View Full Version : Rutabaga - is it OK?

10-18-2024, 03:13 PM
I recently came into possession of a rather awesome, large rutabaga.

I was considering cutting it up to feed to my non-releasable squirrel, but also to the ones in the yard.

Is Rutabaga in moderation acceptable?

(Disclaimer: I follow the proper diet for the in-house foxy, and maintain a proper Cal/Phos balance already)


10-18-2024, 05:53 PM
Well, a rutabaga is a cross of turnip and cabbage. Cabbage is fine, turnips are not recommended. Unless someone here has had success with rutabagas and squirrels, my advice is to not do it.

Now, shortly before the universe was put in order, God and Satan were at least one speaking terms. During that time, God asked Satan to develop something that would make sinners really sorry for what they did. Satan summoned up brimstone, fires unimaginable to mortals, and some other secret ingredients to create this thing. When Satan presented it to God, he struck a deal that ensured the thing would only ever be produced in Hell, by the meanest and most devious demons on his staff. He reserved thousands of square miles in the hottest corner of hell and started mass production. He bargained for exclusive rights at all the major grocery chains and at farm stands around the world. Ever since, this thing has been fed to human adults and children in prisons, orphanages, and in regular homes on those occasions when parents need to reestablish authority. A boiling pot of this thing is also used as a natural rodent and neighborhood kid repellent. It also works on in-laws. Satan is so proud of his ... rutabagas.

10-19-2024, 09:27 AM
Marginally safe, in moderation, would be my guess unless someone has a definitive answer. Hehe.

I actually love Rutabagas, and being from Michigan, they are a bit of a staple around here in 'Pasties', especially in the upper penninsula. I absolutely love them in pasties. After holding this huge one I obtained I told my wife that thing would feed a whole family for a day if there was a famine. As it turns out, this was one of their uses - to fight famine - as they are nutrient rich, and can be rather large and plentiful, while not prone to rot in cooler climates.

They have a fascinating history, and are one of the few examples of nature doing it's own hybridization, without human intervention, as they were found 'in the wild' in the 1600's after Rapeseed, Kale, and Turnips seemed to decide to mingle together. Allegedly. But the most amazing fact I found is Rutabagas were what was carved on Halloween to ward evil spirits - NOT pumpkins!

Not Cabbage, apparently - but Turnip, Kale, and Canola!

Well, a rutabaga is a cross of turnip and cabbage. Cabbage is fine, turnips are not recommended. Unless someone here has had success with rutabagas and squirrels, my advice is to not do it.

Now, shortly before the universe was put in order, God and Satan were at least one speaking terms. During that time, God asked Satan to develop something that would make sinners really sorry for what they did. Satan summoned up brimstone, fires unimaginable to mortals, and some other secret ingredients to create this thing. When Satan presented it to God, he struck a deal that ensured the thing would only ever be produced in Hell, by the meanest and most devious demons on his staff. He reserved thousands of square miles in the hottest corner of hell and started mass production. He bargained for exclusive rights at all the major grocery chains and at farm stands around the world. Ever since, this thing has been fed to human adults and children in prisons, orphanages, and in regular homes on those occasions when parents need to reestablish authority. A boiling pot of this thing is also used as a natural rodent and neighborhood kid repellent. It also works on in-laws. Satan is so proud of his ... rutabagas.

10-19-2024, 10:09 AM
Well, a rutabaga is a cross of turnip and cabbage. Cabbage is fine, turnips are not recommended. Unless someone here has had success with rutabagas and squirrels, my advice is to not do it.

Now, shortly before the universe was put in order, God and Satan were at least one speaking terms. During that time, God asked Satan to develop something that would make sinners really sorry for what they did. Satan summoned up brimstone, fires unimaginable to mortals, and some other secret ingredients to create this thing. When Satan presented it to God, he struck a deal that ensured the thing would only ever be produced in Hell, by the meanest and most devious demons on his staff. He reserved thousands of square miles in the hottest corner of hell and started mass production. He bargained for exclusive rights at all the major grocery chains and at farm stands around the world. Ever since, this thing has been fed to human adults and children in prisons, orphanages, and in regular homes on those occasions when parents need to reestablish authority. A boiling pot of this thing is also used as a natural rodent and neighborhood kid repellent. It also works on in-laws. Satan is so proud of his ... rutabagas.


