View Full Version : Hurt squirrel need help

12-20-2024, 12:03 PM
Grey squirrel came into my shed the other day his face was so swollen, at first we thought it was an absest, but I don’t believe it is anymore I think he was either clipped by a car, or fell and landed on the side of his face. It’s heart breaking looking at him but he’s eating and drinking he’s had to drag his face at times to pick up food, his eye is all red and almost dry looking. We put some neosporin and gave him in 2 doses total of 4 mls of amoxicillin and 1/4 of ibuprofen 200 mg I feel I can’t give him the care he needs right now idk if anyone lives near me that could help me.

12-20-2024, 02:03 PM
I had a grey squirrel come into my garage and was so exhausted he like collapsed on the floor, than as i approached him he went around me and made his way to his shelf, I noticed his eye was not looking normal, bout an hour later he came out eat and his head was blown up like a balloon, I’ve given him small dose of ibuprofen and 2 ml of amoxicillin, and I tried to put some neosporin around his eye, I noticed at times he had to rub his face to pick up food, it didn’t seem he was able to pick it up normally. He’d also b falling asleep while eating. I feel his injuries are outside my capabilities I’ve been on this board prior for years but I couldn’t remember login as it’s been a few years since I’ve had to reach out. My previous name was “Luckyishisname” I’m in mass ik they are extremely strict around here but I’m hoping someone could guide me to the right person if this lil guy has a chance of survival

Charley Chuckles
12-20-2024, 03:07 PM
Thank you for helping this one best you can and he's safe with you 👍
I'm really not sure what's going on and I hope others can help you 🙏

12-20-2024, 04:20 PM
Are there any visible injuries? Can you post up a photo if possible of his head?

12-20-2024, 04:24 PM
I asked some questions in the emergency thread you started. Don't give him any more meds, 50mg of ibuprofen is MUCH too much. I am going to merge this thread with your emergency thread.

Grey squirrel came into my shed the other day his face was so swollen, at first we thought it was an absest, but I don’t believe it is anymore I think he was either clipped by a car, or fell and landed on the side of his face. It’s heart breaking looking at him but he’s eating and drinking he’s had to drag his face at times to pick up food, his eye is all red and almost dry looking. We put some neosporin and gave him in 2 doses total of 4 mls of amoxicillin and 1/4 of ibuprofen 200 mg I feel I can’t give him the care he needs right now idk if anyone lives near me that could help me.

12-21-2024, 05:14 PM
Any updates? :(

12-24-2024, 11:15 PM
Standing-by to help but I fear the worst.

Update needed immediately as this sounds serious and meds dosages are too much!

12-25-2024, 08:48 AM
Rehabbers in MA -
