View Full Version : Questions about supplements and treats

10-07-2024, 04:47 PM
Hi, all!

I'm new to the squirrel world, with a baby squirrel. I've read so much stuff on here about nutrition and supplements and feeding that my head is spinning, and I'm probably overthinking things, but...

Rocky is 8 weeks old and still on formula, but he's already eating solid foods, including rodent block. Kaytee Forti-Diet was originally recommended, so that's what he's eating, and I have a bag of Teklad that will arrive next week.

Do I need to supplement calcium, phosphorus, or vitamin D? (He's not in any direct sunlight.)

I'm also an animal trainer by trade. Does anyone have any suggestions for tiny treats that he can have several of while we're working on things like recall? I was thinking small pieces of pine nut, but I suspect they may be too fatty. (Alternately if I can give him, say, 1-2 pine nuts a day, I can cut those into even smaller pieces and make it work.)

Thank you!
