View Full Version : Advice & Enrichment Suggestions Needed For New NR Blind Squirrel

10-21-2024, 02:52 PM
Hello all. Once of our rehab kids this fall turned out to be blind and so we've graduated to our first NR. I've built her a large indoor enclosure and will be adding all the usual amenities, but my biggest fear is that she will eventually get bored and frustrated, and possibly then mean and aggressive. We've done squirrels for many years and are comfortable letting them run free in the house and make sure to give them lots of play time, but there will be good chunks during the days when she'll be alone in her cage.

I've read that a white noise machine or background sound generator is a good idea, and I have one that will do a multitude of noises, from plain white noise to flowing water, to nature sounds, etc. But what else should I incorporate? I know several here have raised blind NR squirrels, so hoping that maybe some of you can give me advice in this regard. Presently she is very sweet and affectionate and likes to cuddle mostly, but also needs her bouts of zoom time. Her ability to navigate spaces is pretty extraordinary.

What kind of concerns should I have for inside the enclosure safety? She's currently in a Ferret Nation double cage, but this new one will be much larger and she'll be able to get going a lot faster... do I need to worry about her going too fast and crashing into things? Seems like she does pretty well once she feels out the lay of the land, but just trying to check all my boxes.

Are squirrel wheels a thing? What kind of similar things or toys should I consider?

Thanks for any and all thoughts!

10-23-2024, 07:31 PM
No responses yet! I'm at work and just noticed this thread from 10/21! I'll get back as soon as I am able but if someone else notices and can answer Mgee76, it would be great!
Regards and thanks,

10-23-2024, 08:23 PM
I would make sure there is padding in the bottom of the cage for accidental falls. I have never found them to enjoy wheels and the only commercially available wheels large enough for a squirrel (they have to be large enough in diameter so the animal is running with a flat, straight back, not one bent convex due to the wheel diameter) are those cat wheels that cost enough to buy him a small car!

I have about 25 stuffed animals in the bottom of my (sighted) squirrel's enclosure. Hit places like Goodwill - I walked in one day and found a huge pile of Disney stuff - all brand new and dirt cheap. They like to leap on round toys and somersalt with them. Just make sure that if any of them have plastic eyes or other parts that they be removed or they will be eaten. And obviously, once you get it to a state that she likes, keep it that way! You can put fresh toys and stuff in there but try to keep the major items in the same places.

10-25-2024, 09:03 PM
Yeah, I'm not sure how to go about with the bottom of the cage... I will have to take and upload some pictures. The cage itself is 4' x 6', 7' tall. There is a 2'x3' dig box that is 6" deep at the bottom. A large tree trunk runs straight up the middle of the cage, and I've arranged various limbs coming out from that to give her a nice path to and from all the different areas of the cage. Halfway up, there is a platform where we'll put her box and set out food. I tried to arrange the branches so that there weren't any top-to-bottom distances where she might fall the entire way, but I will have to watch her navigate some more to make sure. The framing of the cage is 3"x3" unfinished Pine, but it might be a little too smooth for her nails? I'm not sure. Stuffed animals and blankets and things at the bottom seem like a good idea.

We'll add some ropes and a big cozy hammock for her. I have one end of the cage in front of a window, but otherwise the majority of it is rather dark... I think I am going to need to supplement some UV in the form of a light. Does anybody have any suggestions for that? I know Vitamin D is very important. Getting on top of her health and diet is going to be something that I end up obsessing about because while we've over-wintered before, we've never had an NR and I want to make sure I'm doing everything right.


10-28-2024, 01:09 PM

So, this is what I have.

I will add some stuffed animals and fabric-y things to the bottom. There will be a large hammock in the top right of the cage, facing the door.

I'm not really sure what else to do. I really don't want her to be bored for long periods. She seems very interested in all the branches, and I can continue to add and remove smaller pieces of fresh branches with leaves and things as time goes by to keep her on her toes.

One thing I did not consider is that this hardware cloth makes quite a clanging rattle when she is running or jumping against it... perhaps there is some kind of foam or something that I could put around the outside to dull or mute this noise?


10-29-2024, 08:03 AM
The walls of the soil box, should be topped with a horizontal 3-5 inch wide wood sill all around, in case of a fall right on that.
Very lucky squirrel to have your help and friendship.
If you can spend some minutes, playing and grooming him twice a day, most days, I don't think he will grow to get upset with you.
I like large Black walnuts a few times a week, as a good challenge ( unless he is one of the rare ones that figure out how to split the nut in half in a few seconds! )

A low strung inch thick rope or so the entire length of the could be lots of fun. Leave it in the sun for many days if it comes with any aroma.

11-17-2024, 07:12 PM
For a blind squirrel, any fall might be dangerous and could cause injury.

Do you think the height is too much ?? Maybe better for a lower enclosure but longer or wider ?

Maybe add a sub-floor at the top of the dirt box in case of a fall.