10-30-2024, 07:41 PM
I have a little girl who is about 8-9 weeks old. Ive had her for about three weeks. Up until these last couple of days she has been eating her Fox Valley formula like a champ. I've introduced rodent block and vegetables and a little bit of fruit and she's been eating that great too. These last couple of days I've noticed her eating less formula during her feedings (every 5 hours, not being fed at night) I wouldn't usually be concerned about her eating less formula except I've also noticed she hasn't been drinking water and I'm starting to worry about her getting dehydrated. So far she seems fine, her energy level is the same as it always has been, but I'm worried if she keeps this up that she will become dehydrated. I also want her to get used water since that's going to be her main source of hydration when it's time to release her. I'm just curious if anyone has some advice for me on how to get her to drink more. Should I go down on her formula feedings? Should I get her a hamster bottle for her water? What is the best way to get her to start drinking again so she doesn't become dehydrated?