Hmm. I get the impression you are not fond of rutabaga.

10-19-2024, 10:19 AM
You are correct.

island rehabber
10-19-2024, 11:09 AM
Now you've all made me want to go and try some! But I sure don't want to buy something for the first time that's bigger than my head.....🤔😳

Charley Chuckles
10-19-2024, 02:20 PM
My grandmother always made rutabaga for the holidays, it's boiled smashed like a squash and butter and I loved it, but I've never been made it...I miss Grandma's rutabaga 🤔
Hey Maura we can split one 😁

10-19-2024, 07:19 PM
"...rutabaga for the holidays..."

Krampus, too, is a holiday fixture. While your grandmother (and you!) would certainly be welcome at our dinner table, Krampus and the rutabaga would have to wait outside and enjoy the snow storm.

My grandmother always made rutabaga for the holidays, it's boiled smashed like a squash and butter and I loved it, but I've never been made it...I miss Grandma's rutabaga 🤔
Hey Maura we can split one 😁

Charley Chuckles
10-19-2024, 07:43 PM
"...rutabaga for the holidays..."

Krampus, too, is a holiday fixture. While your grandmother (and you!) would certainly be welcome at our dinner table, Krampus and the rutabaga would have to wait outside and enjoy the snow storm.


Charley Chuckles
10-19-2024, 07:50 PM
"...rutabaga for the holidays..."

Krampus, too, is a holiday fixture. While your grandmother (and you!) would certainly be welcome at our dinner table, Krampus and the rutabaga would have to wait outside and enjoy the snow storm.

Actually I'd make it like my grandma and you'd be hooked on RUTABAGA 😃

island rehabber
10-21-2024, 02:45 PM
Forgive my ignorance but what ethnic cuisine are you all referring to with krampus and rutabaga? It sure ain't Italian! 🍕

10-21-2024, 08:07 PM
Forgive my ignorance but what ethnic cuisine are you all referring to with krampus and rutabaga? It sure ain't Italian! 🍕

Rutabaga is not as much ethnic cuisine as it is class cuisine. It is a staple on working family's tables through lean times - it is an inexpensive (IMHO, deservedly so) filling and highly nutritious root vegetable. Then again, while not a root vegetable, nutrition loaf (served in jails and prisons) is also filling and nutritious. I've been told by those who have experienced it that it isn't too bad if you don't think about what's in it. I'll throw in with the nutrition loaf - you can have the rutabaga.

Krampus is not cuisine. He is a legend from the area of Austria who lurks around Santa Claus just before the feast of St. Nicholas Dec. 5 and when Santa is making his annual deliveries. When they get to a house where a child has been bad instead of good, Krampus reaches down the chimney, snatches the child, pulls him up by the scruff of his neck, and stuffs him in his basket for the trip to Krampus' castle. The child is never heard from again. I can only imagine that Krampus, being a demon, feeds rutabaga and only rutabaga to the children he steals. I suppose that since they've been bad, they deserve it.


Speaking as an ex-teacher, he's really pretty much my kind of guy.


10-21-2024, 08:25 PM
Suspicion confirmed. There is a connection between Krampus and rutabaga. Poor kids.

island rehabber
10-22-2024, 02:19 AM
Thanks for the edumacation, THF!!:rotfl. Jeez Krampus is scary. I'm thinking about those Brothers Grimm 'fairy tales' that probably guaranteed some kids would need therapy for life....

Charley Chuckles
10-22-2024, 05:44 AM
Ok maybe I'll have to stop eating rutabaga 🤔🤪🤣