I have seen since what she did after being hit. Yes, I would love help getting a rehabber here. I am sorry that she didn't have meds sooner.... on the good side of things, she ate and drank today. I can see her kinda wake up.. out of a fog and then go back. She is.. wounded for sure. No open wounds of any sort though.. just the head it seems. Well, there is no "just" in that.
I am in Missoula..
I was able to find this. I hope it is helpful.
Montana Injured Wildlife Hotline 800-541-7986
10-23-2007, 11:12 PM
Thanks Mars, will call tomorrow. And Thunder, no her eyes are matching.. not bulgy. I sense her brain damage is mostly on the right side and her legs/arms do the seizure like stuff on the left, so stands to reason. She is resting now.
Do you think after 4 nights, she should still have the heating pad tonight or no?
10-23-2007, 11:24 PM
I'd keep a heating pad under half her enclosure.
10-23-2007, 11:54 PM
Western States Rehabilitation Center 406 273-7005
Permits: state subpermittee(2003); federal/possession; sponsor; Judy Hoy
Species: small_mammals birds waterfowl raptors
Comments: Our facility is in S.W. Montana in the Bitterroot Valley serving about a 100 mile radius of Missoula
FWP Montana Wildlife Rehabilitation Center 406 449-1312
If you can't contact the rehabbers, try these two veterinary clinics. They are listed as exotic vets.
Eastgate Veterinary Clinic
Mark Klietz, DVM
1001 E. Broadway
Missoula, MT 59802
406 728-0095
Pruyn Veterinary Hospital
2501 South Russell Street
Missoula, MT 59801
406 829-8150
10-24-2007, 08:45 AM
Just wanted to say :Welcome and Good luck with the foxer. Thanks for the update! :)
I know this is really a shot in the dark but, I had a friend I worked with here in NY (many years ago) that moved to Missoula, you didn't by chance move there did you? Your first name is not Yvette is it? That would be really strange if you were my old friend...:)
Anyway, thanks for caring for the fuzzy!
10-24-2007, 09:00 AM
the seizures are a side effect of brain trauma, yes. she sounds a lot like a squirrel i rehabbed a while back, mary. mary would shift back and forth between knowing what was going on and being oblivious.
thank you for searching for a rehabber. you're doing the right thing. :bowdown :grouphug
10-24-2007, 05:53 PM
Nope, I am Carla, I did move here from Seattle. There is a rehaber that works through Pruyn up the street. She did well this morning... ate and drank and climbed out of my arms.. to get away from me! Progress.... off to talk with the rehabber.
10-24-2007, 05:54 PM
btw, what happened with Mary?
10-25-2007, 01:13 AM
mary was a difficult case. when we got her, she was weak, disoriented, unstable, and would have seizure-like fits and would regurgitate food at night. we got her on steroids, and eventually everything got better except she was still very clumsy and trusted us too much.
we had her for two months. she began to deteriorate after a month and a half, and we had to put her down. we believe she had an internal infection from decaying dead babies in her womb (she only ever gave birth to one, still-born). she was too wild for surgery, and began to be depressed in captivity.
10-26-2007, 04:46 PM
That's sad, but a humane ending.
Squirrel is doing great. Now I need to catch up with household chores etc!
10-27-2007, 07:07 PM
You are not the only ones who picks up animals. I found a chippy but don't know for sure what happened to the little guy. He's the "spastic chipmunk". I wouldn't suggest it, but chippy seemed more alert and might spin once a week now after the cat knocked over his container and he had to run away. (poor thing.) but now he's in a bigger cage I fixed up and doing pretty good. I took him outside last weekend and he seems better, but still holds his head to one side. And he is starting to run from people more.
10-29-2007, 02:46 PM
I am awaiting contact with a rehabber, but having some trouble with attitudes.. ( i should get a call back today, from the person that I am told, is the best to talk with).. in the meantime I am wondering if there is a list of signs a squirrel is ready for release... and also some specifics, like do I leave her in the area if found her (even though there is a street there) OR take her to a wooded park.. leave her extra food, because of the time of year etc
Also, I had seen something saying, head injured squirrels are never ok to release even if they look fine/seem fine in captivity?!
Flikka Feather is doing great. She doesn't have the head tilt. Her right eye does have the slight bulge... very slight. She no longer allows herself to be held... she eats very well... and it seems like she is anxious when there is sun... signs of outside, like she wants to get out there.
My daughters gym teacher.. cut down a tree and by accident killed a mom squirrel, she has been raising the babies... one died, so she has 2. She has them outside, I don't know their age.... but I printed out some info and gave it to her (about nutritional needs etc)
Anyone help me with feedback?
10-29-2007, 04:34 PM
Can you convince the finder to get the two remaining babies to a wildlife rehabber. Usually when one dies there is something wrong and they need special treatment which a rehabber can provide. That is the babies best chance of survival. If the finder is unwilling to do that, try to convince them to bring the little ones inside. It is probably getting cold there and if they were still in their nest, they may not be ready to handle the cold weather yet. Are they in a predator proof cage? They would be very vulnerable if they are still youngsters. They probably need to be on the Esbilac Puppy Formula as well.
10-29-2007, 06:49 PM
I think she had said, it is a rabbit hutch cage. I am going to give her a link to this site (via my daughter) and I found a wonderful rehab woman in town. I wish I knew how old they were and the womans number, I'll see what I can swing. (gently)
Thanks for the input.
10-29-2007, 06:49 PM
adorable picture by the way!!mjs
10-29-2007, 07:04 PM
Great, I'll do just that!! :thumbsup
:grouphug Team Work= Great stuff!
11-07-2007, 04:00 AM
Well Flikka Feather was let go, back to the wild. She did this happy circle dance around us, as if with springs in her feet and then she scampered up a very tall tree.:thankyou
11-07-2007, 07:48 AM
YAY!!! :wahoo
11-07-2007, 08:43 AM
Great news! :wott You guys are heroes in my book!:bowdown :bowdown :bowdown
11-07-2007, 09:20 AM
:thumbsup :multi :multi :multi :multi :thumbsup
11-07-2007, 09:22 AM
:wott :bowdown :thumbsup
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