View Full Version : Is falling normal?
10-05-2007, 09:53 PM
Hunny has just started jumping from us to furniture or from furniture to us when she's out of her cage. She falls quite a bit though. She just started jumping yesterday but she doesn't make it about half the time. Is she just learning? Should I be worried about her?
10-05-2007, 09:54 PM
How ols is Hunny...?
10-05-2007, 10:24 PM
About 8 weeks. I've had her since she was 4 weeks old. She seems to have just gotten active overnight. Before she was active in her cage but when I had her out all she would do is eat and then fall asleep. Now she wants to run and jump everywhere. I suppose the only way to learn how to jump is to do it and fail a couple of times but it worries me.
10-05-2007, 10:47 PM
About 8 weeks. I've had her since she was 4 weeks old. She seems to have just gotten active overnight. Before she was active in her cage but when I had her out all she would do is eat and then fall asleep. Now she wants to run and jump everywhere. I suppose the only way to learn how to jump is to do it and fail a couple of times but it worries me.
yeah it could be just the learning thing..clumsy..jumps.I would worry too much..and if its really stressing you out take her to a vet..if you can..
But it sounds just like shes getting use to her legs..and growing...bean still some times will fall..::its like a THUMP:: and he'll look at me like WHAT DID YOU me?? Ill just laugh..pat my leg..and tell him to come up..he'll scamper up my leg in a flash...and do a froggy on my arm...or if Im sitting on my leg..I love when they do the froggy..dont you?
Here..this is what I call a froggy....
10-05-2007, 11:05 PM
Hunny is the equivalent of a toddler. You should notice over the next couple weeks that she falls less and less. I don't think there's anything to worry about at this point (other than injuries from may need to do some temporary redecorating!)
11-03-2007, 06:29 PM
it's not the fall that hurts it's the sudden stop at the bottom. But I wouldn't worry squirrels can fall up to 100 feet without injury . depending on the Landing tho.
11-03-2007, 07:16 PM
Eight weeks is still pretty young. I was just watching one of my new wild babies (about 9 wks old). She is just out of the nest but still not allowed by mom to leave the tree--she is very unsure about leaping from branch to branch, even when they're just 18 inches apart. Also, most furniture is a lot more slippery than tree bark.
11-07-2007, 05:32 PM
Funny that this post popped up, it's been just about a month since I posted it. Hunny is 12 weeks now and is a wonderful jumper. She still falls from time to time but that's because she's still figuring out what her claws will stick to. She really wants to jump on the closet doors for some reason but they're metal so she slides down them. She can jump almost across the room though and from the floor to the counter top.
We are hoping to do her release in the next week. Actually we aren't hoping to do it at all because we really want to keep her, but we know it's time. She's so cute and I'm worried about her being too tame if we don't release soon. She's extremely attached to my husband and that worries me. Anyway, all is good in hunny world. Thank you for putting up with my endless supply of questions. I'm sure I'll be here to cry when we finally let her go.
11-08-2007, 04:05 PM
Sorry, I should have been more clear when I posted. We aren't actually doing her release, we're turning her over to a rehabber my husband knows. She's going to live in an outdoor pen for awhile and then she'll go on her squirrely way. We're hoping to turn her over this weekend because she is getting too used to us, and I'm afraid she'll be unreleaseable if I keep her any longer.
11-14-2007, 06:59 PM
Any news from Hunny?
11-14-2007, 10:07 PM
Oh yes, as she's still living in our office. We can't seem to get ahold of the rehabber who was going to take her. My mission for tomorrow is to look for someone else. If that doesn't work I think we'll be okay releasing her ourselves. We're in the process of wilding her up now.
She's still madly in love with my husband but I've explained that he is only allowed to be a tree with her, so he's working on that. It's really hard for him as he loves playing with her. It's much easier for me because she's mean to me, I have scratches all over my face as she's taken to jumping at my face when I open her cage door. It certainly doesn't encourage me to play with her while she's out. I feed her and keep an eye on her so she doesn't destroy the room but otherwise I completely ignore her.
11-15-2007, 12:17 PM
Sorry to hear that the first rehabber isn't panning out. If you end up releasing her yourself, were you planning on moving her cage outdoors?
11-15-2007, 12:46 PM
Yes, we'll build her a release cage. For now we're just putting her cage outside for a couple of hours a day, so she gets used to the sights and sounds.
11-15-2007, 02:03 PM
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