View Full Version : New Squirrel Champion

05-21-2024, 01:57 PM
Hi everyone, Thank youfor allowing e in this group. I have a question.
About 2 weeks ago two tiny baby round tailed squirrels crawled up to my husbands foot, we looked for a mother
none to be found. So we took them in so our dogs would not get them. We have been feeding them Esibliac Ppuppy milk
and they are growing wonderfully and now beginning to eat fruits and veggies. (Huge thank youto the forum for the imformation on
what milk replace works best and how to keep them warm!!).
Now to my question-Is it possible to release them back into their natural habitat amd if so when should that be done?
A huge thank you in advance!!

05-21-2024, 05:06 PM
My mom lives in Tucson and I am in love with these little guys. I swear if I saw a baby I would die from the cute.

They are not very social little things - they live in big colonies and cooperate as far as whistling when they see danger, but is isn't a family group necessarily and they mostly squabble when someone gets too close to their nest hole. So they don't really need to be with their family. If they live around you and are safe from your dogs, they could be released in your yard.

I would begin offering them things like cholla fruit and mesquite - stuff they will be eating in the wild, so it isn't foreign to them. In the wild they are on their own at 10 weeks or so.

If you aren't releasing in your yard where you could help with the chow for a while, do make sure it is in an area where there are already round tails so you know there will be empty holes available and food.