View Full Version : Arm injury.

09-29-2024, 12:41 AM
Long time reader/lurker, first-time poster. I'm grateful this space exists, and that there are so many people out there who love and respect these furry little angels and acrobats.

I've been getting daily backyard visitors for a little over two years now. I always thought squirrels were cute and entertaining, but I never knew how intelligent, resilient, and remarkable they were until I had the opportunity to observe them up close and get to know some of them. I had no idea so many squirrels even lived in my neighbourhood until I started leaving out the odd nut to see if anything would happen. In a short period of time, I went from seeing one or two here and there to running a burgeoning squirrel restaurant. I'm told we serve some of the finest walnut souffle in the area, though I try to keep the menu varied with fruit, avocado, and calcium-rich options like arugula.

One of my furry customers who was never as much of a regular as some of the others (I named him Dolph Squirrelgren for reasons I still don't understand) stopped showing up earlier this year. After a while, I assumed I'd seen the last of him. It isn't the first time someone has stopped coming around. I've had to bury a few friends too. So I was more than a little surprised when Dolph randomly reappeared after an absence of almost six months. That sort of thing has happened before, but it's rare.

Unfortunately, he came back sporting a pretty serious impairment to one of his arms. I can't tell if it's a tumor or a break --- and if it's a broken arm, I don't know if it's a recent injury, or if this is the way it healed. It looks like he's carrying a fur-covered bowling ball. I'm pretty sure all but one of the claws are now missing on that hand.

I've seen a fair few injuries and ailments before. Most of them have been sprains that have thankfully healed on their own. There have been a few enduring mysteries for me, like the squirrel who had an expanding layer of hard white tissue covering part of his face like a crown. But I've never seen anything quite like this before.

I would be grateful for any insight or advice anyone might have. Is there anything I can do to help this guy? Should I try to trap him and get him to a wildlife rehab center? Or is it better if I don't stress him out and just let him do his thing as long as he's still thriving? The thing that's incredible to me is that he doesn't appear to be in any pain at all. His personality, energy, and appetite are just as they were before. He's still very much a proud alpha squirrel who won't hesitate to back down anyone who gets too close for his liking. He has no difficulty climbing or running. I'm amazed by how well he's adapted to his impairment, and he seems perfectly healthy otherwise. I don't know if he's suddenly showing up every day because he knows winter isn't that far away, or because a reliable food source has become more important with the injury. I'm grateful to have him back when I thought I'd never see him again. I just wish there was something I could do for him beyond offering food, water, and conversation.

(I've attached a few pictures to hopefully offer a decent idea of Dolph's situation. Apologies for the quality; he can be a tricky guy to photograph. Also, his one eye was always a little wonky, so that's not related to the arm injury.)


Charley Chuckles
09-29-2024, 08:49 AM
From what I'm seeing it looks like it may be bot fly's if that's the case they will leave him soon and he'll be fine.
They are disgusting things and my squirrels get them every year 😣