View Full Version : Just found baby

09-30-2024, 05:16 PM
Found a baby on the ground this am. I was literally headed out the door to Nashville.
Baby is eyes open, fully furred. I’d say 5-6 weeks.
A little skinny but no visible injuries. Came to me eagerly.
So I brought her along. Got puppy replacement power.
Question, how much and how often to feed her?
North Alabama gray squirrel.

09-30-2024, 09:10 PM
Here you go, RockyPops! Note there are 6 pages, not just the one. Thanks for saving the wee one.



10-01-2024, 10:52 AM
Thanks Jamie

10-01-2024, 05:50 PM
Little follow up. Hazel is doing good. Kinda iffy for a while. She’s eating her Esbilac puppy milk.
Had a decent poop earlier today and finally peed really good. I was getting worried!

10-01-2024, 06:25 PM
Excellent news! Please keep us up to date?

10-04-2024, 08:04 PM
Hazel update,

Bought a gram scale. Hazel weighs 120.5 grams. I believe she is 6 - 7 weeks old. Fully furred. Sleeps a lot. Has a great appetite. She's slurping down 7 to 9 cc's every 5 hours +-. Poops and pees without assistance. Pees after every meal.

I am back home now so I took her down to wild squirrel area where she was found last Monday. In a cage of course and sat her where she was found for about an hour and a half while I fed the locals. She didn't get any notice, not even a sniff from any of the gang. So, I am assuming something has happened to her mother. I cant reach the nest box she was under to see if there are any siblings.

So I guess it's me and Hazel as a team for a while!

10-04-2024, 08:17 PM
Forgot to mention that little bit was constipated after starting Esbilac. So I started mixing her formula as directed but in the first 3 ml syringe I put 1.5 ml formula weakened with 1.5 ml water then added one tiny drop of Kayro syrup for taste and laxative effect. I feed her the doctored syringe first while she is hungry and two more 3ml syringes of normal formula after. It seems to be working. She's had a couple poops since starting this procedure and no loose stool so far either.:serene

10-12-2024, 10:55 PM
Hazel update!

She's doing great. She's eating 11- 12 ml, 4 times a day and is eager at every meal. I gave her a small portion of HHB and she shreds it but can sit up and hold it. I gave a small chunk of ripe avocado today and she went crazy munching it down.

I keep her in a small, plastic transport cage at night inside the house where its warm, She has a pillow case and rags to snuggle in. Weather permitting, I put her in a larger cage in the garage. There she has a nest box full of pillow stuffing. She absolutely loves being in her house and sleeps so soundly I have trouble getting her out to eat.

I got a gram scale and weighed her on Oct 4th. She was 120.5 g. Today she is 160 g.

Any one see anything I need to add or change please feel free to chime in!

10-13-2024, 11:43 PM
Hi, RockyPops! Was so happy to see you have a new baby to raise. Hazel couldn't have been more lucky than to be found by you!

The only thing I see that you need to add are PICS!!! :grin2

Best wishes to both of you!

10-16-2024, 12:10 PM
Hey Chirps, thanks. Glad you're still hanging out here.

I just haven't had time to check in regularly until now, I guess I'm forced to now.

I've got a few pics but have to find my cable to get them onto computer.

I've been really down as far as squirrel board goes after the loss of several members relatively close together.:sad

Good to hear from you though!

I'll work on those pics!

Hazel's growing like a weed. Eats 15-18 ml per meal.

11-18-2024, 06:06 PM
Here's a video or two of Hazel

http://https://rumble.com/v5qec9e-hazel-as-a-baby.html?e9s=src_v1_upp (http://rumble.com/v5qec9e-hazel-as-a-baby.html?e9s=src_v1_upp)

She's growing up...


And getting grown up, eating her HHB...


11-18-2024, 06:19 PM
Fantastic! She looks happy and energetic. Nice work saving this little one.


02-02-2025, 08:19 PM
A little update on Hazel.

Little girl ain't so little anymore.

She's pretty much grown and itching to get out of her cage. I let her out to run in my unfinished basement for an hour each morning.

She loves to hand wrestle with me and explore every nook and cranny.

I'm looking forward to trees getting leaves so I can start her soft release process. Hopefully in March.

She's about 5 and 1/2 months old now and ready to go!

island rehabber
02-03-2025, 06:03 AM
What a happy update! So glad she's done well and she certainly will be old enough and raring to go when she does go. Are you planning a soft release from an outdoor enclosure?

02-08-2025, 06:52 PM
Absolutely IR. I have a fairly good setup for a soft release. I plan on putting her outdoors in it as soon as trees start getting leaves. For a week or two at least.