View Full Version : Vacation concerns Squirrel-sitting

01-09-2025, 01:30 PM
I hope it's the right place to ask this question -
I have a pet (non releasable) eastern grey squirrel raised up from a baby thanks to all the advice and resources on this board (very grateful!). She is six years old now. I am planning to visit family in Europe for 2-3 weeks and would like some thoughts on how to handle her care while I'm away. I live in Florida and she typically spends the day in an outside cage that's about 237 sq ft. and then I bring her inside for the night where I spend some time with her and she sleeps in a smaller Critter Nation type cage.

I've left her with family before in a quad-Critter Nation cage setup, but they had trouble cleaning it and it gets smelly so quickly. And it's difficult in general for them to watch her. I want to do something different this time.
What are some thoughts on leaving her in her outside cage 24/7 for 3 weeks with someone coming by to feed and change water once or twice a day?
- Will she think I abandoned her out there and not like me when I get back? She does not like strangers, but I do hold and play with her every day (and she seems to like me!), so that interaction would be lacking while I'm gone.
- Is outside that long too stressful for her? She's only spent the night out there less than 10 times over the years. She seemed perfectly fine afterwards but it was only one night at a time. We have raccoons, opossums, foxes, hawks, owls, cats in our area, although they don't seem to hang around the cage area based on my wildlife cam, mostly they just pass through other parts of the yard. The hawks are out in the daytime and haven't messed with the cage yet.
- The temperature should be ok - March in Florida is typically pretty pleasant. But anything else I should think about there?
- She eats Henry's Healthy Blocks plus veggies and stuff so someone would need to come by each day to get those meals out of the fridge/freezer.

Some info about the outside cage:
It's an old dog kennel and run (237 sq ft) so has metal poles, chainlink with chicken wire attached to it on the inside, chicken wire along the top, the concrete bottom is covered in several inches of dirt/leaves/sand which she digs in and buries things. I'm working to upgrade the chicken wire to 1/2" wire mesh. She has a cover over where her nest box is to keep it dry from the rain and the rest is open to rain or whatever else falls in, plus lots of branches. Curious wild squirrels come up to the cage all through the day, so she has some sort of external stimulation even though she usually ignores them. It's very shaded but does get sunlight through the trees. I'd probably make her another nest box so she has 2 to choose from. And set up a camera.
If this isn't a stupid idea to leave her out there, I would make something where food can be placed in the cage and water refreshed without needing to open anything where she could slip out.

So yeah, any thoughts or suggestions? Is this a disaster waiting to happen or could be something doable?

01-09-2025, 03:59 PM
She is six years old now. I am planning to visit family in Europe for 2-3 weeks and would like some thoughts on how to handle her care while I'm away. I live in Florida and she typically spends the day in an outside cage that's about 237 sq ft. and then I bring her inside for the night where I spend some time with her and she sleeps in a smaller Critter Nation type cage.

What is her name?

So how do you currently move her from indoors? Is this just picking her up and holding her then letting her go when you get to new location?

If so, then is it safe to assume that this could NOT be done by anyone else without the possibility of her escaping or them getting bit?

One possibility occurs to me: Would it work for someone to come over in the morning, wheel the small Critter Nation outside then into the outside cage, then release her? Could this be done without any chance of escape or getting bit?

And if so, then how about leaving the Critter Nation cage there all day, removing or sealing off other places she might bed down for the night. Someone could then come over after she was down for the night, go inside the large cage, shut the Critter Nation cage, verify she was inside, then bring it back inside for the night?

This would eliminate the issues of whether or not she would be safe outside overnight with raccoons, etc. in the area.

I have an NR Guro in a large indoor cage in my home office. We have managed to go away a few times for a week or less, leaving Guro in the care of my daughter and a family friend. We have worked out a system where they can feed her, change her water, etc. without risk of her escaping or them getting bit.

01-09-2025, 05:01 PM
What is her name?

So how do you currently move her from indoors? Is this just picking her up and holding her then letting her go when you get to new location?

