10-09-2007, 01:56 PM
Alright so we got a new pair of squirrels a week or two ago, and we didn't realize until we fed them that one of them couldn't move his hind legs or his tail. So we took him to the vet the next day, and she said it was probably nerve damage, and to give him some time. Well about the day after that, he started holding up his tail like a real squirrel, and then a while after that he would grip with his right foot, and now he's started to grip with his left, stand up, hop around, but there is still one thing that worries me. When we feed him he won't stick his hind legs out straight behind him like the others will sometimes do, and his hocks are very close together when he stands or sits, and his legs get tangled when he hops too far. Will this wear off too, and is there anything we can do to speed his recovery? I've been playing with his legs a bit when he stands still, and thats part of why I know he's got feeling in his toes again, he gets annoyed quickly with that and walks off. He's getting better at walking along my arm too, though he's still not as steady as his brother.