View Full Version : I've adopted a paralyzed toddler Squirrel! Any underwear advice to prevent UTI?

04-25-2024, 10:56 PM
Hey y'all! I've been lurking around here for almost a month and am so thankful for all the questions asked and advice given! So to start, I'm a exotic breed chicken farmer so I'm not new to caring for animals but I have zero experience with squirrels. About a month ago I found a young one crawling around on it's front legs but dragging it's back end. After a google search I was pretty sure he was around 10 weeks old. I got out my old birdcage and put him in with a heating pad and a fleece hoodie. He immediately drank the watered down Pedialyte with some crushed tums with the dropper I had on hand. He also ate walnuts and strawberries. I tested his response in his feet, legs and tail over the next several days with no response at all. Everywhere I called would have euthanized him so I decided I'm going to give him the best life I can. He goes to the bathroom on his own and has a very strong upper body and loves to climb and hang from the jungle gym I made for him. We did hit a snag though, a few days ago I started to really notice the smell when he peed and he wasn't eating or drinking as much. I realized he has a UTI so I talked with my country vet and we worked out the dosage for his antibiotics and pain relief. He was so lethargic that I thought I was going to lose him but today he perked up! I want to prevent this happening again if possible so I am looking for suggestions for a way to keep his little man protected as he scoots around. Can I any know ne of ointment or power to keep the skin protected?

04-25-2024, 11:22 PM
Hi ChickenNinja,

Glad you finally became a TSB Member - Welcome! TSB has many squirrel experts that can help you. Thank you for caring for a para-squirrel with special needs. Its people like you that make the world a better place.

You will get answers in the morning so hang-on.

I'm curious what antibiotic and pain meds you are using for UTI issue. Good news your squirrel is feeling better.


04-26-2024, 10:05 AM
Hi ChickenNinja,

Glad you finally became a TSB Member - Welcome! TSB has many squirrel experts that can help you. Thank you for caring for a para-squirrel with special needs. Its people like you that make the world a better place.

You will get answers in the morning so hang-on.

I'm curious what antibiotic and pain meds you are using for UTI issue. Good news your squirrel is feeling better.


Amox,Clav and meloxicam. When I first got him I tried making the formula with goats milk etc... he rejected it 100% and even chewed and tried to fight with the droppers. Since he drank freely from the water dish and was eating freely I didn't push the issue and left a small portion of vanilla Activia and he really liked that. When I started the antibiotics a few days ago I decided to try again since he was lethargic and was barely eating. This time I made the formula with a bit of pancake syrup and now he only fights it a little at first and will take 2 to 3 droppers full at a time. I give his meloxicam with his formula feeding in the morning and his antibiotic midday with Pedialyte. I am also giving him droppers of water all through out the day but if he is fussy about it I don't force it. He woke me up in the night chewing on his pear tree branches so that made me happy. I am known for taking in everyone's sick or injured chickens and ducks and it is my passion, this is an exciting new adventure. Before Mr. Man I had no idea how sweet and loving and social squirrels are. I can't stop talking about him and sending videos to friends, my favorite is when I am petting the side of his face and neck and he lifts his little arm for me to scratch his belly...just like a dog when you find a sweet spot...totally adorable.

04-26-2024, 10:16 AM
Well, Chickenninja, I have sent a PM to one of our members who has experience in this area, Chickenlegs (yes, honest!!) Hopefully she gets it and chimes in.

04-26-2024, 11:03 AM
Your little man needs a Skute. A simple Skute is so easy to make, you can whip out a dozen in a few minutes. Someone else asked for directions and unfortunately, I don’t seem to be able to send her pictures. I’m going to try to put them on the Squirrel board. He’ll always have a clean skute to zip around in and that will help with UTIs. I can give you directions as far as making sure that he’s safe in his Skute you’ll need directions as to putting it on, but I think that’s gonna require more than I can send you in a post. I’m going to private message my phone number. You can call and we’ll talk about it.

04-26-2024, 11:57 AM
Amox,Clav and meloxicam. When I first got him I tried making the formula with goats milk etc... he rejected it 100% and even chewed and tried to fight with the droppers. Since he drank freely from the water dish and was eating freely I didn't push the issue and left a small portion of vanilla Activia and he really liked that. When I started the antibiotics a few days ago I decided to try again since he was lethargic and was barely eating. This time I made the formula with a bit of pancake syrup and now he only fights it a little at first and will take 2 to 3 droppers full at a time. I give his meloxicam with his formula feeding in the morning and his antibiotic midday with Pedialyte. I am also giving him droppers of water all through out the day but if he is fussy about it I don't force it. He woke me up in the night chewing on his pear tree branches so that made me happy. I am known for taking in everyone's sick or injured chickens and ducks and it is my passion, this is an exciting new adventure. Before Mr. Man I had no idea how sweet and loving and social squirrels are. I can't stop talking about him and sending videos to friends, my favorite is when I am petting the side of his face and neck and he lifts his little arm for me to scratch his belly...just like a dog when you find a sweet spot...totally adorable.

Thank you for antibiotics (AB) info. Your Vet did good and hope the UTI gets resolved.

I can tell you are full of love and caring for animals and Mr.Man is lucky to have you. Thank you! You belong on TSB and I'm so glad you decide to be a member. Your squirrel adventure has just begun and it will change you forever. Enjoy every moment! TSB has many members that have years of experience to help as needed. In return, we ask for squirrel pictures and periodic updates as we all love them.

Glad to see a member jumping to help with your Mr.Man's little man. Have fun!


04-26-2024, 02:15 PM

04-26-2024, 07:09 PM
Well, Chickenninja, I have sent a PM to one of our members who has experience in this area, Chickenlegs (yes, honest!!) Hopefully she gets it and chimes in.

Chickenlegs is also Porky Possum on Face Book.

04-26-2024, 07:28 PM
Does Mr. Man take any formula? I think Fox Valley 20/50 tastes the best and he might be more interested in it if you haven’t tried it.it must be purchased online from Henrys Pets or the Fox Valley website.

Have you provided Mr. Man with a rodent block? It’s very important that he eat some type of rodent block for his long term health. The rodent blocks from Henrys Pets are well liked. They are a supplemental block and as an adult he should eat 2 per day. There are other hard extruded rodent block like Envigo Harlan Teklad 2018 (online) or Mazuri and Oxbow Rat Food which you can get at many pet stores. Not eating a block isn’t an option. The block will provide the necessary calcium to keep him from developing metabolic bone disease.

He sure is a cute little guy. :Love_Icon. Thank you for giving him a chance at a good life.

Here’s the list of acceptable foods for a captive squirrel. https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?44440-Healthy-Diet-for-Pet-Squirrels

04-26-2024, 07:47 PM
Please be careful who you share information about Mr.Man with. You live in a strict state and you don’t want the authorities to confiscate him.