View Full Version : Henrys blocks recipe concerns

12-13-2024, 04:03 PM
Hello squirrel board,

So I've been making my own "squirrel block" for over 2 years now using the henrys healthy blocks recipe straight from the company with great success. I started looking on the internet if there had been any changes in the recipe since it states it was last revised in 2014 and I have seen multiple people posting the recipe on here with dates as recent as 2019 but it asks for 45grams of henrys healthy vitamins instead of the 33grams listed in my recipe. I questioned HenrysPets about this and they assured me the recipe hasn't been revised since 2014 and that 33grams is the correct amount.

Why exactly are so many people posting a version of the recipe using 45grams instead of 33? Has it been changed for good reason like finding it wasn't enough or is this an older recipe that hasn't been updated?

If anyone could clear this up for me that would be great. I want my nearly 3yr old eastern grey to have the best care possible and I know this page is mostly run by real rehabbers so I highly respect your opinions/help.

Only recently my squirrel started becoming a little sore when landing big jumps and her claws are sticking to fabric a bit. I realized my digital scale was off and bought a new one then made a fresh batch of block so hopefully she feels more like herself in a short few weeks or less. This is another reason why I'm inquiring about the 45grams vs 33grams of vitamins as I'm wondering if 33grams isn't adequate thus why someone(s) has changed it.328643

Any/all help on the subject would be greatly appreciated 😁

Charley Chuckles
12-13-2024, 06:26 PM
I'm hoping someone from HHB sees this to answer your question.
I never make my own block because I'm not good at baking and I'm lazy in that area and I'm afraid I'll do it wrong 🙄 I really admire folks who can make them👏
I try to serve the blocks as instructed but sometimes I may give a little too much 🤫
Other than that mine love them.
I'm wondering if nails are sticking should you give just a tiny bit more 🤷
Again just my thoughts hopefully others will chime in 👍

12-17-2024, 06:42 PM

12-18-2024, 07:13 AM
Hello squirrel board,

So I've been making my own "squirrel block" for over 2 years now using the henrys healthy blocks recipe straight from the company with great success. I started looking on the internet if there had been any changes in the recipe since it states it was last revised in 2014 and I have seen multiple people posting the recipe on here with dates as recent as 2019 but it asks for 45grams of henrys healthy vitamins instead of the 33grams listed in my recipe. I questioned HenrysPets about this and they assured me the recipe hasn't been revised since 2014 and that 33grams is the correct amount.

Why exactly are so many people posting a version of the recipe using 45grams instead of 33? Has it been changed for good reason like finding it wasn't enough or is this an older recipe that hasn't been updated?

If anyone could clear this up for me that would be great. I want my nearly 3yr old eastern grey to have the best care possible and I know this page is mostly run by real rehabbers so I highly respect your opinions/help.

Only recently my squirrel started becoming a little sore when landing big jumps and her claws are sticking to fabric a bit. I realized my digital scale was off and bought a new one then made a fresh batch of block so hopefully she feels more like herself in a short few weeks or less. This is another reason why I'm inquiring about the 45grams vs 33grams of vitamins as I'm wondering if 33grams isn't adequate thus why someone(s) has changed it.328643

Any/all help on the subject would be greatly appreciated 😁

When you called Henry’s did you speak directly with Jay or Leigh, the owners? I’m not sure why there would be multiple recipes. Is the current recipe you’re using the one from the Henry’s site?

Nails that are getting stuck is not a good thing. You might consider adding some extra calcium to your blocks when you make them. Henry’s sells calcium powder without Vitamin D. Any excess calcium will be pooped out so it’s not harmful to them.

12-22-2024, 09:13 PM
I don't know why everyone shares the old 45g recipe... I suspect a combination of tsb members having it saved on hand and Google somehow always finding it. Maybe it's in one of the stickys?
I can't even find the recipe on Henry's. Google just sends me here!

The screenshot I have of it is from a 2020 post and has a little "copyright 2009 Henry's Healthy Pet Foods" at the end.

Anyway I also had this question when making my blocks a few years ago. In my thread (https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?67381-Qs-re-homemade-blocks-and-HHBs&p=1341136#post1341136) about it I said "It says 45g package of Vita-mins, someone confirmed in another thread that it takes 33g now."
Did I link to that other thread? Of course not. But a little searching here and I found astra saying 33g is the NEW recipe (https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?38288-Squirrel-Block-Recipes&p=862900#post862900).

(Post #11, #12, and #13 in the MBD sticky (https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?31501-Emergency-Treatment-of-Metabolic-Bone-Disease-(MBD)&p=1301862#post1301862), as well.)

The vita-mins say "1g per day per pound of body weight", yes? So if you put 33g in a batch, and cut that into 60 blocks - that's 1.1g of Vita-mins per two blocks.

I don't know why or when exactly it changed, but 45g is the old (c.2009) recipe.

I agree with Mel about your squirrel though. Sounds like something is going on, but I am not at all qualified to help there.