09-20-2024, 08:04 PM
I have a question well A few actually just out of curiosity first which blocks do you use for the first blocks introduction I always try to use something like mazuri or oxbow young rat and mouse and then I would introduce to Henry's or homemade from the Henry's recipe but not until much later do I introduce Henry's at least until they are eating the less appealing dry all day free feed really good (still being on formula)
Second question is about the Henry's blocks the walnut and hazelnut ones are lower fat wouldn't that not be a good choice for young squirrels? Which flavor do you use of Henry's for a first HHB?
And lastly this year has been the most abnormal year I have ever seen with the last litter and now the singleton I have that came in July 26th
I will start with the 4 sisters they arrived to me about 7 to 8 weeks old in terrible condition the finder had them found them walking up to him on a farm he worked at kept them for a while fed them granola only and water in a bowl until he noticed they were breathing funny then finally reached toon advice and asked around for someone to help (you know how the story goes)
I got them all hydrated on proper formula and antibiotics and they gained quickly and started doing great but never really liked taking formula and antibiotics had a hard time with getting them to even take the minimum amount.
Anyways we got through it and they gained great and eventually weaned and went to pre release and are since free and continue to hang around along with all the previous years releases.
Moving forward to this last baby the singleton came in July 26 at 26 grams finder was told how to reunite with Mom, Mom just never came back for 2 days they tried and nothing baby was overall in good shape but seem to be not making any progress for a while was not gaining myself and a few other rehabbers I had spoke with thought this baby could possibly be a failure to thrive/dwarf and two people looked at the pictures and thought possibly even a red.
He eventually did start to gain and caught up in weight to all the milestones and now he's over 350 grams and almost 10 weeks old but he is trying to wean already I'm lucky if I can get him to take 10 ml twice a day and the last 4 days he has only taken a good amount of formula mid afternoon (not morning much and not evening much ) but here is my problem now he won't eat any kind of rodent block at all hates teklad, hates oxbow, hates mazuri, and hates kaytee, And the reason I have all those kinds are because once his eyes opened I would start with one kind change it fresh everyday for a few days and move on to another kind he will not eat any of them . So I even broke down and made him a batch of the homemade blocks (growth formula) and he hates that too is he too young to have boo balls ? Because he is starting to wean too early I want him to still have the formula but my fear is he's not getting enough formula the way he is taking it now .
The only veggies he has had yet are kale and leaf lettuce because I did not want him getting too many vegetables yet until I can get him eating rodent block good And so far that has been a nightmare.
Is there another kind of rodent block that I'm not aware of that is recommended I'm all ears .
Second question is about the Henry's blocks the walnut and hazelnut ones are lower fat wouldn't that not be a good choice for young squirrels? Which flavor do you use of Henry's for a first HHB?
And lastly this year has been the most abnormal year I have ever seen with the last litter and now the singleton I have that came in July 26th
I will start with the 4 sisters they arrived to me about 7 to 8 weeks old in terrible condition the finder had them found them walking up to him on a farm he worked at kept them for a while fed them granola only and water in a bowl until he noticed they were breathing funny then finally reached toon advice and asked around for someone to help (you know how the story goes)
I got them all hydrated on proper formula and antibiotics and they gained quickly and started doing great but never really liked taking formula and antibiotics had a hard time with getting them to even take the minimum amount.
Anyways we got through it and they gained great and eventually weaned and went to pre release and are since free and continue to hang around along with all the previous years releases.
Moving forward to this last baby the singleton came in July 26 at 26 grams finder was told how to reunite with Mom, Mom just never came back for 2 days they tried and nothing baby was overall in good shape but seem to be not making any progress for a while was not gaining myself and a few other rehabbers I had spoke with thought this baby could possibly be a failure to thrive/dwarf and two people looked at the pictures and thought possibly even a red.
He eventually did start to gain and caught up in weight to all the milestones and now he's over 350 grams and almost 10 weeks old but he is trying to wean already I'm lucky if I can get him to take 10 ml twice a day and the last 4 days he has only taken a good amount of formula mid afternoon (not morning much and not evening much ) but here is my problem now he won't eat any kind of rodent block at all hates teklad, hates oxbow, hates mazuri, and hates kaytee, And the reason I have all those kinds are because once his eyes opened I would start with one kind change it fresh everyday for a few days and move on to another kind he will not eat any of them . So I even broke down and made him a batch of the homemade blocks (growth formula) and he hates that too is he too young to have boo balls ? Because he is starting to wean too early I want him to still have the formula but my fear is he's not getting enough formula the way he is taking it now .
The only veggies he has had yet are kale and leaf lettuce because I did not want him getting too many vegetables yet until I can get him eating rodent block good And so far that has been a nightmare.
Is there another kind of rodent block that I'm not aware of that is recommended I'm all ears .