View Full Version : Esbilac Powdered Puppy Milk Replacer Work Around

09-24-2024, 08:11 PM
Having read the most recent concerns about Esbilac powdered puppy milk replacer and pinkies, I am switching to the following foods and schedule to avoid problems for any wee ones who come our way. All with a 1ml syringe, preferably with a surrogate nipple attached (Henry's Healthy Pets) to the business end:

0 through 3 Weeks: Homemade goat's milk formula (Thank you, Island Rehabber)

3 parts goat’s milk*
1 part heavy whipping cream
1 part vanilla yogurt
Formula will last 48 hours in refrigerator.

4 through 5 or 6 Weeks: Esbilac powdered puppy milk replacer

6 or 7 weeks through to solids: Fox Valley 20/50

Your squirrel will let you know when it is time to transition to solids. S/he will drink less and ultimately turn his/her head away when formula is offered. With our Tomahawk Flyers, when they start reducing intake of 20/50, we squirt some on a block and offer that to them. If they don't take it today, offer a fresh one again tomorrow until they learn just how delicious blocks are.

*Goat’s Milk
This can be purchased at natural food stores such as Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods, and at most health food stores that sell groceries. It is a product for humans. Do not substitute commercial formula made for baby goats or other livestock sold at feed stores.

Goat’s milk is available fresh in a carton; evaporated in a can; and as a powdered milk. If you purchase either the evaporated or powdered versions, please blend them with water according to the package directions before using to make the formula.

Milo's Mom
09-25-2024, 06:57 PM
If I may, I'd like to suggest not longer than 1.5-2 weeks on the GMF. Their GI systems are more mature and are able to handle a commercial formula at 1.5-2 weeks of age. The GMF isn't complete in its nutrition but it is a great stop gap and starter formula for the neonates.

I also found that using a 3:2:1 ratio is even more yummy to them...3 goat milk, 2 yogurt, 1 heavy cream...it also increases the viscosity so it's a bit thicker and less likely to be easily aspirated upon.

IR is the pinkie queen and I will always default to her methods, I'm simply sharing based on my experiences.

09-25-2024, 07:01 PM
Has anyone tried the Wombaroo at Henry's? I seem to recall a reviewer commenting on how good it did with pinkies...

Milo's Mom
09-25-2024, 07:33 PM
Has anyone tried the Wombaroo at Henry's? I seem to recall a reviewer commenting on how good it did with pinkies...

Soo, I tried it with rabbits and it was awful. Sticky and they hated it. I also struggle with the fact that it can be difficult to obtain in high season, which is the primary reason I decided not to use it with squirrels. Sorry not more of a help.

09-25-2024, 07:46 PM
Of course! Just trying to get something reliable up here so we can point people to it when there is a need. (It also helps keep it fresh in my memory.) MM, your input is terrific! Let's see what IR has to say and I'll make the change. Is the new Esbilac safe at 1.5 weeks? CM, welcome back - glad your new computer is up and running! I've seen the Wombaroo at Henry's but have not read much about it - positive or negative. Esbilac and 20/50 have always seemed to be the Biblical dyad at TSB and have served well here in Tomahawk. Perhaps, given what appear to be frequent formula changes in Esbilac (some not so good for our squirrels) it is time to learn about an alternative. Do you think Jay and team have something to say about this?

MM - so excited to hear about your success.


09-25-2024, 07:50 PM
"Soo, I tried it with rabbits and it was awful."

Well, then. Not the ringing endorsement we were hoping for?