If so, then is it safe to assume that this could NOT be done by anyone else without the possibility of her escaping or them getting bit?

One possibility occurs to me: Would it work for someone to come over in the morning, wheel the small Critter Nation outside then into the outside cage, then release her? Could this be done without any chance of escape or getting bit?

And if so, then how about leaving the Critter Nation cage there all day, removing or sealing off other places she might bed down for the night. Someone could then come over after she was down for the night, go inside the large cage, shut the Critter Nation cage, verify she was inside, then bring it back inside for the night?

Her name is Chippy :)
I just hold her and walk her out there. I think she enjoys the ride haha. Yeah, nobody else could do this. She would definitely bite and squirm away. She makes little displeased growls when strangers look at her.

Wheeling the Critter Nation cage out there isn't really possible either. There are steps out of the house and then sandy soil all the way to the kennel. If it wasn't so far from the house I'd love to have a little kitty door and squirrel-tunnel for her to come and go as she pleases.

How do you handle all the squirrel pee in Guro's cage? Because I've also thought to make a bigger indoor one if I could figure out a way to make it easy to clean or have some kind of magical bedding last 3 weeks. But she might be bored indoors for that long (better bored than raccoon dinner though). Thanks for the thoughts!

01-09-2025, 05:21 PM
Her name is Chippy :)
I just hold her and walk her out there. I think she enjoys the ride haha. Yeah, nobody else could do this. She would definitely bite and squirm away. She makes little displeased growls when strangers look at her.

Wheeling the Critter Nation cage out there isn't really possible either. There are steps out of the house and then sandy soil all the way to the kennel. If it wasn't so far from the house I'd love to have a little kitty door and squirrel-tunnel for her to come and go as she pleases.

How do you handle all the squirrel pee in Guro's cage? Because I've also thought to make a bigger indoor one if I could figure out a way to make it easy to clean or have some kind of magical bedding last 3 weeks. But she might be bored indoors for that long (better bored than raccoon dinner though). Thanks for the thoughts!

Chippy is lucky to have you!

Is there any way that something smaller that could be carried back and forth? The upside would be days outside. The downside would be sleeping in a smaller cage. If she is being moved outside early and inside after bed time, the benefits of outdoor time might outweigh the smaller sleeping quarters.

Unless there is a way to maneuver her from Critter Nation cage to her transport cage (morning) then from transport cage (which has been in outside cage and now contains a sleeping Chippy) back into the Critter Nation cage for the night? Perhaps if you started transporting her that way then she would get used to it and then someone else might manage as it would already be habit for her?

Guro has a number of containers inside her cage that have high sides and then 6-8" of mulch in the bottom. The largest is a metal bushel basket, the others are ceramic pots of various sizes. Guro pees and poops inside these containers, and every so often i change the mulch. The high sides are because she does lots of digging and this contains the mulch.

Squirrels are fairly easy to litter train with containers with mulch. I have used this with quite a few young squirrels being raised for release. In their case, with smaller cages and smaller mulch containers, the mulch needs to be changed out much more frequently.

01-10-2025, 10:41 AM

Deep mulch is a great idea! I think I'm going to work on that kind of setup indoors to make my life easier in general not just for times away, and she'd love to have something deeper in that indoor cage anyway.

As far as the smaller cage to transport, yes I do have a smaller travel cage set up for her and sometimes she does sleep in there (that one's in my bedroom and when I have her running around there sometimes she decides to go in there to sleep and I just shut the door when I get tired too). I have a feeling once she's in the outside cage she will not go back in the smaller one for someone to then get. Plus lots of possibilities for mishaps and escape. The inside cages have fleece nest cubes and the outside cage has a wooden nest box, which is full of leaves and cedar bark strips and whatever else she's found, and I think she would pick that one over the others. It can be closed up since I do that every night to keep bugs out, but she really likes it! She hangs out on the top guard part a lot in the day with her head sticking out. And if anything were to happen where the person couldn't get her in the small cage to bring her in, that wooden nest box would need to be an option because it's much safer than the cubes.

Thank you for the brainstorming, it's helped me work through this a lot!