View Full Version : Need Baby Squirrel Help
05-28-2006, 02:21 PM
What stores can I buy Esbalic milk replacer if any? And where can I buy rodent block? It eats apple and soft walnuts and drinks water with suger and salt in it like the rehabber said to give it. It eats standing on its back legs. Is it too young to be weaned? Its about 4" long not including its tail. Found one of our small dogs chasing it. It has not injurys.
05-28-2006, 02:51 PM
What a cute little flyer pup! They open their eyes at four week of age and this little guy looks to be not much older than that. Esbilac can be ordered from Chris's squirrel store but you probably dont have time to wait for delivery especially with this being a holiday weekend so the mail will be a couple days behind. You should be able to get the formula from either a petshop or some feed stores carry it in my area. Also sometimes if you know a dog breeder they might have some on hand. On the rehydrating solution it should only be given for a twentyfour hour period or less. Good luck with this little guy! Is it a male or female? You should be able to get the rodent block at either the petshop or our local walmart even has a pretty good one. He is old enough to have access to it allready. Just watch you dont overfeed nuts as they become all the squirrel wants to eat and they are not a good diet alone. Stacey
05-28-2006, 03:48 PM
I'm sorry i meant to say acorns, not walnuts... lol. But the same goes for those too I assume. Is it really a flying squirrel? We where wondering about that, but then thought all baby gray squirrels must have that extra skin. (We have a hole lot of gray squirrels around here). I think it's a female, I don't really know for sure. I found Esbalic on and i'm hoping they will have it at our local store... I will check wal-mart for the block.
Thanks for the help! :)
05-28-2006, 03:56 PM
Pet co should definately have the Esbilac and they should also have the rat block food too. This baby should be on formula three or four times a day for the next four to six weeks and they usually tell you when they are ready to wean by repeatedly refusing the formula. I hope pet co is open this weekend and keep us posted as to how he or she is doing. To sex them by the way is pretty much like a dog. Males bits are about an inch apart and females bits are right together. Stacey
I'm sorry i meant to say acorns, not walnuts... lol. But the same goes for those too I assume. Is it really a flying squirrel? We where wondering about that, but then thought all baby gray squirrels must have that extra skin. (We have a hole lot of gray squirrels around here). I think it's a female, I don't really know for sure. I found Esbalic on and i'm hoping they will have it at our local store... I will check wal-mart for the block.
Thanks for the help! :)
05-28-2006, 05:57 PM
That's definitely not a grey squirrel..LOL. He's really cute! I'm so glad you were there to save him from your dog. Good luck with him! Baby flyers are so sweet and a lot of fun.
05-28-2006, 06:29 PM
Ok we went to Petco and got the Esbilac. Do we just give it to it from the can like it is or add water or anything? heat it at all? The 8 FL. OZ can says to discard after 72 hrs. I don't think it can take that much in 72 hrs can it? : P. Also, they had goeat milk Espilac, is that any better for it? Just wondering. We looked for rat blocks but decided to wait because we dont know exactly what to get. They had somehing like this:
but it had a guinea pig hamster and other rodent-types on there too. Would that be ok? We asked for rat blocks and thats what they pointed us to.
05-28-2006, 06:45 PM
Also, How much should we feed it at one time? It just took about 1 1/2 to 2 cc, who knowes how much got wasted getting all over the place though. We are using a syringe.
05-28-2006, 07:06 PM
Well, I can't see the squirrel and handle it for examination personally but it sounds as if your baby is way young yet to be worrying about dry food of any kind. Especially if you haven't gotten it's formula diet worked out. Did you get puppy formula esbilac? And what are you using to feed it with? And yes all food for infants from the human ones to the animals needs to be warmed. I even have to warm the formula that I feed to infant birds. That is to say all warm bloodied infants need their baby food warm. Also I find that using a syringe is the best way to feed them. You can get all the air out before feeding the formula to them. But for Baby squirrels I would us only a 1cc syringe until they are eating over a cc at a time and their mouths have gotten larger. I will say that you will have to gentialy put the end of the syringe into their mouths. Best to insert it from one of either corners of its mouth rather than stright from the front and very gentially push the syringe plunger. Do not force the liquied to fast into their mouth. You can strangle them this way. Once they get use to the syring they will began to suck it and pull the plunger along on their own. Once they are eating (sucking very well) on their own you can try using a nipple on the end of the syringe if they will accept it. The reason behind using a syring is because after you have filled it with as much food as you desire you can hold the syringe tip up and thump all the air to the top. Then you can push all the air out before feeding. Just like in human babies if they get to much air in thier stomachs they will get the equvilant to collick in humans. Only it is more serious in a baby animal. Best Of Luck to you and the Babies
05-28-2006, 07:11 PM
Oh yes, anytime you start a new formula don't be surprised if after the first day they may develope a little consipation. Don't worry just keep using warm damp cloth or cotten ball or what ever and massaging their rectal area after every feeding. It is not uncommon when they change foods to have a little problem until they have fully adjusted to the new formula or food
05-28-2006, 07:21 PM
OOps, Sorry I overlooked where you said that you were feeding it with a syringe. And right now I would just go with maybe 1 or 1 & 1/2 cc. I wouldn't want to over feed them especially until they get adjusted to their new food. And as for as adding water, I can't tell you for sure but I would think maybe add just a little water for the first few feedings once again, untile they have gotten use to the new food. Then probley feed it stright. Honesty, I prefer the dry esbilac because you can mix only what you need as you need it. If you keep it refrigirated the unused portian can be kept for the next time you need to rescue a baby.
05-29-2006, 08:43 AM
We have had the baby since Friday evening and it's going great now.
Thanks for all the help!!!!!
05-29-2006, 10:33 AM
The liquid Esbilac can be frozen in ice cube trays, and then thawed out one at a time as you need them. That way you don't have to throw it out in 72 hours.
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