View Full Version : Accidental Squirrel Owner

05-04-2024, 10:40 AM
a few weeks ago, small fox squirrel showed up and climbed up one of our worker's leg in our backyard. He is doing well and is healthy now. I have a few questions about his behavior:

Are these things normal?

When I open the cage door, he comes and climbs up on me
He loves hanging on me, even when I walk around and do chores
When we are outside and put him on the table, he doesn't go far and seems to enjoy being ON people
When he is out of his cage and he could go anywhere, he comes to where the people are
He uses me as a human jungle gym. he bounces of the chair, the desk, me, nibbles on my glasses and occasionally sits on my head.

His cage is about 4x5 feet. Can we put the cage onto our covered porch with the door open so that he can come and go as he pleases? We live in a single family home on a few acres with lots of trees and bushes around.

05-04-2024, 11:08 AM
I personally would NOT leave the cage door open at night ('with the door open so that he can come and go as he pleases') as this squirrel will become easy prey to nocturnal predators like cats, foxes, owls, raccoons etc. I wouldn't even leave the cage outside on porch with door locked as the cage needed needs to be super predator/secure proof for this squirrels safety.

05-13-2024, 12:38 PM
Does anybody know if this behavior is normal for a young squirrel?

Are these things normal?

When I open the cage door, he comes and climbs up on me
He loves hanging on me, even when I walk around and do chores
When we are outside and put him on the table, he doesn't go far and seems to enjoy being ON people
When he is out of his cage and he could go anywhere, he comes to where the people are
He uses me as a human jungle gym. he bounces of the chair, the desk, me, nibbles on my glasses and occasionally sits on my head.

05-13-2024, 01:34 PM
Fox squirrel is very social and adopted you as his momma.
What age ?

05-14-2024, 05:48 PM
I think he is maybe 2-3 months old, but I am only guessing

05-14-2024, 06:36 PM
This is normal behavior for a young squirrel that has lost or has been separated from their mom. They have no natural fear of people... or dogs, or cats... that healthy fear is a learned behavior. This is why so many young squirrels are "caught" by dogs and cats... they walk right up to them just like they are walking right up to you.

The dried corn is okay for "wild squirrels" but in captive / caged squirrels lots of dried corns, seeds and nuts will result in Metabolic Bone Disease "MBD" which is lethal and can kill them. I know we humans think corn, nuts and seeds are "squirrel foods" but it is more like cotton candy and gummy bears to a human tiddler. His diet should include a high quality rodent block, lots of fresh veggies.

05-14-2024, 10:43 PM
Thank you. we are feeding him high calcium pebbles, as well as apples, lettuce etc. We will give him less corn